Chapter 63: Look at his calm face

The arrow scurried in mid-air, castrated like a shooting star, a distance that ordinary archers could not reach, but for this arrow it was effortless. In a blink of an eye, the arrow had reached the necromancer.

However, two huge skeleton soldiers suddenly jumped out from the hillside. They were a circle larger than ordinary skeleton soldiers. They not only had iron swords with broken embroidery in their hands, but also carried shields and helmets on their heads. Obviously Much better than ordinary skeleton soldiers.

The two skeleton soldiers raised their shields at the same time and blocked them in front of the Necromancer.


The arrow enchanted by the necromancer shot through the first skeleton soldier's shield and bones. The skeleton soldier exploded into a pile of powder and flew in all directions, but the power of the arrow was also attenuated a lot.

The second skeleton soldier raised his shield again, but the arrow was still blocked by it after all, and it was inserted into the shield of the second skeleton soldier.


Keike, Baron, Xiaoyi, Golda, Xuelu and others all sighed together, expressing disappointment.

When the Cycla bow was about to shoot again, he saw a large group of skeleton soldiers on the hillside, all raising their shields to protect the necromancer behind.

"I can't interrupt him to cast spells!" Kick called: "Prepare to deal with the magic coming soon."

Xiaoyi also began to chant the curse quickly: "Power Word Shield!"

A small golden light shield enveloped Xiao Yi.

Xuelu also chanted the incantation almost at the same time: "Fire Wall Art!"

A wall of flames stood up in front of her, forming a defense.

The baron next to him said in an angry voice: "Hey, do you only protect yourself? How about us?"

Xiao Yi said awkwardly, "I won't do that."

Xuelu beckoned and said, "You can come and stand behind my wall of fire, you see, Golda and Kik have already squeezed in for the first time."


This is very angry! Dignified Baron, really can't do such a shameful thing.

The baron said loudly: "Break to the southwest while he hasn't completed the spell!"

Robb grabbed him: "Don't run around, instead of rushing around at this time, it's better to stay in the holy light shelter I painted for you. This shelter may also block his dark magic."

"Hey?" The baron thought carefully, and the priest was right. When facing dark magic, there is no place safer than in the Sanctuary of Light. Instead of being slapped on the back by a magic when rushing, it is better to watch the changes. .

But he was still very guilty, erected his two-handed sword and stood in front of him like a shield.

The necromancer on the hillside finally completed his magic!

The skeleton staff in his hand slammed on the ground...

A black, gloomy, and terrifying aura surged from the location of the staff suddenly, as if he had pierced a black crater with his staff, and the magic of darkness surged and spewed out in all directions, even The naked eye can see the black mist spreading against the ground.

The ground on which the Necromancer stood instantly turned into a black ground. All the soil began to turn black. The flowers and plants on the black mud withered instantly. As the black ground spread, the surrounding flowers and trees died in large areas...

The black ground spread towards the holy light shelter below the valley.

"No, it's a plague land!" The baron yelled, "It's a very advanced dark's not good...this thing spreads over and will destroy our holy light shelter."

This sentence scared the soldiers!

The soldiers fought with the Skeleton Soldiers for a short time, because the gap in numbers was too great, and 67 people were injured in a blink of an eye. They were only temporarily safe by relying on the Holy Light Shelter to protect them. Now I heard that this plague land can destroy the Holy Light Refuge, isn't that killing?

Xiao Yi said: "Baron, don't mess with yourself! Whether the Plaguelands can break the Sanctuary of Light depends on the spellcasters on both sides who have the stronger magic power. This necromancer may not be able to win Father Robert."

"But... this necromancer looks so strong." The baron said: "You can feel a very powerful dark magic from him, but the priest...cough... but he can't feel anything."

Xiao Yi wanted to pull the ear of the baron and say to him: "That's because the priest is a heretical judge. In order to hide his identity, he deliberately constricted his magic power to prevent you from seeing it."

However, I can only think about this, and I really can't say it!

The identity of the heretical judge is top secret and must not be revealed. She had no choice but to comfort the Baron: "Don't be afraid. Look at Father Robert's face, and you can't see any wavering at all."

The baron turned to look at Robb, who was really calm, even a little bit happy.

However, when he just thought of this, he saw Robb's expression suddenly changed, from a happy expression to an expression of annoyance about to jump up and hit someone.

It turned out that Robb saw a very discordant picture.

The hillside where the Necromancer was standing was just below the hole of the human-faced man-eater spider that everyone wanted to catch just now...There was a living human-face man-eater spider inside, which was Robb’s ambition to obtain the raw material supplier of stockings.

However, after the Necromancer’s plague land spread, he walked along the hillside and swallowed all the normal ground, turning the ground into highly toxic black mud, all the flowers and plants died, the earthworms, centipedes, insects, etc. in the soil, All died tragically one by one.

The plague land quickly spread to the mouth of the spider cave. Although the human face man-eating spider in the cave is much stronger than ordinary insects, but... who can withstand this plague land?

If it still stays in the hole and can't come out, it's afraid that it will be killed by the magic of the Plaguelands in a few minutes.

Human Face Eater Spider feels that Yali Mountain is big, and now it doesn’t care how many skeleton soldiers there are outside, whether it’s dangerous or not, it rushes out of the spider hole frantically, and then ran away, wanting to stay away from this terrifying plague. land.

At the same time, there were still several holes on the hillside, and at the same time, a human-faced man-eating spider appeared.

This hillside happened to be the colony of human-faced and man-eating spiders. There were a total of five spider holes on the small hillside, and five spiders jumped out of them, running away lifelessly.

Of course Robb loves to watch this picture. Even the expression on his face can’t help but he can’t help showing a happy smile. At this moment, the black silk and the white silk are waving to him, and the beautiful maid is about to Complete the final form...

He was about to rush to grab a few back!

At this moment, a skeleton soldier looked down at the human wheaten man-eating spider running by under his feet, and chopped it down with a knife. The human-face man-eating spider screamed, and his head was in a different place, and the green plasma was spilled. All over the floor.

Robb's expression changed at this moment, instantly becoming desperate.