The south of Yinzhou produces good soil, and the good soil produces imperial porcelain, which is called Yinzhou celadon. The body of the altar is embossed with green bamboo, and the bamboo leaves are slightly round, showing a wild posture. What is hidden inside is the golden bamboo of Yinzhou Gongjiu Qinshan.

The water brewed by Jinzhu in Qinshan comes from the spring dew of Jinzhu. The annual production is no more than 20 altars, all of which are tributes. Yinzhou is the fiefdom of King Zhang. When King Zhang came to Beijing this time, he also offered these tribute wines.

Wen Yude has two jars of wine, one of which is here.

Two slender fingers hooked on the lanyard of the wine jar. The celadon in the wine jar is like jade, and the **** with distinct knots are also like jade. It just happened that the moon and stars were scarce, and the wind and clouds were piled up, as if thousands of elegance in the world were piled up in him.

Such a celestial figure can be as bright as the bright moon.

He was speaking to Ye Geng, but Ye Ping was watching.

Ye Ping was not stupid, so she hurried forward to pick up the wine.

Mother Ye drank a little wine with her son during the banquet, and it didn't show up just now, but now she smelled a little drunk. Looking at a pair of beauties like a golden boy and a jade girl, he smiled a little smugly.

"Brother Yu and Pingniang look so good, they really should have more children."

Her voice is not loud, but not small either.

Ye Shi was immediately ashamed, and Ye Geng's face turned red.

At this time, Ye Zheng, who had been obediently listening to his grandmother and sisters before, spoke out happily. "The elder sister is good-looking, and the county king is good-looking. They have a bunch of good-looking children. They will call me uncle from now on."

"Look at our little four, he wants to be an uncle." Mother Ye laughed more and more. "Brother Yu, Pingniang, are you listening?"

Ye Ping really wanted to say that it is impossible to make a bunch of them, but two or three can be considered. She carefully watched Wen Yu's face, acting shy.

The atmosphere was momentarily awkward and eerily quiet.

When the wind was quiet and there was no sound, Wen Yu opened his mouth.

"What the old lady said is very true."

Extremely? !

Ye Ping was dumbfounded. Could it be that her fate after marrying into the princess mansion is to have endless lives? When she thought of a bunch of children who looked like her or Wen Yu surrounding her and calling her mother, she was the first two older.


Even if you are fascinated by beauty, you can't indulge in making people with him day and night. The prosperity and wealth are right in front of her eyes, and the delicious food and beautiful scenery don't wait for her. How could she be caught by a man and become his servant.

But at times like this, she'd better keep her mouth shut.

Mother Ye was extremely satisfied, the more she looked at this future grandson-in-law, the happier she became. If it wasn't for her being old and still having to maintain the prudence of her elders, she would definitely have to get drunk with her future grandson-in-law tonight.

Wen Yu was invited into the main room, accompanied by Ye Geng.

Mother Ye was old, Ye Zheng was too young, the old and the young couldn't bear it, so they went back to rest together, and Ye Lian also went back to his room to study.

Noble guests come, how can there be no food without wine.

To show her sincerity, Ye Ping cooks for herself.

It's past Haishi, and there is no time to prepare complicated dishes. The Ye family is not a big family, and there is no inexhaustible supply of ingredients in the kitchen, and some only have scraps left over from today.

The mutton is almost used up, only the washed haggis and some side dishes remain. She cobbled together six dishes, including stir-fried lamb haggis, cold mixed mushrooms, and scallion tofu.

Seeing these dishes, Mrs. Ye felt a little uneasy. With the status of Prince Wen, he should have already eaten all the delicacies in the world, and some of these home-cooked dishes may not be able to serve the table. What's more, haggis is cheap food for aristocratic families, and ordinary nobles find it disgusting.

However, these things are the only things that can be taken out of the house at this time. She struggled for a long time, pinning her daughter's cooking skills, and begging for the tolerance of her future son-in-law.

When she bit the bullet and delivered the dishes to the main room, Ye Geng and Wen Yu had been speechless for a while.

