Chapter 694: 672 I'm So Envious of Gong Xueting

Chapter 694 672 I am so envious of Gong Xueting

The warm soup is soothing and relieves the discomfort in Zhuang Yijing's lower abdomen.

Maybe it was because she was not well taken care of when she was a child, so when she became an adult and had menstruation, she was in so much pain every time.

Later, it was Ning Youguang who took care of her for a long time, so that she would not suffer so much every time she had menstruation.

But sometimes she is busy with work, or does not take care of herself during menstruation, and her lower abdomen still feels uncomfortable.

This is uncomfortable, compared to Ning's little genius doctor, it's really not a big deal.

She no longer takes it seriously.

But Gong Xueting is very careful, once he finds any discomfort in her, he will take care of her more meticulously.

During the special period of each month, people around me will make some healthy soup for her to drink, and they will also stare at her to prevent her from being too tired.

Because Ning Youguang told them that the menstrual period is too tiring, and the body is prone to tumors.

Gong Xueting remembered this matter more than Zhuang Yijing.

After eating a bowl of hot soup, Zhuang Yijing felt better and had the energy to talk.

He chatted with him about the chat with Ning Youguang just now, and when it was over, he concluded, "Honey, I will be your eyes from now on."

Gong Xueting was in a very good mood after hearing this.

He stretched out his hand and gently touched Zhuang Yijing's deep and three-dimensional eyebrows, and said with a smile, "Then my eyes should go back to my house tonight to discuss the wedding date with my parents?"

"???" Zhuang Yijing was completely stunned.

Is it so fast?

I only agreed to marry him last night.

Are you going to discuss the date of the wedding with your father and mother tonight? !


When Mochizuki got home from work, the moment he opened the door, he fell into the Klein blue sea instantly. Amid the soothing music of "Klein Blue Moon", he raised his eyes and saw the moon hanging gently outside the window.

There are a few small lights on at home, warm and soft, even if the figure of the beloved is not in front of him, it is enough to wipe away his fatigue all day long.

He went deep into the room, and soon smelled a sweet smell of sugar water.

There is hot soup in the kitchen, probably sweet soup.

"Are you back?" Ning Youguang estimated when Mochizuki got off work, and came home from "Wusheng Study Room", just in time to see him standing in the living room.

"I'm back." Mochizuki turned around when he was going to the kitchen, and walked to Ning Youguang, "Just next door?"

"Yes." Ning Youguang said, "The narcissus in the study is blooming."

"No wonder you smell so good." Shi Mochiyue reached out and pulled Ning Youguang into his arms.

The instant satisfaction made his heart feel warm.

"My body is fragrant, it should be the smell of essential oil." Ning Youguang stretched out his hand to look at the tip of the moon's nose, "I just did a simple meridian dredging for myself. Smell it, is it the smell?"

Shi Mochizuki sniffed lightly, "It smells like this, and it also smells like daffodils."

"Okay." Ning Youguang said, "Is there any traffic on the way back?"

"Fortunately, it's not very busy." Shi Mochizuki apologized, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting again."

The two agreed to go out for dinner tonight.

But when it was time for him to get off work, he procrastinated for a while.

So hurried home, the moon was hanging in the sky.

"I forgot the time when I was writing next door." Ning Youguang led Shi Wangyue to the kitchen, "Are you hungry, do you want to have a bowl of sweet soup to pad your stomach first? Red ginseng and purple potato sweet soup."

A bowl of red ginseng and purple potato sweet soup, Shi Mochizuki finished it in two bites.

"Where do we go now?"

The location of today's meal is decided by Ning Youguang.

"Let's go eat skewers, I want to eat skewers."

"Just eat skewers?" Shi Mochizuki asked with a good temper, "Do you want something else?"

"Go to the shopping mall to have a look." The place Ning Youguang chose is not far away, it is in the shopping mall next door.

It is only three or four hundred meters away from the community.

Waited until the entrance of the skewer shop in the shopping mall next door.

The two found that there were too many people coming to eat skewers, and all the seats in the shops selling skewers were full.

Some children and young people stood at the door of the store with skewers and started eating.

The two had no choice but to buy skewers, then took the elevator up to the upper floor of the shopping mall, and found a restaurant to sit down.

While waiting for the food to be served.

While eating fried skewers, Ning Youguang told Shi Mochizuki, "Yijing and Xue Ting are getting married."

Shi Mochizuki was startled, "Very good, congratulations."

After Ning Youguang finished speaking, he took out a fried rice cake from the cup that held the skewers, "When we were in school, there were many fried rice cakes sold in front of the learning gate, do you remember?"

"Remember, you liked fried rice cakes the most at that time." Shi Mochizuki also took out a rice cake from the cup, "This one is thinner, and that one is thicker."

"Yes, that one is three times thicker than this one." Ning Youguang said as he took a bite of the fried rice cake in his hand. The rice cake in his mouth was salty, fragrant, soft and delicious, "This rice cake is delicious!"

Ning Youguang has seen this grilled skewer several times, but I haven’t eaten it yet.

I don’t know what happened today, but I suddenly want to eat.

Fortunately, Mr. Shi didn't dislike him, and she arranged to eat skewers when he clearly agreed to go on a date.

