Mrs. Wen has been with her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for many years, so she knows her temperament well. Seeing her suspicious eyes, with a bit of malice, I knew that my mother-in-law was successfully instigated by Ye Ping.

She looked surprised at the moment, and looked at Ye Ping with pained eyes.

"Pingniang, what nonsense are you talking about. Self-cultivation is the way to longevity, and your uncle thinks so too. The duke's mansion is named Wen, how could the things in the mansion fall into the hands of others. You are young and ignorant, but you are already married. You should be cautious in your words and deeds, lest disaster come out of your mouth."

He actually carried Wen Guogong out.

This move is quite high.

Ye Ping thought to herself, Mrs. Wen really has a way of controlling the Duke's mansion all these years. In just a short moment, Mrs. Wen's expression changed again.

It is rare for this old lady to relax her mind.

"My aunt taught me the lesson, and my niece and daughter-in-law are also outspoken. When I think of my grandmother being so noble, but wearing plain clothes and eating plain food, and being controlled even if she wants to eat a bite of food, my niece and daughter-in-law feel very uncomfortable."

When Mrs. Wen heard this, the anger that had just passed away rose again. Thinking about how she, the majestic old lady of the Duke's Mansion, should be controlled by others, she can't wear this or eat that, it's really a little aggrieved.

If she had known this, she shouldn't have delegated power prematurely.

Mrs. Wen showed a distressed look, and helped Mrs. Wen, "How can my daughter-in-law not know what Pingniang said. Perhaps the Duke and I were too concerned about my mother's health, and forgot to ask her if she was willing." If the mother wants to eat, the daughter-in-law will prepare some in the kitchen from time to time in the future. I just ask the mother to be filial to the father-in-law and the daughter-in-law, and take good care of her body."

"My aunt was really careless before. After all, there are many things in the house, so it's no wonder she didn't think carefully. It's just that she didn't eat well, and her clothes were too casual. Even if my natal grandmother has been a widow for many years, she can do it all the time." Wear some bright colors at five o'clock. The elders are happy, and the younger generation can feel at ease. If you don't just want to save yourself troubles, completely ignore the elders' wishes, and talk about how filial you are, it is actually false filial piety."

"Pingniang, how could you kid..."

"I know my aunt is not such a person. After all, our Wen family is no better than other families. My aunt has more concubines and more children. The mistress of the house must be vigilant at all times, lest there be any mistakes. There are few things in the house, and my aunt has lived a good life these years." Shu Xin, as time goes on, you will naturally be neglected. Grandma is the best grandmother in the world, and the best mother-in-law in the world, she will definitely not blame you. "

Mrs. Wen's eyes were uncertain, and her mood fluctuated even more. There is no better mother-in-law than her in the world. She let her daughter-in-law be the head of the house early, and she hasn't stuffed people into her son's house all these years. Even if the population is small, he did not let his son take a concubine.

It is a great blessing for Mrs. Wang to marry Rong'er. All these years of managing this and that, it is obvious that she doesn't take her mother-in-law seriously. For some reason, she suddenly felt that the caring and sensible eldest daughter-in-law was not so pleasing to the eye.

"Okay, I'm tired. Go get busy first." She first said to Mrs. Wen, and then waved to Ye Ping, "Help me in."

Ye Ping was extremely well-behaved, and obediently stepped forward to help her into the inner room.

Mrs. Wen was not angry or angry, but full of worry. After Ye Ping helped Mrs. Wen into the inner room, she whispered a few words to Nanny Tian and left.

Ye Ping helped Mrs. Wen to sleep, and did not come out until Mrs. Wen fell asleep.

As soon as he left Yixintang, he saw Mrs. Wen.

Mrs. Wen didn't leave, she was just waiting for Ye Ping.

It was the beginning of summer at this time, and the garden was full of scenery, rockery, strange pines, and blooming flowers. Even the vines hanging on the Moon Cave Gate are trimmed into an elegant shape.

"Grandma is asleep?"


"That's good. Your grandmother is getting older, and her temper is becoming more and more stubborn. People say that they are old and young, and when they get old, they will inevitably become more and more like children. As a junior, filial piety comes first. Old people are confused, and children and grandchildren You can't be confused, and you can't let the old man's temper. My aunt knows that you are a filial child, but you have little experience in some things, so you are inevitably narrow-minded."

These words sound reasonable, and they are extremely heartfelt. It is not without reason that Mrs. Wen's fame was revealed in her early years, and she became famous later on.

But Ye Ping believed in her intuition, if she liked it, she liked it, and if she didn't like it, she didn't like it.

