Zhou Yue looked at the back of Zhang Yu’s departure, he frowned for a few seconds then said firmly “Brother, don’t worry, starting from today, I will follow you 24 hours a day, as long as I am there, that guy will not dare to harm you. How dare he treat you like this!”

“Thank you, but no need.” Yan Yuqi refused with a smile. It is not like he can not handle a simple-minded person like Zhang Yu. It is just that he was too lazy to do it. But nowadays he is not in a good mood. If Zhang Yu really dares to fight with him outside, he promises to make Zhang Yu suffer.

“But.” Zhou Yue wanted to say something else, but Yan Yuqi stopped him in the middle. 

“In here, I bet he has the guts to do anything. As for outside, I will be extra careful.”

“Okay then” Though Zhou Yue was reluctant still he accepted the suggestion. Suddenly he thought about something and looked at Yan Yuqi and said, “Do you know Lu Yuying?”

“No.” Yan Yuqi thought. We just met unexpectedly.

Zhou Yue heard the words and wanted to say something. At this moment, the mobile phone-type brain in Yan Yuqi’s jacket pocket rang.

Yan Yuqi raised his hand and gestured towards Zhou Yue, indicating that he wanted to talk on the phone. Zhou Yue immediately closed his mouth and took a few steps back.

Yan Yuqi glanced at the caller ID, then pressed the answer button: “What’s the matter with you?”

“Lu Yuying came to our area, do you know that?” A familiar male voice came across the phone. It was Qi Peiyi.

“I know.” Yan Yuqi replied lightly. Not only did he know, but he was also asked for his name by a certain someone.

“Listening to your tone, you wouldn’t have seen him already, have you?” Qi Peiyi’s tone has a tint of surprise.

“Yeah.” Yan Yuqi responded coldly.

“Then did he see you?” Qi Peiyi asked tentatively.

“Seen.” Yan Yuqi said lightly.

“Then what did he say to you?” Qi Peiyi was a little excited.

” He said… the cat is not bad.” At this point, Yan Yuqi gnashed his teeth.

“Pfft, was he serious? Hahahaha, the cat is good, hahaha, he actually praised your spiritual body, hahahaha, but don’t be sad, after all, your spiritual body is you, hahahaha.”

Yan Yuqi: “…”

“If you don’t have anything important to say, I’m hanging up.”

“Wait, I almost forgot about the main business. Make sure you come to my infirmary tomorrow afternoon for a checkup.”

“Can’t I just do it today?”

Qi Peiyi: “I’m taking a break today, don’t you know?” 

Yan Yuqi: “I don’t know.”       

“Even though you don’t make friends easily, you don’t even care about me. Today is my day off, when I heard Lu Yuying I called you immediately  as soon as possible, and you don’t even know that I am taking a break!” Qi Peiyi complained.

“See you tomorrow.” After saying these three words, Yan Yuqi hung up the phone decisively.

A few days later, Yan Yuqi’s exclusive guide No. 606 guides room——

Yan Yuqi was wearing a white mask and white gloves while giving guidance to an A-level sentinel. These few days have been very peaceful. After Lu Yuying showed his face a few days ago, he never appeared in front of him. Although there were rumours that he had been to District 9 several times, Yan Yuqi had not seen him yet. As for the child in his womb after Qi Peiyi’s inspection and confirmation a few days ago and his series of staring procedures, it has become a sure-fire fact.

The work of grooming the A-level sentry went very smoothly – the only troublesome thing was that this guy kept asking this and that throughout the whole grooming process.

“How many years have you been in District 9? I’ve been here for 4 years. You look so young, you should be younger than me. I’m 25 years old. I’m currently single. I usually like to play when I’m not working. What do you like to do after work?”

Yan Yuqi turned a deaf ear to the other party’s words. After channelling the last trace of dark energy from the opponent’s body, Yan Yuqi slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the time on the desk, which was exactly five minutes.

Normally, according to the dark energy in the body of the A-level sentinel, as a B-level guide, it would take him 10 minutes to guide him. However, Yan Yuqi has been a little absent-minded these days, and this guy is too noisy and annoying. Therefore, he accidentally accelerated the purification speed.

