Wen Ruqin's wedding date was getting closer day by day, and the rumors about Wen Ruyu in Beijing were also getting more and more day by day, and it didn't diminish because of Wen Ruyu's departure from Beijing. Perhaps for many people, this news was too sudden. When the world heard that Wen Ruyu beat Mrs. Wen after going crazy, everyone believed it.

The pro-grandmother beat her, she was crazy or something.

Many people regretted that the good daughter of the Duke's Mansion had such a disease, even if she recovered, she would not be able to find a good marriage. For a man, why so.

When something like this happened, Mrs. Wen had to pretend to be sick even if she wasn't sick. Ye Ping took time to visit her several times, all in the afternoon. I don't want Mrs. Wen to come to the Princess Mansion early in the morning three days before Wen Ruqin is going to get married.

If they are other people, Sanxi and others will not disturb Ye Ping.

But this person is Mrs. Wen, Ye Ping did not dare to hang around. She was still waiting for her in Xueyuan. After she was woken up, she obviously didn't sleep well, and she yawned repeatedly while dressing up.

"What time is it?" She yawned and asked Sanxi.

"It's about time."

It's early enough.

One must know that she didn't go to bed until nearly Yinshi last night, that old swan who first didn't want it, but then wanted it again. Why does he say that he will live, and he will not live if he says that he will not live. Giving birth to a child is not about eating, so there is no such thing as gobbling it up, she almost thought she was going to be swallowed alive.

Having said that, this matter is really under Wen Yu's control. She was the one who picked it up, and she was right when she first said that she would not give birth, and later said that she was the one who gave birth. But all her jumps are within the permission of the other party. If Wen Yu disagreed, she would definitely not be able to twist it with her thin arms and legs.

She can fight, but in the face of absolute strength, she is a weak chicken.

"I heard from Hongsang that the old lady looks pretty good," Sanxi said.

It was Hongsang who reported from Xueyuan, and Hongsang would naturally say more.

Ye Ping thought with admiration that it is not unreasonable for the old lady to live to this age, and the other people who experienced such a change would have to lie in bed for a few days, not to mention a serious illness. This old lady is not only not sick, but exceptionally energetic. She went there several times and met Mrs. Wen every time. The old lady was full of anger when she cursed, and she might live for many years.

No matter how much the old lady scolded, Mrs. Wen knelt outside the yard and said nothing.

Thinking of this, Ye Ping became more and more nervous.

Zeng Niangzi saw that there was a blue shadow in front of her eyes, and was about to cover it with some powder, but she stopped it.

She went to Xueyuan with the blue shadow on her back, and Mrs. Wen saw it at a glance.

"Didn't sleep well?"

"There are a lot of things these days, my granddaughter-in-law is worried about her grandmother and Xueniang's marriage, so she often sleeps less at night."

After Sanxi heard this, she immediately bowed her head, she was afraid that she might not be able to hold back her inappropriate expression. But in my heart, I was thinking that the prince and concubine are so loving, why the little master hasn't come yet?

Could it be that three times of water at night is not enough, and more is needed? Thinking about it like this, he frowned and wondered if he should remind the princess of the county.

If Mrs. Wen hadn't been afraid of being gossiped about, she would have wanted to leave the house a few days earlier. She didn't know why, but now she didn't want to see a person who used to think everything was pleasing to the eye.

On the contrary, the person who had never liked him before now seems much more pleasing to the eye.

Wen Ruqin's wedding dress has already been made, and she was trying on the wedding dress in the inner room when Ye Ping came. At this moment, he was helped out by Hongsang and a woman.

The bright red wedding dress made Yuxue's face more delicate and beautiful. Wen Ruqin's beauty is like the purest first snow, so beautiful that it makes people feel pity and joy in their hearts.

"Grandmother, look at our Xueniang, she is so beautiful."

Wen Ruqin was so ashamed that she patted her clothes uncomfortably left and right.

Mrs. Wen gave a "hmm".

This "hmm" made Wen Ru's eyes turn red. Since she was a child, her grandmother didn't like her. No matter what she did, it was impossible for her to get a compliment from her grandmother.

"Looking at it like this, our Xueniang looks more and more like grandma. It must be a bit more beautiful than Xueniang when grandma put on the wedding dress."

"You monkey, making fun of grandma again."

"My daughter-in-law can't tell the truth yet."

"You talk too much."

Although Mrs. Wen was angry, the depression in her eyes was at least loosened.

