Ye Ping's heart beat like a drum, waiting for Wen Yu's reaction.

The water-washed blue sky and the erratic white clouds are very similar to her mood at this time, the endless emptiness, and the anxiety of up and down.

Life or death, exists between the thoughts of others. This feeling is like a stick in the throat, and it makes people panic, and it is like a headless bird running rampant, and I don't know when it will break through the confinement and soar into the sky.

But the effort of a few breaths is like thousands of years.

Wen Yujiang took the things and knew what was inside. Long, slender hands with distinct bones, holding a black package in one hand. The black ones are frightening, and the white ones are frightening.

So black and white, just like the **** of impermanence.

The evil **** opened his eyes, and his corpse was lying thousands of miles away.

Ye Ping could hardly feel the temperature in his gaze, those indifferent eyes were like unfathomable abyss, like a black hole of nothingness, a bottomless pool, which made people daunting.

The calmer the lake is, the more ancient unknowns are hidden.

Originally, Ye Ping came to find out the bottom, but at this time, not only did she not find out where the other party was, but she made herself a little more worried.

"Miss Ye, what did you give to the county king?" Song Jinyuan felt like a cat scratching, but he didn't dare to **** something from Wen Yu.

Ye Ping pretended to be shy and lowered her head, "It's nothing..."

No one knew that she was here to deliver the knife, let alone Wen Yu's own. The knife is a life-threatening weapon. Now that she sent it back, Wen Yu readily accepted it. Does it mean that the other party will let her go?

She didn't know, and was full of anticipation. This expectation falls in the eyes of others, it is a woman's infatuation with a man, and it is an eagerness to get a response.

Sanxi said in her heart, the girl is afraid that she fell in love with Prince Wen.

This time the girl made it so mysterious that even she didn't know what it was. In fact, she was also very curious about what the girl gave to King Wen.

Song Jinyuan sighed deeply in his heart, except for his face, Wen Chengtian couldn't compare to him. Why didn't he meet a woman as bold and infatuated as Miss Ye.

Poor girl Ye was full of love and paid for a piece of cold wood by mistake.

His curiosity was not satisfied, and when he was about to ask again, Wen Yu had already walked away. He quickly followed, not forgetting to turn his head and wink at Ye Ping.

It wasn't until they were no longer visible that Ye Ping let out a heavy breath. A yawn happened to be stuck in the middle of the mouth, and mist immediately appeared in his eyes.

Sanxi felt distressed when she saw her daughter like this. The girl from her family came to deliver things, but King Wen didn't say a word, but the girl wept with joy.

Everyone laughs at the girl's wishful thinking, how could she know that her girl is sick. She didn't discover any strange disease, but what should be done about this lovesickness.

She is so pitiful for being scolded even though she is sick.

Ye Ping was very surprised when she heard the crying sound.

What is this girl crying for?

"Girl... Woo... You are so infatuated."

Ye Ping: "..."

She just didn't want to die, that's all.

After walking far away, Song Jinyuan slowly leaned towards Wen Yu, just about to pat him on the shoulder, when Wen Yu's indifferent eyes suddenly swept him away, and suddenly he had the illusion that thousands of troops had crossed the border and were covered in corpses.

This kid Wen Chengtian is really more and more scary. The old man of his family always said that he was out of tune, so he was not as calm as this kid, and wished to treat this kid as his own son.

"You took things from other girls, don't you really have that thought?"

Wen Yu ignored him.

He chased after him, "Didn't Mrs. Ye beg you to protect her as a matchmaker last time? In my opinion, Mrs. Ye hopes that you can protect her in the future and find a reliable family for her."

"Master Song is free, do you want to change your career to be a matchmaker?"

"Ms. Ye appointed you as a matchmaker, and it's not me. I still want to ask you to be a matchmaker." Speaking of this, Song Jinyuan suddenly smiled, "I really like Miss Ye's temper. ?”

Wen Yu finally looked at him with dark eyes.

He was looked at with horror, "Chengtian, why are you looking at me like that?"

"People like you and me with blood on our hands, it's better not to get married."

In order not to harm other girls, she will die at a young age.

"What do you mean?" Song Jinyuan widened his eyes. "You don't want to marry a wife, I want to! My parents have been urging me, and I have long wanted to have a grandson."

Wen Yu's eyes became darker and darker. In his previous life, Song Jinyuan was married three times, killed three wives, and finally failed to leave a son and a half.

I still remember that after his third wife Zhang died of illness, he passed out drunk in front of the tombs of the three wives, looking lonely and desolate. First he looked at the sky and laughed three times, and then wept bitterly.