Ye Geng is not a tactful character, he has been an official for many years but has not been contaminated by the habits of the officialdom. Wen Yu has been regent for many years, and he has never been cured by others.

So after a few words of pleasantries, there was a sudden silence.

As soon as Ye's figure appeared, Ye Geng's tense expression obviously relaxed a little, and it should be much better if there are vegetables to accompany the wine. It's just that when the dishes were served one after another, his heart hung up again.

He actually forgot what his home was like. Even if they exhausted all they had, they still couldn't afford a table of high-end banquets to entertain guests as distinguished as Duke Wen.

After serving the dishes, Mrs. Ye softly raised her mouth that this dish was made by Ye Ping.

Ye Geng has been husband and wife with her for many years, so there is a tacit understanding.

Since these dishes were bought by his daughter, perhaps Prince Wen would be tolerant.

"My Pingniang has been literate since she was a child, and she is quite familiar with some principles. She has devoted herself to studying cooking skills, and ordinary ingredients can also make excellent taste."

This is to praise my daughter and cover up the ordinaryness of these dishes.

He looked at Wen Yu nervously, for fear that the county prince would leave in anger.

Under his nervous eyes, Wen Yu gracefully picked up the chopsticks, and the first thing he reached for was the thick-colored stir-fried haggis. Haggis is crisp and tender, with a spicy taste, which is not inferior to mutton.

"Excellent indeed."

"Jun Wang please." Ye Geng breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly poured wine for Wen Yu.

Bamboo fragrance is overflowing, not suppressing the fragrance of wine.

It is indeed a tribute wine, it is really the best in the wine.

Although Ye Geng is not good at wine, he can taste the elegance and sweetness of this wine. For his rank, not to mention the rare top-grade tributes, even the tributes with the largest output and the most tributes in previous years, he has never been a part of it. In the past, in private conversations with colleagues, I heard other people mention some things, such as cloth and fruits, saying how rare and sweet they are. At that time, he had no other thoughts except envy and yearning.

After drinking for thirty days, he became a little more courageous.

With this wine, I mentioned King Zhang and the customs of Yinzhou. Wen Yu didn't just say a word or two, which already doubled his confidence. This conversation over wine lasted till midnight.

The men were eating and drinking in the main room, while Mrs. Ye and her two daughters were talking in the room.

Ye Ping divides the lines, and Ye Ting learns how to describe.

Mrs. Ye held an embroidery frame and embroidered stitch by stitch. Seeing the inexperienced appearance of the two daughters, I don't know whether it is sorrow or helplessness.

Pingniang is okay, but she is not a celebrity, but her cooking skills are not bad. Due to her frail body, Tingniang has never learned anything except martial arts to strengthen her body. Now everyone in the world knows that Tingniang is very strong, how can she talk to people who are looking at her in the future. Could it be that my daughter can't do everything, only a handful of strength?

The candlelight is warm and yellow, smudged with the mother and daughter, and the room is warm and quiet.

Ye Ping couldn't bear it any longer, and yawned unbecomingly.

Mrs. Ye finally figured out the reason, from the words and deeds of women to female celebrities, and from female celebrities to chastity and virtuousness, it seemed that she wanted to stuff all kinds of taboos about etiquette and behavior into the minds of the two sisters.

The moon is already in the sky outside, but the lights in the Ye family's hall are still on.

After drinking half a jar of wine, Wen Yu was as cold as before, Ye Geng's tongue was a little bigger.

"Pingniang has a real heart...but she really likes the county king. If she wasn't trapped by love and couldn't help herself, she wouldn't be able to do those things."

Wen Yu lowered his eyes, playing with the wine glass with his slender fingers, and the fine liquid in the glass swirled.

That little liar really fooled everyone. That's fine, everyone in the world knows that she likes herself, even if it's fake, it will be true for a long time.

The color of his eyes is getting darker, like the sound of thousands returning to the night.

At three o'clock, the aroma of wine gradually dissipated.