Wen Ruqin blushed and asked them how the clothes were, if there was anything to improve. Mrs. Wen picked out a bunch of them. The waist looked a bit big, and the neckline was a bit loose. There should be more embroidery on the cuffs, preferably with gold thread.

Ye Ping raised her forehead, this old lady is really rude.

The needlework woman and the embroidery lady next to her trembled like two quails, nodding their heads like pounding garlic.

After talking a lot in one breath, Mrs. Wen felt a little dry mouth, not expecting that a cup of warm tea had already been handed to her. Looking at the grandson's daughter-in-law who was smiling brightly, she inexplicably felt much more at ease.

It's just that this comfort is only for a short moment, and after seeing the people coming in, they are immediately blocked.

The person who came was Mrs. Wen, as gentle and elegant as ever.

The more calm and dignified she is, the more Ye Ping feels that she is unfathomable.

"My daughter-in-law doesn't worry about her mother, nor does she worry about things here."

"Auntie has a heart, grandma is fine, and everything in the house is also fine." Ye Ping replied.

"That's good." Mrs. Wen greeted, and a servant brought in a box. She looked at Wen Ruqin tenderly, and said, "This is a wish from my uncle."

"Put your things down, you go back quickly." After all, she was outside, and Mrs. Wen still had some concerns about the face of the Duke's Mansion. She is not afraid of embarrassing herself in front of Ye Ping, because Ye Ping is an insider. But she doesn't want to lose her status in the princess mansion, especially in front of a concubine's granddaughter.

"My daughter-in-law still has a few words to say to Pingniang."

"Auntie has something to say, but it's okay to say it."

Mrs. Wen said something, but the expression on her face didn't change. "Sister Yu was crying all the time when she left Beijing. She cried and said that she didn't know where she offended you, and made you try to destroy her."

The room fell silent instantly, and everyone looked at Ye Ping.

Wen Ruqin hurriedly said, "She's gone crazy, what has she got to do with my second sister-in-law?"

There was warmth in Ye Ping's eyes, she didn't hurt this girl in vain.

Mrs. Wen frowned tightly, "What do you mean by that?"

Mrs. Wen shook her head, "My daughter-in-law can't figure it out either. But that's what Sister Yu said. I've been thinking about these words for the past few days, and I really can't figure it out. That's why I came to ask Pingniang."

"Why didn't uncle Ruyu ask sister Ruyu?" The warmth in Ye Ping's eyes faded, and a coldness slowly emerged. Since Mrs. Wen insisted on an answer, she naturally wouldn't hide it. She wants this noble lady who is well-known in the circle of ladies in Yongchang City to know what it means to ask for a hammer.

"Sister Yu can't figure it out, how can I ask her?"

"Since my aunt asked sincerely, today I will sincerely explain my doubts to my aunt. Presumably both my grandmother and my aunt know that I used to be with sister Ruyu. On the surface, it seems that sister Ruyu is flattering me Me, in fact, I am just a stick in the hand of Ruyu sister. If Ruyu sister hits her finger, I will beat her. At that time, I was against Xueniang everywhere. I did it because Xueniang ate bad food and had diarrhea. I did it, and I also did it for Xueniang to fall into the water. I have no grievances with Xueniang, why did I do this? It was because I wanted to please my sister Ruyu, so I had to listen to her."

"These words are just your one-sided words. How do you know that it's not your own bad intentions born out of jealousy that Xueniang is more beautiful than you?"

"I'm so beautiful, why do I have to be jealous of others?" Ye Ping asked proudly, touching her face.

When Mrs. Wen heard the words, her eyes were a little speechless.

Wen Ruqin nodded fiercely, how could the second sister-in-law be so beautiful, how could she be jealous of others. Others don't know the reason, but she knows it. But she can't say it, and she can't let others know that the second sister-in-law is sick.

Ye Ping was self-absorbed enough, and said: "Auntie can't help it if she thinks like this. After all, things have changed, and sister Ruyu will not admit it. After falling into the water that time, I realized it completely. I am sorry for Xueniang, I want to make up for my mistakes. Feeling guilty, so I gradually got in touch with her. Sister Ruyu was angry that I was getting close to Xueniang, and encouraged Mr. Wang Liu to bully me in the street. If it weren't for my skill, I'm afraid I would have been shameless in the world after being treated lightly by men in the street .”

"Brother Mu drank too much that day, and he wasn't instigated by others. I heard people said that you were also indiscreet that day. It must be because of your clothes and behavior that people misunderstood, so..."