"If you live a long time, you must know a lot? No wonder the uncle knew that the uncle and the eldest princess were in love, and she still got involved. It turned out that the uncle was old."

Mrs. Wen's complexion changed, and her words became more serious. "Pingniang, you are already the princess of the county, so don't behave like before. It's fine to talk about some things in the mansion. If it really gets out, people don't know what they will say about you."

"Since you are in your own family, what can't be said? Unless the relatives turn against each other and trample on each other, how can it spread? Besides, my uncle has been in charge of the family for many years, and everyone praises her. She won't be strict in governance, and the family ugliness will be exposed to the outside world, right? "

Mrs. Wen sighed quietly, "I know you still have misunderstandings in your heart, and I don't want to argue too much. You just need to remember that I am your elder, and I wish you well. Your grandmother is getting old, so it's hard to avoid thinking Think about it, there are some things that you really shouldn't talk nonsense in front of her, it makes her worry for nothing."

"Auntie is referring to what I said wrong? Could it be that I said that everything in the Duke's Mansion will fall into the hands of others? This is indeed my fault. How can wealth change hands?"

"It's really great that you can reflect on yourself. Don't talk nonsense about things like this in the future, so you don't have to make people laugh."

Ye Ping suddenly laughed, and she was subdued.

"Auntie said yes."

Mrs. Wen seemed very relieved, "Your mother and I are sisters, and now you are marrying into Wen's family again. This is a close relationship. When the princess enters the door in the future, I should also befriend you because of this relationship. "

"I heard that the princess is very virtuous, and even if I don't have this kind of relationship, I probably won't be hostile to me."

"Where the princess is, the rules can't be messed up. No matter how approachable she is, some people may feel dissatisfied. You are a sensible person, so you must understand these principles."

While speaking, the two of them had already reached the branch road of the inner and outer courtyards.

"Auntie stay here."

"Then you go slowly."

Mrs. Wen watched her leave with a dull look in her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking. Wen Ruyu didn't know when she came over, so she stood beside Mrs. Wen.

The mother and daughter look alike, and their expressions at this time are actually exactly the same. They watched the graceful figure pass through the Moon Cave Gate, and then they were never seen again.

"Mother, it's all my fault. If I had known that she was thinking about my second brother, I would not have tolerated her no matter what. I... really can't bear her complacent look now."

"It's just a villain's success, it's not worth your attention."

Wen Ruyu's face changed, how could she not take it to heart. The second brother was bewitched by that little slut, not only protecting him, but also standing in for him.

She got the news early this morning that Mr. Qi had an accident. It is said that he got into a fight with someone after drinking, and killed him. Now that he is in prison, he doesn't know what he will say under torture.

"But the second brother seems to be nice to her. I'm afraid she will talk nonsense in front of the second brother. If she really said something, will the second brother create a gap between us?"

Mrs. Wen lovingly stroked her daughter's hair and smiled gently. "How is it possible? A man like your second brother has never seen such a smooth-talking person. How could he listen to a woman's one-sided words."

is that so?

Wen Ruyu believed for a while, doubted for a while, but she was still uneasy.

"Mother, she misunderstood me too much. If she deliberately framed me, would Second Brother believe it?"

"No. Your second brother is a well-known criminal officer, so how can you not see through her methods. Your surname is Wen, and your second brother is also surnamed Wen. You are the eldest daughter of the Duke's mansion, so you are different from her. You Second Brother Wan will not embarrass his younger sister for a clingy person."

Wen Ruyu was relieved, everything her mother said was right since she was a child. Since the mother said that it is impossible for the second brother to deal with her younger sister for an outsider, even if Mr. Qi really said something, the second brother would not say anything in order to save the face of the Wen family.

When Mrs. Wen turned her head, a pine branch protruded horizontally in her sight, which was more abrupt than the other pine branches. She stepped forward and broke off the pine branch, throwing it on the ground.

Ye Ping got into the carriage and lifted the curtain to look back at the Duke's Mansion behind him. The four tigers entrenched on the gate have gone through wind and rain, and their momentum remains undiminished. The two stone lions under the steps watched each other for many springs and autumns.

The four tigers roar together and thousands of troops rise up, and the two lions roar and the beasts return.

Now that heroic soul has gone with the horseshoe, and the great fame has long been submerged in the splendor and prosperity. It seems that the glory of this noble Duke's Mansion is still there, but it is already dead in name only.

With emotion in her heart, she lowered the car curtain.