Wen Yu got up to say goodbye, and Ye Geng hurriedly saw him off.

There are many candle shadows in the side room, and the woman's low voice can be vaguely heard. The bits and pieces were not clear, and there were yawns from time to time.

Ye Geng blew a cool breeze, the smell of alcohol dissipated a little, and he was a little embarrassed when he heard that the yawn came from Pingniang. Seeing that Wen Yu didn't look sideways and didn't listen, he secretly rejoiced that the county king was not familiar with Pingniang, so he probably couldn't tell who made the yawn.

He sent his distinguished future son-in-law out of the house, and when the carriage of the Princess Mansion left, he was still in the excitement of being able to drink and chat with the other party about government affairs. ambition.

As the saying goes, the old man with white hair also has ambitions, and he dares to talk about the past and the present with all talents. Because of the disheartened official career a few days ago, he was full of ambition at the time of nomination for the gold list.

On duty the next day, Lord Liu took the initiative to chat with him again.

Lord Liu is fond of wine, so when talking about King Zhang's entry to Beijing, he would naturally mention Yinzhou Gongjiu Qinshan Jinzhu. The Liu family's family status is not low, but it is not a top family, so naturally it is not qualified for the imperial gift of this wine.

"I don't know how that wine compares to Yuzhuchun?"

Yuzhuchun is also a good wine, but it is not a tribute.

Ye Geng tried his best to keep his expression and voice as normal. "That wine is clearer than Yuzhuchun, and the bamboo fragrance is stronger."

Master Liu was immersed in his own fascination at first, and it took a long time before he realized it, and asked in shock: "How does Master Ye know the taste of that wine?"

"Chengtian came to see Xiaguan yesterday and brought a jar over, and there is still half of it left. If Master Liu doesn't mind, Xiaguan will give you some."

"Chengtian?" Master Liu was taken aback for a moment, then opened his eyes wide.

The Chengtian that Mr. Ye is talking about is Prince Wen Jun!

This Mr. Ye is really different.

After King Zhang entered Beijing, he first entered the palace to face the saints, and then offered sacrifices to the imperial tomb. Everyone in Hejing paid a lot of attention to this prince who won the emperor's heart. He cried until he fainted when he sacrificed to the mausoleum, and it was so small that a new cloud pine tree was planted in the palace. The piles of piles, all of which are full of relish.

Day after day, the wedding date of Ye Ping and Wen Yu approached step by step.

The two hadn't seen each other since the wine delivery that day. Even though Ye Ping stayed at home, she heard a lot about him. For example, accompanying King Zhang to worship the mausoleum, compared to being invited by King Zhang to watch Yunsong.

The wedding is urgent, and she has too many things to do.

First, I went to the Zhuangzi in the suburbs to inspect, and selected a useful girl and a dowry woman. That girl was her first sight, she was dark and thin but strong, so she named her Sanfu. The mother-in-law's surname is Zeng, and people call her Mrs. Zeng. Mrs. Zeng's man is the little steward of the Zhuangzi, and he seems to have some means to keep things under control.

After making these arrangements, she went to visit two houses and three shops in Beijing. The two houses are four-entry, and both are in a good location for quietness in the middle of the noise. The locations of the three shops are all very good, and they are all cloth shops, and one of them is the one where she hid.

From the first time she went to inspect Zhuangzi, she found that someone was following her. After she discovered the whereabouts of those two people, she said that they were ordered by Wen Yu, and also said that the master had confessed that it would be fine if their whereabouts were exposed, and that they should not lose their errands.

She was very satisfied with Wen Yu's move, and felt very useful.

Five days before the wedding, Princess Qingyang's message was sent to Ye's family.

Ye Ping looked at the post repeatedly, her expression unclear.

The owner of Qingyang County is quite difficult to describe. The book mentioned that after Wen Ruqin and Shen Ling got married, she actually approached Shen Ling intentionally or unintentionally while the couple was visiting the Duke's mansion.

Such a person should not be friends with.

