Chapter 711: 709 Home Without Me Exposure

Chapter 711 709 Home of No Self Exposure

"Otherwise what else can happen?" Shi Mochizuki sighed.

He looked at Ning Youguang with long eyes, "You have taken all the money from others, and now it is also on the trending searches. After all, the comments are not too bad."

Today's trending comments are indeed not bad.

On that day, the morning light was faint.

Ning Youguang and Shi Wangyue went out for a morning jog in sportswear. As soon as they left the gate of the community, the latter was alert when he saw someone secretly taking pictures of himself and Ning Youguang in a commercial vehicle next to him.

After telling Ning Youguang about this discovery, the two decided to go there to see for themselves, who is taking pictures of themselves?

Shi Mochizuki originally wanted to stop them and tell them not to shoot.

If you don't listen, call the police.

But he didn’t want to, Ning Youguang recognized the other party as the well-known paparazzi Zhang Yabo at a glance, and then the two chatted, and for some reason, they chatted and collaborated.

That's why today Ning Yi and Ming Chao called one after another to ask, why Zhang Yabo posted their video online?

Shi Mochizuki was also browsing Weibo related to himself and his wife just now. I have to say that Zhang Yabo shot the video for the money, which was particularly blatant.

That morning, since he and his wife went out of the community wearing sportswear, he didn’t cut it after shooting it.

I don’t know if it’s because I spent money, it hurts to cut it, or what.

As a result, the information posted by One Star Entertainment on the Internet, in addition to the previous interview with the aunt, the genuine news about the appearance of the two protagonists is that there are two young people in sportswear, a man and a woman, who look exactly the same in terms of height and body shape. Like a model in a pictorial.

Instantly attracted the attention of countless people.

The two of them, wearing sportswear and jogging in the morning light, did not hide their beauty without makeup, and were serious and knowledgeable.

Professor Ning really used a real person to explain what it means to just lightly "squeeze" in front of the camera, you can be both effortless and beautiful.

What surprised most netizens is that.

Professor Ning, who appeared in Zhang Yabo's lens this time, has a different perspective from every time he appeared on the Internet before.

Since Zhang Yabo talked about cooperation with Ning Youguang, it is impossible to simply shoot some videos and send them out.

Cooperation must be serious and serious, and pass on all the things the creator wants to convey to people.

Therefore, Ning Youguang asked Zhang Yabo and his team to follow him to shoot a video for a relatively long period of time.

After filming her, Zhang Yabo and his team sent out a video and wrote an article with emotion:

「In our age, there are few people around us who are hungry, but there are many people who lack love.

They wrap their hearts tightly, suffering from troubles and pains, but they don't know how to embrace the beautiful little monster in their hearts.

Ning Youguang said in a speech that she knew she could not solve the problem of human suffering.

But she can do what she can.

She knows that too many people in the world live a life of spiritual deprivation, and many animals are homeless.

She wants to take care of them as best she can.

Many of her team are volunteers and do not get paid.

These people have long-term service in the team, some short-term service, everyone in the team, doctors, white-collar workers, bosses, students, self-employed, workers and so on.

Everyone has distinctive characteristics in their roles, but once they join the "No Self" team, each of them has a code name, which is not fixed, and is distributed with each service arrangement.

Today you may be number 1, and tomorrow, you may be number 100.

Ning Youguang is also the same. Every time he does public service, he always uses the number instead of the title.

Only when she is in the studio, she is Doctor Ning, or Teacher Ning.

She never raises funds. With her connections, as long as she is willing to hold a charity party, big companies across the country will donate money, and stars from all entertainment circles will attend, but she doesn't.

She is reluctant to do this sort of thing to keep her team clean.

On the wall of "The House Without Me", there is such a passage, which is quoted from Mother Teresa:

a pure heart

will freely give

love freely

until it is traumatized

To be honest, I have never understood what is meant by "heart injury".

This time, I went to see Teacher Ning's workplace and participated in the work of the "No Self" team, so I really understood the relationship between the so-called "spiritual injury" and love.

