There was a lot of discussion among the people, and there was an instant noise.

"Mrs. Ye and Miss Ye have both said that they are willing to exchange two lives for one. If Mrs. Wang Si is really wronged, she will not suffer if she dies."

"That's right, those who were arguing about dying and living just now don't dare to die now, maybe it's to scare people. Look at the appearance of Mrs. Wang Si, is it true that what Miss Ye said, those things were done by their Wang family .”

"My lord, Mrs. Ye is still a girl of the Wang family, and Miss Ye is still the granddaughter of the Wang family. No wonder Mrs. Ye was forced to break off her marriage with her natal family, and replaced it with me. Whoever wants to sell my daughter and harm my son, I will also Die with them!"

Hearing these voices, Mrs. Wang's eyes turned black, and she knew she was done.

With Song Jinyuan's means, if he really wanted to investigate one thing, he would definitely find out the truth of that matter. She didn't want to die, and she didn't want to be an outcast of the Wang family.

She shook her body, wanting to faint but unable to faint. She hated her so much and didn't dare to offend Song Jinyuan, so she could only hide the hatred in her heart and turned to Wang Shi and Ye Ping's mother and daughter.

"Pingniang, in the past you called me Fourth Aunt, and Fourth Aunt treated you well. Although I don't expect you to think well of me, I never imagined that you would force me like this. If I die, I will treat you well." What's the benefit?"

This is too hard to be soft.

She can pretend to be pitiful, but Ye Ping is better than her.

"Fourth Madam Wang, I want to ask you this too. I used to call you Fourth Aunt, how could you plot against me so cruelly? If I die, what good will it do you?"

"Pingniang, I didn't plot against you, we did it for your own good."

"It's for my own good. You're ruining my reputation and forcing me to marry, is it also for my own good?"

"You obsess over the county king in public and destroy your reputation. If you live, you will only make others laugh at you and embarrass your parents."

"So you pretended to be good for me, and promised me to Mr. Zhao, who is sixty years old, and at the same time seek benefits for your Wang family. You know that I will die when I marry, and you are worthy of me calling you fourth aunt and those people "grandfather" Grandmother?"

"A woman who has ruined her reputation deserves to die!"

A good one deserves to die!

She wants to live, to live well.

Ye Ping seemed to be deeply shocked, her body was shaking, "What did I do wrong, why do you want me to die! I don't eat your rice, I don't drink your water, my parents never blamed me, you think you are Who, why do you keep saying it's for my own good, but let me die!"

Wang supported her, feeling grief and pain.

"Fourth Madam Wang, we don't need your Wang family to worry about our Ye family's affairs."

"Fourth sister, you are more than one daughter, think about your two sons, think about the future of the fourth brother-in-law. Are you really going to cut off the whole family for one daughter?"

"Our Ye family's affairs, why do we need others to point fingers!" A calm and angry voice sounded, and it was Ye Geng who rushed back.

Ye Geng hurried all the way, since he heard the news that his wife had divorced the Wang family, he went to ask Mr. Liu for leave. Mr. Liu was perfunctory for a long time before allowing him to come back, and he was even more anxious when he heard his wife blocking the sedan chair of Prince Wenjun along the way.

As a man, if you can't protect your wife and children, you are in vain as a wife and father.

Seeing him, Wang shed tears before speaking. This is not the time to go into details, he is inconvenient to have too many intimate actions, and can only comfort his wife with his eyes.

"Fourth Madam Wang, although my Ye family is poor, I, Ye Geng, can still support my wife and children. I am determined not to sell my daughter for glory. Go back and tell the Wang family that I, Ye Geng, have been loved by them wrongly. I really can't help you." The mud that was raised is unbearable to climb up to a high-ranking family like the Zhao family. From then on, the Wang and Ye families will return to the bridge, and even if my Ye family is down and down in the future, I will never beg in front of the Wang family!"

Mrs. Wang Si was both angry and shocked. What was angry was that this Ye Geng was also ungrateful, and what was surprised was that the Ye family was so reticent. She doesn't care about these people's life or death, what she cares about is her own life or death.

The meaning of the mother-in-law is very clear, whether this matter is good or bad, she is alone.

The Ye family wants her life!