After thanking her politely, she explained that she was busy getting married recently and would not attend any banquets. Please also send the message to the person who sent the post, and hope that the Lord of Qingyang County will understand.

No one else knows how Princess Qingyang guessed.

The world only knows that Ye Ping rejected the post from the palace, so some people say that she is a big fan, and ridiculed that she is a villain who is arrogant when she succeeds. There are also those who say that she can't get on the stage, and it's hard to be elegant.

After Mrs. Wen heard about this, she even demoted her to nothing, and felt sad that her second grandson was going to marry such a low-born and petty wife.

Ye Ping turned a deaf ear to these rumors.

The day after the banquet held by Princess Qingyang, news of her engagement to Wen Tingzhi spread. I heard that Mrs. Wen was extremely satisfied with this marriage, and she praised Princess Qingyang for her politeness and generosity when she met everyone.

Ye Ping scoffed at this.

Whether it is a mule or a horse, we will know later.

The wedding day arrived as promised.

Before dawn, the Ye family was already up and down.

Order the dowry and prepare for the ceremony.

Ye's eyes were swollen like apricot stones, one could tell that he must have cried all night. Mother Ye's expression was acceptable, she sat on the sidelines and watched her eldest granddaughter dress up. The wedding dress regulated by Yipin Gaoming is embroidered with a round cloud and crane picture. The phoenix crown is shining, on it are two dragons playing with beads, and a five-tailed step is inserted on the left and right, with golden beads and tassels blooming step by step.

The beauty in the mirror is bright and beautiful, and she is so stunning that she smiles and captivates the city.

Mother Ye praised frequently, one was amazed at the beauty of the eldest granddaughter, the other was amazed at the nobility that the eldest granddaughter gave birth to at some time, and the third was feeling that this daughter came from the Ye family, she was inevitably proud.

When I return to Qingzhou in the future, I must go to the Ye family's ancestral grave to see if there is really green smoke.

After finishing makeup, Ye Ping got up.

After tidying up, he raised his jaw and stood up, looking more noble.

Mrs. Chang, who was invited to be Mrs. Quan Fu's eyes, was astonished, and she did not hesitate to praise, "It's really rare for a county princess to have such a face."

With her status, she has seen many stunning women. Up to the concubine, down to the concubine of the aristocratic family. The glamorous ones are like leeks, which are always new. Some are amazing at the beginning, but later on. Some are enduringly favored, and they are the only ones.

There are not many people as beautiful as the two daughters of the Ye family. What's even more rare is that the two women each have their own beauty, one is extremely beautiful and pure, and the other is patheticly beautiful. The former is astounding, while the latter is pitiful. It's hard to wait for both left and right, which makes people lose their eyes.

Mother Ye has a straightforward personality. When someone praised her granddaughter, she had no reason not to agree, "The two granddaughters, my old lady, are really well-born."

Mrs. Chang hit it off with her at first sight, and after hearing the words, she was very emotional, and the conversation became even more joyful.

According to the marriage rules of the prosperous dynasty, it is more auspicious for a woman to cry than to laugh before going out.

Ye Shi cried the most, followed by Ye Ting. If it wasn't for the fear of ruffling Ye Ping's wedding dress, the mother and daughter would have come to hold Ye Ping and cry together.

Ye Ping has been traveling for several months and has already integrated into the Ye family.

She couldn't cry, but there was moisture in her eyes. Seeing her mother and younger sister crying sadly, she comforted them that they would go back to their natal home often in the future. Unexpectedly, upon hearing this, Mrs. Ye burst into tears.

Once a woman is married, she is as comfortable as she is in her natal home. The princess's mansion is a big family, and the rules are not known, so it's hard for Pingniang to see her after she gets married.

Outside the door of the Ye family, Wen Yu, dressed in the uniform of a county king, led a group of descendants from aristocratic families to meet the relatives. Song Jinyuan was the leader, followed by Chang Shenyan, the eldest son of the Chang family, Shen Ling and others.

Such a ostentation is really beautiful.

