If it's really Mr. Zhao, I'm afraid the person who came was not kind.

She couldn't express the astonishment in her heart, but she acted as if nothing had happened on her face. This man is close to sixty years old and does not have a beard. He is an outlier among men nowadays. The voice is sharp and unpleasant, and it is not a normal person to hear it, no wonder there is a shady habit.

"My daughter has indeed heard of a Mr. Zhao because of the Wang family. If you are really that Mr. Zhao, you must have heard of the quarrel between my daughter and the Wang family."

Lord Zhao snorted again, "The Wang family deceived me, and I will settle accounts with them."

Ye Ping's heart sank.

It really is him!

His surname is Zhao and his name is Yuande, and his ancestral home is Pingshan.

Pingshan is far in the east of the country, thousands of miles away from Shangzhou, the birthplace of the royal family. However, with the Zhao surname, it may not be unrelated to trace the root and trace back to the source. Thanks to the glory of the country's surname, the Zhao family has been on the rise in recent years.

In the Sheng Dynasty, the water transportation was divided into the north and the south, and Zhao Yuande was in charge of the South Water Transportation Department. The Southern Water Transport Department is located in Bianzhou. Bianzhou has been a land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River since ancient times, and it was the most prosperous place in the prosperous dynasty.

He has been doing this for nearly twenty years, so all the Zhao clan in Pingshan ascended to heaven because of him, and Yiran became the largest clan in the south of the Yangtze River. The reason why the Wang family took the risk to curry favor with Mr. Zhao was precisely because they wanted to get a share of the fat water from the Southern Water Transportation Department.

It's not a coincidence that Mr. Zhao came to see his father just after his accident. It was almost unnecessary to guess, she probably understood the reason why this person came to her.

"The little girl and the grown-up have never met before, so I don't know why the lord is looking for the little girl?"

When she said this, she clearly felt that the servant beside Mr. Zhao had been looking at her, his eyes were scrutinizing and obscure, as if he was looking at a certain utensil.

The master is lustful, and the servants are presumptuous, it really works like a boss.

At this time, Master Zhao sneered, his voice was as piercing as a sharp object scratching glass. "Although I and you don't know each other, we have discussed marriage at least once. Ms. Ye will remember, right?"

"The little girl has never discussed marriage with the adults. The adults may have heard it wrong. The little girl has grandmothers and parents. The elders in the family have never mentioned adults for the little girl, and have never walked around with the Zhao family. The marriage proposal is even more nonsense. My lord The matter of discussing relatives is all caused by the Wang family, because of this matter, my mother broke off the marriage with the Wang family in a fit of anger, and adults should also know about it."

She didn't believe that Mr. Zhao didn't know this, and he didn't look at how old he was, he looked older than her grandmother, and he shamelessly said that he had discussed marriage with her.

This old man is not ashamed!

Mr. Zhao may be really angry, or maybe he is annoyed, his face is a little flushed. He subconsciously glanced at the middle-aged servant beside him, and the servant moved his fingers.

He straightened his expression and lowered his voice, "I have known all the inside information. It is true that the person who sent the message was biased, and there have been many misunderstandings in the middle. But I always marry wives only by sight, as long as I like , regardless of your status. When I saw you today, I felt quite satisfied. If you agree, I will send someone to the Ye family to propose marriage. After the marriage is settled, you will be my wife who has never been married. Those people For the sake of this official, I don't dare to make things difficult for your father. When the time comes, I will deal with it a little bit, and I will definitely keep your father safe."

Ye Ping thought it was true.

This Mr. Zhao appeared so coincidentally, he really wanted to take advantage of the fire and rob him.

She still doesn't know the details about her father. According to the law of the Sheng Dynasty, the things committed by the father will not be implicated. If it is really just accepting bribes and releasing water when evaluating students entering Beijing, it is not enough to be beheaded. It was her responsibility to save the lives of the Ye family members. She could lose her own life, but she would never commit herself to such a disgusting old man.

Even if you want to marry her, why not go through the normal process?

This old thing is really shameless.

"Marriage matters, my daughter can't be the master. Mr. Zhao has lived outside Beijing for a long time, so maybe he doesn't know all about the marriage in Beijing. He will send a matchmaker first, and only meet each other if he wants to. After the meeting, both parties are satisfied before getting married."

