The beef is sliced ​​as thin as paper, and it will be cooked in a few breaths after being rinsed in a copper pot with bone broth. Once dipped in the spicy dipping water, it is immediately shiny and attractive.

Nanny Tian was hesitant to speak but stopped, neither able to intervene nor to intervene. It was Ye Ping who was talking all the time, and it was Ye Ping who was serving Mrs. Wen.

"This piece of beef is taken from the sirloin, which is the most tender. Grandma, please try it."

"This piece of beef is taken from the back of the cow. It is fat and thin. Grandma, please try it."

"Granddaughter-in-law also prepared flower and fruit tea, which relieves tiredness and warms stomach. Grandma, please try it."

Mrs. Wen ate and drank, completely forgetting her purpose of coming to the Princess Mansion. Mother Tian wanted to remind her several times, but Ye Ping deliberately blocked her, and she couldn't find a chance at all.

Wen Ruqin was still a little apprehensive at the beginning, but when Mrs. Wen ate mouthful after mouthful, her nervous heart gradually relaxed a little. It turned out that, as the second sister-in-law said, the grandmother was not that scary.

After rinsing the meat, rinsing the vegetables.

Mrs. Wen did not expect that some bland vegetarian dishes on weekdays would become so spicy and refreshing. After satisfying her appetite, she couldn't help squinting her eyes comfortably.

After finally catching the air, Tian Nanny finally found a sense of existence.

"Old madam, madam has told you that your body is the most important thing, so you should not eat too much spicy food."

Only then did Mrs. Wen think about why she came here. She was clearly here to teach this unworthy thing, so why did she just sit down and eat together?

After all, he has a short mouth for eating people, and he hasn't eaten to his heart's content yet. The smell of meat mixed with spicy and spicy smells rampant in the breath, and for a while, I didn't know that I should pay the elders' money, so I continued to eat.

Her face was slightly stiff, very annoyed.

Ye Ping frowned, and said, "Nurse Tian, ​​are you grandmother's servant or eldest aunt's servant? Why have you confessed to each wife one by one? It's hard for grandmother to ask for permission from eldest aunt for everything she eats. Who is the mother-in-law and who is the daughter-in-law? "

"Princess Princess, madam is also thinking about the old lady's health."

"This is strange. I am grandma's granddaughter-in-law, and Xueniang is grandma's own granddaughter. Are we outsiders? Why is grandma eating with her younger generation, but still being restrained by her elder aunt? Is it because she is afraid that we will be poisoned or We want to harm grandma? If this gets out, people will think how chaotic our Wen family is. Grandmothers and granddaughters and granddaughters-in-law have to be careful when eating, and mother-in-laws have to be manipulated by daughter-in-laws and what they eat and wear. It’s just slippery. The great joke of the world."

Mrs. Wen has changed her face, and put down her chopsticks heavily.

Nanny Tian's complexion turned pale, she knew the old lady's temperament best. It's just that what she didn't understand was that in the past, the old lady obviously listened to her wife's words the most, and liked her filial piety and understanding the most. How did she change when she was so good?

"Old madam, madam is also doing it for your own good. I'm afraid you'll get sick after eating something bad."

"Nurse Tian, ​​is grandma a three-year-old child? What does she eat and what does she not eat, do you have to be taught by others?"

Mrs. Wen's face was obviously filled with anger, but such a thing is not easy to happen. If she is too old to spread something right and wrong because of her greedy mouth, it would be really ridiculous.

Ye Ping added fuel to the fire and said, "Nurse Tian, ​​I heard that your daughter is working in the yard of your aunt. Don't you think that grandma is getting old and not in charge of the family, so she found a new backer early? "

Everyone's expressions changed, including Wen Ruqin.

The second sister-in-law is too daring to speak!

Grandmother is old and has long since left home. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the auntie has the final say in the Duke's mansion, and all the servants act according to the auntie's wink.

Nanny Tian's face was as white as paper, while Mrs. Wen's face was full of anger.

"Old madam, this servant is wronged. How could the princess of the county slander my servant so much? This servant has served you for decades, and you know her loyalty best. This servant dares to swear to the sky..."

"I won't swear, and it's useless to swear." Ye Ping then comforted Mrs. Wen and said, "My daughter-in-law just said that, because I'm afraid that these servants will take advantage of the wind and not take you seriously. Don't blame Tian Mommy, even if she is a little selfish, it is human nature. She should be very loyal to you, but she should also be concerned about the aunt. After all, the aunt is the mistress of the Duke's Mansion, and the aunt asked her to watch over you. None of her servants dare to disobey the order of the mistress."

These words really hurt my heart, I don't know if it's Mrs. Wen's heart or Nanny Tian's heart.

