The sun has risen, and Ye Ping is still sleeping soundly under the blanket.

Sanxi came in a few times, saw that she was still asleep, and went out silently. My daughter said that the most comfortable thing in life is to sleep until I wake up. The old lady and the madam didn't bother to urge her, so a girl wouldn't be so ungrateful. It's just that the eldest girl has slept for a long time, and it seems that it is already a long time.

But she didn't know that the eldest girl in her family had talked most of the night and didn't sleep until dawn.

Ye Ping woke up dazedly when it was almost three o'clock. The moment she regained her consciousness, she yawned big. After last night, she was probably sure that her life was safe with Wen Yu.

When the quilt sat up, it seemed to be crushed by something. When he saw it, he found a gold ingot. The gold ingots are of excellent color and dazzling luster, and it looks like they were newly cast.

It's not Ye family's thing, nor hers.

Ye Ping had already figured out the situation at home when she came here, and she was not well off. At a glance, everything on the bright side is passable. Brocade quilt, two sets of barely wearable jewelry, and several sets of new seasonal clothes in the closet.

But the inside is rather embarrassing, the jewelry is remade after melting, one set is engraved with gold, and the other is inlaid with small jade, it can be seen that these two sets have been exchanged over the years. The colors of the new clothes are well chosen and the styles are up-to-date, but the materials are average.

So this gold ingot should have been left by Wen Yu.

Could it be because you asked her something, so you paid? That being said, that Duke Wen is quite sophisticated. If it's for the sake of money, she welcomes the other party to visit frequently.

Such a large gold ingot is worth five taels, and it can make a set of jewelry for my sister Ye Ting. It's just that the origin of the gold is unclear, and we have to find another opportunity to make jewelry.

She put away the gold, and then called Sanxi in.

Seeing that she was in a happy mood, Sanxi said: "Miss slept until she woke up today, but is she at ease?"

Ye Ping smiled, she was not only comfortable sleeping until she woke up naturally, but her relationship with Wen Yu developed to the most ideal state. It would be great if we could live in peace all the time.

After washing up and going out, I heard the noise outside. Several scholars who looked like students of the Imperial College brought Ye Geng in, saying that Master Ye had injured his leg in the Imperial College.

The Ye family suddenly became a mess.

Ye Gengren was sober, and his face was extremely ugly. The injured leg has been bandaged with medicine, but it is not clear whether it is serious or not. It's just that the muscles and bones have been injured for a hundred days, and it will take a while to raise them.

Mother Ye pinched it a few times and said it was nothing serious. Talking about some old things in the past is nothing more than Ye Geng's stubborn temper when he was a child, and he was unwilling to practice martial arts.

Ye Shi didn't cry, but her eyes were always red. The husband is the **** of the family, if there is something good or bad, what should the whole family do.

After sending those students out, the atmosphere in the Ye family was extremely solemn.

Ye Geng was lying on his back, his eyes fixed on the top of the tent. He is not an ignorant child, nor is he a stunned young man who has just entered the officialdom. He didn't know that something strange happened to him this time. How could a good eaves collapse at will, and it happened when he passed by. If Mr. Liu hadn't pushed him a little at that time, he might have been hurt not only by his legs.

His mother's words made him ashamed, and he somewhat regretted why he didn't want to practice martial arts in the first place. If he is extraordinary, will he be able to escape other people's schemes and protect his wife and children better?

Why did he believe in the belief that everything is low-grade, only reading is high-grade. All these years in the officialdom, he was unwilling to do the flattery and flattery, and he was unwilling to associate with those people who tried to make money, so what did he gain in the end?

"Father, is that house in disrepair?"

He suddenly heard the eldest daughter ask.

Everyone in the Ye family thought it was an accident, but Ye Ping didn't think so.

The father and daughter obviously thought of one place, and when they looked at each other, they knew who did it without too much words or guesswork.

Ye Ping's eyes turned cold.

The Wang family wanted to cut off all their paths!

The Ye family was gloomy, and even the youngest Ye Zheng could feel the worries of the adults. The servants all looked very distressed, and they dared not speak loudly.