"I'm getting old, and I don't like that kind of red tape. If you want, this will happen. If you don't want to, I won't force you. I can also promise you that if you marry me, Then I will definitely vent my anger on you. I don’t care about the mere Wang family.”

What a big tone!

No wonder the Wang family wanted to support the Zhao family, but it turned out that the Zhao family was so confident.

Ye Ping was in a hurry to find Song Jinyuan, and really didn't want to talk to Master Zhao any further. "My lord sees through the sophistication of the world, so naturally I follow my heart and keep everything simple. My daughter is a layman, and she is still young. She has not yet understood the sophistication and looked down on common things, and she can't do what adults like. My daughter sees an adult as if she were an elder, and she has no other distractions. Today The little girl just pretends that she has never met the adult, nor has he said anything like this, so the little girl will leave."

She saluted and was about to leave.

At this time, the servant beside Master Zhao spoke.

"Miss Ye, what is the status of my family's adult? It is your blessing that he has taken a fancy to you. If you are really filial, you should know that the fate of your children is determined by your parents. Now that something happened to your father, shouldn't you be a daughter?" Do you sacrifice your life to repay it?"

Ye Ping stopped after hearing that.

This servant looks strange. Wearing a servant's clothes, but standing imposingly. The tone of the speech is majestic and powerful, which makes people feel stressed.

"Parents who suffer from body, hair and skin are well known. But people in the world often say that parents love their children, not for repayment. My parents raised me, fearing that I would suffer and fear that I would have no one to rely on. How could they see me as saving my father? Trapped in the abyss. If it is filial piety, the little girl should not go against her heart and compromise, causing her parents to regret and remorse, and there will be no joy for the rest of her life."

A young girl with a stunning appearance and a coveted figure. She is obviously a woman from a humble background, if she wants to be in the top position, she must serve others with sex, but she does not expect her words to be so sharp, and her words are like pearls.

A look of astonishment appeared on Mr. Zhao's pale and beardless face, and he subconsciously looked at the servants beside him.

Although the servant had his hands clasped together, his back was neither hunched nor bent, and his bearing was extraordinary. When Ye Ping said these words, surprise could not be concealed in those deep and sharp eyes.

Thoughtful, he gave Mr. Zhao a look.

Mr. Zhao seemed to understand, and said: "According to what Miss Ye said, even if Mrs. Ye is in danger of dying, Miss Ye is not willing to sacrifice herself to save her father?"

"My little girl will try her best to save each other, not for a happy ending, but for a clear conscience."

The servant let out a cold scoff, "It's so ridiculous. Hitting a stone with an egg is beyond one's own strength. You said it right before, there is no king in this world, so you are not afraid of the Wang family. But don't forget, the surname in this world is Zhao! "

Ye Ping's heart shrank, it seemed that this servant was not a simple person. Zhao is the surname of the country, and this person wants to tell her that Mr. Zhao has a close relationship with the royal family, which is beyond the Ye family's ability to compete.

The servant saw that her face changed slightly, and said again: "It's really difficult for you to make up your mind for such a big matter. My lord is kind, and I would like to give you a day's grace. At this time tomorrow, Miss Ye will talk back."

Ye Ping wanted to say that she didn't need to think about it, but she swallowed the words again. She endured the extremely uncomfortable oppressive feeling, and bowed again to leave.

Sanxi waited anxiously downstairs, looking upstairs frequently. Helplessly, the window was already closed, leaving only a little gap, making it impossible for people to see what was going on inside.

A quarter of an hour seemed to pass, and she finally saw the figure of her own girl.

Ye Ping stopped her with his eyes, signaling her not to ask anything. Her heart suddenly rose, and she nervously followed behind her own girl.

Ye Ping let out a long sigh of relief when he reached a place where no one was around.

The sense of oppression that the servant gave her just now was too strong, which made her suspicious. She had only felt such a powerful aura from Wen Yu. Wen Yu is the superior who has lived for two lifetimes, but what about that servant?

Is it really just a servant?

"Miss, who is that lord?" Sanxi held back all the way, already anxious.

Ye Ping looked around and said, "He said his surname is Zhao."

"Zhao?" Sanxi exclaimed, covering her mouth suddenly, her voice began to tremble, "He...he is that Mr. Zhao who killed three wives?"

Ye Ping let out a "hmm".

Sanxi's face lost all color in an instant, "Big girl, he... what did he say to you?"

