"Big girl, big girl..."

"Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Sanxi was terrified.

Ye Ting was also quite frightened.

It turned out that the eldest sister really liked the county prince, but just hearing about the county king, the eldest sister cared so much about it, as if she was out of her mind.

She wanted to go over to comfort her elder sister, but she saw her rushing towards the door.

Ye Ping went out the door in one breath, but there was no one on the front road, and the back road was empty, so there was no sign of that person. Could it be that she was too tired from practicing and couldn't get dazzled?

Suddenly there seemed to be a familiar figure flashing past at the corner in front of her, she gritted her teeth and ran after her. I have been chasing it for a long time, but I still can't catch up.

The sound of crowds, the hustle and bustle of the market can be heard from a distance, accompanied by the noise from near to far, or from far to near. These voices seem to be extremely far away, erratic like mountains and seas.

Ye Ping didn't move for a long time, she seemed to be standing in the depths of the cold pool.

It was so cold to the bone, so cold to the heart. Everything is going backwards, and it seems that she is the only one left in the world. She trembled and felt hopeless.

Sanxi also chased after her, calling her several times in a row, getting more and more anxious each time.

After a long time, Ye Ping woke up as if from a dream, and her soul returned to her body.

That Prince Wen is well-known, and his words are true, so he should have seen her mistakes early on. The original owner was originally a woman in the inner house, and she had no relationship with him. He could actually see the difference between himself and the original owner, which showed his careful thinking.

She didn't know that the fake Yulong Saber was a temptation, so she returned it voluntarily. This move must make him guess for sure, and conclude that she is also a reborn person. He should know that the news of being rewarded today, she must have guessed his origin.

Why doesn't he shy away from her?

Only the dead can keep secrets, and the dead will not let it out. So he had repeated several times before, maybe he didn't intend to let her live at all. The same kind repelled each other, considering that person's loneliness, why did he let her go later? Her thoughts turned sharply, one moment this way and another moment that way, like heaven and earth.

But the truth is, she's still alive.

Maybe that Prince Wen didn't necessarily want her life.

Her cold body gradually warmed up, and she forced a smile at Sanxi. In Sanxi's eyes, this smile was uglier than crying. Sanxi regretted it unceasingly, and blamed herself for not holding back to mentioning King Wen for a moment, which made her daughter so distraught.

The two master and servant walked back, Ye Ping kept thinking about it, and Sanxi was trembling with fear.

My daughter is good everywhere, but there is only one thing that makes people worry: that is, once she meets King Wen, she will start to get sick, as if she is a different person.

As she walked, Ye Ping's eyes stopped and she looked at a certain place.

The man with a dragon and a phoenix at the corner of his back is not Wen Yu.

Green brick walls, thick moss. The deep alleyway seems to be endless at a glance, even if the sun is strong, it seems that the man's back has never been illuminated by the sun.

His coldness carries evil energy, and the place he touches is frozen three feet.

Dark green official uniform, slender figure. Just standing so casually, it seems that there is a vast wilderness separated from this world, and no one dares to get close to him.

Not dazzled.

That person just now is really gentle.

They already knew each other well, but their status was so different, how should she face it?

The name of the first criminal department in the prosperous dynasty is frightening. At this point, does she still need to pretend in front of him? If she is honest, is there still hope?

She took a deep breath and walked over there.

"The king of the county."


"Noble people don't step on humble lands, why is the county king here?"

"Passing by."

Good one passing by.

The Princess Mansion is in Beicheng, the criminal office is at the junction of the North and South cities, and Tongtian Terrace is also in Beicheng. No matter where he went or where he came from, it was impossible for him to pass by her door.

"Hearing that the county king has been promoted, my daughter is very happy."

Wen Yu hummed again, with a cold expression.

Ye Ping racked her brains and thought hard. I couldn't figure out why he looked indifferent, and I couldn't think of what to say.

Could you just ask him directly, how does it feel to be reborn? Do you want to exchange experiences?

At the end of the book, the heroine has given birth to two sons, but the Prince Wen is still unmarried. I don't know when he was reborn, did he get married and have children? Judging by his lonely and old appearance, I am afraid that he may not be able to marry a wife until the end.

"Is the king not happy?"

