I must say, there are still many people paying attention to this match.

The number of viewers for this ranked game has increased from a dozen to over a hundred, with at least twenty of them being streamers.

“Come on, everyone, this is a showdown between Sugar God and CC’s new mid-laner! After leaving his old home of four years, we don’t know how Sugar God has been performing lately.” The first to notice this ranked game was none other than Uncle Yuan, the official commentator of the WPL League.

Uncle Yuan, as a top-notch commentator active on the commentary desk since the establishment of the league, also enjoys livestreaming and interacting with fans when he’s free.

While his in-game skills might not be outstanding due to his age, Uncle Yuan has a keen understanding of the game. Recognizing that he isn’t suitable for live streaming gameplays, he decided to focus on OB match commentary. With a humorous and insightful commentary style, Uncle Yuan’s livestream stands out among other OB streamers.

【In the end, why did CC kick Sugar God to the second team remains a mystery】

【Who says it must be CC kicking Sugar God? Maybe Sugar God kicked four teammates】

【Sugar has been with CC for so long, it’s unlikely】

【Who can explain the things in the professional circle clearly? Let’s talk about results】

【Is CC’s new mid-laner this guy Blue? Don’t know his skill level】

【No matter what, he can’t compare to our WPL mid-lane god, right?】

【Just boasting, even if he’s a god, someone didn’t even make it to Worlds this year】

【If he didn’t make it to Worlds, it’s not just his fault, who was dragging the team down during the matches?】

Uncle Yuan’s chat room is lively with discussions.

“Alright, everyone, stop arguing. The laning phase has begun; let’s focus and watch. Don’t bring up unnecessary things; the moderators will take care of it,” Uncle Yuan intervened.

Jiang Min’s Spectral Naga and Ye Pei Lan’s Death Sage each led their minions to the mid lane.

The Death Sage isn’t particularly painful in the early game, but with a life-stealing skill, dealing with him can be troublesome.

After meeting in the mid-lane river, they first began peacefully farming minions.

The top lane remained stable for the time being. After these days of observation, Jiang Min trusts Wei Yabo’s ability to farm as the 1st position.

However, the bottom lane is a different story.

As soon as Lock came online, he faced a life-or-death struggle against the opposing team.

Being countered in hero selection, Lock felt miserable. He could only barely survive, managing to last-hit a few minions behind his own minion wave. The chosen hero, Thunder God’s Wrath, had to go all in.

The Hell Mage played aggressively. As the 4th position, his role was not only to roam but also to help his team’s 1st position gain an advantage against the opposing team’s 3rd position.

With another mana-draining skill, Lock’s mana quickly reached its limit.

“Damn it! This is too much!” Lock felt pressured. Seeing himself being bullied like this, he suddenly became enraged.

Taking advantage of low mana, the passive effect of Thunder God’s Wrath allowed him to deal decent damage with basic attacks.

Lock moved aggressively, aggressively attacking the 4th position of the red team.

The Hell Mage retreated, and the 3rd position Dwarven Engineer promptly stepped forward, casting an Engineering Wall to separate Thunder God’s Wrath on the other side.

“Don’t run! Watch how I deal with you! Let me hit you!” Lock, ignoring the health he had lost in the early game, insisted on chasing the low-health Hell Mage.

As he circled around the wall, a sudden shadowy mist enveloped him.

Lock sensed danger.

The Spectral Naga, elusive and stealthy, dispersed the mist. Holding a sharp blade, the Spectral Naga emerged, fixating on its prey.

Lock, with already low health, was swiftly harvested by Jiang Min.

First Blood!

The first kill was born.

“Ah ah ah~~” Lock lamented and banged on the table. “Sugar God isn’t going easy at all! Look how I’ve been sniped so pitifully, and he shows no mercy! He really has no love for his own fish pond! Sob sob sob!”

MPP Coach speechless: “You shouldn’t have picked the 1st position.”

MPP Mid Laner AA: “Sugar God supported quite quickly. But, Lock, you were too aggressive.”

AA hit the nail on the head.

Lock murmured quietly, “If it weren’t for Sugar God coming, I’m confident I could have traded 1 for 1 with their 4th position…”

The MPP Coach, almost breathless from anger, knocked on Lock’s head, “You, as a 1st position, always thinking about 1v1 against the 3rd and 4th positions, can’t you learn from Cypress and play it safe to farm? Losing the 1st position is a big blow, don’t you know that?”

While waiting to respawn at the fountain, Lock surveyed the entire map.

However, the Spectral Naga is leading the Death Sage by two levels, which is just absurd.

Being two levels behind in a 1v1 matchup is a complete collapse!

Lock was focused on his own lane and didn’t pay attention to the mid-lane situation.

He didn’t see how their Death Sage ended up in such a dire state.

However, in the livestreams of many OB streamers, both the streamers and their fans witnessed the mid-lane domination.