Mrs. Wen showed off what she said just now, and she sounded extremely satisfied with her daughter-in-law who had never been married. It is said that the princess is noble and the rules cannot be messed up, for fear that some people will be dissatisfied.

Does that certain person refer to her? After all, she is also a princess of the county now. Could it be that she wants to bow her knees in front of Princess Qingyang?

Madam Wen is indeed a talented woman, and the art of speaking is simply amazing. I don't know if this aunt later saw the nature of Princess Qingyang clearly?

Her heart moved, and this matter was not something she didn't ask. I am in a high mood right now, and I am going to gossip with my husband who has lived two lifetimes.

Tongtiantai is also in the north of the city, and it was built during the reign of Emperor Shengzu. When the platform was first built, it was originally used to worship the heavens and pray for rain. Afterwards, a yamen was set up under the high platform, in the name of supervising the sky. The yamen was first named Jiantian Temple, and later changed its name to Tongtiantai.

The history of inspectors of Tongtiantai all came from the Zhao family. Wen Yu's being promoted to this position by someone with a foreign surname is enough to prove His Majesty's trust and love for him.

Looking up at the steps, the steps are like a cloud ladder, and each step seems to lead directly to the heaven. Rao Ye Ping has been to many places of interest and historical sites, and she was shocked by their magnificence.

She was standing outside the yamen, holding in her hand a pack of dim sum bought by the roadside when she came here. Just as he was hesitating whether to go in directly to find someone or wait outside, he saw Song Jinyuan coming out of it.

Song Jinyuan had a serious face, and his face was a little bad. He is known as the smiling devil. In the past, he smiled three-pointedly at everyone, and it was not common to have such a sullen face.

He saw Ye Ping, and Ye Ping also saw her.

Ye Ping took the initiative to greet her, just like usual. The in-laws are not in love, and she doesn't want Song Jinyuan to be her brother-in-law, but it's still good to be friends.

At this moment, Song Jinyuan has returned to normal, as if the gloomy face just now had never existed before.

"I have seen the princess of the county, but the princess of the county is here to look for the king of the county?" His eyes fell on the snacks in Ye Ping's hand, and he teased: "It turned out that he came to deliver snacks to the king of the county. The princess of the county really has a heart. You guys The husband and wife are so loving, I really envy others."

Ye Ping admitted generously, "I happened to have time to go out today, and I thought it was not far from Tongtiantai, so I came here to take a look."

"The princess of the county really has a heart. No wonder the prince of the county is so red recently. It turns out that it is because of the concubine's meticulous care. I am sorry for my lonely family. I have not yet settled my marriage. How about the princess of the county as a matchmaker for me?"

Ye Ping is actually very sorry, if she didn't know that all women who marry Song Jinyuan will die, this marriage is indeed very good for Tingniang.

The General's Mansion is handed down with martial arts, Ting Niang has practiced martial arts since she was a child, and she is born with supernatural powers, so it is most suitable to marry into the General's family. Furthermore, the Song family's family style is clean and upright, there are no concubines and concubines and concubines, and the population is simple. It's a pity that such a good marriage will kill people, so no matter how good it is, they can't marry.

"Master Song, are you kidding me? I am not from a high family background. Apart from the eldest daughter of the Duke's Mansion, the noble daughters I have been friends with are my Xueniang. Didn't you fall in love with Miss Wen?"

Song Jinyuan's eyes flickered, the princess of the county was really speaking secretly in front of the wise. Could it be that Chengtian didn't mean that the Ye family didn't agree to the marriage?


"The concubine of the county is joking, I have no luck with that Miss Wen."

"Sir Song has outstanding character and extraordinary ability, so he will definitely have a good marriage with the right family."

Well-matched right?

It turned out that the Ye family really disagreed.

He thought it was Cheng Tian who blocked him.

It's ridiculous that he still thinks this marriage is good.

He didn't dislike the cheerful girl of the Liu family, and he had no objection to marrying the Liu family. Later, the Liu family changed their mind and turned around to marry the Xie family. He was not sad, but a little disappointed.

A few days ago, my grandmother suddenly mentioned the second girl from the Ye family, and said that she asked Mrs. Chang to talk about it. He remembered that his heart beat a little at that time.

Needless to say about the appearance of the second girl of the Ye family, she looked delicate and weak with a weather-proof appearance, but she had a lot of strength.