Not only did Nanny Tian turn pale, but her mind was also blank. The old lady is getting old, the wife is in charge of the house, and the lady is also for the old lady's good, so what's wrong with her listening to the lady?

Old Mrs. Wen became more and more annoyed, and looked at Nanny Tian with sharp and unfriendly eyes. She is old, and she has delegated power early, but she is also the old lady of the Duke's Mansion.

"Tell me, what else did Mrs. Wang ask you to do?"

Mrs. Wang came out, which shows how angry she is.

"Old Madam, Madam didn't ask the servant to do anything, she was just worried about your health, and asked the servant to take care of your food."

"Life is alive, eating and drinking are two words. Even eating and drinking can't be done as one wants, so there is no fun at all. The aunt is really, she can eat whatever she wants, and do whatever she wants, grandma doesn't care Pass her. She is good, a daughter-in-law who restricts her mother-in-law's food and clothing everywhere, it sounds nice to think about her grandmother's health, but it sounds bad to control her mother-in-law, I don't know if it is true filial piety or fake filial piety?"

Whether it is true filial piety or false filial piety, Mrs. Wen can't figure it out. She only knows that she didn't enjoy herself last time, and she was disappointed again this time, and she was very unhappy.

Ye Ping said again: "I'm young, maybe the governor doesn't know much. But I do know that if you can't be happy in your life, what's the point? Even if you have a lot of money, so what, life doesn't bring death If you don’t take it with you, you won’t be able to enjoy it while you’re alive, and you’ll be taking advantage of others after death, so why bother!”

Mrs. Wen was completely angry, what Brother Yu's daughter-in-law said was right. So what about the wealth? She can't even eat what she wants, so what is the majesty of the old lady of the Duke's Mansion? A servant dares to point fingers in front of her, she will be shameless!

"Get lost!" She said this to Nanny Tian.

Nanny Tian was so frightened that she knelt on the ground, "Madam, the slaves are loyal..."

Ye Ping interrupted her, "Loyalty is not just talking about it. To put it bluntly, you are a slave, holding a chicken feather as an arrow, and it's fine to discipline Xueniang for grandma. How can you discipline grandma for uncle? Xueniang She is the granddaughter of grandma, not your granddaughter. Grandma asked you to take care of Xueniang's body last time, but unexpectedly you went to the princess mansion to act as an elder. Fortunately, this matter did not spread. If it really spread, a slave The reputation of being a big bully is still small, if it is really said that the inner house is not repaired, not only the grandmother will be scolded, but the uncle's reputation will also be affected."

" go back!" Mrs. Wen was so angry that her heart was heaving. It was her business that she didn't like the second room's grandchildren, but it was not the turn of a servant to belittle her.

Wen Ruqin's face turned pale, but her eyes were slightly red.

It turned out that the second sister-in-law remembered all the grievances she had suffered.

She looked at Ye Ping gratefully, and Ye Ping blinked.

Nanny Tian kept kowtow, regretting endlessly. She had never calculated that Ye Ping would make trouble today, let alone that the princess of the county with a low background was so scheming.

This move not only separated her and the old lady, but also separated the old lady and his wife. She can't go, if she goes now, she will never come back. Not to mention being driven to Zhuangzi, but it is impossible to gain the old lady's trust again.

"Old madam, this servant is loyal, you must not listen to other people's one-sided words, and hurt your madam's heart. You know how madam has filially treated you over the years."

"Grandmother, listen, she said that the granddaughter-in-law is someone else. At this time, she only has her aunt in her heart, and she speaks for her. Perhaps in her heart, our Wen family's surname is not Wen, but Wang. .”

"Old lady, my servant has served you for many years..."

"It hasn't been many years. If I remember correctly, Mother Tian was sent to serve by my grandmother after my aunt married into the Duke's mansion, right?"

This old lady Wen was not only angry, but frightened.

It was true that Madam Tian was transferred to Yixintang after Mrs. Wen came in. Later, the confidantes Mrs. Wen married were all old and passed away one by one.

At this moment, Mrs. Wen actually thought of those who passed away for no reason. Nine times out of seventy, she was about to reach eighty, and the last dowry girl also died of illness the year before last.

She was suddenly a little frightened. She didn't know if it was because she was afraid of death or being manipulated by others.

"Go, you go!" She pointed at Nanny Tian, ​​her fingers were shaking.

Ye Ping hugged her suddenly, "Grandmother, don't be angry, just let her go."

She stopped shaking, feeling warm inexplicably.

This one who can't get on the stage... Mrs. Ye is not completely worthless.

Nanny Tian was driven away, and a nanny named Xi Niang took her place. This little nun was originally the daughter of Mrs. Wen's dowry to the eldest girl, and she was among the accompanying servants.