Forget it, it is better if I wrap this up quickly.  Thinking like this, Yan Yuqi let go of the hand that was holding the A-level sentinel’s hand. He didn’t even bother to look at the sentinel, and said lightly, “It’s over.”

Just as Yan Yuqi was about to withdraw his hand, he sat down. The A-level sentry opposite him suddenly took his hand and looked at him affectionately: “How come today is over so quickly? It’s only 5 minutes, let’s wait a while.”

Yan Yuqi looked at the hand that was holding his hand and then at the A-level sentinel in front of him, with a frown he raised his other hand, and pushed the sentinel’s hand away without any effort in a cold tone he said: “You are currently in a stable state, you don’t need to wait here. I have to do some more counselling. So please get out”

“Really? Why do I feel like my heart is still beating so fast, and my mouth is still dry!” The A-level sentinel looked at Yan Yuqi and said excitedly.

“Then you may need to go to the infirmary immediately to see if you have any disease.” Yan Yuqi said coldly.

“I made it so clear, why don’t you understand what I mean?” The A-level sentinel sighed, then looked at Yan Yuqi affectionately, “Don’t you think that when you were helping me? You were a lot more relaxed and comfortable? This is the first time since I’m comfortable throughout the process. Also, I remember that last time it took you 12 minutes to help me but today you did it in just 5 minutes, which means that the two of us are developing more and more tacit understanding. Look, you are a B-level guide, I am an A-level sentinel, our two levels are also very suitable, and I do not have a dedicated guide, so can you be my exclusive guide.”

Yan Yuqi:”……”

Here we go again! How many times have I faced this? Sentinels are easy to be self-indulgent. 

Is it just because Sentinels feel comfortable, they will think that others feel the same way? Every time Yan Yuqi guided them, he was in the same state as an old monk who had entered into a state of concentration. And he doesn’t feel any pain at all, except that his arms and palms would become a little sore because they couldn’t move for a long time. For so many years, except for the time when he helped Lu Yuying, there were no exceptions. Thinking of this, Lu Yuqi’s face flashed across Yan Yuqi’s mind. The next moment, he responded coldly, “I don’t think so.”

Then, without waiting for the A-level sentinel to speak, he glanced at the room and opened the door and coolly said to the A-level sentinel: “I still have sentinels waiting for guidance. Can you please leave first?” 

After all, to do the grooming, he only needs to hold the other person’s hand and sit through it for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and no more than 30 minutes at most. In the current society, nothing is more suitable than this lazy day-to-day work. This is also the fundamental reason why he chose to enter the Interstellar Post as a guide to the Authority after graduation. 

Seeing Yan Yuqi’s expression that no strangers should enter, the A-level sentinel had to respect himself: “Being an exclusive guide is indeed something that needs serious consideration, then I won’t disturb you today, you Work hard, I’ll come back next time.” After saying this, he left.

Yan Yuqi looked at the man’s back, his eyes were cold: there is no next time. Afterwards, he glanced at his gloved hand with a grimace. He took off the glove and threw it into the trash: ‘I’ll get a new one later. ‘

Immediately afterwards, Yan Yuqi raised his hand and opened his brain system. After choosing the reason, he directly blocked the A-level sentinel. Once the sentinel is blocked by the guide, they cannot make an appointment with the guide.

While Yan Yuqi was doing all this, there was a knock on the door.

“Looks like the next booker has arrived,”  Yan Yuqi thought to himself, and then pressed the door button to open it.

Yan Yuqi lowered his head and began to fill in the previous sentinel’s diversion record. At the same time, the sound of orderly footsteps could be heard.

“Sit down first.” Yan Yuqi said without raising his head.

Soon, the chair directly opposite Yan Yuqi pulled away, and a tall figure sat opposite him.

After filling out the guidance record, Yan Yuqi put down the pen and paper in his hand and looked up at the person in front of him. The next moment, he frowned and said in a bad tone, “Why are you? What are you doing here?”

The person in front of him, with black hair and black eyes and with a very noble body who also happens to be unusually handsome, was none other than Lu Yuying.