Chapter 88: Abandoned animal-shaped panda cub 1...

Xie Hui grabbed the schoolbag and picked up the cub without much effort. Seeing his four paws dangling helplessly in mid-air, he stretched out his hand to hold him in his arms.

Cub himself was still holding the strap of his schoolbag with one paw, obviously reluctant. So Xie Hui didn't force him to take it off, and carried the schoolbag and cub into the car together.

"Can you obediently accompany Dad to work today without making trouble?"

Yesterday morning, before I even had time to work hard, I was forced to take this cub to the hospital for an examination.

No matter what kind of animal's cub, there are always a lot of troubles when they are still young. Xie Hui wouldn't attack him because of these things, but just made a joke.


At this stage, the client already has the idea of ​​changing careers. The client had offended a big shot at the reception before, and he didn't want to apologize for the sake of face.

Later, I worked hard and supported for a long time, but I really couldn't do it, so I chose to change careers.

Xie Hui is capable of continuing to do it, but considering that the client wants to compensate those people on his behalf, he still has to clean up and change industries to continue.

In the client's memory, the artists who finally exposed the senior management of their company were popular at the time, but the results were not so good later on.

When others have sympathy for this matter, they do not appear frequently in the public eye because they do not want to use other people's sympathy to accomplish things.

On the contrary, an Internet celebrity came out of nowhere, and with the sympathy of others, stepped on the scars of these people, and became a top-ranking newcomer in the circle by selling miserably.

As soon as the few artists who were really exposed in the follow-up have any new works, someone will bring up this past.

The real victim was scolded for being dirty in the first place, and the Internet celebrity who traded with the client's high-level executives turned into a poor national that everyone loves.

Xie Hui rubbed the cub's ears while recalling the names of the real victims in the memory of the original owner, wondering if he could sign them after the transformation.

Since I plan not to do this business, the finishing work is actually quite busy. Xie Hui didn't have any time to rest all morning, and the cub on the table also concentrated on peeling the bamboo shoots all morning.

In the middle of the afternoon, Xie Hui began to feel a little tired. He planned to drink coffee to refresh himself. As soon as he picked up the teacup, he saw a piece of bamboo shoots floating on it, swirling in the middle of the coffee.

Subconsciously turned his head and took a look, the cub whose paws were still peeling the bamboo shoots noticed Xie Hui's gaze, paused for a while while peeling the bamboo shoots, crawled over and looked at the cup Xie Hui was holding.

Looking at the one floating in the cup, and then at the one he was still holding in his paws, Zai let out a guilty and innocent groan, and wanted to use his paws to pull the bamboo shoots out.

Of course, Xie Hui couldn't let him lick his paws. If the cub's paws were dirty, he had to wash them himself.

Asked the secretary to change a cup of coffee for himself, and continued working after drinking half a cup. Before he even finished reading a document, he saw the cub lying on the table and falling asleep.

The sun fell on him, and the warm cub should have slept quite comfortably, snoring comfortably.

Xie Hui casually picked up the small blanket that he brought in the morning, and when he helped him cover it, he noticed the bamboo shoot he was still holding, and tried to take it out. tight.

Seeing that he didn't want to let go, Xie Hui didn't force him, and straightened the blanket that was used as a quilt for him.

Thinking about it carefully, I was afraid that he would fall asleep on the desk and be cold, and the desk was very hard. She simply picked him up and put him in the lounge room, and walked out after tucking in the quilt.

Considering that the cub was sleeping in the lounge, Xie Hui subconsciously relaxed a lot when he tapped the keyboard.

The entrustor's company is developing well now, and it has not shown signs of decline, and it will gradually be dragged down step by step. At that time, it was because the commissioner had worked hard for so many years, so he was reluctant to give up.

Delaying until the end to change careers can almost be regarded as a tail-docking to survive, and it is impossible to be in a hurry.

In the current situation, Xie recalled that if he quit, the funds that could be collected were at least three times more than the client remembered. And there is no need to beg grandpa to sue grandma to sell part of the things like the client.

After finishing the finishing work, most of the employees in the company were dismissed. Only the assistant, Xie Hui felt that he was quite versatile, so he asked him if he would continue to follow him.

When the assistant heard Mr. Xie's question, he didn't really want to agree for a while. He was a little worried about the specific development in the future.

After all, everyone in the real world has to eat, and the relationship with President Xie for so many years is nothing compared to life.

"The salary remains the same, but the bonus is doubled."

When Xie Hui lowered his head to help the cub wipe his mouth, he said these words incidentally, and the smirk on the assistant's face became much more sincere in an instant.

"Mr. Xie, I have been working in this company since I graduated, and I have feelings for the company. Of course I am reluctant to leave. It is my honor to continue working for you."

"Well, hard work."

This time, when Xie Hui packed up his things and left, the entire company building seemed a little empty.