"You are trying to force me to death!"

"It's you who want to force me to death!" Ye Ping replied.

"Pingniang, you are a sensible child. Fourth Aunt knows that you know everything. Since you know the truth of the matter, you should know that Fourth Aunt is innocent. How could you treat me like this?"

"Since you guess that I know all the truth, are you really innocent? You have evil thoughts in your heart first, how can you blame others for resisting for self-protection after you fail? Shouldn't the murderer be killed as what he deserves?" ?”

Fourth Mrs. Wang was facing the three members of the Ye family, and Song Jinyuan and Wen Ruqin who were obviously on the side of the Ye family. Her mind was buzzing, at one moment she blamed herself for not being brave, at another moment she hated her mother-in-law for being ruthless and Ye's family for being ruthless.

Ever since Ye Geng showed up, Song Jinyuan knew that this show was nothing to watch.

He folded his arms around his chest, his eyes flickered with interest, today's play is really exciting. He knew that Miss Ye was interesting, and she was even more interesting than he thought.

Such an intentional girl really can't let her die.

He looked at Fourth Mrs. Wang with a careless look. "Fourth Madam Wang, are you dead or not? If not, get out of the way quickly and don't block the door."

Fourth Mrs. Wang was so desperate that she fainted unwillingly.

The crowd dispersed, and the door of the Ye family finally opened.

Aunt Zhong hugged Ye Zheng and Ye Lian and hid behind the door. Ye Zheng was young, and after holding it in for so long, he finally threw himself into Wang's arms and cried loudly. Ye Lian was calm, except that his face was a little pale, he looked fine.

Wang's heart ached so much that she hurriedly hugged her younger son and led her elder son back to the house.

Seeing that the matter was over, Wen Ruqin said goodbye to Ye Ping.

Ye Ping sent her to the carriage, Yin Yin, don't think about anything after she goes back, just sleep well. She responded one by one, her eyes were red again. Pingniang was still worried that she would be frightened by such a big incident.

She held Ye Ping's hand and didn't want to let go for a long time.

After finally sending Wen Ruqin away, Ye Ping turned around and saw that his father was still talking to Mr. Song. When she was about to go back to the house, she was stopped by Song Jinyuan.

Song Jinyuan said to Ye Geng: "I have some things that I want to ask Miss Ye alone, can Master Ye help me?"

Ye Geng thought that what Song Jinyuan asked would be something related to the Wang family, so he didn't think much about it.

Men and women speak alone, although it is an official inquiry and an answer to the people, but there are still some taboos. Song Jinyuan didn't go far, and the two were still under Ye Geng's nose.

Ye Ping saluted first and thanked, "Thanks to Mr. Song today, my daughter is very grateful, and I will let my father come to pay my respects someday."

"You don't need to thank me, I don't care about those false ceremonies." Song Jinyuan waved his hand, "In the future, if you go to see King Wen more often, just thank me."

Ye Ping wondered, what does this mean?

Song Jinyuan put on an unfathomable look, but actually laughed in his heart.

"Actually, King Wen Jun is not as cold-blooded and ruthless as you see. He is a dead duck with a hard mouth. No matter how much he likes someone in his heart, he is just indifferent on the surface. He never said you were wrong, and he never reprimanded you in person. It can be seen I should have a good feeling for you in my heart."

Ye Ping felt relieved, this trick sounds a little familiar, isn't it just what she did to fool Wen Ruqin before? This Mr. Song is talking nonsense with his eyes open.

Wen Yu likes her?

How can it be?

"Miss Ye doesn't believe it?"

"Lord Song, my daughter has self-knowledge. What is the status of Duke Wen, how could he be... No matter how overestimated I am, I know how much I have, and I absolutely dare not have such delusions."

"I knew you didn't believe it. Just think about it carefully. As you said, has Prince Wen ever said anything that dislikes you? So don't underestimate yourself, I am very optimistic about you, and maybe I will discuss a wedding with you in the future."

Ye Ping was speechless, it really was a man's mouth, a deceitful ghost. This Mr. Song is full and has nothing to do, or watching the excitement is not a big deal.

If it wasn't for the fact that she didn't sleep that night, knowing that Wen Yu almost killed her, she would really have believed such nonsense.