He said that people like them with blood on their hands, even if they think they are doing righteous things, and the world is devastated, but in the eyes of the Buddha, they have already handled too many human lives, and they have already committed serious crimes. A person with deep sins is not worthy of human love, let alone family happiness.

Everyone in the world said that he suppressed his wife and had no children. It was due to the heavy killing and karma.

He asked: "Chengtian, did you know this beforehand, and that's why you have never been married?"

At that time, I answered that I didn't have any foresight.

This time, reborn back. Facing this good friend of his own and his powerful arm in court later, Wen Yu felt that he should let him know that being alone is not necessarily a bitter life, and it is okay not to have some things.

"There is no time in life, don't force it."

"Wen Chengtian, curse me!"

Song Jinyuan looked angry, fortunately he was worried about Wen Chengtian's marriage. This kid must have done it on purpose, he was just joking that he wanted to marry Miss Ye, and he was so angry that he cursed him to kill off his children and grandchildren.

He was waiting to see the day when this kid fell into Miss Ye's hands.

The Ye family's carriage went all the way back, stopping and going.

When it stopped again, someone stopped in front of the car.

It was Wang Mu who stopped the car, looking drunk. He is the son of Mrs. Wang Fourth. When something happens to Mrs. Wang Fourth, they will be the first to be unlucky.

Ye Zhong was driving the car. Seeing Wang Mu's posture, he immediately showed weakness and begged.

Wang Mu had accumulated a lot of resentment towards the Ye family because of his mother's affairs, how could he easily compromise. He tore Ye Zhong off the carriage and couldn't help punching and kicking him.

Ye Zhong didn't dare to fight back, he hugged his head and curled up into a ball.

Ye Ping and Sanxi hurried down when they heard the movement.

When Wang Mu saw Ye Ping, he was full of evil intentions. Compared with before, this cousin has a more inexplicable smell, her face is still the same, but it seems to have washed away her frivolity, revealing a more superior look. Especially when those eyes looked at people, it made his heart itch more and more.

Sanxi's face turned pale, and she stood in front of her daughter.

"what you up to?"

Wang Mu said lewdly: "Of course I want to meet Miss Ye who is the most popular in Yongchang City."

With such words, Yi Ran regards Ye Ping as a girl from Huajie and Liuxiang.

Just as Ye Zhong wanted to get up, he was pushed to the ground and beaten by several servants behind Wang Mu.

There were some people around the carriage, who seemed to be in the same group as Wang Mu. All of them were joking, and some even cheered for Wang Mu. That pair of eyes looked at Ye Ping, presumptuous and frivolous.

"Stop!" Ye Ping yelled.

Someone laughed, which was extremely harsh.

The children of these aristocratic families are ignorant and domineering, and they have no scruples at all. In their eyes, Ye Ping's father was just a low-ranking low-rank official with no roots and roots, and they were nothing to be afraid of.

None of the onlookers dared to step forward, and no one dared to offend these people.

Wang Mu stepped forward madly, trying to catch Ye Ping.

Ye Ping waved it away and stared sharply.

The bright and lively girl stands in front of everyone, just like a lone flower in the cold wind, dazzling and fragile, making people insanely wanting to pick it up and possess it.

The more she was like this, the more excited Wang Mu felt.

"Your mother broke off the relationship with the Wang family, and you have nothing to do with our Wang family. Being a concubine is fine. The young master pityed that your reputation has been ruined, and he took you in with great mercy. Why don't you hurry over here."

Ye Ping was furious.

This Wang Mu is simply damned.

The original owner's reputation was ruined because of him. At that time, he didn't think about the relationship between cousins ​​at all, and spread everywhere about how the original owner acted dissolutely and how to seduce him. He even hinted at the original owner in every possible way, wanting the original owner to be his outer room.

She clenched her fists and pursed her lips, looking even more glamorous.

When Wang Mu saw her like this, the evil fire ran wildly, and he wished he could put someone under him to extinguish the fire immediately. He originally wanted to humiliate Ye Ping in front of the public, but at this moment he was already obsessed with sex.

When he wanted to grab Ye Ping again, Sanxi shoved him. It was like stabbing a hornet's nest, his boxer immediately swung at Sanxi mercilessly, and even waved to the servants behind him to let them attack together.

Ye Ping hurriedly pushed Sanxi to her side, rolled up her sleeves and rushed forward.

Outside the teahouse not far away, there were two people standing.

Song Jinyuan took back the steps he was about to move forward in a daze, and then looked at the girl who killed the world with surprise. The girl is agile, her moves are vicious, and she doesn't talk about martial arts at all.