The small house suddenly became much quieter.

Ye's eyes are red and he is doing housework, and his eyes are often dull. She has a weak temper, but she grew up in a place like Wang's family, so how can she be really pure in her mind.

It may not be easy for the master to have an accident this time.

What should she do?

The kiss was broken, the face was torn, and there was no turning back. If it's really just a family forced to leave Beijing, that's fine. According to this situation, the Wang family clearly did not want to let them go.


"Pingniang, why aren't you asleep yet?"

"My mother didn't sleep either."

"Mother...Mother, go to sleep now."

"Mother, if you can't sleep, let's talk for a while." Ye Ping had already arrived in front of her, standing half a head taller than her.

Ye is a traditional mother who loves her children silently. She taught her daughters the etiquette and rules of girls from aristocratic families since she was a child, and she thought that was the foundation for a woman to live and work.

"Pingniang, have you ever complained about your mother?"


Even if the original owner wanted to climb high, he never disliked his parents.

"Mother, it's a misfortune and a blessing that Dad had an accident this time."

"Don't worry, mother. Your grandmother also said that it's nothing serious."

"Mother, do you think the Wang family did this?"

"Pingniang, even if it's them, we have no evidence."

"I know. I just want to tell my mother that I'm not going to bear this tone. Because we can bear it for a while, but not for a lifetime, unless our whole family dies."

Ye Ping's words made Ye's heart skip a beat. Since when did the eldest daughter have such an aura. People in the world often say that if a mother is weak, her son is strong. Is it because she is too weak that her daughter has to be strong.

She suddenly felt extremely guilty and cried bitterly.

Whatever Pingniang wants to do, let's do it. As the mother-in-law said, taking a step back is the underworld, and no matter how bad the family is, they can still go underground to reunite.

She made up her mind and held her daughter's hand tightly.

"Pingniang, it's useless for mother to do anything else. If you want mother to go to Wang's house again, mother will go!"

With her words, Ye Ping felt relieved.

The Wang family has a lot of affairs recently, but family affairs have never been related to the concubine. Wang Qiye's life was as usual, planting flowers and teasing birds to eat and drink.

As it was getting late, he would eat and drink well with a group of friends, walking back while hiccupping, leisurely stopping from time to time to look at the flowers and plants on the side of the road, it was very pleasant to look at.

Suddenly someone stood in front of him, and he raised his head and squinted.

Against the darkening sky, the girl in front of her is as gorgeous as a flower and like a moon. Her frosty eyes, jade-white face, and calmness that doesn't match her age are all admirable.

"Hey, isn't this the Ye family's niece?"

"Wang Qiye, can I take a step to speak?"

"What are you talking about, you girl is so mysterious... hey... why are you dragging me! The girl's house is better than Shujing, you run slower, I will spit out the wine I just drank..."

Ye Ping dragged him to a place where there was no one else, and got straight to the point.

"I need Wang Qiye's help. One is to cooperate with me inside and outside the Wang's house and leave the door for me. The other is to give me a layout plan of the Wang's house."

Wang Qiye's eyes were wide open, as if he heard something incredible.

Is this niece crazy!

He is from the royal family.

"You... what do you want to do?"

"Not doing anything, just teaching some people a lesson."

"You... do you know what you are talking about? My surname is Wang, how could I help you? You are a girl, don't fight and kill all day long, you should hear what your reputation has become. I am really worried , your parents must be very worried, whoever gave birth to a daughter like you is also unlucky!"

Wang Qiye looked heartbroken, and looked at him as an elder who was worried about the younger generation. He frowned and waved his hands, and hiccupped as if to leave.

How could Ye Ping let him go and stand in front of him. "In a word, do you want to help?"

" child...this is a challenge for a strong man." Wang Qiye looked like he was still drunk, shaking his head and a little unsteady, wandering from side to side and left and right.

If you really don't want to, just refuse directly.

Ye Ping knew that she had made the right bet.

"Wang Qiye, don't you want to avenge your biological mother?"