In order to dig deep inside the "no-self" team.

Ms. Ning gave me three days of free activities, so my team and I decided to go to the "No-Self Home" founded by her to do volunteer work.

"No Self Home" was founded by Teacher Ning.

At the beginning of its establishment, it was because she was moved by a caring lady. That lady was known by Teacher Ning when she was very young. At that time, she, her lover and some friends took care of hundreds of traffic cats and dogs. Although I was in short supply, I never thought about leaving these hairy children alone.

Mr. Ning said that she was moved at the time, and it happened that she also had some money in her hand, so she founded the "No Self" Home, which specializes in caring for stray animals.

Based on years of development, "Wonderful House" followed Mr. Ning from Jincheng to Beijing, and to all parts of the country. Now it is not just a place for homeless stray animals.

It also houses people who need to be cared for.

"There is no image of self, no image of man, no image of sentient beings, and image of no life." This sentence comes from the Mahayana classic "Diamond Sutra".

The "Diamond Sutra" is the supreme classic for understanding one's mind and seeing one's nature. It discards the complicated and chaotic phenomena, and reveals the truth in one sentence: the fundamental difference between ordinary saints lies in whether they are attached to "appearance".

The "Diamond Sutra" tells us that all thoughts and thoughts of ordinary people are attached to "the appearance of self, appearance of people, appearance of sentient beings, and appearance of longevity", and the enlightened Buddhas and Bodhisattvas completely break away from these illusory "appearances".

It is the so-called "all appearances are illusory, if you see all appearances and non-appearances, you will see the Tathagata".

The people here are lonely old people, abandoned orphans, or stray animals that have not been adopted.

There are so many volunteers in "No-Me Home", but everyone is very busy.

My first job was to play with these children. After playing for more than an hour, I suddenly heard someone call me: "On the 14th, a dog died. You have to come and help clean up the remains."

It took me a long time to realize that I am number 14.

It's printed on the clothes, but I'm not used to the name yet.

So I went and carried it, into a mortuary for animals.

It was a large dog, but it was not heavy when it was lifted up. It was old and dead. It is said that when it came to the "No-Self House", it was already too old to walk, but it still lived here for a lifetime. It took more than a year to die.

The dog's eyes were closed, and the hair on its body was very clean. It seemed that it had been well taken care of and died peacefully.

This is the first time I have cared for the remains of an animal.

Unexpectedly, I saw an emotion similar to human beings in it.

This may be attributed to the near-human dignity that "Non-Self House" gives animals, caring for a dying animal like caring for a dead human being.

Here, I saw what is meant by equality of souls.

Experienced volunteers took us to cremate and bury the dog.

The whole process is full of ritual.

When the dog’s body was cremated, I saw some volunteers silently praying for the dog’s good death.

I didn't understand anything by the side, I just watched silently, but I couldn't help feeling infinitely moved.

After cremating the animals, I saw many volunteers continuing to work.

My next job is to deliver meals. I found that these orphans and the elderly eat pretty good food. There are two kinds of meat and two vegetables. Everyone's food is distributed.

Animals also have special food. The plates they eat and the bowls they drink water in are very clean. It can be seen that people often do hygiene.

I guess you must be curious, where do the volunteers of "No-Me House" come from and what do they do?

Most of the volunteers are from UCAS, as well as students from many universities in Beijing.

It’s amazing. If I hadn’t come here in person, I would never have known that there are so many college students doing volunteer work silently.

There are also those from all over the society.

These young people look very individual in terms of dress and appearance, but in their own positions, they are far more responsible and caring than we imagined.

"Love eventually flows to those who have no shortage of love."

Basically, half of the volunteers are students at school. When I interviewed them, they said that they would stay here on weekends or winter and summer vacations if they had nothing to do.

More than half of them are already employed.

I was surprised how many doctors came.

I met six of them, all from Jincheng, and some from Europe and the United States. There are even several famous entrepreneurs, as well as capital tycoons and famous film and television stars, actor and actress.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe that they, who are usually all-powerful, would volunteer in the "No-Self House". Looking at the people around them and their skilled attitudes, even though he didn't tell them, I could tell. They must have been here many times.

