Ye Ping seemed to be crying a lot, but actually kept observing Wen Yu's expression. Just now she clearly felt that the other party wanted to push her away, but she didn't really push her away.

She felt a little ecstatic that this trick might work.

She cried twitchingly, but she spoke clearly. "...They say that they think about it every day and dream at night. I miss you every day, and it hurts so much. Why don't you come to see me!"

Fearing that Wen Yu would kill someone as soon as he opened his mouth, she boldly stretched out her hand to cover the other's mouth. The tentacles are warm, and the man who feels so cold in his heart actually has warmth.

"Don't talk, I'm afraid you will wake up from the dream as soon as you talk."

Wen Yu's cold eyes became deeper and deeper, it seemed that he still underestimated her cheekiness and scheming. So good at acting, he wants to see how this little girl who is full of lies will talk to herself next.

Ye Ping's heart was beating so hard that she felt like she was having a carnival in front of death.

This Prince Wen was the number one criminal officer in the prosperous dynasty, and his criminal investigation methods were naturally outstanding. He has already seen through her bitch, and has heard a lot of her gossip. Why did he tolerate it again and again, and he is still wandering between killing her or not killing her?

Perhaps it was because of curiosity, curiosity about how many other tricks she had, and curiosity about what else she could do. If she can always be fresh, is it a way out of life?

Do it.

not difficult.

The difficult thing is how to stay above his bottom line and get out of it.

"You should have come earlier, why didn't you come earlier! Do you know how much I miss you? How much I want to tell you how much I like you. You don't believe me, why don't you believe me? Wang Mu bullied me today, You don't even help me. I'm so scared, I'm afraid I'll be bullied by him, I can't defend you like a jade... woo woo..."

Ye Ping boldly buried her head in his arms and hugged him even tighter.

The cold pine and bamboo fragrance has no **** smell.

He still didn't push her away, which boosted her morale even more.

"I don't listen, I don't listen! Don't explain, I don't want to hear anything! I don't want to hear your explanation, I don't want to hear you say that you don't like me."


This little liar is really getting more and more excited.

Ye Ping is like an octopus, wishing she could not get off him. If this can be exchanged for his kindness and forgiveness, she is willing to be his pendant.

"Ayu, I'm so scared. I don't care. I was frightened today. You were there, but you didn't help me. I'm so sad, I'm so sad, I want you to make it up to me."

She raised her face washed by tears, closed her eyes tremblingly, pursed her mouth shyly, and leaned closer with a blushing face.

"Ayu, I want to kiss."

Wen Yu wondered what the kiss was, and felt the soft, slippery lips brushing against his chin like the touch of a dragonfly.

This is dear!

Really... really really daring!

"Ayu, do you like it?"

Ye Ping felt a little regretful, but unfortunately she didn't get to the place she wanted to kiss.

I don't know how this superbly handsome man tastes like.

She didn't dare to open her eyes, she could feel the suffocating aura, oppressing every nerve of her, eroding every inch of breathing space.

It was eerily quiet, but her heart was beating violently.

Thrilling and scary.

Wen Yu stared at the stunning face so close at hand, his eyes flickering and dimming. He has been walking in the darkest places in the world all year round, and he thinks he can read people's hearts best. Some people are ambitious and flattering and flattering. Some people are desperate, showing the evil of human nature. Whether others laugh or cry, he never falters.

No one has ever dared to offend him like this, but this little girl will push her forward.

He stretched out his slender hand and pinched Ye Ping's jaw.

Ye Ping gasped in pain.

"Ayu, you hurt me."

Wen Yu let go of his hand and withdrew most of his strength.

Ye Ping has already gone all out, determined to find out.

She pouted her red lips, "I don't care, you hurt me, I still want to kiss."

As soon as the words fell, I felt that the big hand pinching my chin went around her neck and landed on the back of her neck. She didn't have time to think about anything, she just felt a pain in the back of her head, and she lost consciousness.

When I woke up again, there was the sound of birds chirping outside the window.

She subconsciously touched the back of her head, feeling a dull pain.

But she is alive.

This is the best result.

Seeing her wake up, Sanxi hurried forward to wait on her.

"Girl, did you sleep well today?"

It was bright outside, obviously it was getting late. The wind blows the peach trees, and the peach trees with fallen flowers are clustered in green, and the new buds and leaves are green and fresh, showing vitality everywhere.