"Your Majesty has great love, and the burden of being a minister is even heavier. It is an inescapable responsibility to kill evil and eliminate evil."

When he was talking about beheading **** and eliminating evil, his eyes were on Ye Ping.

Ye Ping thought, here we come.

She took a deep breath and looked directly into his eyes.

"I'm not a traitor, nor an evil person, and I'm not the same as the county king."

The cold wind blows, I don't know whether it is the coldness left by the cold spring, or the inherent coldness of the person in front of me. The wind seems to come from somewhere, and it seems to come from all directions.

Ye Ping shrank her body subconsciously. She was still wearing simple exercise clothes, which looked a little thin. The jet-black hair was not combed in any bun, just braided into a braid, hanging casually on the chest.

Wen Yu's pupils clearly reflected her appearance, her plain face was delicate and charming, her waist was slender and graceful. No matter how ordinary the clothes are, it can't hide the beauty that is just emerging.

He waited quietly, waiting for her next words.

"Has the county king ever thought that this world might exist in a book? Just as we look back on history, the reason why those dynasties and folk tales have been passed down to this day is all because of written records."

a book?

Wen Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, motioning for her to continue.

"I am not from here. The place I lived in was another time and space, or a thousand years later. I don't know why I came out here, but the original Ye family girl is no longer there. I became her, not only I own her body, and I also have her memory. Since I have received her favor, all I can think about is to protect the Ye family for her."

So this little girl is not resurrected, but a dead body.

Wen Yu is used to dealing with cunning and treacherous people, so he can tell whether what she said is true or not. When the woman just spoke, her shoulders drooped slightly, showing a natural appearance. His hands were hanging by his sides, and there was no restless little movement. When talking about the old girl from the Ye family, a trace of pity flashed across his eyes.

It's so absurd, but it seems more reasonable.

When he was observing Ye Ping, Ye Ping was also closely sensing his emotions.

Perhaps this Prince Wen believed what she said.

"My little girl is only asking for the safety of her family. She has offended the county king a lot before, and she deserves death. If the county king can forgive me, my little girl will be cautious in her words and deeds in the future, and she will never speak rudely to you again."

Seeing Wen Yu's peaceful aura, she went on to say: "Jun Wang, whether in the past or now, the little girl is just an ordinary person who can't be more ordinary. She has no prominent status, and she has no great ambitions. She couldn't ask for anything before. I have a stable life, and now I only want the safety of my family. Your status is noble, like sitting on a cloud. The little girl is humble, like falling dust. No matter how dust dances with the wind, it cannot fly to the sky. An insignificant person like the little girl is not worth your second glance .”

Such self-deprecation is actually a little unbearable.

Wen Yu couldn't remember how long his heart hadn't been disturbed by something or someone. The older he got, the more his heart was like a silent winter, a vast expanse of frozen white snow.

The woman in front of her should not be that old. He lived to twenty-two, so he should be much older than her. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the big bully the small.

Suddenly he felt that he was a little ridiculous, that he lived an extra life, and even if his face was rejuvenated, he couldn't change his depression. It's not as good as the woman in front of me, who borrowed the light of reincarnation in another world, and after her resurrection, she shined brilliantly.

"That book, is it a history book?"

"No." Ye Ping felt relieved, it seemed that Wen Yu believed her. "It's a story book called "Sheng Chong's Little Wife". It tells the love story between your sister Wen Ruqin and Xuanping Hou's son Shen Ling."

It turned out to be a script.

And the name is really tacky. There are such absurd things in the world, it's really a long time to see a monster, and what's even more absurd is that he actually believed it.

Ye Ping felt that he should not kill herself again, and said: "The county king in the book lived up to the emperor's grace, overcame thorns and thorns to defend his family and country, and his reputation will last for thousands of years."

Thousands of years?

He can't live that long.

Wen Yu took a deep look at the woman in front of him, turned and left.

He is tall and has long legs, like a pine and a bamboo, and he is a stunningly beautiful man. Ye Ping somehow felt that his back was a bit lonely, and pedestrians avoided wherever he went, like a lone star falling into the mortal world.

Maybe it's because the high place is so cold, the county prince may not be happy. It's just that compared to ordinary people like them, how lucky are the children of noble families. A precarious poor person like her is not qualified to sympathize with others.