After this incident, there was no way to continue eating. Ye Ping's suggestion to play the leaf card somehow eased Mrs. Wen's ugly face.

Shengchao leaf cards can be played by three or four people.

Mrs. Wen was used to putting on airs, and she was quite reluctant at first.

She is the daughter of the Wan family, who is the mother family of the Yuan Empress Wan's family. The Wan family has a very deep background. In addition to the Empress Yuan, there were also two empresses. Mrs. Wen is a prostitute, and she was used to being flattered since she was a child, so she has a very high spirit. When she was young, she liked to pinch the tip, and she was quite clean-eyed, so naturally she didn't have many good friends to talk to. When I got older, I became more and more concerned about my identity, and I was even more reluctant to associate with others.

Most of the old ladies in the aristocratic family like to play leaf cards to pass the time. She has no friends, and doesn't interact with others. In recent years, she seldom goes out as a guest, let alone playing leaf cards with others, so this is her first time playing cards.

Playing around, she gradually got on the road.

Ye Ping handled the cards well, and she would win one of the few hands. She became more and more excited, and in the end she was even more enthusiastic than Ye Ping and Wen Ruqin.

The three of them played until dusk, but Mrs. Wen still couldn't get enough of it. When leaving, he also said that he lost money today, and he must win it back next time.

Ye Ping said with a smile: "Then grandma should bring more money, maybe the granddaughter-in-law won again."

Old Madam Wen hummed softly, but her eyes were not angry.

"It's my first time playing. When I play a few more times, you don't want to win my money again."

"Grandmother is amazing, wouldn't the granddaughter-in-law's private house not be safe? Oh, granddaughter-in-law should be considered a filial piety. If grandma wins next time, she will invite Xueniang and me to eat noodles to soothe our young and injured hearts. "

"You skinny monkey, you know how to eat."

"Life is alive, eat and drink two words."

"Okay, I invite you to a table."

"Then let's put it this way, granddaughter-in-law wants to eat the noodles at Yunlai Restaurant, and his roasted mutton is a must."

As soon as the words "roasted mutton" came out, Mrs. Wen swallowed her saliva, and immediately felt endless expectations.

Wen Ruqin and Ye Ping walked her all the way outside the house and helped her into the carriage. After the carriage drove away, the sister-in-law and sister-in-law looked at each other with a tacit understanding.

"Second sister-in-law, you are right, grandma doesn't seem to be that scary."

"Old and young, grandma is almost eighty, and her temperament is becoming more and more like a child."

"It's only the second sister-in-law who dares to say that grandma is like a child. I used to be most afraid of her."

"Grandmother is difficult to talk to, but she is happy and angry on the surface. Such a person is not difficult to get along with, and she has no evil intentions. I am afraid of those people who seem to be sweet-faced and bitter-hearted. They seem to be understanding, but they are actually sweet-hearted."

Ye Ping dared to say that with Mrs. Wen's temperament, she was not very shrewd when she was young. The so-called silly white sweet, this old lady takes up the first two words, but not sweet.

Wen Ruqin was thoughtful, and said: "...Is that the kind of person my aunt is?"

Mrs. Wen was thinking about the leaf brand all the way, sometimes happy and sometimes upset.

"That one, I shouldn't have shown my appearance first, and let Mrs. Ye guess that I have a golden unicorn in my hand."

"There is the last one, why did I let Xueniang go out first, if I go out first, then I will have the upper hand."

Thinking over and over like this, the more she thought about it, the more itchy her hands became, and she wished that it would be dawn in a blink of an eye, so she could go to the princess mansion to find two juniors to play cards.

He was about to enter the Duke's mansion, and met Mrs. Wen head-on.

Mrs. Wen's face was full of worry, "Mother, you can be considered to be back. My daughter-in-law just heard about Madam Tian and wants to pick you up at the Princess Mansion..."

Mrs. Wen's face was stern, and her complexion was not good. "It's just a slave, and it's worth your attention."

"What mother said is that it's just a slave, so don't pay too much attention to it. If you can't use it smoothly, you can transfer it to another place."

Mrs. Wen stepped forward to help her, and stopped talking about Nanny Tian. "Someone came from the palace earlier and sent some things over, saying that Princess Qingyang honored you. I sent people to send all the things to you. You can choose what you like."

Mrs. Wen's face looked better, but she felt a little uncomfortable. This eldest daughter-in-law was chosen by herself, and all these years have followed her wishes, and there is nothing against her. What happened to her? How could she be instigated by Mrs. Ye with just a few words?

After returning to Yixintang, seeing the things sent by the palace, they were obviously not moved at all, and they were carried directly to her yard, which made her feel even more uncomfortable.

The eldest daughter-in-law is still fine, that is...