"I slept very well. I also had a dream. I dreamed of King Wen Jun. I had a nice conversation with him."

Sanxi let out an "ah", secretly feeling sorry for her own daughter who was deeply in love.

Seeing this girl's dumbfounded look, Ye Ping felt inexplicably happy. Who would have guessed that Prince Wen did not enter her dream, but appeared in her room alive. Of course she was the only one talking, trying her best to sing a one-man show, hoping to win the pity of the county prince.

After changing clothes and washing up, I saw Ye Ting practicing in the yard.

A slender girl, simple and neat exercise clothes. Even though she was so thin and weak, she seemed to be full of infinite strength. That one move and one style are flowing like clouds and flowing water, obviously accumulated no less than ten years of merit.

The fresh morning mist has dissipated, and various scents are mixed in the moist air. Above the head is the vast sky, not far away is the boundless human world. The girl's brows were narrowed, as if she was in a deserted wilderness, and there was only one person left in the world.

Ye Ting felt that someone was watching her, so she stopped her moves.


His pale face had a tinge of blush from practicing, shy and shy.

As far as I can remember, this younger sister rarely goes out because of her health. Every time the original owner went out, he would talk to her about the outside affairs in detail.

"It looks more powerful than before."

Ye Ting was even more shy when her sister praised her.

Because Ye Mu and Ye Ting returned home, there were three more people in the family. With more people, the seemingly small house is a bit crowded, but it adds a bit of excitement.

Mother Ye is not used to using servants, so she doesn't have any maids to serve her. Ye Ting's girl is called Sixi, and she entered the Ye family together with Sanxi. She is a girl with an ordinary appearance and a strong body.

When the two sisters were talking, Sanxi and Sixi were also whispering. They also have a relationship growing up, and after three years of separation, they naturally have endless things to say.

While talking, Sanxi suddenly slapped her leg and said to Ye Ping, "Miss, you don't know that Mr. Song went to Wang's house before dawn. I heard that Mr. Wang Si is still awake. Staying at Wang's house, saying that the execution will be carried out as soon as noon. Shall we go and see?"

The last sentence is the point.

When Mrs. Ye came out, just when she heard it, a look of disapproval immediately appeared on her haggard face.

"Pingniang, one more thing is worse than one less thing, it's better not to go."

Ye Ping didn't care at first, but she suddenly thought of the original owner. If the original owner knew about it, would he want to see Wang Mu get the fate he deserved?

"Mother, the perpetrator deserves what he deserves, and the victim has the right to beat the dog in the water."

Mother Ye also came out, hearing that she agreed with the granddaughter's opinion. It is the Wang family who do evil, they are the masters of suffering, and the punishment of the sufferers is justified.

But she values ​​her daughter-in-law very much, and will not refute Ye's face in front of her granddaughters.

Mrs. Ye came out of the gate of the mansion and grew up under the eyes of his aunt. He is best at observing words and demeanor. Even though her mother-in-law didn't say anything, she knew that her mother-in-law disagreed with her.

She acted like she was thinking, and hesitated: "If not, why don't you go and take a look from a distance?"

How far this distance is is up to her.

Ye Ping responded, and seeing her younger sister's expression, she seemed to want to go too.

"Grandmother, mother, Tingniang's health is much better now, how about I take her out for a walk?"

Mrs. Ye is really unwilling now, the second daughter is no better than the eldest daughter, Tingniang is weak, and it is extremely difficult to grow up to such a big age, and she does not want to think about the hardships and sufferings.

"Mom, Tingniang is getting older, you can't keep her at home all the time. Go out more, meet people more, and you will be a little more courageous outside in the future, don't you think?"

Mrs. Ye understood what the eldest daughter meant. Daughter's family is always going to marry, if she really develops a small family spirit that can't be on the stage, she will be looked down upon when she marries into her in-law's family in the future.

She hesitated for a long time, and finally asked her mother-in-law to make a decision.

Mother Ye waved her hand and followed the sisters.

Wang family.

The plaque engraved with the word "Wangfu" is vigorous and majestic, and the next pair has gone through a hundred years of wind and rain. The first couplet said: "A noble family is full of heaven and earth." The second couplet says: Generations of scholars are all over peaches and plums.

A group of Jingwu guards stood outside the door, led by Song Jinyuan. Vermilion official uniform, with a waist knife on the side. In the past, I saw people with three-point smiles and extremely serious faces, and they looked at the couplet expressionlessly.