"We will come again next time."

Even Master Shi, who had a difficult time in Shi's family when he was a child, disliked fried food at roadside stalls, but was often led into the ditch by Miss Ning.

It can be said that Ning Youguang took the fried food from the roadside stalls that Shi Mochizuki had eaten in his life.

Sometimes he also can't figure out why a person who advocates health preservation since he was a child always likes to eat junk food so many times a year.

Such as hot and sour noodles, snail noodles, fried, spicy soup...

Don't let her eat, she still makes trouble, saying she is very unhappy.

Shi Mochizuki was eating the rice cake in his hand, thinking about the scene when he was dragged by his sister and Xia Dai after school to buy all kinds of roadside stalls that adults are not allowed to eat when he was a child...

But soon, when he thought that Zhuang Yijing was going to get married, he instantly felt that the rice cake in his hand was not delicious.

Ning Youguang on the opposite side soon also felt his depression.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"What?" Shi Mochiyue looked up at Ning Youguang's concerned eyes, lowered her eyes slightly, "I was thinking, Zhuang Yijing is going to get married soon, time flies, and I will be thirty years old in a blink of an eye..."

Ning Youguang stared at Shi Wangyue fixedly, and corrected, "You're not thirty, I'm thirty."

She turned thirty last month.

Because of some unexplainable reasons, she rejected the intention of her relatives and friends to hold a special 30th birthday party for her.

So Mochizuki and Shi went to Lama Temple early in the morning to burn a stick of incense, and then had a simple birthday.

"It's just after the New Year." Shi Mochizuki put down the half-eaten rice cake in his hand, "When will Zhuang Yijing hold his wedding?"

"No." Ning Youguang shook his head.

At this moment, the screen of her mobile phone turned on, and a few new messages popped up on WeChat.

【Zhuang Yijing: I'm going to his house with Xue Ting now, he said his parents want to discuss with me the date of marriage, this! How do I know how to negotiate? I don't know Feng Shui or anything. Do you think I should call Lao Zhuang and my mother together? They happened to be at home too. 】

Ning Youguang smiled and showed Shi Wangyue the message from Zhuang Yijing, "Yijing is going to discuss the date of marriage with Xue Ting's parents."

"Let her let her know after the discussion." Shi Mochiyue glanced at Ning Youguang's phone and continued eating rice cakes.

Ning Youguang told Zhuang Yijing about Shi Mochiyue's proposal.

Zhuang Yijing replied immediately—

【Okay, when we confirm the wedding date, you all have to come when we get married. You will be the bridesmaid and Shi Mochizuki will be the best man. 】

Ning Youguang held the phone, and conveyed Zhuang Yijing's reply to Shi Mochiyue.

Shi Mochizuki frowned slightly, "Why didn't they become our best man and bridesmaid?"

Ning Youguang was stunned, "Mr. Shi, are you sure you're right?!"

Shi Mochizuki shook her head slowly, "No."

"What do you mean?"

Shi Mochizuki's deep eyes fell on Ning Youguang's puzzled face, "Don't you remember what you said yourself?"

"What did I say?"

"Think about it carefully."

Ning Youguang seriously shook his head, "Unexpected."

Shi Mochizuki sighed, "Did you fool me when you promised to get married at the age of thirty?"

Ning You gave a bare hand, and sprinkled a few drops of the Puer tea he just picked up on the white tablecloth, "Why did you suddenly mention this? Didn't we agree to get married when I turned 31?"

"I really envy Gong Xueting. If you say you get married, you will get married." Shi Wangyue showed a deep sense of disappointment on his face, "I have a girl who I want to marry. In order to wait for her to marry me, I waited from youth to youth, and then from youth to youth. Middle age, year after year, when will it be..."

Ning Youguang originally felt a little awkward in his heart, but when he heard the second half of Mochizuki's sentence, his whole body was in a bad mood, "From youth to youth, and from youth to middle age?"

Shi Mochizuki continued to say dejectedly, "Xiaomei said that a person is middle-aged after thirty, and when middle-aged, a person is not as good as a dog. It is very miserable."

"A paradox." Ning Youguang pouted.

Shi Mochizuki nodded, "I thought what he said was a paradox, but now I think it makes sense."

"Why?" Ning Youguang asked.

Shi Mochizuki had a sad look on his face, "No matter how hard you try, your dream can't come true. Isn't that miserable enough?"

Ning Youguang's heart suddenly beat "bang" "bang" "bang" very fast.

She felt that she should know what Shi Mochizuki meant, but she still asked softly, "What is your dream?"

"Marry you and become my legal wife."

Shi Mochizuki answered very plainly, with a nice voice and a gentle expression.

But Ning Youguang could hear a strong stubbornness from it.

Her heart froze for a moment.

In fact, she can continue to fool Dafa, and then fool around for a few months, and get over the hurdle she wants to walk alone.

But she also knew—

Since affection is understood, it should not be let down.

After thinking about it, she decided to tell Shi Mochizuki part of the truth, "I also really want to be a legal couple with you."

"Then when do we go to get the certificate?" Shi Mochizuki smiled like a sunrise with a handsome face.

"After November 30 next year, any day is fine." Ning Youguang answered with certainty. 1314

(end of this chapter)