"Uncle, where did you hear that? I was clearly sitting in the carriage that day, and the servants of the Wang family stopped the carriage first, and then beat the driver of my family. As the master, how could such a thing happen to me? Dare to ask what is the indiscretion that my aunt is referring to? Compared with my aunt who gave birth in eight months after marriage, no matter how improper my behavior is, I will not be able to catch up with the horse."

As soon as these words came out, everyone changed their faces.

Old Mrs. Wen's face was ashen, she opened her mouth not knowing whether to reprimand Ye Ping or to blame Mrs. Wen.

Mrs. Wen's face remained unchanged, and she said, "I fell and gave birth prematurely, and my mother can testify."

When Mrs. Wen heard this, she felt as uncomfortable as if she had eaten a fly.

Ye Ping laughed softly, "Grandmother doesn't want to make her family ugly, so she may not agree with your behavior. You don't want to admit the matter of the sixth prince. But there is one more thing, if you want to come, sister Ruyu will hide it from you."

Mrs. Wen's eyes moved slightly, but she didn't ask.

Ye Ping would say it without her asking.

"Speaking of this, I should also thank sister Ruyu. I had an argument with her on the street that day. Who would have expected that she would drug me in public. After I took the medicine, I was followed by a man, and my heart ached. Do you know how to force yourself to hide in a fabric store. My girl wanted to find a car, and she didn't want to be knocked out. Guess what happened in the end?"

Wen Ruqin's heart was in her throat, and her hands were tightly clutching the wedding dress. The second sister-in-law must be fine, otherwise she wouldn't have said this with a smile.

Mrs. Wen was short of breath, "You...how did you escape?"

"Grandmother is really kind, unlike some people who are expecting something to happen to me." Ye Ping pointedly glanced at Mrs. Wen. "Of course I was rescued. The person who saved me was none other than the county prince. I have a physical relationship with the county prince. The county prince is a responsible man, so he asked His Majesty for the marriage. I It was a blessing in disguise, so I said that I should actually thank Sister Ruyu. If it wasn't for Sister Ruyu's frame, how could I have married into the princess mansion."

Not only Mrs. Wen believed this statement, but Mrs. Wen and Wen Ruqin also believed it.

It turned out to be like this, no wonder His Majesty would give you a marriage.

Old Mrs. Wen wanted to scold someone, so she said that with Ye's background, even if His Majesty was confused, it would be impossible to give him a marriage. She didn't expect that there was such an inside story.

That evil!

Things that are not enough for success and more than failure.

It's not right to say that, after all, although Ye's background is low, there are still some merits in character.

"Are you satisfied now?" she asked Mrs. Wen sharply.

Mrs. Wen's expression changed slightly, and there was a hint of confusion in her eyes.

"This is just Pingniang's one-sided opinion, maybe it's you..."

"Uncle, this matter is not without witnesses, whether it is the county king or your majesty can testify for me."

These two people, who dares to let them testify.

Old Mrs. Wen was very angry, the more she looked at Mrs. Wen, the more she felt it was an eyesore. "You asked and asked, and Pingniang also answered, why don't you hurry up and leave!"

"Mother, Pingniang knows that we won't confront Your Majesty with Brother Yu. Her Chinese medicine is real, but she may only know who gave it."

"Auntie is saying that I drugged myself and deliberately planted it on the county prince?" Ye Ping sneered. "No matter how insane I am, I won't drug myself in a bustling city. Besides, I don't know the whereabouts of the county king at all. How can I fall for him?"

Who is Wen Yu? He is the kind of person whose whereabouts are easy to know.

Mrs. Wen's temperament is destined to be paranoid to the end when she is sure about one thing. Now she doesn't like Mrs. Wen, and she won't believe what Mrs. Wen says.

"Enough is enough, do you have to make trouble to be reconciled? Sister Yu is not enough to be known as crazy, do you want to have a reputation of drugging and harming people?"

Mrs. Wen couldn't stand it anymore, she looked straight at Ye Ping. "Pingniang, there is a **** when you raise your head three feet..."

"Auntie is right. There are gods standing three feet above the head, so why does sister Ruyu go crazy? It's because she has done too many evils and received retribution."

"Okay, I know that no matter what I say now, no one will believe it. But Pingniang, the days ahead will be long. You will know what is right and what is wrong sooner or later."

After saying this, Mrs. Wen bowed her head and said goodbye.

After she left, Mrs. Wen became more and more angry as she thought about it, but she couldn't say too inappropriate and decent things in front of Wen Ruqin. All I could do was call Ye Ping outside, so I complained a lot.

