Chapter 979: Do you know how to use noose?

Everyone except Robb is very depressed!

In their view, they have been preparing for so many years, and with such a large army, what they have ushered in is a shameful failure.

But Robb didn't care at all. How can there be no reason to fight the boss?

Only in the constant destruction and destruction, can everyone get the experience of fighting the boss. Experience is an extremely valuable thing. With experience, the next time the boss can be played will be easier.

He shouted to the frustrated people: "Don't be in a daze, don't you just lose once? With my resurrection technique, we can afford to lose. And I have already prepared to lose a few games, so I let the magic Thor's Roar and Tank troops are all on standby to save ammunition. Do you understand now?"

Hearing this, everyone suddenly understood Godafather's ammunition saving arrangement.

It seems that Godafather knew from the beginning that dragons cannot be killed in one shot, so all the magic items that are filled should be saved, lest the magic items become useless after the dead are resurrected. Everyone is refreshed!

The first thing to do now is to resurrect the dead. Those who were moved out by the logistics soldiers early are easy to handle. Robb’s group resurrection technique was instantly activated. The time of death of these people is sequential, and some are used by the black dragon. Some of those killed by fireballs were swept to death by dragon wings, some were killed by ring of fire, and some were killed by black dragon's thorn armor.

Because of their different time of death, they had a dark eye on the fighting situation that followed. Therefore, as soon as they were resurrected, someone next to them jumped over to explain to them what was going on.

Next, Robb will resurrect the hundreds of people who were burned to death by the breath and whose bodies were less than 100 yards from the black dragon. At this distance, once they are resurrected, they will be attacked by the black dragon.

Robb said to the knights of the Norma Kingdom next to him: "You guys who live on the northern plains should be good at using nooses, right?"

"Good at!" The knights said: "We threw the noose around the horse's neck, and got hits all the time."

"Okay." Robb smiled and said: "Then you are ready, I will resurrect one, and you will get one back."

The riders hurriedly prepared the rope loops, but the expressions on their faces were weird...

I saw Robb throw a resurrection technique at an elf archer. The elf archer brushed the ground and sat up: "Ah, I'm dead! Is the dragon war over? Have we won?"

Just after asking this sentence, he found that the black dragon was still in front of him, and he was staring at him with huge eyes. He looked around, all around him were corpses. All his teammates were standing at a safe distance 200 yards away from the black dragon. Only himself, the hapless one who had just been resurrected, was in the black dragon's attack range.

The elf archer was so scared that he almost peeed on the spot, and he turned his head to look at the black dragon. I saw the black dragon who had been lying on his stomach brushing the ground and stood up...

"My God!" the elf archer screamed, "Help!"

As soon as the shout came out, a lasso flew from a distance, swiping the ground, and wrapped his neck. The elf archer looked forced, and reflexively grabbed the rope loop with his hand to prevent it from strangling him. On the neck.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a huge force pulling back violently.

It turned out that it was a rider pulling the rope loop, no, not a knight, but a group of knights pulling the rope at the same time. The power thief was so powerful that the elf archer felt his body brush the ground and he was pulled to fly.

The black dragon rushed towards him, and he was dragged flying across the sky.

The black dragon's wide open mouth bit down towards him, and the elf archer screamed in fright, but the riders pulled the thief fast, and the black dragon's mouth was almost 100% short. He bit into the air behind the elf archer with a click, and then, The hapless bear kid was pulled by a rope and flew hundreds of yards away, and fell out of the safety circle with a thump.

The black dragon didn't chase it anymore, and flung his tail back. The elf archer patted his chest and the crowd laughed and cursed, "I died once, so it's not a big problem to die again."

"Ah! That's true." Everyone started to make it like the law.

A group of Robb resurrected and threw it over, resurrected several people, and then several rope loops threw it over at the same time, and these people flew backwards.

Repeated operation and operation in this way, after a long time, hundreds of people killed in the battle were all rescued back. Everyone sat outside the safe area, drinking water, eating bread, and regaining their strength.

Robb also drank some water and recovered his MP. After the big loss just now, the soldiers themselves also summed up a lot of experience and said with humanity: "The next time we fight the black dragon, we can't die by this trick. At the moment when the dragon head swept across, we have to judge whether it will rotate clockwise or counterclockwise to breathe. We have to prepare an army of thousands of people to rotate together."

"Come on, let's agree on a revolving slogan, and then revolve while shouting the slogan."

A slogan is a very magical thing. It can make everyone's actions uniform by accentuating the tone of sitting. This is a trick that humans have been using since ancient times.

The soldiers talked a lot. At this time, Robb waved to the knights who came from the east: "Ah...cough... Heroes, you all come here, I have to tell you what the clock hand is now. What is counterclockwise."

The knights feel quite shameless, because of this.

Let's talk about it, what exactly is clockwise and counterclockwise, we listen to it with all ears.

Robber asked someone to bring a pocket watch over and explained to them patiently. Not only did he need to talk about what is called clockwise and counterclockwise, but also the concept of "what time", and try to be as detailed as possible so that everyone should understand it, anyway. Have a lot of time, don't rush for a while.

After a full hour of reorganization, explaining the main points, resting, supplementing food and drinking water, yes, some people went to the toilet by the way. The reorganization of the team is complete!

Robb stood up again: "Ready to start a group!"

Everyone lifted their spirits. In the inner circle, the outer circle, the top of the mountain, and the mountainside, everyone once again raised their will to fight.

"Come again!"

"We can win this time."

"We will never fall under the breath of the black dragon again."

"GoGoGo! Let’sgo!"

"Sing a song of the old and the wasteland, the water is far and the mountains are high, justice is not down! Today I will use this three-foot green front to slash the black dragon, and give back to this reckless world."