The match ended.

Jiang Min’s side won this game due to their advantage in the mid-lane and the third and fourth positions.

Lock achieved an incredible performance and complained bitterly that the opposing team was simply inhumane.

Challenging the top spot in the national server was just too terrifying. He vowed never to do such a foolish thing again.

“Let’s go, Sugar,” Yu Hao said.

If they didn’t leave, they would be overwhelmed by the crowd.

Jiang Min and Hao Qianyi belatedly realized that their identities had been exposed.

They had assumed that the people in the internet cafe were all immersed in their own games and didn’t care about their surroundings, but it turned out they had underestimated the situation.

Amid the eager expectations of the crowd, the three of them slipped away quickly.

They couldn’t stay to sign autographs and take photos, or they wouldn’t be able to leave the internet cafe tonight.

During this time, Yu Hao tightly held Jiang Min’s wrist, fearing that he might get separated from him.

Hao Qianyi followed behind with difficulty.

The three of them finally left the internet cafe and caught their breath under the streetlights.

“Sometimes, having too much popularity can be quite a headache,” Hao Qianyi said, somewhat self-absorbed. His clothes were soaked with sweat.

Fortunately, the rain outside had already stopped.

“Are you okay, Sugar? Did you get hurt anywhere?” Yu Hao didn’t pay much attention to Hao Qianyi but turned to look at Jiang Min, who was also catching his breath.

“I’m fine,” Jiang Min waved it off.

“Good, then. Let’s head back,” Yu Hao said, feeling relieved.

“Oh, wait, by the way, what about Yan Ge and the others who left earlier? Won’t they get caught in the rain on the way?” It was only now that Hao Qianyi remembered Ji Xiuyan and Lu Huai, who had left ahead of them.

Upon hearing this, Yu Hao and Jiang Min both paused and stared at each other.

How could they forget about those two!

Moving back in time a bit, Ji Xiuyan walked a few steps behind Lu Huai on the way back to the hotel.

He kept his head down, gazing at the dimly lit road.

He was still immersed in the blow he had just suffered.

Lu Huai seemed to show no enthusiasm towards him, nor any interest at all. He probably regarded Ji Xiuyan as just an ordinary online friend.

In this situation, how can they further their relationship?

Ji Xiuyan, the love rookie, was feeling extremely frustrated.

At that moment, a few muffled thunderclaps echoed in the sky.

Ji Xiuyan looked up, and a raindrop landed on his forehead.

Today, he hadn’t meticulously combed his hair like usual, nor was he dressed in his usual formal attire. His hair hung down over his forehead, and he wore a casual outfit, making people realize that he was just a young graduate who hadn’t been out of college for long.

“Oh, it’s raining,” he casually remarked.

Suddenly, something blocked over their heads.

Ji Xiuyan turned around and saw Lu Huai taking off his outer jacket and holding it above both of their heads.

“Let’s hurry, it’s going to rain heavily soon,” Lu Huai said.

Ji Xiuyan was left dumbfounded.

The climate on H Island was mild, and even at night, all you needed was a thin jacket, unlike in other regions of the country where it was deep winter. Lu Huai and Ji Xiuyan were very close, and it was the first time Ji Xiuyan had been so near to him. His heart was racing.

“What’s wrong?” Lu Huai noticed Ji Xiuyan’s confusion.

“Oh, nothing,” Ji Xiuyan brushed it off, but his evasive look didn’t escape Lu Huai’s notice.

Lu Huai didn’t say anything but instead ushered Ji Xiuyan to head back to the hotel.

Soon enough, the rain poured heavily.

Both of them were drenched by the time they ran back to the vacation villa.

“Oh my, Mr. Ji! Go wash up quickly; don’t catch a cold!” Manager Shen, Ji Xiuyan’s loyal follower, expressed concern when he saw his boss in such a sorry state.

“It’s fine; I won’t catch a cold in this weather,” Ji Xiuyan said calmly.

He glanced at Lu Huai. The rain had soaked Lu Huai’s clothes, and it made his attire cling to his skin. Under normal circumstances, you couldn’t tell, but now it was evident that Lu Huai had a really good body.

Ji Xiuyan couldn’t help but swallow hard.

“…I’ll go take a shower first,” Ji Xiuyan hastily ran away.

Lu Huai watched Ji Xiuyan almost fleeing, deep in thought.

The WOC branch’s trio returned to the vacation villa.

As soon as they returned, they heard thunder again outside.

“This rain just won’t stop,” one of the girls from the operations department said, her face filled with worry.

If the rain didn’t stop, they wouldn’t be able to proceed with the activities they had planned for tomorrow.

“I remember the weather forecast said it would be sunny tomorrow,” Ball Ball checked her phone and munched on some potato chips.

“Come on, can you really trust the weather forecast? We’d better prepare some backup plans just in case,” Axin said as she took out her phone to look at the pictures she had secretly taken of the players today.

The official club’s account hadn’t been updated for a long time.

During the off-season, fans were undoubtedly thirsty for information and news from the team.

This was the time when she, as the official account manager, should be active.

After flipping through her pictures, she selected one that she thought was artistic and beautiful and added a caption before posting it on the official account.

As soon as the Weibo post was out, the comments section came alive.

“Look what I found! Victory for the cultivation sect!”

“Envious! I want to go to the beach too!”

“Who is that in the picture? Can’t tell from the side view.”

“You’re probably a fake fan! Look carefully, that fluffy-haired person squatting on the ground is obviously Yu Hao. He’s the only one on the team with that kind of fluffy hairstyle.”