The Ye family has no relatives in Beijing, and the two sons are young, so the people blocking the door invited Chang Shenxing, the second son of the Chang family, and Liu Dian, the son of Master Liu.

Rao Chang Shenxing shouted happily, gearing up to embarrass Wen Yu. But when he and Liu Dian faced Wen Yu and others, their aura was extremely weak, and the ritual of blocking the door was useless.

When the person receiving relatives was admitted to the hospital, the courtyard suddenly seemed cramped.

The people who watched the ceremony included guests and neighbors, all of them were envious of Ye family's luck. Such a humble family background, unexpectedly climbed to such a high family.

In the future, no matter how small the Ye family's courtyard is, it cannot be underestimated.

When the auspicious time came, Ye Ping walked out of Ye's house step by step with her heavy phoenix crown on her back.

Tassel didn't move, and she saw the pine-like figure through a layer of red gauze. Tall and tall, bright and cold as the moon, when she thought that she would perish together with this fairy man tonight, ripples gradually arose in her heart.

Since it is a gift of marriage, it has its own libretto by the officials of the Ministry of Rites.

The ears are full of auspicious words, accompanied by the sound of firecrackers. The blessings and crying of the family gradually fade away, replaced by the sound of gongs and drums and joy.

This situation is as unrealistic as a dream.

Ye Ping got into the sedan chair and sat still.

Wen Yu rides a horse like a majestic mountain.

The curtain falls and the sedan chair rises.

The wedding sedan went around the south city, then circled the north city, and finally arrived at the princess mansion. After a tedious process, Ye Ping was sent into the bridal chamber like all the bones in her body fell apart.

When Gao Tang toasted just now, she remembered that Concubine Wen was holding the tablet of the eldest princess in his hand. Mrs. Wen did not attend, saying that she was too sick to get up, and she was afraid that her illness would overwhelm her happiness. As for Mrs. Wen and Duke Wen, she didn't pay much attention. Right now, she was so tired and sleepy that she wished she could fall down on the bed and fall into a deep sleep.

After struggling to finish the final procedure, she couldn't bear it anymore, and sat on the bed with her buttocks, not wanting to move her fingers. Through the red wedding veil, the man's face was radiant, and his figure was even taller.

This face, these legs...

She was hot all over, and seemed to be full of strength.

Xi Niang's servants have already retired, and there are no people who make trouble in the wedding room as is customary. No one will find it strange that it is so simplified and straightforward, because Wen Yu has always been like this.

People in the world will not know that there are times when he is as lonely and cold as he is impatient.

He took a few steps forward, and with his slender fingers, he lifted the red veil off Ye Ping's face. The four eyes met suddenly, one was dark and bottomless, and the other was about to move.

Suddenly, the temperature is getting higher and higher.

If it's just this bridal chamber, it's not impossible.

Ye Ping felt that she had no objection.

The slender hands stretched out, seemingly with infinite tension. Her heart was like hot oil splattering, and the flames could be seen dimly. It was so hot that I couldn't wait.

Who knows that the hand didn't land on her body, but took off the phoenix crown from her head.

"Wash first." Wen Yu's voice was very low.

Ye Ping blushed even more, and called Sanxi in.

After washing up, the husband and wife were left in the room.

Looking at beautiful women under the lamp, everyone is drunk without wine.

The red dress was light and thin, which made the jade face even more beautiful. The slightly open placket reveals boundless charm. Ye Ping's mouth was parched, and he drank two cups of tea in a row. If she hadn't reminded herself rationally, she might really not be able to help but rush over.

Wen Yu's eyes moved slightly, and it was the first time in his life that he felt that this body was usable.

The dragon and phoenix candles swayed and cheered, like the spring breeze greening the south bank of the river. The light mantle of red gauze exudes excitement, just like the autumn water reflecting the moonlight again. I don't know whether it is the spring breeze that brings vitality, or the bright moon falling from the sky into the lake, everything seems to be a meeting destined by heaven.

When the black silk was intertwined and lingering endlessly, Ye Ping thought out a word inappropriately: I finally ate swan meat.