It’s unclear if Ye Pei Lan was too nervous, unfamiliar with the hero, or facing the gap in skill and mentality against Jiang Min, but the Death Sage was pressured by Jiang Min’s Spectral Naga from the beginning.

The Spectral Naga not only farmed well but also denied the Death Sage many minion last hits, not giving him a chance to farm.

Although the hero should have a disadvantage in the early game, Jiang Min played with the momentum of a predator, reminiscent of the “Mid Lane Killer” from the past.

Until the Death Sage was repeatedly brought down to low health, spent all his money on healing items, and was forced into the jungle, everyone realized a truth.

The “Mid Lane Killer” had never really changed.

Due to the current game version, he had reluctantly restrained his sharpness.

But this was a ranked game, not a professional match.

He didn’t need to worry too much about his teammates, so that aggressive and ruthless playstyle came back.

However, being aggressive doesn’t mean blindly rushing in.

The Spectral Naga repeatedly pushed the Death Sage’s health to dangerous levels.

Yet, Jiang Min didn’t rashly go in for the kill; instead, he kept an eye on his teammates. If anything happened, he could quickly join the fight.

“Sugar God’s support in the bot lane not only saved our 4th position but also secured a kill for himself. Great move!” Uncle Yuan commented.

He switched the view to the Death Sage: “This guy is really in a tough spot. Falling behind in economy, unable to get his items, slow jungle clearing, and being pressured by Sugar God on the lane. He can’t hold his ground. Let’s see if he can switch lanes with teammates to turn the situation around.”

CC, like JW, was already on vacation.

As a local in S City, Ye Pei Lan decided to go home in a few days.

At this moment, he was playing ranked games in the training room at the base.

Teammates had gradually gone home, leaving a lonely teenager facing the computer screen.

After taking Jiang Min’s place and joining the team, Ye Pei Lan’s mood was not as relaxed and happy as he had imagined.

The second team mostly leaned towards a four-protect-one strategy, and he was scouted by the 1st position, You Guanyu, because of his adaptation to this strategy, bringing him to the first team.

Originally, it was something to be happy about.

No WOC professional player wouldn’t want to play in the premier league.

However, after joining the first team, he played a few practice matches with them.

Although most of them ended in victory, Ye Pei Lan clearly felt inadequate.

You Guanyu, despite his somewhat arrogant and overconfident personality, was indeed an outstanding 1st position.

He could carry the entire team forward.

However, as a mid-laner, Ye Pei Lan also wanted to showcase himself and contribute.

The name “Double C” represents the importance of the 1st and 2nd positions. If he couldn’t step up, how could he hold the position of the “Double C” mid-laner?

In this version, mid-laners are more utility-oriented, but they still need a certain level of damage output.

However, in the practice matches, many times he was carried to victory by You Guanyu.

The teams they scrimmaged against were not top-ranking teams in the premier league, but winning was still not easy.

If this continued, could he handle the pressure from other teams in the upcoming season?

Self-doubt crept into Ye Pei Lan’s mind.

He couldn’t help but check the information panel again.

The Spectral Naga is not Sugar God’s signature hero.

Although the Spectral Naga is classified as an assassin, its skill design leans more toward a protective hero.

The game version might change anytime, and the status of mid-laners could also return.

In this version, he was already being overwhelmed by Sugar God. If the version changes, he might fare even worse against Sugar God.

Ye Pei Lan slumped in his esports chair, feeling powerless.

… The gap between him and Sugar God was just too vast.

In this game, Wei Yabo farmed comfortably, smoothly exhibiting the carry capabilities of the 1st position in the mid-to-late game and securing the victory against the opponent.

Lock was killed once by Jiang Min.

As the match ended within half an hour, he also had to face additional training arranged by the coach.

Lock, holding his head, cried in agony.

The game concluded.

Unwilling to accept defeat, Lock typed in the public chat: [Sugar God, I don’t care! You have to carry me~~ These days, I’ve been losing enough points. Please carry me~~]

Jiang Min: [Next time, I’m duoing with our 1st position.]

Lock: [Sob sob sob, both 1st positions, I’m definitely better than Cypress, that enchanting little vixen!]

You Don’t Act: [Who the hell are you calling an enchanting little vixen???]

Lock: [Hmph! I’m talking about you! You stole Sugar God’s little fairy! Just because of you, Sugar God won’t duo with me anymore!]

Wei Yabo was speechless.

It took a lot of effort for him to duo with Sugar God this time!

If anyone was taking away opportunities to duo with Sugar God, it should be the team captain currently on the plane.

If he were a little fairy, wouldn’t the team captain be an extraordinary disaster?


Author’s note: Hahaha, extraordinary disaster little fish.

1TL: YSIAD “You can support me if you like my translations by leaving a comment below, or by sending me a Ko-fi. Thank you ️”