Wang Qiye's drunken eyes turned sharp in an instant. He looked at the girl in front of him scrutinizingly, his eyes full of surprise and inquiry.

How much does this child know?

Ye Ping let him scrutinize her, and said: "The third old lady of the Wang family is not a good concubine mother. Most of your three concubine sons have lost their birth mothers, and they either died of dystocia or died of illness. Presumably Wang Qiye saw the truth early in the morning. Clue."

Among the three households of the Wang family, only the old lady of the third household has never been an official. The family background is profound and the family property is immeasurable. Such a large property shop must be managed by a direct bloodline. The third master of the Wang family is the one who was introduced to manage the family property. Since one does not want to pursue an official career, one's personal reputation does not have to be as important as that of others. Perhaps it was because the other two concubines felt guilty and did not blame him for having so many concubines.

Strange to say, although the third old master had many concubines, there were not many people in the backyard. There is no other reason, but most of those concubines are short-lived.

Ye Ping stopped by, she didn't come to find Wang Qiye to gossip about the old affairs of the Wang family, she didn't want to get involved in those messy affairs of the Wang family for the time being.

"You should have heard about my father's accident. The third old lady won't give us a way out, I just want to teach her a lesson, shouldn't I?"

In a short while, Wang Qiye had returned to the drunken look before. "It's really a kid talking like a kid, and I don't want to teach me a lesson. My head hurts. We adults can't mess around with you. You should go home quickly."

While muttering, he swayed away.

In the evening of the next day, someone sent Ye Ping a letter. The letter was sealed with sealing wax, and the letter was delivered by an innocent little beggar. The little beggar got Ye Ping's reward and ran away with a happy face.

Inside the letter was a layout plan, without any name or taboo, only a line was drawn at the small door in the northwest corner, and two words were written next to it: Haisan.

Ye Ping put away the letter and looked in the direction of the Wang family.

That Wang Qiye is really an interesting person.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, she gently pushed open the small door in the northwest corner of Wang's house.

The heart of defense is indispensable. This time she did not act alone. The one who came with her was her younger sister Ye Ting. Ye Ting stayed outside, and the two sisters made an appointment.

The third room of the Wang family is just to the northwest, and because of the layout plan, Ye Ping can easily find the small warehouse of the third room, to be precise, it is the private warehouse of the third old lady of the Wang family.

They don't have any evidence about their father, so they can't report it to the officials. This dumb man has to suffer if he doesn't suffer. That being the case, she also wants the other party to experience the pain of having no evidence and having to suffer from being dumb.

As the flames blazed, she disappeared into the darkness.

The journey was surprisingly smooth, and even came out a quarter of an hour earlier than the agreed time.

The two sisters did not dare to stay, and hurried back. Halfway through the journey, Ye Ping suddenly felt something was wrong. She looked up, and there was darkness in front and behind.

In the darkness, someone slowly walked towards them.

Ye Ting was extremely nervous, and her thin body wanted to stand in front of her sister. Sensing the aura of the person coming, Ye Ping breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.

As the person approached, even in the darkness, the silhouette of that person could be seen clearly. There are really thousands of words, which cannot describe this person's unparalleled beauty and stern aura.

Ye Ping wailed in her heart, why did she meet this evil spirit again. Will the relationship that was finally eased fall into an impasse that is difficult to break?

"Eldest Prince Wen, what should I do?" Ye Ting whispered. This kind of thing was bumped into by Wen Junwang, so he wouldn't arrest them to see the official.

Ye Ping held her cold hand, "Don't be afraid, Prince Wen did not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

When she said this, she seemed to think of something. Wen Yu's actions are ruthless, but it seems that he has never killed anyone for no reason. But she is not an innocent person, she just set the fire on fire.

In the dark night, Wen Yu looked like an emissary from hell, with black clothes and black hair, and an indifferent expression. He has the appearance of a son of God that is different from ordinary people, but he does evil deeds of chasing souls and taking lives.

It's a lie to say you're not nervous, and it's a lie to say you're not afraid. Even though Ye Ping kept telling herself that they had reached a certain consensus and that the other party did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, she still did not dare to take it lightly.

