The moment Chu Yaoyao fell from the top floor of the Century Hotel, the sudden sense of weightlessness made her close her eyes subconsciously... The impact and pain that she imagined did not come as expected.

Chu Yaoyao dominates the entertainment industry, the most famous and prominent feature is her pair of eyes that seem to be smiling but not smiling, the corners of her eyes are slightly raised, making people feel itchy when she looks at them. 

These eyes are bloodshot, the drooping eyes are not hers at all!!! 

And then Chu Yaoyao woke up in her body.

Chu Yaoyao solemnly said, "From today onwards, I will live on as Chu Yao. I will fulfill your dream, let you stand on the highest place, and let those who look down on you can only fall in the dust... Rest in peace."

It wasn't until Chu Yaoyao finished saying this that the resentment in her mind and heart gradually dissipated.


Chu Yao's eyebrows and eyes widened, she rubbed her temples, looked at the completely unfamiliar face in the mirror, and it took a long time before she accepted the reality that she had changed from Chu Yaoyao to Chu Yao.

The first announcement in half a year, of course.

Chu Yao lightly smiled and replied, "Of course I want to! Thank you, brother Lu~"

When Chu Yao hung up the phone, Lu Xingzhou on the opposite side still kept a confused look... His artist has changed her temper?

And here Chu Yao was looking at the face reflected in the mirror, feeling helpless. She will participate in the program with this face and figure? She would probably die before her "rebirth"!

Lu Xingzhou hadn't seen her for more than a month, so he wouldn't even know what she looks like now.

Chu Yao's WeChat vibrated a few times, and it turned out that Lu Xingzhou sent her the notices and scripts of the variety show. Chu Yao's swollen fingers slid twice on the phone screen, and suddenly a dialog box popped up on her WeChat.

[mastermind 001] invites you to join the [Endless Cosmic Red Envelope Group].


¹ greened — cheated on

² 130 catties — 78 kgs/ 171.96 lbs

P.S. I'm a total newbie in using Blogger so don't know how to link stuff. Make do with these for now while I figure this out. Please do bear with me.