Chapter 718: some people don't deserve it

Chapter 718 some people are not worth it

"Then why..." Ning Youguang said in a daze.

"Why never told you about her?" Shi Mochizuki turned to look at Ning Youguang.

She nods.

Shi Mochizuki sneered and said, "There is no need to mention a person who has long been irrelevant."

Ning Youguang was silent for a long time before she slowly lay on Shi Wangyue's chest.

"She's not having a good time."

"I know."

After listening to Ning Youguang's words, Shi Wangyue added to her the news that Xie Haitang didn't know from Liu Susu.

When Liu Susu left Shi's house, she still brought some money.

She has been in the Shi family for so many years. Although her situation cannot be compared with the other two aunts, she was lucky at the time. The years when she married the Shi family were the years when the Shi family had the most limelight and made the most money.

When the spring breeze is good, people are naturally easier to talk than when the situation is not good.

Shi Manchuan gave her every month, which is very little for the Shi family, but a lot for ordinary people.

The three of them lived and boarded at Shi's house, and Liu Susu was in charge of the finances, so he was reluctant to spend money for their father and son.

The rest of the monthly money fell into her own pocket.

Shi Mochizuki has an amazing talent in mathematics since he was a child, and because Liu Susu often settles accounts with him, he himself has a sense of settlement.

Maybe Liu Susu didn't know it herself, Shi Mochizuki knew more about their family's money than she thought.

So, when she left Shi's house, how much money was left on her.

Mochizuki is very clear.

At least one million less.

This one million was really not a small amount back then.

"This is what she left after she usually likes to subsidize her own home and... and subsidize the security guard, otherwise she can save more." When Wangyue talked about Liu Rusu now, his tone was very calm, calm It's like telling someone else's story.

This is also the state that he had to digest for countless days and nights alone.

He wouldn't have been so calm before.

He deeply remembers that at that time, he wanted to go to the North Pole with his sister. She clearly had money, but she said she had no money, and scolded him for not being self-aware. At night, she angrily poked a book with scissors.

At that time, the whole person who hated her was like a fire that wanted to burn everything.

Ning Youguang put his hand lightly on Shi Wangyue's shoulder, and moved his body slightly, "Are you tired from lying on your body?"

Shi Mochizuki put his hands on her waist, and pressed her to his heart again, "I'm not tired."

Then, he continued to tell her about Liu Susu's later events, "After she separated from my father, that man also resigned, and he never worked as a security guard again."

The two of them were together, and at the beginning, they lived a period of sweet and oily days.

After all, Liu Susu had money in his hands. Although the situation in Shijia was not good at that time, he was pampered and pampered compared to ordinary people. Both his body and skin were well maintained, and he was also beautiful.

After going out, being with that security guard aboveboard, life is still comfortable.

But soon Liu Susu became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter.

My daughter is not in good health. She has been sick every three days since she was born. She has to see a doctor and take medicine. The man also looks at the money in her hand all day long and encourages her to use it for business.

Coupled with his lack of ability and lack of vision, he quickly cheated Liu Susu's money and lost all of his money.

The money is gone, and life becomes more and more unsatisfactory.

The security guard himself has a problem with drinking, and when things go wrong, his alcohol addiction gets worse, and he doesn't go to work. He wants to eat and drink well at home every day. After eating and drinking, he goes to play cards, and doesn't care if he doesn't make money to support his family. child.

Liu Susu ran out of money and couldn't live on anymore, so she had to go out to work to earn money to support her daughter and family.

What will she do?

I'm getting old and don't have a diploma. In addition, after giving birth to my daughter, I have gained weight and have not lost weight, and my appearance is no longer.

Even if I go to work and take care of my family and daughter, I can only work in the supermarket near my home, selling fruits and candies.

As time goes by, that security guard treats her even worse.

Life is unsatisfactory and she loves to lose her temper. When her temper comes up, she sometimes touches Liu Susu and her daughter.

Compared with the glamorous days when the Shi family was just a bit of a wimp and could wear gold and silver, compared with Liu Susu's later life, it can't be said that there is a heaven and a hell, and there is a difference of 108,000 miles.

"This is really..." Ning Youguang sighed even more after hearing this.

After listening to a part of it from my aunt in the afternoon, Ning Youguang felt that Liu Susu didn't know why she had thought about it in the first place, but now that she heard Shi Mochizuki's supplement, it was even more unpleasant.

Shi Mochizuki looked at the complicated expression on her face, and said in a low voice, "Don't feel sorry for her, some people are not worth it."

See Ning Youguang is silent.

He continued to say coldly, "Some people are destined to be like this. She doesn't know how to cherish a good life for her. After suffering enough, she will naturally know who treats her well."

Ning Youguang thought of the way Tingsong treated Liu Susu with care in the past, and his pity, which was about to move, became calm again.

"What would you do if she found you?"

"Then we'll wait until we find it." Shi Wangyue held Ning Youguang in his arms, "Happy New Year, wife, we have New Year greetings tomorrow, let's take a break while we still have some time."

Ning Youguang kissed Shi Mochizuki, got off him and closed his eyes to rest.

However, even if it is already four o'clock in the morning after the New Year's Eve.

Ning Youguang is not sleepy.

Suddenly hearing about Liu Susu made her unable to fall asleep peacefully.

Beside her, Mochizuki closed his eyes and breathed evenly.

Like her, they didn't fall asleep quickly. Both of them were thinking about something over and over in their minds.

After a long time, Shi Mochizuki spoke first, "Do you think I'm indifferent? She..."

After all, she is my mother, the one who gave birth to me and raised me.

During the New Year, Ning's old house is used to being brightly lit day and night, especially on the night of New Year's Eve, the lights in the house cannot be turned off.

So, Ning Youguang opened his eyes, and saw Shi Wangyue who was looking at her beside him, "Do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

Shi Mochizuki said seriously, "The truth."

Ning Youguang said, "No."

Shi Mochizuki was silent for a while and asked again, "Why don't you persuade me to treat her better?"

Ning Youguang looked at Shi Wangyue, his pupils filled his face.

There was silence all around, but her eyebrows were gentle.

The voice is also soft and gentle.

She said, "Mochizuki, I have actually considered this issue. Since my aunt told me about your mother today, I have been asking myself whether I should persuade you to treat her better." 1314

(end of this chapter)