A family of weaklings, men, women and children with black hearts.

It's a good change, a wonderful change.

That Miss Ye is indeed the second-best girl, and she is indeed quite talented.

The door of the Wang family was closed, and it seemed calm as usual.

The sun was getting higher and higher, but still no one came out from the Wang family.

Seeing that it was almost noon, the side door finally opened. Several servants carried a person out, put the person at the door, retreated, and closed the door again.

Acting like this, it seems that Wang Mu has been regarded as an abandoned son.

Wang Mu was placed on the ground together with the lifting frame, his head was wrapped in layers, and red blood was faintly seen oozing out. The hands and feet were wrapped with cloth strips, exuding a strong smell of medicine.

Looking at this tragic situation, it looks like a remnant soldier after a battle on the battlefield.

Song Jinyuan's expressionless face showed a hint of sarcasm, the Wang family's move was really high. He neither begged for mercy nor made trouble, so he made things difficult.

If people are not awake, how can punishment be done?

If not, where is his official name and prestige?

The century-old family is as treacherous as a dog, I really thought that this would make it difficult for him. They also underestimated him too much, but he wanted to see who was scaring whom.

"How did you get hurt so badly?" He frowned, "If it wasn't for what I saw with my own eyes yesterday, I would still be the fourth son of the king. This is the result of killing the enemy with one enemy ten and outnumbered. I never thought that such a good man would be killed A weak girl greeted her a few times with her flamboyant fists and embroidered legs, and it looked like she had died half of her life, she really raised her soft bones."

There was no response at the door.

Song Jinyuan stood still, and the Jingwu guards behind him also looked like iron, standing still.

The sun is getting noon inch by inch, and it is noon.

"take away!"

As soon as he gave an order, four Jingwu guards stepped forward.

Wang Mu was actually awake, but what Song Jinyuan said after waiting for a long time came. He half-closed his eyelids and saw a few Jinwu guards walking towards him, and immediately screamed out.

"Father, save me!"

The side door of Wang's house opened again from the inside, and a middle-aged man with some prestige came out.

Seeing the middle-aged man, Wang Mu shouted, "Father, father, you must save me!"

This middle-aged man is Wang Mu's father, the fourth master of the third room of the Wang family.

Fourth Master Wang has been very unlucky recently. First, his wife had an accident and was sent to Zhuangzi, and then his son was beaten and carried home. Although he was a generation older than Song Jinyuan, he didn't dare to be too big.

"Master Song, the child's injury is too serious, can you allow a few more days?"

"Lord Wang, the law is up to the order, and I dare not dereliction of duty."

Fourth Master Wang was secretly annoyed, but he didn't dare to attack.

A noble family, he often claims to be superior to others, and never regards the law as a code of conduct. The so-called money can turn ghosts, and many things can be spent to eliminate disasters.

He is just such a legitimate son, and he is the most favored by his mother on weekdays. Who would have thought that such a small matter would cause a disturbance in the city in the end. With Master Song involved in it, their Wang family didn't even have an excuse to go downhill.

When Wang Mu was sent home yesterday, the Wang family was shocked.

What surprised them was not that their children and grandchildren caused trouble outside, but that this matter caused a lot of trouble, and two difficult people were involved. Song Jinyuan already gave them a headache, plus Wen Yu, who would not give anyone face, and the words passed down by his servants, all of them shocked and angered everyone in the Wang family.

The ancestral hall of the Wang family was lit all night, and the lights and candles were changed several times.

They would not think that the dignified commander of Jingwuwei would stand up for the daughter of a mere seventh-rank official, they only thought that Song Jinyuan was taking the opportunity to embarrass the Wang family.

There is no other reason, it is about the harem dispute.

Empress Gu is Song Jinyuan's aunt and has a eldest prince. And the daughter of the second wife of the royal family is a concubine in the palace, and she is also a concubine who has raised a prince. Although the eldest prince born out of Empress Gu has been established as the heir apparent, the situation in the Tian family is unpredictable, and no one knows what will happen until the end.

Harem battles, always contact the court.

The intention of the elders is to give up Mu'er.

But he is such a legitimate son, so he can't really be cruel.

"Master Song, the child's injury is too serious. If something happened under the punishment, can the adult bear it?"

"Master Wang, I act in accordance with the law. If your Wang family has any dissatisfaction, you can refer to the official book."