Walking in the corridor, you can clearly hear the echo of your footsteps, which inexplicably makes you feel empty.

The cub held in his arms rested its front paws on his shoulders, looking around curiously, its black eyeballs flickering, and it didn't notice anything unusual.

The client also bought this building when it was cheap, because the development of this area is not bad in the future, so Xie Hui didn't take it out and sell it.

At the beginning, no matter what the client did, he just made do with it. At the beginning of his career change, he had insufficient funds and had to do it himself.

But Xie Hui withdrew early this time, leaving ample funds. For these things, after he gave a general direction, he recruited people.

The current plan is to set up the company first, and then consider the issue of artists.

Xie Hui was not in a hurry, nor was he in a hurry to sign those people. If they have a better choice and signed a better company, it will be considered as compensation to provide them with some help after the company develops later.

Zai also seems to realize that his father is very busy recently, rarely makes trouble, and is so obedient that it makes people feel soft.

Until one day, on Xie Hui's rare rest day, he got up early and searched around but didn't see the cub. Just about to turn on the phone, I looked for the location in the identification bracelet, and when I walked to the yard, I caught a glimpse of the black sesame glutinous rice **** hanging on the bamboo.

The bamboo still looks a little bald now, a cub is hanging on the branch of the bamboo, its small tail is drooping, it is not so obvious mixed with the white hair on the buttocks.

"How did you get up here?"

In fact, the staff also reminded Xie Hui before that these cubs will retain some of the habits of animals.

For example, huskies have a lot of energy, and they try to demolish the house before their energy is exhausted. Another example is pandas, whose nature makes them like trees very much. And the ability to climb trees is almost innate.

It was alright when Xie Hui played with him before, but recently Xie Hui put too much energy into his work, this kid started naughty climbing trees to find happiness.

Who would have thought that he climbed up, but he couldn't get down, and hung there for a long time until Xie Hui found it.

"Hey, oh~"

Xie Hui looked at his pitiful little tail, which seemed to be trembling, and stretched out his hand towards him.

"I'll catch you."

This scene reminded Xie Hui of a documentary he had seen inexplicably.

Pandas of this size like to climb trees. Someone in the zoo will help them down, and some in the wild will fall directly. They are even dubbed by others as a first-class protected animal based on their ability.

Although the cub is scared, he should trust Xie Hui. He stared at Xie Hui's hand carefully, it seemed that he was adjusting his position, he let go of the hand holding the bamboo, and fell into Xie Hui's arms like this.

Xie Hui hugged him, and could clearly feel that the sesame glutinous rice ball was shaking.

Getting this cub down is temporary, but Xie Hui thinks that according to Xie Jia's personality, he will definitely dare to climb next time.

So holding him in one hand, he went to the toy room and took out a doll he didn't like, put the cub in the stroller, and smeared some ketchup on the doll behind his back.

Pushing the cart to the yard, Xie Hui first put the doll on the bamboo, shook the bamboo until the doll fell off, then picked it up again for Xie Jia to have a look at.

The cub struggled to climb out of the trolley, seeing the red 'blood' on the doll's face mixed with the mud, the moment it was frightened, its hair stood on end.


Xie Hui carried him out of the trolley, dug a hole in the empty yard in front of him, and buried the doll in it.

The cub looked frightened, and hugged Xie Hui with all four paws.

Xie Hui tore off his claws, helped him hold the shovel with two claws, and asked the cub to fill the hole where the doll was buried.

After all, they are different species, so it is still difficult to communicate. Xie Hui wasn't sure whether the cub would be obedient if he said a few words, so he used this method to let him see more clearly.

That night, Xie Jia didn't sleep peacefully in her own crib. She was originally placed on the crib by Xie Jia, with her eyes closed under the quilt.

But when Xie Hui turned to take a bath, the cub cautiously poked his head over to make sure that Xie Hui was really not there, so he swooped towards the big bed, his four paws flattened on the quilt, and only his little tail dangling from side to side.

After lying down for a while, he climbed to the head of the bed and saw that only Xie returned his pillow, and climbed back to his own small bed, dragging the small pillow onto the big bed with great effort.

The bedroom is covered with carpets around the bed, so I don't worry about the cub's paws getting cold, and I don't worry that the dirty sesame glutinous rice **** will have to take another bath.

After taking a shower, Xie Hui opened the bedroom door, just in time to see Xie Jia busily busy, arranging the small pillow. It seemed that he was a little tired, and he lay down on a panda cake to rest for a while, and then continued to adjust the pillow.


Leaning against the bathroom door and watching for a while, waiting for the cub to arrange the pillows, Xie Hui coughed to remind him.

He could clearly see that the cub's body stiffened for a moment, and then quickly got into the bed.

Xie Hui went to the bed, and could still hear voices coming from under the quilt.