"Your Majesty, this matter has nothing to do with my sister. She is not in good health, can you let her go first?"

It is true that Ye Ting did not participate in the action. If it is really impossible to hide, Ye Ping hopes to save her sister.

Ye Ting shook her head desperately, anxious, "...Jun Wang, my eldest sister..."

How could she leave her elder sister to face it alone, they are twins, lucky to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day. If they can die in the same year, the same month and the same day, it will not be in vain for the sisters.

Wen Yuchao waved his hand behind him, and a person came out out of thin air.

That man was like a shadow, he looked like a well-trained secret guard.

"Send Miss Ye Er back."

Hei Ying took the lead and arrived in front of the two sisters.

Ye Ping let go of her sister's hand and whispered, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Don't disturb your family when you get back, remember to leave the door open for me."

"Sister, I will accompany you."

"You silly girl, what are you doing with me? In case something happens, there is no one to send a message to respond. Be obedient, go back obediently, and wait for me."

Ye Ping pushed her sister and walked towards Wen Yu.

"My lord, where are we going?"

In the night, she couldn't see Wen Yu's expression clearly, but she didn't feel any danger from him, thinking to herself that this King Wen Yu might not do anything to her.

"Come with me." Wen Yu said.

The two got into the same carriage, and the carriage drove in the dark like a ghost car to receive a new soul. The car wall is carved with totems that look like animals but not animals, and there are all kinds of small furnaces in hidden compartments.

No matter how spacious the carriage is, it is only a square inch away from the space. Being in the same room so close is inexplicably unnerving.

Ye Ping smiled flatteringly, but didn't dare to move, wondering where she would be taken. If it is really treating criminals, it is impossible to have such good treatment.

Wen Yu suddenly snorted coldly, "You dare to set fire, if there is another time, do you dare to kill someone?"

"Don't dare. I don't dare to kill people if I borrow a thousand courage from my daughter. What my daughter burned was the private treasury of the third old lady of the Wang family, and there are many servants in the Wang family, so they will definitely find out soon. In the end, it is likely that some of them were burned. Cloth, calligraphy and painting, gold and silver will not be lost."

In a scholarly family, calligraphy and painting are the inheritance.

This little girl is a little clever.

"I really underestimated you, you actually made sense of Wang Qi."

Ye Ping was really shocked now.

She thought that she was acting in a secretive way, and no one would have thought that the people she would cooperate with inside and outside would be the Wang family. This Prince Wen deserves to be a criminal investigator. Could it be that he has placed informants everywhere in Yongchang City?

If this is the case, she must be more careful in her actions in the future.

"Wang Qiye didn't do anything, everything was done by me alone."

"How many heads do you have!"


Ye Ping shrank her neck.

You can't be stupid, you can be miserable.

"Your Majesty, I was also forced. If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. But what they want is not only my life, but also the lives of my whole family. No matter how humble I am, no matter how insignificant our Ye family is, then They are also a few living people. Even if ants know how to build a nest as a home to defend against natural enemies, aren’t we born human beings who can’t resist being so forced?”

"Whoever commits adultery and commits evil has his own law to punish."

"Does the county king believe this?"

If the law can really restrain those princes and nobles, there will be no one in the world who bullies others, where there will be people who bully men and women, and there will be no people who treat other people's lives like nothing.

Wen Yu looked at her and said nothing.

There was silence all the way, and finally the carriage stopped. Ye Ping felt that this journey was too tormented, as if thousands of years had passed. When she looked up and saw that it was the criminal office, she was so frightened that her legs went limp.

How come here?

It's over.

"Junwang, Junwang." She didn't want to go in, she was short and delayed, "My little girl is wrong, I really know that I am wrong. You don't need to use punishment. If you want to know, my little girl must tell the truth. If there is half a word hidden , let the little girl have no soul to rely on, and she will never be reincarnated!"

Only those who have died once know that this oath is heavier than the others.

Wen Yu glanced at her, this woman really has no manners at all. From the legal provisions she said, it is not difficult to infer that men and women are treated equally in that place. Perhaps this was the reason why she was raised without the restraint of a daughter's family, nor did she have the awe of the aristocratic family.