She frowned, a little confused.

When I woke up the next day, I couldn't wait to get ready to go out.

Before she was dressed, Mrs. Wen and Wen Ruyu came.

"Mom is going out?"


"I happen to have nothing to do today, I will accompany my mother."

Mrs. Wen was taken aback, thinking about not only playing leaf cards today, but also going to Yunlai Restaurant to eat noodles, she was a little unhappy at the moment. If the eldest daughter-in-law also went, how would she play leaf cards, and how would she take her granddaughter-in-law to a restaurant for dinner?

Has this Mrs. Wang managed too much recently?

"There are a lot of things in the mansion, where do you come from? There is no elder in the princess mansion. Xue Niang has such a temper, and Mrs. Ye is an ignorant person. I am a grandmother who is here to give advice, so don't worry about it." followed."

Mrs. Wen said gently: "What mother said is that there are indeed many people in the house. The daughter-in-law thought a lot about it yesterday. These years, the daughter-in-law is busy with housework and cannot always be with her mother, so that she only thinks about her body. about other things."

Mrs. Wen began to struggle again, thinking back to the way the eldest daughter-in-law has behaved these years, it is really impossible to find fault. But for some reason, she didn't feel the same irony in her heart as before.

"Mother, why don't we eat pot today? If you want to play the leaf card, how about calling Sister Yu?"

Mrs. Wen was a little unhappy when she heard this. She wants to eat roasted mutton today, not a pot. It's just that the eldest daughter-in-law is obviously trying to please her, and she is not a person who doesn't know what to do.

That's all.

A pot is a pot.

It's not about playing cards with anyone. Compared with Mrs. Ye and her second granddaughter, the eldest daughter-in-law and eldest granddaughter should be more in line with her wishes.

But she was wrong.

The pot is a pot, and it's also a beef pot, but it doesn't have Ye Pingtiao's dipping water. The leaf card is still the leaf card, and the way of playing is the same, but Mrs. Wen and Wen Ruqin let her know that it is difficult for her to pretend to be confused.

In the end, her face turned black, and she lost her cards and said she would not play.

That treacherous Ye family has a lot of tricks in his game of poker, and it's not easy to win a game. So the more frustrated she becomes, the more courageous she becomes, and she is very happy every time she wins a game.

It's like this, she wins a lot, but she is not happy at all.

"Grandmother, this leaf card is just for freshness. You can pay it off after playing it once. If you play it a few times, it will lose its taste." Wen Ruyu said. She didn't dare to act rashly recently, but the fire in her heart was extremely strong. Especially when she heard that her grandmother went to the Princess Mansion to look for Ye Ping and Wen Ruqin, she became even more furious. Grandma still eats beef pot with those two sluts, and plays leaf cards together. Where will she, the eldest granddaughter of her direct relative, be placed!

She and her mother stayed with her grandmother for a day, but the grandmother was not only unhappy, but also had a dark face. Could it be that even grandma is now bewitched by that **** Ye Ping?

"Second sister-in-law is used to coaxing people with tricks, and second brother was coaxed by her. She also knows some things that can't be put on the table, and she wants to use these tricks to coax grandma. Grandma must not be fooled by her."

When Mrs. Wen heard this, her face darkened even more.

She was thinking about these things that couldn't be on the stage, wouldn't she also become a person who couldn't be on the stage? How could this sister Yu become so speechless?

Mrs. Wen saw her expression, and hurried to make amends, "Sister Yu, what are you talking about. Even if Pingniang came from a bad background and had a bad reputation in the past, she has now married into our Wen family, that is the Wen family. Even if she does something inappropriate again, we have to cover it up for her. Your grandmother also thought so, so she deliberately got close to her, and she wanted to lead her on the right path. "

Mrs. Wen was noncommittal, thinking that the eldest daughter-in-law could speak. Thinking of how disappointing it is today, whether it is eating or playing, gives birth to a little depression.

"You have been with me for a day, and you are tired, so go back and rest."

"Mother, if you still want to play cards tomorrow, we will come to accompany you again." Mrs. Wen said.

Mrs. Wen thought to herself, she doesn't want to play cards like this anymore. The more contrast there is, the more enjoyable it is to play cards with Ye Ping.

So she got up early the next day, left the house as soon as possible after leaving a message.

Mrs. Wen and Wen Ruyu's mother and daughter were about to go to pay her respects, but before they left their yard, they heard a servant report that she had left the mansion.

"Mother, grandmother is probably bewitched by that bitch."

"Not afraid." Mrs. Wen's voice was as gentle as ever. "The **** is also your second sister-in-law. You can't say that in front of outsiders. Your grandmother is old and doesn't have a few years to live. Let her be happy every day she can be happy."