Chapter 285 - Nice Boat (2)

Name:After Ten Millennia in Hell Author:
Chapter 285 - Nice Boat (2)


Oh Kang-Woo opened his eyes from the ray of sunlight seeping in through the window.

"What was that?"n(-OVELb1n

He thought about the previous night's dream.

He had dreamed about being on a boat in the ocean over the sunset, and he was being embraced by none other than Han Seol-Ah. It was a very happy dream, but his clothes were drenched in sweat as if it had been a nightmare.

'Was I that nervous?'

Although he wasn't showing it, he honestly felt very bad about what he had done this time. If their relationship with the angels collapsed, it wouldn't just be his problem; Guardians, Players, and the entirety of humanity would be dragged into the mess he made if it escalated to war.


Kang-Woo lifted his blanket.


His clothes were in disarray. His pants were halfway down, and his shirt was unbuttoned.

'What's this?'

He touched a red mark on his chest; there were several of them. They looked similar to when the suckers of Lilith's tentacles attached to him.

"... Had Lilith stopped by?"

Kang-Woo tilted his head and got up. He tidied up his clothes and was about to leave the room when...

"Hmm, something like that happened...?"

He heard Lilith's voice from outside.

Kang-Woo nodded. Like he had thought, Lilith had stopped by. He was just about to open the door when he stopped to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Yes. I heard... he kissed Kang-Woo."

"Hah. That fucking pigeon... Oh my, hoho. My apologies. I got a little worked up."

"No, I was thinking the same thing."

"My, my. I guess we were thinking the same thing, Seol-Ah."

"Yes. I would like to tear the wings off that damn angel Uriel, or whatever his name is, and shove them down his thr—Oh, I-I'm sorry. I ended up saying something weird."

"No need to worry~ I did the same thing."

They were speaking very calmly to one another, but it was unsettling for some reason.

Kang-Woo's mouth fell open.

'Seol-Ah and Lilith?'

Based on the atmosphere of their conversation as well as its content, they seemed to have become very close to each other.

"So... what will you do, Seol-Ah?"

"Hoho. It had been for no other purpose than first aid, so I won't be doing anything."

"Oh, but your eyes tell me otherwise."


What was she planning on doing exactly?

"I guess you caught me," Seol-Ah remarked.

"Fufu. Didn't you know that I was the chief of staff in the demon king army? I have a good eye for that kind of thing."

"Actually, I've been thinking of asking for your help regarding th—"


Kang-Woo swung open the door.

"Top of the mornin' to ya!"

"Oh, good morning, Kang-Woo."

"Hohoho. You seem to be chipper first thing in the morning, my king."

Lilith and Seol-Ah waved to Kang-Woo. Lilith got up and bowed her head.

"Congratulations on the plan's success. After you left, I checked on Uriel... and it seems he has been completely deceived."

"Uhh, mm."

Kang-Woo nodded in puzzlement. As he turned his head, he saw Echidna and Halcyon on the living room couch, hugging each other while trembling in fear.

'Why the hell...'

Echidna quickly walked toward Kang-Woo.

"Kang-Woo, Kang-Woo. Seol-Ah is acting wei—"

"My, what are you talking about?" Seol-Ah asked.

As Echidna was desperately trying to tell Kang-Woo something, Seol-Ah grabbed her hand. She then hugged Echidna and smiled.


She was without a doubt his busiest subordinate. She was investigating how to make contact with Hell, was tasked with setting his 'stages,' had to figure out how to hide Seol-Ah from the angels, and had many other tasks.

Not only that, but she was also in charge of gathering and distributing various pieces of information.

She was doing practically everything. Although she was technically not doing everything on her own since she had her puppets that she had seduced with her charms...

'I'm sure she barely has time to rest.'

Kang-Woo clicked his tongue and slowly extended his hand to stroke Lilith's hair.

"Thanks for everything."

"Oh my."

Lilith blushed as Kang-Woo acted differently from usual. She asked teasingly while smiling seductively, "Are you thinking of praising me with only words?"


Lilith giggled. She took a step closer to Kang-Woo and whispered, "I heard from Seol-Ah, that... an insolent angel stole your lips."

"That was purely for healing."

"Then may I ask for healing of my mind, exhausted from overwork?"


It was completely devoid of logic, but he didn't know how to refuse. Lilith had indeed been working a lot.


She wrapped her arms around Kang-Woo while looking at him gently. She got on her tiptoes and puckered her lips. Her lips, shining faintly red, stimulated him.

Kang-Woo gulped. He wasn't dumb enough to not realize what she wanted as a reward.

"Oh, right. I should return to my original f—Mmph."

Kang-Woo pulled Lilith in without hesitation. His eyes shone in desperation.

'Before she goes back to normal...!'

He had to calm Lilith down.

Kang-Woo hugged Lilith like a warrior whose life depended on it. Although he felt guilty about Seol-Ah, he had no other choice if he wanted to live.

"Haaa. Haaa."

He panted heavily and snuck a glance at Lilith.


Her mouth was wide open in surprise. It seemed she hadn't imagined that Kang-Woo would act first.

She trembled in excitement.

"Fu... fufufufufu."

'Wh-Why are you laughing like that?'

"It seems Seol-Ah has... melted down your heart enough. Hohoho. Good, very good."

Lilith's eyes were shining with lust. Her black hair floated up in the air and twisted around. Sticky liquid flowed out of the ends of her hair.

Kang-Woo flinched and turned around.

"There's no time to waste."

"Yes, my king."

Lilith smiled.

Kang-Woo opened a gate to the Hall of Protection. Before stepping into it, he turned his head.

"Oh, come to think of it..." He tilted his head and asked, "Why did you take off my clothes at night?"

He recalled the events of this morning.

"I beg your pardon?" Lilith's eyes widened as if she had no idea what he was talking about.

"I... only talked with Seol-Ah as soon as I arrived."

"... What?"

Kang-Woo's eyes widened, and he shifted his gaze to the door of the room Seol-Ah had dragged Echidna into.

The door was still closed.

* * *

"... What in the world?"

Kang-Woo walked while scratching his head. His head was in a jumble.

'I should ask Seol-Ah later.'

There was no time to focus on that. He passed through the gate leading to Africa in the Hall of Protection.

"Right, then..."

He had two objectives for coming to the fortress.

First, he needed to develop a closer relationship with Uriel.