"You still want to be a ghost for thousands of years, but you have a good idea."

"...The little girl wants to be a human being."

What's the point of being a ghost for thousands of years?

Just as Wen Yu was about to move forward, he found that his clothes were being grabbed by someone. Looking down, the little girl had a pitiful face and became more and more demeanor.

"What does it look like!"

"Your Majesty, my daughter is afraid... You really don't need to torture me, my daughter will do anything."

She is afraid of death and really doesn't need to be punished.

Wen Yuxuan stared at her, his expression difficult to distinguish between joy and anger.

The two stalemate for a while, and it was Ye Ping who couldn't stand it in the end. It was because Wen Yu's aura was too strong, and she was afraid that if she dragged on, he would kill her with a knife.

As soon as he entered the dungeon of the Criminal Division, the breath that hit his face was nauseating. She followed behind Wen Yu, trembling with every step she took. He wondered if he thought wrong, this person would never let him go.

There were prisoners in the dungeon, but the prisoners were lying on the ground one by one, as if they were all asleep.

The red wall fire is like a will-o'-the-wisp sticking out its tongue. As soon as the torture tools were thick and cold, she was so frightened that she wanted to escape. She kept cheering herself up, trying to convince herself that the person in front of her would not kill her.

"Do you know what crime that man committed?" Wen Yu asked, pointing to one of the cell doors.

Ye Ping boldly looked at the person in the prison door. With his unkempt hair and dirty clothes, he could see nothing but a middle-aged man.

"...what did he do?"

"Arson and murder are unforgivable crimes."

"I won't kill people!" Ye Ping's voice was trembling, she just started a fire, she really didn't have the guts to kill people. "The Wang family wanted to kill my father, and I just fought back. You may not know, whether it was before or now, the little girl is a person who knows the law and abides by etiquette."

Smart words!

If this little liar kept his etiquette, the saint would probably vomit blood with anger.

Wen Yu took an object from the torture tool. It had two hooks, and the hooks seemed to be stained with blood. The bloodstains have long since dried up, and the overlapping spots should not be the blood of one person.

"This thing is extremely powerful, it can pierce a person's lute bone. After hanging on the wall for three to five days, no matter how hard-spoken people are, they will open their mouths."

His voice was extremely low, but it was terrifying.

Ye Ping was terrified when she heard it, as if she saw herself being hung on the wall through a lute bone. She finally understood why the world called this person the Jade-faced Fiend. Just looking at this slender jade-like hand, who would have imagined that the other party would be such a cruel person.

"Your Majesty, don't... my daughter really doesn't need to use torture. Whatever you want to ask, she can answer whatever you want. Do you still want to know what the laws are in my place? Maybe you want to know other things, my daughter said, my daughter has everything explain…"

Wen Yu put the instrument of torture back and gave her an indifferent look.

There were tears on the little girl's face, but she tried her best not to collapse.

Such a performance is extremely rare.

If it was an ordinary woman, she would have fainted from shock.

"There is a life gate in this dungeon. If you can find it before dawn, I will not pursue today's matter. Even if you do something in the future, as long as it doesn't hurt your life, I can turn a blind eye."

Ye Ping was stunned, tears stopped immediately. This is really a mountain full of mountains and rivers, and there is no way out, and there is another village. Wen Yu didn't bring her here for the purpose of extorting a confession by torture?

It's just that she has never heard that there will be a life door in the dungeon. Could it be that she lied to her?

With Wen Yu's status, it is easier to want her life than to trample an ant to death, so there is no need to spend a lot of time teasing her. She thought about it, half-believing.

Who is Wen Yu, and how keenly she perceives words and expressions, how can she fail to see what she is thinking. With deep eyebrows and cold eyes, he immediately flicked his sleeves, turned around and walked out.

"Junwang, Junwang...where are you going?"

Seeing Wen Yu leaving, Ye Ping was in a hurry.

Wen Yu didn't look back.

"I'm waiting for you at the exit."