"Let me marry him, and he will save my father and help me deal with the Wang family."

"Ah?" Sanxi was anxious, "Miss, you...you didn't agree?"

That Mr. Zhao looks older than the old lady, and looks a little weird, he doesn't seem to have a beard, and he looks a little unprincipled.

Ye Ping shook her head, didn't say anything more, and hurried to find Song Jinyuan with Sanxi. Coincidentally, Song Jinyuan was also going to look for her, and the two met on the way.

Before she could ask, Song Jinyuan told all the details of the case. The witnesses and physical evidence are indeed complete. Although Ye Geng has not pleaded guilty, it seems that there is no possibility of overturning the case.

The person was taken away in the Guozijian, and the person who took Ye Geng away was the person from the criminal department. Ye Geng is now in the prison of the criminal department. He must have received someone's order from the criminal department, and he has no way to see him.

He always felt that this matter was quite strange, and he felt more and more ashamed.

"Miss Ye, I'm afraid I've hurt you all."

"How do you say that?" Ye Ping asked hurriedly.

Song Jinyuan hesitated again and again, but he still told His Majesty what he said that day that he had no intention of saying. The one who can get past their Jingwu Guards to catch people, except Wen Yu, is the one above.

His Majesty even punished his most beloved nephew, so how could he let the Ye family go?

"Because I made a slip of the tongue for a while, His Majesty must be very angry, and Prince Wen was sent to Beijing on business because of this. I'm really sorry."

It turned out that Wen Yu was not in Beijing.

Ye Ping actually planned to look for him. After all, his identity was there, and the two of them were considered to be a kind of people who knew everything. She believed that even if Wen Yu wouldn't help her, he would give her some pointers.

This belief, I don't know if it is her illusion or her determination.

"This matter has nothing to do with adults. Your Majesty should have known about the rumors in Beijing, and I am afraid that he has a very bad impression of the little girl. The emperor's anger is like thunder, and we should regard it as your favor."

Song Jinyuan is rare and serious. With his official position and experience, it can be said that he has seen countless people. Before that, he only regarded this woman as infatuated and acted differently, so he looked at her differently. Today he discovered that this woman is definitely not an ordinary boudoir woman. In the face of a catastrophe, he can still say that Emperor Lei Ting is Jun En's words, which shows that he is not only wise, but also very transparent.

A woman with such good looks and insight, regardless of her background, is really worthy of Chengtian.

"I have a lot of friendship with the Criminal Division. Even though King Wen is no longer serving there, they dare not offend me. But this time they didn't see anyone, let alone your father. It can be seen that they got an order from above. "

There is no one other than His Majesty above this.

Ye Ping thought, if His Majesty really took action, then no matter what they did, it would be futile. Why did Mr. Zhao say that he could help him rescue his father?

A strange feeling came to her mind, and a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in her mind.

"Master Song, may I ask if Mr. Zhao from Bianzhou has come to Beijing?"

Song Jinyuan was taken aback, weren't they talking about Master Ye? What did Miss Ye say about that old man Zhao Yuande? Surprises are surprises, but he still answered seriously.

"I haven't heard of it, but what have you heard?"

"Perhaps I overheard it. It seems that I heard someone say this on the road just now."

That must be a mistake, Song Jinyuan thought.

"It's because of me..."

"No." Ye Ping said: "The root of the matter is still me. I provoked Prince Wen. This matter has nothing to do with your lord. Don't blame yourself."

"Then what are you going to do next? If you need help, just ask."

"Thank you, my lord. If it is true what your lord said, I am afraid that what I do will be useless."

This is the truth.

Song Jinyuan was silent.

This night was long and difficult for the Ye family. Ye Ping told Sanxi Mo to mention being invited by Mr. Zhao to speak, and only relayed what Song Jinyuan said.

Even the commander of Jingwuwei couldn't see anyone, and others couldn't see Ye Geng. Mother Ye originally planned to use more money to manage, but was stopped by Ye Ping.

Ye's eyes were red and swollen from crying, and Ye Ting and Ye Lian's siblings looked heavy. Even the little Ye Zheng felt that the atmosphere at home was unusual, so he ate half a bowl of dinner.

In the dead of night, Ye Ping stood outside the house looking at the waning moon in the sky. The waning moon is like a hook, the brilliance is like silver, and the shadows of peach leaves are like flowers, swaying east and west with the wind, like carnival and struggle.