Wang Siye's uncle, that is, the head of the Wang family, Wang Zhiguan, the most common thing to do on weekdays is to read other people's books. I heard that several people read a copy of the book at the court today, saying that their Wang family's family was incompetent and that they committed crimes.

Among the few people who participated in the imperial censor was Song Jinyuan's own father.

Entering Jingwuwei, life and death are life and death.

The Wang family wanted to threaten him, and they really thought he was frightened. Not to mention just one Wang Mu, even with the two lives of Wang Si, he can afford it.

At this time, the sun was already hanging high, and Song Jinyuan's expression became more and more impatient. He was obviously smiling, and he looked like he was easy to discuss and talk, but everyone could see the cruelty in his eyes.

"The person has woken up and executed immediately."

This is to execute the execution directly in front of Wang's house without taking people away.

How arrogant, how deceitful!

Fourth Master Wang's face was ashen, trembling with anger.

"Song Jinyuan, you are disregarding human life!"

"My lord, your surname is Wang, but you are not the king of this world. If you dare to stop me from acting in accordance with the law, you will be disrespecting the law and disregarding the government!"

Fourth Master Wang was very angry, but he didn't dare to fight any more. He cannot disobey the wishes of the elders. If he really caused trouble for his son, he might be the next one to be abandoned by the family.

Twenty sticks of responsibility, stick to the flesh.

Wang Mu howled like a pig, and when the execution was over, he was like a dead dog, and was quickly carried back by several servants of the Wang family.

"Pingniang, he is your cousin, how could you be so cruel?"

A sudden accusation interrupted Ye Ping, who was watching intently. Ye Ping followed the sound and saw that the woman in the dazzling red dress with a sad face was not Wen Ruyu, who else could it be.

Wen Ruyu's voice turned everyone's attention to Ye Ping.

"Miss Wen, do you think I'm cruel?"

"I know what he did was wrong. He also felt aggrieved for his mother. But killing people is nothing more than a nod. You humiliate him like this, aren't you killing him!"

Ye Ping lowered her head, tears dripping down on the ground.

They want her life!

"Does Miss Wen know what it's like to be persecuted by others? Does Miss Wen know what it's like to be bullied? You can't do it every day, you can't do it well, you dare not live, you dare not die. Miss Wen is born noble, everyone They all respect and hold you, how do you know the pain of us people? According to what Miss Wen said, when we women are bullied by men in the street, we have to obey and obey, we can't resist or fight back, right?"

"I didn't mean that, I just..."

"You are!" Ye Ping raised her head with tears in her eyes. "You don't know my suffering, but you persuade me to forgive others. You are magnanimous and dignified, and the world praises you for your virtuousness. I used to think you were respectful everywhere, but what are you doing now? Your virtuousness is to speak out for the wicked, and you The Shude is to advise our women to be bullied when they encounter bullying. How many people can agree with such kindness?"

Wen Ruyu's heart is full of fire, why is this Ye Ping getting more and more out of control? Could it be that in the past, it was impossible to pretend to be obedient and obedient to please her?

"Pingniang, I don't mean that. I'm just afraid that no matter how bad your reputation is..."

"Why is my reputation bad? Isn't it you, Miss Wen, who let people spread the word?"

"Pingniang, you really misunderstood me too much." Wen Ruyu made a distressed look. She had a good name and a high status, and many people admired her.

She is good at pretending, and Ye Ping is even better at it.

A **** can travel three thousand miles, it depends on who goes deep.

"Maybe I misunderstood you." Ye Ping said softly. "You have always been kind, I'm afraid you really can't bear to see the fourth son of Wang suffer. You should have come earlier in the morning, why didn't you take the punishment for him?"

Wen Ruyu turned pale with shock. How could it be possible that she was tortured on behalf of Wang Mu?

"He broke the law and that's what he deserved."

"You also know that he deserved what he deserved, why do you still persuade me to forgive him?"

"I just think he has already been punished, and you should let it go. If you don't continue to make trouble, you will hurt one thousand enemies and yourself eight hundred. If his reputation is bad, your reputation will not be good either."

"What you said is true. After this incident, the fourth son of Wang's reputation really cannot be preserved. You and him are cousins, so you don't think you would dislike him. Why don't you give up your life to save his marriage."

Song Jinyuan should have left after performing his official duties. But ever since Ye Ping appeared, he knew there was going to be a good show. His eyes fell on Ye Ting who was behind Ye Ping, and he secretly thought that he looked so similar, he might be Miss Ye's twin sister. It's a pity that she looks too weak and timid, not as lively and agile as her sister.

