Chapter 517: I will sneak

"So the enemy deliberately dug a straight crypt to facilitate the sentry sentry." The dwarf leader said, "It's a pity, we should bring an elf assassin, so that the assassin can sneak over and kill the sentry."

"Oh? Sneak?" Robb smiled: "I happen to know a little bit."

Dwarf Elf: "..."

He also understands now. This person said that he would be a little bit, that is, he would have to fly. I don't know where the humble term "a little bit" was learned from disgusting people.

This may be the conflict between western thoughts and eastern thoughts. Westerners speak directly, they will be yes, they will not be no, strong is strong, weak is weak, they like to speak straight, don't like to go round and round.

But in our East, even if you can punch Superman and kick the Terminator, you have to say: "I am so strong, I just know a little." If you don't say that, there will be a group of squirrels chasing every day. You spray and say you are arrogant and rude.

All five of them lightened their steps, but even so, they still walked very fast. In a blink of an eye they ran over a distance of several thousand yards. When they were 500 yards away, a group of people stopped and walked forward. I saw it, because kobolds also have night vision, so they can be easily seen from a straight line distance of 500 yards.

The fireball used to illuminate Xuelu's hand had long since gone out, and all five of them stood in the darkness.

Golda and Xuelu basically saw nothing in their eyes now. Kik has a certain level of night vision ability given by the hunter job, while the dwarf has a slight night vision ability.

The audience only heard Robb's voice on the TV: "You guys stay here for a while, don't move, I'll come as soon as I go."

While Keike and the dwarf leader saw Robb waved at them, taking advantage of the black light, she quietly squeezed Xuelu's hand, and Xuelu squeezed her wrist back, without any disadvantage at all.

Then Robb took off the live crystal ball from the dwarf leader's hat, held it in his hand, and then jumped forward, brushed the ground, disappeared, and sneaked.

The dwarf leader's eyes searched carefully in the passage ahead. However, he couldn't see where Robb was after sneaking, and he couldn't even feel his presence. He couldn't help being taken aback. This man was sneaking too much. That's great, if a person with such a strong stealth ability sneaks behind to kill himself, there is no room for resistance at all.

But he immediately felt that he was thinking too much. Robb could sling the Crypt Lord head-on, but still needed to sneak in to get close to him? is this necessary?

He lowered his throat and said, "This is the most part-time job I have ever seen, and the person who can do the best in every profession... It's simply too powerful."

The four adventurers all laughed: "So do we."

The audience in front of the TV is actually thinking about the same question...

At this time, the live broadcast screen is completely dark and you can't see anything. If the audience of later generations must have cut the channel, but in this world, there is only one TV station, no other name, and it is a monopoly. And the audience has not been baptized by various entertainment activities, so patience is also good.

I was actually still interested in looking at the black screen. After a few seconds, the screen suddenly lit up slowly, and a hole in the front appeared. It was night outside, so there was no sunlight, only moonlight and starlight.

This faint light also aroused the audience's interest. Through moonlight and starlight, two kobolds holding bows can be seen standing at the entrance of the cave. They are talking about some human-sounding unnutritious sky. At the same time, there are He looked at the situation in the cave without a second glance.

"Don't look, no humans will come over." A kobold said: "They can't pass the level of the Crypt Lord."

"Of course I know this." Another kobold said: "However, I seemed to see a shadow shaking in the cave five hundred yards away just now."

"That is your illusion."

At this time, Robb was in front of the two, but his stealth level was so high that the two kobolds still couldn't see anything.

Robb simply became naughty, put the live camera at a very close distance in front of the two kobolds, and gave them a close-up.

The audience suddenly became amused: "Wow, it's the first time I saw a living kobold so close."

"Looking at the kobold on the 120-inch panel, I feel that the kobold is so big."

"Don't be silly, they are actually about the same height as a dwarf."

The two kobold sentries began to feel that the atmosphere was not right. Although Robb could not be seen, they could feel that the air flow was not right, and at the same time they could smell something in their noses.

However, before they had time to make any warning, Robb raised his hand and used his hand as a knife to make a crosscut, and two kobolds fell to the ground at the same time.

Observe the surroundings again. Outside the cave is a deep valley. The mouth of the cave is suspended halfway through the mountain.

The valley is very secluded, and when you look up to the sky, you can see a line-like sky sandwiched by two cliffs. The moon just hangs above this gap, spreading the cold moonlight in the valley.

Robb went back quickly and called his four companions over.

Everyone stood at the entrance of the cave and looked down the valley, and saw that there were densely dense underneath, full of monster skulls. Thousands of monsters were piled up in this small valley.

Robb glanced at the middle of the valley. There are also many varieties of these monsters, including half-orcs, murlocs, goblins, mammoth giants, behemoths, thunderbirds, harpies, and wyverns. ...Really has it all.

"So much?" The dwarf leader couldn't help but startled.

The audience in front of the TV was also taken aback, especially the audience on Bright Road.

"These are the ones we saw last time." Golda whispered: "The last time we went out on an adventure, what we saw in the depths of the Black Pine Mountains were these monsters. A valley was packed. Now they It’s just a different place. I think it’s less than thirty miles away from Xifeng Town on the mountain road. With the foot of the monster, it will take a long time for this army to attack Xifeng Town. The reason why they didn’t attack should be It's because in the first tentative offense, Godfather was found to be too strong, so they were discussing a perfect strategy."

The dwarf leader nodded in agreement.

"What do we do now? Kill them all?" Xue Lu said, "Anyway, Godfather is here. He jumped down and hacked, I think it will work!"

"That's okay?" The dwarf leader said profusely: "This is tens of thousands of monsters. There is also a super monster like the Beacon Behemoth, and there is also a demon king who doesn't know where it is hidden. You must be a master craftsman. Can people hack them all by jumping down?"