Seeing Wen Yu walking away, San Xi came over with a blank face.

"Miss, why is Prince Wen here?"

Ye Ping was full of thoughts, and replied casually, "Come and see me."

Sanxi wanted to cry, her eldest daughter's illness was really getting worse. The sick girl is so pitiful. As a girl, she shouldn't provoke the master. Even if it is a lie, as long as the girl is happy, she is willing to give it a try.

"...The servant girl knew that the county prince must be here to see the eldest girl. The eldest girl is so nice, he must have been moved by your true feelings and fell in love with you."

Ye Ping couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this.

This girl Sanxi really believed her nonsense.

The joy of being able to save her life and the touch of being so unconditionally believed made Ye Ping's nose turn sour for no reason, and her eyes turned red.

Sanxi loves her master more and more, just seeing the county king can make the eldest girl cry with joy.

At this time, Ye Ting also came over, and seeing the eldest sister's appearance, she felt very distressed.

"Sister, did the county prince say anything?"


"That's good."

Ye Ting thought to herself, that Prince Wen was born so well, no wonder the elder sister became crazy.

"Sister, let's go back."

Ye Ping squeezed her sister's palm and smiled slightly.

She kindly told Ye Ting and Sanxi to talk about it. The two knew the seriousness, so they would not speak out. So Ye's mother and Ye's family didn't know, and they thought it was the sisters who were bored at home and went out to breathe.

In the evening, Ye Geng came back from his duty and brought back a piece of good news. He has already won an old master for Ye Lianna. The old gentleman was a doctor of lectures at the Imperial College, and he was knowledgeable and highly respected.

The whole family was overjoyed when they heard the news.

The next day Ye Geng specially asked for leave, preparing to take Ye Lian to visit the old gentleman as a door-to-door gift.

The father and son arrived at the door of the old man's house, but Ye Geng knocked on the door several times but no one answered. Finally, an old servant came out, saying that the old man of his family was seriously ill and would not be able to accept new students in the near future.

Ye Geng was shocked, it was clearly agreed. He also personally talked with the old gentleman, and confessed all the grievances between his family and the Wang family. He remembered that the old gentleman was very angry at that time, he was extremely shameless of the behavior of the Wang family, and he repeatedly promised that he would never be afraid of power and would definitely accept Ye Lian as a student.

Unexpectedly, in less than a day, such an accident happened.

At first, he really thought that the old man was seriously ill, but after thinking about it, he realized that there was something inside. When he met the old man, the other party had a red face and a very good complexion, and it was impossible for him to fall ill overnight.

Ye Lian was extremely happy when he came, seeing the scene, he guessed the result.

He hung his head, depressed.

"It's okay, this won't work, I will find a new wife for you as a father." Ye Geng comforted his son, "It's really not possible, as a father, I can teach you personally, and it will definitely not delay your studies and miss your future. "

Ye Lian nodded, trying not to cry.

The father and son waited for a while, but the door of the old man's house was still closed.

Finally, Ye Geng sighed and prepared to take his son home.

After walking not far, I met an old man with a short beard and a Confucian shirt. The old man let out a hum from his nose, and cast a disdainful glance at the father and son.

"It's been said that it's not material for studying. No master would dare to accept such a disrespectful student. I advise you to give up and make another plan early to find a way out."

Ye Geng recognized this person as Mr. Hu who forced his son to drop out of school.

Mrs. Hu looked down on the father and son with a look of complacency. He had seen someone who dared to offend the Wang family who would end well. Others were fortunate enough to be married to the Wang family, so they had no choice but to curry favour. They dared to tear themselves apart with the Wang family, and caused a lot of trouble. Everyone in the capital knew that the Ye family was really stupid.

The daughter has lost her reputation, one is shameless and fierce, and the other is as powerful as a cow in hearing. If the son can't go to school, no one in Yongchang City will dare to accept the Ye family's son.

When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous.

Even though Ye Geng was famous for his good temper, he was also aroused a bit hostile at this time. It turned out that the Wang family was behind the tricks, and the old gentleman didn't know if he was involved.

The villain succeeds, and the dog relies on the power of others.