Ye Ping didn't wait for Wen Ruyu to fight back, and said, "Mrs. Wen believes in Buddhism. She often said that saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Both of you, mother and daughter, are well-meaning people. You definitely don't want to see the fourth son of Wang sink like this. You are the laughing stock of Beijing. You can go against your heart to speak for the fourth son of Wang, and you think you have him in your heart. The so-called adversity sees the truth, I think the fourth son of Wang will be influenced by you, and from then on, he will change his mind and start a new life."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Wen Ruyu's girl stood up and supported her girl who seemed about to faint. "You have a dirty mind, don't you think that all the women in the world are as shameless as you!"

Ye Ping's eyes were cold, and Wen Ruyu was no different. It is nothing more than being able to reincarnate, and with the help of the Duke's Mansion and the Wang family, he can do whatever he wants, and those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish.

"What did I say?"

Who wouldn't pretend to be dizzy.

She also leaned on Sanxi, looking misunderstood.

"Miss Wen loves the fourth young master Wang. Even if the fourth young master Wang breaks the law, it's good in your heart. You and the fourth young master Wang fall in love with each other. Do I deserve to die?"

What a match!

Wen Ruyu was extremely angry, this Ye Ping was looking for death!

The fourth master Wang hated Ye Ping very much, and this woman was the chief culprit who caused him to lose his wife and son and lose his face.

"This is in front of my Wang family's gate. What kind of place do you think you are? There is no room for someone to talk nonsense and confuse people!"

"I am the master of suffering." Ye Ping said sadly: "I was threatened in public, frightened physically and mentally, and had nightmares again and again at night. Your Wang family calls itself a scholarly family, is this how you behave?"

It turned out to be for the autumn wind.

Fourth Master Wang's eyes were full of sarcasm, and he thought the Ye family had more backbone.

"Okay, our Wang family is willing to surprise you, as long as you can take it away."

Their royal family has nothing but silver.

If they want money from their Wang family, it depends on whether they have the ability to take it away.

"Compensation for hurting people. Physical injuries are easy to heal, but mental injuries are hard to heal. Fourth Master Wang sincerely apologizes. Of course, I am willing to give you a chance to repent and reform."

Fourth Master Wang's eyes changed a little. This niece who didn't care much before turned out to be so sharp-tongued and unforgiving. No wonder his wife fell into her hands, and his mother also returned home without a feather.

He confessed a few words, and the servants followed orders. After a short time, four or five servants came out carrying a huge camphorwood box and placed it heavily on the ground, stirring up countless dust.

Song Jinyuan was thoughtful, knowing that the box was full of copper coins.

This fourth prince is really wicked.

Ye Zhong was injured, and Sixi was driving today.

The two sisters Ye Ping and Ye Ting, together with the two maids Sanxi and Sixi, could not lift the box with the strength of the four of them. What's more, the girl's family needs face so much, there are a few young ladies who can save face and do servant work.

Fourth Master Wang was certain of this point, deliberately embarrassing Ye Ping.

He consciously turned his back and said: "The things are here, you take them away."

Ye Ping stepped forward and opened the box.

It really is full of copper coins.

She stretched her hand in and explored more than half of it, but the inside was also full of copper coins.

Fourth Master Wang looked contemptuously, consciously pulling back a victory. He was sure in his heart that Song Jinyuan had a good relationship with Prince Wen, and he would definitely not stand up for Ye Ping.

Just as Song Jinyuan wanted the two Jingwu guards to help, he heard Ye Ping waving to his sister, "Ting Niang, come here."

Ye Ting obediently walked to the box, because there were too many people and she was shy, so her small face became paler and she looked as if she was about to faint at any time.

The two sisters stood together, just like the two most delicate twin flowers in spring.

Wen Ruyu stared at those two similar faces, her teeth itching with hatred.

"The Wang family knew that they were wronged and felt guilty, so they wanted to make up for it. My father taught us to forgive and forgive others since we were young. For the sake of their sincerity, we accepted this gift." Yeh Ping said this to Ye Ting, but it was more for everyone to hear. Wang Si wanted to humiliate her with money, and she wished for more such humiliation.

Fourth Master Wang held back his anger, he wanted to see how the two sisters took the things away.

A gust of wind blew, and Ye Ting's weak body shook. Then, under everyone's surprised eyes, she bent down and lifted up the big box.