“The one standing must be Sugar God, right? As a devoted fan, I recognized him at first glance.”

“So… in this picture, are Sugar God and Yu Hao building a sandcastle?”

“What sandcastle? Looks like a house…”

“So sweet~ It looks like Sugar is fitting into JW so well!”

Axin’s caption was even more cheeky.

“Deep, affectionate gaze (dog’s head).”

Just four words were enough to make the fans scream.

“Sugar, you can’t! You’re still young! Don’t let Yu Hao snatch you away so early~”

“If I’m not mistaken, Sugar God is older than Yu Hao, right?”

“Youth… is something to be envious of!”

“It’s not real, what’s there to be envious about?”

“Officially shipping is the deadliest.”

Axin looked at the Weibo comments and couldn’t help but smile.

As a full-fledged fujoshi, she was dedicated to creating and promoting CP.

And, surprisingly, she hadn’t received any backlash from Shen Qi for doing this. On the contrary, her efforts had significantly boosted the club’s popularity, so there was no opposition.

So, the players were often kidnapped by Axin to promote CP.

Over time, they had become accustomed to her behavior.

And now, Jiang Min, who had only been with JW for less than a month, had become Axin’s new target for promoting CP.

Transferring to JW and being a new mid-laner and team captain, both of them were so eye-catching, making them excellent material for CP promotion.

At this moment, Axin had no idea that her efforts might soon lead to something real.

After playing all day and waking up early, Jiang Min was extremely tired. He didn’t even want to look at his phone. As soon as he got back to his room, he prepared to wash up and go to bed.

The rain outside was getting heavier, accompanied by strong winds and thunder.

In this weather, it was best to sleep.

The hotel’s vacation villa had twin beds, and Yu Hao was extremely dissatisfied with this arrangement.

Why can’t it be a double bed room?

But it’s okay; when conditions are lacking, you can use your wits.

He wanted to share a bed with Sugar, and he had a way to make it happen.

Tonight, it seemed like the heavens had given him an opportunity, right?

As soon as Yu Hao entered the room, he had a worried look on his face.

Jiang Min, who had finished washing up, quickly noticed something was wrong with him.

“Little Fish, what’s wrong?” Since Yu Hao had asked him to call him that, Jiang Min naturally addressed him by his online nickname.


Before he could finish his sentence, a sudden thunderclap interrupted him.

Yu Hao furrowed his brow and covered his ears.

“…Are you scared of thunder?” Jiang Min guessed when he saw this.

“Yeah,” Yu Hao admitted, sitting on his bed, looking at Jiang Min with watery eyes, appearing pitiful. “I had some experiences when I was a child…”

“It’s fine when there are other people around, but I get scared when I sleep alone,” Yu Hao continued, weakly explaining.

Jiang Min walked over and stood in front of Yu Hao, patting his shoulder. “It’s okay, I’m here, right?”

Comforting a teammate was something he should do.

“Okay,” Yu Hao slowly proceeded with his plan. “Sugar, can I make a request?”

“Go ahead,” Jiang Min, unable to refuse him in this pitiable state, agreed immediately.

“I… Can I sleep in the same bed with you?”

The hotel’s beds were at least 1.5 meters wide, so although it might be a bit cramped with two people, it was doable.

Jiang Min, who was quite straightforward, nodded without hesitation. “Sure.”

Since they had already slept together before, even though it might be a little odd for two guys to share a bed, Jiang Min was willing to accommodate Yu Hao’s request.

Yu Hao hadn’t expected Jiang Min to agree so readily, and he felt a surge of joy within, though he still maintained the appearance of fear.

“Sugar, can I hold you while we sleep? I feel safer hugging someone when there’s thunder,” Yu Hao pushed his luck.

“…Sure,” Jiang Min, still oblivious to anything unusual, agreed.

The little schemer inside Yu Hao was having a celebration of victory. Sugar was so easy to deceive, and he had to guard his advantage carefully, or else he would end up crying if someone stole it.

So, at Yu Hao’s request, Jiang Min and Yu Hao ended up sharing a bed. Jiang Min had his back to Yu Hao since being held by a guy felt a little awkward.

Yu Hao, on the other hand, casually embraced him from behind.

Feeling the arm around his waist, Jiang Min gradually realized that there might be something slightly odd about their situation. But Jiang Min, who was caught off guard by his teammate and a long-time online friend, couldn’t resist his drowsiness and drifted off to sleep.

The rain continued outside the window, accompanied by the rumble of thunder.

Yu Hao had no intention of being afraid; he watched the back of Jiang Min’s head, a subtle smile forming at the corners of his lips.

Afraid of thunder due to childhood experiences?

Of course, that was just a made-up story.

Tonight was indeed a win-win for him. Not only did he get to share a bed with Sugar, but he also had the opportunity to hug him.

However, he realized that if they kept encountering twin-bed rooms every time they went out, it would be too tiring to persuade Sugar to share a bed each time. Yu Hao pondered and decided that next time they went out for team building or a competition, he would just bribe the team leader, Fan Dadi, who was responsible for booking the rooms, to arrange a double bed room.

Author’s Note: Little Fish: Emperor Fan, how about getting a double bed room next time? Then I won’t have to go through the trouble of persuading Sugar to sleep together. OvO

P.S. Officially shipping is the deadliest. In the future, JW’s official account may become a place for them to openly spread dog food on the 24th position. Hhhhh

1TL: YSIAD “You can support me if you like my translations by leaving a comment below, or by sending me a Ko-fi. Thank you ️”