That night he couldn't sleep for the first time, and the appearance of the second girl of the Ye family appeared in his mind from time to time, and he thought that if the marriage was finalized, he and Chengtian would become brothers-in-law. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. For the first time in his life, he looked forward to his marriage being settled as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, Chengtian approached him and asked him to persuade his elders to cancel the news of marrying the Ye family. He was joking at first, joking that the marriage was so good that they could still be brothers-in-law. But he didn't want Chengtian to tell him directly that the Ye family had already killed his wife.

He almost turned his face on the spot, but finally held back.

Yesterday the Ye family called back, saying that their daughter was sick and did not want to marry so early. He held back for a whole day and came to Chengtian again. He didn't know how he came up with this idea, and asked Chengtian if there was something tricky about asking the hexagrams from the Liu family, but he didn't expect Chengtian to admit it.

He said how could it be such a coincidence, and it is impossible for every temple's fortune-telling to come true. It turned out that Zhenti Chengtian was in the way, but fortunately he still regarded the other party as his only friend.

So for the first time he said harsh words to Chengtian, he actually regretted it as soon as he said it.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a deep purple figure, and a look of unnaturalness flashed across his face, and he said: "Chengtian is here, you and the princess of the county chat slowly. I still have something to do, let's go first."

He walked very fast, as if fleeing.

Ye Ping frowned, a fool could see that there was something wrong between him and Wen Yu, could it be that Meng Bulijiao and Jiaobulimeng's good brothers turned against each other?

"I thought that the county king worked **** his errands, and I was afraid that he would not even have time to eat when he was so busy, so I took the liberty to come here and deliver some snacks." She stepped forward and handed the snacks to Wen Yu.

When Wen Yu saw the greased paper wrapping the dim sum, he knew it was bought from a roadside stall. So you came here so presumptuously, saying you came to see him, but you even bought some snacks?

A liar full of lies.

He took the snack and held it in his hand.

Seeing that he took the snack, Ye Ping felt relieved.

"Master Song doesn't seem very happy, is it because of Tingniang's business?"



Ye Ping really wanted to roll her eyes, this man is really hateful sometimes. Will talking more words be exhausted or choked to death?

"I have no choice, but if one of his wives is alive, I will not stop this marriage."

He married three wives, all of whom died of illness.

Either it's a real wife, or someone is playing tricks. If it was the former, she could only sigh. But if it's the latter, it's really scary.

The people Wen Yu and Song Jinyuan couldn't find out showed how deep their hiding was. Her Tingniang was originally a deficiency brought out of her mother's womb, and she died not long after she got married, so no one would doubt her.

Thinking about it this way, I became more and more frightened.

"This marriage is absolutely not acceptable, even if I try to offend Master Song, I will not agree."

"Rather than being sad and disappointed in the future, it's better to never have it."

This sentence is quite long, with seventeen characters. So what is the meaning of this person who sometimes cherishes words like gold, and has the ability to always jump out word by word.


Why does it sound like it was told to her?

Ye Ping went over these words twice in her heart, afraid that she would think too much, so she quickly stopped her thoughts.

"Junwang." She suddenly smiled flatteringly.

Wen Yu glanced at her, with waves in his eyes.

She bent her eyes, and the autumn water in her eyes glistened, "Actually, I have one more question to ask, that is, Princess Qingyang... Does she have anything interesting to talk about in the future? For example, her personal virtues?"

"Want to know?"

She nodded like a pounding garlic, with a look of urgency.

"beg me."

beg him?

Ye Ping stared, how can I beg?

Kneel down?

This is Tongtian Terrace, although it is not crowded with people, it is also an extremely solemn and majestic place. There were still guards standing at the door, and there were people passing by from time to time not far away.

"I beg the king of the county to be merciful and satisfy the little girl's curiosity."

"What is mercy?"

"...It's kindness."

"My hands are covered with blood, how can I be a kind-hearted person?"

Wen, you win.

Ye Ping gritted her teeth, she was cold-blooded and ruthless but still so confident, no wonder she was an old bachelor in her previous life.

"How about I treat the county king to dinner?"

"Have a meal?"

"In our place, we treat everything to dinner. Treat business to dinner, make friends to dinner, ask people to help you to dinner, and meet men and women to dinner. There is nothing that can't be solved by a meal. If there is, then Please eat two meals."

She stretched out her slender fingers and made a two.

The time is just right, and the wonderful girl is like a flower. At this time, she is both gorgeous and simple, breathtakingly beautiful, and so simple that it makes people's heartbeat. It seems to be the glow in the morning, and the neon after the rain. The boundless brilliance in the transformation is just like the sun and gold sprinkled in the west at this time.

Wen Yuyan smiled, and tapped the two slender fingers with his big hand.

"Okay, then two meals."