"It was good to look at her before, but I didn't expect to be such a person."

Ye Ping agreed with her, but she thought that this old lady was really pitiful and disgusting. When the eldest princess and Wen Guogong were a good couple, she just stepped in and broke them up. But he doesn't know people clearly, and has been played around by Mrs. Wen all these years.

The more Mrs. Wen spoke, the more excited she became, and her complexion gradually dimmed.

"Have I lived too long? If I live a few years less, will I not be able to see these bad things?"

"You can't think like this. People in the world often say that there is knowledge under the spring. If you only know these things when you are underground, you will not be able to live in peace even if you die."

"You child, what do you say!"

"I'm trying to comfort my grandmother, it's always better to be alive than to be dead. If you're dead, you'll have nothing, and if you're still alive, you can scold as much as you want. No matter how bad the truth is, at least we still have a chance to change."

Mrs. Wen snorted heavily, of course it's better to be alive than dead.

"Everyone is worried, the longer you live, the more you worry."

"Children are all debts. Some children come to collect debts, while others come to repay debts. It all depends on your luck."

When Mrs. Wen heard this, her face became ugly again.

Others said that she had a good life, a good background, a good marriage, and gave birth to two good sons. The eldest son was known as the number one son in Beijing back then, and his reputation spread far and wide. The youngest son loves to practice martial arts, and he was promoted to the sixth-rank martial arts position at a young age by his own ability. At that time, the world said that her sons, one civil and one military, were the pillars of the country, and she thought so too.

Unexpectedly, the two sons are not worried about their marriage. A happy princess, the princess has been waiting until she gets married. From her teens to her thirties, no matter how reasonable she is, she will inevitably feel resentment. The youngest son ignored all the ladies in Beijing, thinking about a lowly girl all day long.

Everyone else was about to hug their great-grandson, but she didn't even hug her grandson. She didn't dare to blame the princess, but begged the princess to let her son go. She tried her best to be hated by her son, and tried her best to find a marriage for him. She thought that the one she liked was the most satisfactory, but she didn't want to be slapped in the face when she was old.

The younger son had become determined after eating the weight, and in order to protect that lowly girl, he actually surrendered to the master without saying a word. In the past, she could comfort herself that she had at least one daughter-in-law she liked, but now she doesn't know what else to comfort herself.

So her two sons came to collect debts!

Ye Ping could also guess what she was thinking from her expression, and thought that if she looked at it from the standpoint of this old lady, it would be really bad enough.

The old lady didn't want to go back to the Duke's mansion, and she was quite jealous of the deceased Eldest Princess, and she refused to live in the Princess' mansion, so she didn't leave until after dinner.

It was dark, and the lights in the courtyards were on.

After finally sending the big Buddha away, Ye Ping didn't want to move. Listening to the sound of water coming from the clean room, her heart throbbed, but her legs were very weak.

San Xi untied her hair and smoothed her hair. She couldn't hold back, and said in a low voice, "Princess Princess, that... Is this slave thinking that I can conceive my little master more often?"

She was taken aback for a moment, then didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Where did this girl hear the nonsense, that a child is won once, not because of the number of times, but because of the timing. Three or four times a night is not much, is everyone a seven times a night man?

Is everything about the boudoir in the noble family so involved?

"Then how many times do you think is appropriate?"

Sanxi didn't doubt that he had it, and thought he had made an excellent suggestion. She stretched out one hand, thinking it was not enough, and stretched out **** on the other hand.

seven times.

It really is…

Ye Ping couldn't bear it anymore, and laughed so hard that tears came out on her body.

"Okay, good Sanxi, you will follow this standard in the future. If someone's son can't do it seven times a night, we won't marry."

Sanxi blushed, wasn't she talking about the county king and princess? Why did the princess of the county involve her?

"Princess Princess." She stomped her legs in shame.

Ye Ping had laughed enough, and suddenly saw the big bed behind her, her legs were even more limp. She swallowed, and made a decision in her heart.

When Wen Yu came out of the bath, he saw from a distance that the bed curtain had been put down, and a sign was hung on the hook of the tent.

The sign reads: Today is a truce.

Under the sign, there is a piece of paper with the words on the top: On the importance of prenatal and postnatal care. The following lists more than a dozen precautions, avoiding alcohol and drugs, etc. One of them is marked with a thick line: Replenish energy and store energy, and ensure quality and quantity.

He lowered his eyes, his eyes full of smiles.

This little liar is probably really tired.

Forget it, let her go for now.