Some of those men hugged their heads, some covered their eyes, and some covered their crotch, and the wailing was endless.

"This Miss Ye is really... really eye-opening!"

He was so amazed that he simply watched the play.

Seeing people fall to the ground, everyone was stunned, including Ye Zhong, Sanxi and others.

When did the eldest girl of their family become so powerful?

"You... you bitch, you wait for me." Wang Mu yelled, wanting to get up, but didn't want to be pushed down by an embroidered shoe as soon as he got up.

Ye Ping stepped on his head, "Several big men bullied me, a weak woman, and I was beaten by a helpless girl like me, and I still have the face to go back and call someone. I want to see, you guys How shameless can the Wang family be!"

"Bitch, young master, sooner or later, I will let you live but not die..."

Ye Ping tapped her toes, "If you want my life, do you still want to kill my whole family? Why bother! You go back and tell the Patriarch of the Wang family that he wants to control other people's life and death at will, unless the world is named Wang! Really wait for the world to be named Wang! King, you don't need to do it yourself, our Ye family will automatically offer our heads!"

Everyone gasped, Miss Ye meant...

This is not something to be said for fun.

Wang Mu had completely lost all reason, didn't realize the trap in her words, and was still yelling, "Little bitch, I want you to die, who dares to say no!"

"Worthy of being surnamed Wang, I really consider myself the king of the world." Ye Ping quickly looked out of the crowd, "Dare to ask Mr. Song, is His Majesty's surname Wang?"

Song Jinyuan was named, with a bright face.

He raised an eyebrow at Wen Yu, and replied loudly: "Zhao is the surname of the country, and everyone knows it."

Only then did Wang Mu realize that something was wrong, and hurriedly yelled at Song Jinyuan. "Master Song, you also saw that she hit me!"

Hearing this, Ye Ping withdrew her foot and stepped aside, acting cute in an instant.

"My lord Song, my little girl was also forced to do nothing. They stopped her in the street, and even injured my family's servants. How did my little girl know that their royal family, which is said to be noble for a century, would raise a bunch of soft bones. If I didn't experience it personally, my little girl Never imagined that the descendants of the Wang family would be so useless."

Song Jinyuan was almost going crazy from holding back his laughter.

This Miss Ye never swears at people with a dirty word, but every word hurts her heart. The Wang family was first as famous as the Xunfang Pavilion, and then the descendants were said to be soft bones. I don't know how long the century-old reputation can last.

The ancients said that women and villains are difficult to raise. It is not good for the Wang family to provoke anyone, so why did they provoke this Miss Ye.

Most of Wang Mu was sober, half out of shame and half out of fear, "Master Song, you didn't see me being beaten..."

"Just now, the official saw that you were the one who caused trouble first. The servants of the Ye family were eager to stop you, but you were the one who really took the initiative. Duke Wen, don't you think so?"

When everyone heard the words "Wen Junwang", they were all shocked.

Wen Yu's name is like thunder.

The dark green official uniform, the austere aura, and the widowed expression are exactly the Prince Wen who is so distasteful when everyone hears about it, that he can't wait to back away from him.

Wang Mu was overjoyed at the moment, Ye Ping, a little bitch, was obsessed with King Wen, and King Wen must be very annoying. He is a descendant of the Wang family, Prince Wen will definitely not offend their Wang family for no reason because of an annoying woman.

"Your Majesty, you don't know. This Miss Ye is the most misbehaving. She used to pester me all the time. I pity her for being infatuated, and I almost believed her. I never thought that she... actually pestered you again... "

The implication is that Ye Ping is a prodigal woman.

Ye Ping suddenly laughed.

Wen Yu threatened her with a knife every day, probably wishing to use Wang Mu's hand to solve her big trouble. She shouldn't provoke him, it's only natural that he hates her.

But why is Wang Mu such a scumbag!

She kicked, and before Wang Mu could react, she stomped on Wang Mu's head again. The icy little face was full of sarcasm and disdain, "Young Master Wang, how did I pester you? Did I hit you ten times a day, or kick your head like a ball?"

Wang Mu screamed out, he felt that his brain was about to be stepped out.

Everyone was stunned again, this girl Ye is so cruel.

The smile on Ye Ping's face gradually faded away, gradually covered with a layer of resentment.

She looked at Wen Yu sadly, shed tears when she wanted to speak, "What I want to say is that there is only the king of the county from the beginning to the end."

The author has something to say:

Next chapter into V~

It will not be updated during the day tomorrow, and the big fat chapter will be updated in the early morning of the 25th. I hope everyone will support it~