Chapter 465: It's advertising time

The queen was so angry that her beard was crooked. Fortunately, she did not have a beard. However, she was also a witty person. How could she be so easy to be pitted? When she rolled her eyes, she suddenly realized something: "I saw in the crystal ball, you He was sitting at home and did not go to the scene."

Robb said: "Yes!"

"That is to say, you are also using a large panel to watch the live broadcast." Queen: "Last night you made two panels, one for yourself to see, one for me, and there is only one small crystal ball for the live broadcast. If you stop my live broadcast, you will stop watching it yourself, huh! Who is afraid of anyone, come on, don’t watch it."

Robb laughed: "Miss Queen, have you forgotten multiple conditional judgments? Since I used multiple conditional judgments on the fire box, of course I will also use it on the crystal ball. This live broadcast system can only stop you. Yes, don’t stop me. If you don’t believe me, take a look. The panel on your side has stopped, but the one on my side is still broadcasting."

The queen looked intently, didn't she? The crystal panel next to Robb was still playing the footage of the intermission, but the panel next to her had already turned off.

"Unreasonable!" The queen almost ran away on the spot.

The latter group of ministers all heard the conversation between her and Robb, and quickly came up to persuade them: "Your Majesty, don't be angry, this profiteer is really too much, we despise him..."

"That's it, such a villain, Jian Zhentianzhu!"

"The game deliberately put half of it, and the remaining half is used to cheat money. It's too evil."

"This guy is more evil than monsters."

Robb was spit out by them, but he didn't panic at all. He sat on the stone chair and did not move: "I tell you that the intermission is only fifteen minutes. If you don't pay the gold coin within fifteen minutes, It will be too late."

The ministers froze, and two seconds later, they continued: "Bad!"



"Our people in the Gran Kingdom are spine and will never accept any coercion."

After spraying, the Minister of Palace Affairs took out a gold coin from the purse: "Your Majesty, I will pay the money. The charge of losing power and insulting the country will be borne by the minister. As long as you do not bow to the evil forces, Without sacrificing the prestige of my Gran Kingdom, let the minister be nailed to the pillar of shame in history. The minister has already realized his consciousness."


So, a few minutes later, a gold coin was thrown from the portal to Westwind Town. Lilian picked up the gold coin and shook it at Robb, smiling like a flower: "Master, they paid."

"Very good, you can continue the live broadcast." Robb picked up another miniature crystal ball dedicated to calls and said to it: "Sofa, continue live broadcast."

Sofa in the gym received a call and once again opened the crystal ball for live broadcast.

So, the live broadcast continued...

The ministers sat in a row, happily, and continued to wait and watch the second half.

The picture is on again, and the intermission is not over yet. There are only a few staff on the stadium showing the billboards to the audience, with the words "Morning Sugar Factory, Brings You Sweet Taste" and "Baihua Real Estate, a lively life." First choice", "Raw stone crystal, custom crystal jewellery"...

Suddenly, the camera shook, and Sofa's face appeared.

It was the first time that Solfa was on the live webcast. It was obviously not suitable. For an assassin, he was really not good at facing a lot of people. Fortunately, although there were a lot of viewers here, Solfa just faced him. She was just a "camera", she could still handle it.

Just listen to her in a nervous and out-of-tune voice: "Advertising time, advertising time! The 75-inch crystal panel is now accepting reservations, at a special discount price, and 300 gold coins. It is exclusively customized by Godfather in Westwind Town. With the crystal panel, you You can enjoy the fun of football games at home, buy our crystal panel, and the subsequent subscription fee is as low as 30 silver coins for a game. By the way, to add, the 75-inch large crystal panel must be in a huge block If you cut the crystal, it is not certain that you can dig such a large crystal in the future. If you miss this village, you may not have this shop. Maybe you can only buy 50-inch panels or 20-inch panels in the future... Who knows? It may even be impossible to dig a large piece of crystal again, and this precious commodity will be out of stock..."

Just after finishing this sentence, the Minister of Palace Affairs jumped out and shouted into the crystal ball: "Godfather, I'll order one!"

Then Desmond Cotton jumped up: "I want a piece too."

"And I!"

"I also want!"

The ministers' crowds were raging, and an upsurge of rushing was formed in an instant.

Robb had no choice but to spread his hand on the opposite side: "There is not so much. The crystal ore I dug this time is only that big. I guess I can only make fifteen panels at most, one for my own use, one for the queen, at most It can be sold for 13 yuan."

There are more monks and less meat! The ministers immediately discovered that 13 panels were not enough.

"Then I will give out three hundred and fifty." The price has risen.

"I'm out of four hundred!"

"Humph, four hundred and five."

"five hundred!"

The water rose and the boat started to rob. If the quote was not reported, I would punch with my fist. If I couldn't beat my fist, I would use the combat technique. If the combat technique failed, I would use magic, and the hall immediately became a mess.

The queen looked at these ministers who were "losing their power and humiliating the country", she couldn't help shaking her head, and sighed: "What kind of messy people are these."

Robb smiled evilly at the queen again.

The queen was so angry just now, now that she sees this smile, she feels exhausted, and said weakly, "Look at your expression, what else can you do? Keep going out to pit me."

Robb said, "You are wrong. This time I am not trying to cheat you, but to teach you how to make money."

The queen couldn't help but shook her voice: "I've been so miserable by you, and still make money?"

Robb said, "This is where your short-sightedness is. You only saw me collect your money, but you didn't expect you to use this thing to collect other people's money. A house called a movie theater, put this thing in the movie theater, collect movie tickets from ordinary townspeople, and let them watch. I assume that this movie theater can accommodate one hundred and fifty people, and you charge everyone for two silver coins for tickets. You can receive three hundred silver coins, and then you pay me a subscription fee of 30 silver coins for a game. How much do you want to earn?"

Queen: "Huh? You can earn two hundred and seventy silver coins!"

Robb said: "In addition, the relic necklace of your parents has the ability to record images and sounds in it and play them back and forth, right? It means that the images of football matches can actually be recorded and replayed. You can research a magic item. , Save the football game I sent over and play it repeatedly for the townspeople. One game earns 270 silver coins. How much can you earn if you play ten games repeatedly? How much can you earn by playing one hundred games?"


The anger just now suddenly disappeared without a trace. She sighed at Robb lightly: "You guy...what should I say at this time?"

"Stop talking, kiss me."

"Go to hell!"