This Mr. Hu is so arrogant with his back to the Wang family.

"It turns out that Mr. Hu has no talent and no morals. An arrogant villain like you who knows people's children has the face to be a teacher. I think you are not only ashamed of the sage books, but also ashamed of those children who have been misled by you. You are not only harmful, but also shameless, you are really a scum among masters!"

These words are what my daughter said.

When Ye Geng said it at this time, he felt extremely relieved.

He suddenly understood Pingniang's anger, and understood why she disregarded her daughter's family's reserve to argue and distinguish with others. It is really unfair under the power, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Hu Fuzi came to add insult to injury, and he also expected that Ye Geng's speech would not be pleasant. He was angry, but he was happy in his heart. He is backed by the Wang family, and the Wang family supports him, and his status in the academy is still there.

As for the Ye family father and son, one was squeezed and suppressed in the Imperial College, and the other couldn't even go to school. Offended the Wang family, and tried to die again and again. Are they still thinking about it? What a dream!

A student who cannot enter school has no future at all.

A person who is suppressed in the officialdom will be demoted from Beijing sooner or later.

"No one listens to what you say. Anyway, old man and I are all the same, but you are not sure. In the end, you will only leave Yongchang City in misery, and you will no longer be in the way of our eyes."

Of course Ye Geng knew that the other party was not alarmist, and his heart became more and more sad and indignant.

Ye Lian suddenly said loudly: "You are not worthy of being a teacher. I am ashamed that I once studied under your school! Remember, I am not ashamed to take you as my teacher again!"

Hu Fuzi sneered, this kid has lost his courage after a few days. When he was in the academy, he was just a dog next to the fifth son of the Wang family, worse than a slave.

"Boy, don't be crazy, there are times when you cry."

"I don't cry, I just want to laugh."

Master Hu snorted coldly, to see who would have the last laugh. When the Ye family finally had nowhere to go, they cried. Sooner or later, the Ye family will recognize the facts and get out of Yongchang City in despair.

When he passed the old gentleman's house, he showed a trace of disdain. This old gentleman is indeed a tough guy, but no matter how tough he is, it is impossible to ignore the future of his children and grandchildren.

He believed that in the entire Yongchang City, no one would dare to accept Ye Lian.

How can such a happy event be missed with a glass of wine?

He was in a very happy mood, and he even recited poems as he walked. Seeing that he was about to walk into the market, suddenly his vision was covered by something.

Before he could yell out, his mouth was blocked.

When the stick came down, he was in so much pain that he couldn't make a sound.

After the two sticks came down, he felt that his back was about to break.

The beating person was quite skillful, and he never hit his vitals, but the pain was real pain, the kind of sore and swollen pain. The pain was so painful that his internal organs were almost dislocated, and he screamed indiscriminately. After the man stopped, he thought he was finally freed, but he didn't expect that a sap came down and he was knocked out directly.

In a narrow alley, a pair of twin sisters stand side by side.

"Sister, are people left here?" Asked Ye Ting. Because of too much strength, she didn't make a move just now, because she was afraid of accidentally killing someone.

"Just leave it here." It was Ye Ping who answered. She was the one who hit someone, and she was very measured.

The two sisters followed the Ye family father and son out the door. Originally, Ye Ping was worried, fearing that the Wang family would make trouble. Unexpectedly, she guessed it right, and the Wang family really got in the way.

This Mr. Hu, don't fight fast.

An ordinary alley, occasionally people come and go. They stuffed the Hu Fuzi in a hemp cover into a pile of junk, and anyone who saw it would just treat it as the same bag of junk.

Ye Ping also threw the wooden stick into the sundries, and patted the ashes off her hands.

Ye Ting said: "If it weren't for his age, I really want to teach him a lesson."

"This beating is enough to lie on his bed for ten days and a half months. If he dares to come out and jump around again, there will be good fruit waiting for him."

The two sisters looked at each other and smiled, and walked out generously. They were beautiful, and looked delicate, no one would think that they just beat someone up.

When he walked to the entrance of the alley, he saw Song Jinyuan leaning against the wall with a half-smiling smile. Behind Song Jinyuan, there is another noble man in white.

The man in white is Wen Yu.