Chapter 450: Oil Caravan in the Desert Kingdom

The workers and soldiers stayed in the original stone canyon, desperately engaged in construction and public security.

And Robb accompanied Lilian around for a long time, and after the nobles who came to travel also took a few big circles in this dilapidated canyon, everyone was ready to return to Westwind Town.

A group of people returned to the train and sat down gracefully. The nobles held up their tea cups again, and the train driver was planning to restart the train.

At this moment, Elsie's big tank suddenly moved, and the barrel of the gun spun toward the north side of the canyon, and the soldiers around him suddenly became vigilant.

Someone yelled: "There are people from the north. There are a lot of people. It's a big team!"

"Send a few people over to have a look!"

"I used reconnaissance skills to see, ah, it's not an enemy, it's a caravan."

"It's the caravan from the desert kingdom, from the Madara family."

When he heard this, Robb was amused, but he is now in the shape of Robert Smith, and it is not convenient to go out to talk. He had to wink at the Baron Noon next to him. The latter knows and brushes the ground from the train. He jumped down and said loudly: "Military matters will be handled by Captain Elsie, but I will take care of business matters. I will greet this caravan."

After that, he turned his head and beckoned to the train: "Kant, Robert, follow along and learn how to do business."

Robb knew that he was actually asking himself to host secretly with the past, but he was afraid that doing so would attract people's attention and expose Robb's identity, so he called Kangte as the second person. Everyone knows that Kangte has muscles in his skull and has no brains at all.

Robb gave Conte a grin, and the two jumped off the train and followed Baron Nolan.

Soon, the caravan from the desert kingdom came in front of you. This caravan had a very obvious desert style. The goods were all large camels, and the merchants all wrapped their heads and faces in turbans, and they couldn’t see their faces. It can be seen from the family pattern embroidered on their clothes that they are from the Matura family.

This group did not expect that there were so many people in the original stone canyon, and there was even a strange car. When they came last time, it was not like this here.

The merchants were taken aback, but they immediately recognized Baron Noren and Captain Elsie. After all, after transporting oil to Westwind a few times, it was hard not to know these two. The middle-aged man with a veil covered face jumped off the camel and bowed to Captain Elsie and Baron Nolan: "Two adults, Gui'an! We are the team that came from the desert kingdom to deliver oil to Westwind Town. "

Robb didn't need to speak, but Baron Nolan smiled and asked, "How much oil has been shipped this time?"

"198 barrels were shipped this time!"

"Huh? What is this strange number? What the **** is 198 barrels? Why not two hundred barrels? And the amount is too small." Baron Nolan also knew that oil is the life of the big train. If there is no oil, Godfather It is impossible to rub out the two kinds of diesel and gasoline by hand, and without these two things, both the diesel engine and the gasoline engine will be ruined, leaving only the heavy and difficult-to-use steam engine to be used.

Now the steam engine is still not taken out of Elsie's tank, because Godfather doesn't want to see that kind of machine. He also said that the steam engine is the tears of the times and is very harmful to the environment. If possible, try not to use it.

The businessman from the desert said embarrassingly, "Uh, you also know that the transportation of oil is very inconvenient. This is all through the mountains and rivers, so we only transported 200 barrels this time. There are monsters rampaging in the Pine Mountains... Actually, we were attacked by monsters on the road two days ago. Two barrels of kerosene were ignited by the torches thrown by the monsters and burned. Fortunately, we kicked the burning oil barrels away in time. If you don’t detonate other oil drums, it’s all over."

"Has monsters become rampant?" Robb frowned. The monsters can wave, but they can't wave and break their oil supply line. If you wave like this, you will be beaten, don't you?

As he thought of this, he heard Elsie say loudly: "Did you get attacked on the way to here in the Crystal Canyon? Damn monster, I'm so tired of life, even Godfather dare to destroy it if he wants oil, brothers, stay. Two hundred people are here to guard the original stone canyon. Others will follow me. Let's go and fight the monsters."

Elsie rushed out with an anger and led three hundred soldiers...

The businessman from the desert glanced at the troops that were going away, and felt a lot more stable. If Elsie could clean up the monsters, then his way home would be much safer.

He said to Baron Nolan: "Mr. Nolan, what are you doing in the original stone canyon? And the huge iron cart next to it... What is this again?"

Baron Nolan smiled without saying a word, with an unpredictable expression on his face.

It was not until Robb glared at him that he put down the noble arrogance and said to the desert merchant: "Well, you are really hard to transport oil. This stuff is much harder to transport than ordinary goods, but don’t worry. The journey is much simpler, you can at least save 150 miles."

Oil merchant wondered: "???"

Baron Nolan laughed: "Put your oil on this big train, just because the last few carriages are empty."

When those carriages came, they transported the materials needed to build the small track in the mine. After they were moved down, the carriages were already empty. Now it happens to be loaded with oil barrel by barrel. There are 198 barrels of oil. The carriage was full.

Baron Nolan said to the desert merchant: "Leave your camels and caravans in the original stone canyon to rest. You can take two entourages and get in the car with us, and go to Westwind Town to see the Madaras."

"Hey ah ah?" The desert merchant became more and more stunned. He didn't realize what happened until Baron Nolan got on the big train and pressed it on a chair. Then the train started and drove out of the original stone canyon. What happened. I couldn't help screaming in surprise: "Oh, this big car is amazing."

Baron Nolan laughed: "This is a great invention of Godfather in Westwind Town. Of course it is amazing. When have you seen Godfather produce something that is not amazing?"

The desert merchant was shocked by this great invention, while Marian sitting in the car thought to herself: This big train is really powerful. When it comes over, it pulls a large truck, and when it goes back, it pulls another one. For large trucks and goods, if the caravans agree on a time and calculate every time the train receives the goods back and forth, so that it will not run empty, it will be convenient to purchase and ship at the same time. It feels like this, the pricing of many products, It's about to be calculated again.

After all, the transportation cost is a cost that cannot be underestimated, and after using this big train, the transportation cost is much smaller. After long-distance transportation of goods, the growth may not increase much, so that competitors can easily be killed.