It was Mother Ye calling her.

She turned around and forced a smile.


Mother Ye was wearing a thick coat, obviously she just got up from the bed, her eyes were filled with distress. She looked at her eldest granddaughter lovingly and sighed softly.

"You don't need to blame yourself. You can't blame your father for today's disaster."

"If it weren't for me, father wouldn't have such a thing."

Mother Ye shook her head, "Not necessarily. Your father's temperament is like your grandfather's. He is rigid and aloof, and he doesn't know how to change it. I said when he came to Beijing to take the exam, the officialdom is like the rivers and lakes, and even more dangerous than the rivers and lakes. It is not the best policy to protect yourself."

Ye Ping was surprised, she never thought that her grandmother could see so clearly. Officialdom is not just Jianghu, but a more dangerous place than Jianghu.

"Grandma, do you not want your father to be an official?"

Mother Ye was disappointed and said: "Your great-grandfather was originally the son of a rich family. After the family was ruined, he lived in the market, so he started to make a living as a dart. The officialdom is uncertain, and no one knows that one day there will be disaster. No, but it was your grandfather's last wish.

All these years, your father has been seeking stability and high status. In the past, others still cared about the Wang family. Now that we have broken off our relationship with the Wang family, those villains hiding in the dark will come out sooner or later. If there is no this time, there will be a next time, so please come early. "

"Then what if there is no room for change in this matter?" This is what Ye Ping is most worried about.

Mother Ye rubbed her hair, "There must be a road before the mountain, this is what your great-grandfather used to say. If there is really no road ahead, at worst, our family will go back to Qingshui Town. I really miss the road in front of the old house. In that vegetable field, I don’t know if the rapeseed I sprinkled in the spring has sprouted yet?”

The original owner has never been back to Qingshui Town, but Ye Ping yearns for it.

But she can't leave, and neither can the Ye family. Once the father is really convicted this time, the Wang family, who have already sharpened their knives, will not let them go.

Tomorrow she will go to see Mr. Zhao, maybe it will be a turning point.

Almost sleepless all night, she came to the teahouse again. The guards guarding outside the teahouse led her in, and it was still the same room on the second floor as yesterday.

In the room, there were still that Lord Zhao and his servants.

"Have you figured it out?" Mr. Zhao drank his tea without looking at her.

She said, "Think about it."

"Oh?" Mr. Zhao seemed to be interested, and looked at her with a half-smile. "Your father's case is very difficult, and you have nowhere to go. Don't worry, after you and I get engaged, Mr. Ye will be my father-in-law, and I will run for him."

Ye Ping put away all distracting thoughts and never raised her head. She really wanted to see the servant's expression at this time, but she didn't do it.

"My little girl came here today to tell my lord, thank you for your love, my little girl has no luck."

Master Zhao said "oh" again, as if he was a little surprised.

His voice was sharp, "Have you really thought about it?"

"My little girl has really thought about it."

"I really don't know how to flatter you!" Mr. Zhao threw the teacup on the table forcefully, making a muffled sound. "It's your good fortune that I have taken a fancy to you. If it wasn't for your appearance that suits my wishes, why should I treat you so courteously? It's because I pity you that you are in the royal family. Otherwise, with your character With fame and reputation, even my aunt can't do it!"

Ye Ping straightened her back and formed fists with her hands.

"My lord may think that I have the power to see the sky, but my little girl believes in the laws of this court even more. If my father is really guilty, why should my little girl save him? If my father is not guilty, why should I save him? My little girl thank you for your respect, so let's leave now." .”

"Naive, it's ridiculously naive!"

She ignored Mr. Zhao's words, bowed her head and walked out.

As soon as her hand touched the door, the servant stopped her.

"Miss Ye, you really think it over. Once you go out, there will be no room for maneuver in this matter. Think about Mr. Ye who is in prison, do you really have the heart for him to cut off his future?"

Ye Ping raised her head slowly and finally saw the man's face clearly.

The hero is extraordinary, and I am the only one.

"Sir, I just said that my father's matter is decided by his own law."

The servant looked proudly: "If the law is unfair, what should you do?"

Ye Ping calmed down and was not afraid to answer him, "If the laws are not fair, the country will fall, and my father's future will be ruined, that's luck."