Volunteers are not high or low. Even if a well-known boss has served here for a month, the team of "No Me Home" will pretend not to know him, and his work is the same as everyone else.

I find myself working more.

The first thing is to wash the dishes. When washing the dishes, I found that everyone’s dishes are very clean. Many of the bottoms of the bowls were poured into boiled water by volunteers or family members. I especially cherish food and items.

After washing the dishes, another person came to me. He said: "On the 14th, we are going to unload the water. My hand was injured when I played ball, so I can't carry the water."

I had no choice but to go with him, but I heard that there were two trucks of water, so I had to grab a young volunteer to go with me.

This volunteer is twenty years old, he is a skinny young man, but his temperament shows that he came from a wealthy family.

He said that he is studying animation production in Canada, but he doesn't know anything else.

Poverty and happiness, this time I saw the misery brought about by poverty, but also the happiness brought about by love.

Seeing their orderly appearance, my tears welled up, and I finally understood the words hanging on the wall of Teacher Ning’s studio:

a pure heart

will freely give

love freely

until it is traumatized

I have never done volunteer work, but I have seen the poor, I have seen birth, old age, sickness and death, and I am even afraid of touching these miseries.

But now I am doing volunteer work, serving them will not only not be afraid of rejection, but also joyful.

I have never had the concept of "heart trauma".

I have always felt that I am at least a person with a conscience.

But now I know that I have never really loved.

I was suddenly replaced by the scene of the past few days.

I think, I will never forget this scene in my life.

I can’t forget that I once bid farewell to a dog as if I were bid farewell to a person. I once washed and fed the sick children and the elderly here.

I used to be in a group with no name, no identity, only a code name and being needed.

I have never been very good at taking care of people, and I am not good at praying and blessing.

But now, I can take care of the old, the sick, or even a dead animal. I can chat with a mental patient and be moved to tears.

Instead, I felt a kind of spiritual peace.

Thanks to Teacher Ning for giving me the opportunity to be a volunteer in the "No-Self House".

Here, I saw the pain and misfortune of human beings and animals, but I have never met so many kind people, bringing love and care to the most unfortunate of them. "

This article followed the famous name of Ning Youguang and instantly became popular on the Internet, and it was directly on the hot search.

During the day, at the research institute, the assistant showed this information to Ning Youguang.

"Mr. Ning, you are on the trending list."


Yesterday, Zhang Yabo told her that the video would be released today, so that she would be mentally prepared.

So Ning Youguang continued to study the case calmly.

"Don't you take a look?"

"Is there any news that I must see?"

"I think you can take a look." The assistant smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"Okay, show me." Ning Youguang stretched out his hand.

After carefully reading the Weibo posted by Yuji, Ning Youguang couldn't help laughing and said, "Zhang Yabo's article is well written."

"Hahaha, right? Many netizens also said that he has refreshed the paparazzi's new cognition and won a lot of fans."

Ning Youguang smiled and returned the phone to the assistant.

She thought it was over like this, but she didn't expect that when she got home, the fact that she was on the hot search made her father and her brother feel that she was short of money again.

The most outrageous thing is that her brother still thinks that her husband is also short of money.

Of course, nine times out of ten, she thinks that her brother is the strongest talker on the surface of the earth, just a mouthful.

But now, her husband is serious.

This matter is about to die.

Ning Youguang crazily dominated the hot search list some time ago, which is already familiar to netizens.

This time it was on the hot search again, and netizens were not as curious about her as before.

But what I didn't expect was that One Star Entertainment could play, and this time they set up a new perspective and made a big report, which directly overturned the Internet public opinion.

Many netizens said after seeing Zhang Yabo’s long post:

"Because of her rich family background, she can be herself willfully."

"Bai Fumei, a really wealthy family, can be so hypocritical. It's so small. If you say you want to build a 'No-Self House', you can build it, and you can raise hundreds of stray cats and dogs. After all, you are still rich." 1314

(end of this chapter)