After seeing off Mrs. Wen, Ye Ping hurried back. From a distance, I saw Wen Yu standing under the ancient tung tree, with a long body as tall as an orchid. The solemnity and desolation of that body seemed to stand silently in the wind and rain like that ancient tung tree, and I don't know how many years have passed.

Her footsteps paused slightly and came to a standstill.

Earlier, when she was in a hurry, Sanxi also followed suit. She stopped so abruptly that Sanxi almost bumped into her back. Caressing the frightened heart, Sanxi's chubby face was full of terrified expressions.

Following Ye Ping's line of sight, Sanxi also saw the person under the ancient tung tree.

"Miss, is the county king waiting for you?"


Ye Ping turned back, her heart filled with unspeakable emotions.

In this world, is there really someone waiting for her?

Ye Ping also had dreams when she was young, and those dreams were beautiful but illusory. She imagined that one day she would see a person in the vast crowd, and that person just turned around. The four eyes are facing each other, surrounded by the ever-changing vicissitudes of life. She had fantasized about that person's appearance countless times, even if she exhausted her best imagination, she still couldn't compare with this person not far away.

The man like a son of **** seems to be waiting for someone, but also seems to be meditating. Light and shadow flitted across his face from time to time, mottled and mysterious. He merged with mystery, and he obviously had a very handsome and eye-catching face, but it would never be seen through. It seems that against the background of gold and iron horses, there is suddenly a little more leisurely and peaceful life.

Such a contradiction, such a violation, yet so touching.

Ye Ping's heart was beating violently, and she flew up into the sky at one moment, and then plummeted down at another. Like the leaves among the branches blown by the wind, they can't help themselves up and down.

Just at this moment, Wen Yu looked over at her.

Just a glance, it seems to have traveled through mountains, rivers and rivers, time and space. For a moment, she seemed to be in a dream, and she couldn't tell whether the person in front of her was real or not.

One step, two steps...

With every step I take, my heart beats harder.

Is this startling at every step, or tempting at every step? She couldn't tell the difference, only the soreness in her eyes and the panic in her heart couldn't be stopped.

She suppressed the panic in her heart, and walked a few steps to Wen Yu.

"Jun Wang, why don't you go back to the house and rest for a while?"

After a whole night of sleepless nights and another day of work, he must be tired.

How sensitive Wen Yu is, no matter how well Ye Ping conceals it, he still notices the fluctuations in his tone and the wrong emotions. This little liar is used to being hypocritical in the past, but what he said just now has a bit of sincerity.

Could it be that he is involved, and will the little liar worry?

He rubbed between his brows. "nothing."

"You are not made of iron, how could you not be tired? Go back and rest, and I will wake you up after dinner." Ye Ping said, glaring at him angrily. This person has lived two lives, and he was not too young in his previous life, so he didn't know how to cherish his body.

Wen Yu's eyes were stained with warmth, and he slowly lowered his eyes.

"I am used to it."

"This is not a good habit, it has to be changed."


After asking and answering, the two walked forward in a tacit understanding.

After walking a few steps, Wen Yu stopped.

"What's wrong?" Ye Ping asked hurriedly.

Looking at her with those bottomless eyes, she was in a state of confusion, and she didn't know whether she was dazzled or she was thinking too much, but she actually saw a trace of fragility in his eyes.

Sha Shen is also vulnerable?

How can this be.

"She was gone as soon as I was born. Someone in the palace passed on my Kemu before. Although those people were dealt with by my uncle, I know that if it wasn't for me, she would have lived a few more years."

Ye Ping's sourness that had been suppressed surged up again, she scolded herself for not living up to her expectations, how could she pity a person who was born on top. Compared to how she used to walk on eggshells, there is nothing surnamed Wen worthy of her sympathy.

"For a person like her, everything she wants to do has been carefully considered. She must have prepared for you when she chose to give birth to you. She should have no regrets before she leaves."

"That's what my uncle said."

"Your Majesty speaks well, what he said must not be wrong."

While talking, the two entered the house.

Ye Ping hurriedly asked him to lie down, but he stood still.



Ye Ping pretended to be angry and went to undo his belt. He looked at the timid face in front of him, and those busy little hands, and let her push himself into the bed curtain.

She lowered the tent hook very lightly.

This person has been alone for many years, and he doesn't like others to be close to him. I'm afraid he has never taken good care of himself. A picture came to her mind, a lonely swan swimming in the cold water. It is so beautiful and so proud. Winter goes to spring, and people on the shore come and go, but it is always alone and alone. The water in the pool slowly freezes, and the range in which it can swim gradually shrinks. It curled up its slender neck, elegantly and coldly frozen there.

So poignant.

She was a little sad by her own imagination, and gently lifted the gauze curtain. The man in the gauze had his eyes closed, his long eyelashes cast shadows under his eyes, and his perfect facial features were carved out of jade.

Will the lonely old swan be afraid of the cold?

"Sleep well." She tucked in the brocade quilt, leaned closer and kissed him on the face, and after the kiss, she patted him like coaxing a child.

The man was naturally not asleep, but he didn't open his eyes either.

He heard footsteps going out, and also heard Ye Ping telling the servants outside not to speak loudly. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he slowly closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were full of warm colors.

The candlelight looks more gentle through the gauze.

He lifted a corner of his long and slender hand, and at a glance, he saw a woman sitting in front of the window couch doing embroidery work. Peach-colored unlined clothing, loosely tied with a rope. Her jet-black hair was pulled into a low bun behind her head, and a few strands of hair fell from her forehead.

The movements of her hands looked a little clumsy, but her expression was extremely serious. There was a mass of bright red on the embroidery frame, and I don't know what it was embroidered on.

Ye Ping heard the movement and tilted her head to look at the person in the bed.

"woke up."

Wen Yu let out a "hmm".

"The food has been kept warm, do you want to use some?"

"What are you embroidering?"

The small fabric looks like a small dress, but it doesn't quite look like it.

Ye Ping raised her eyebrows and said, "You will know later."

The movements of her hands quickened, and she embroidered a few stitches and then finished it. Fry off the thread, remove the thing from the embroidery frame, shake it and show it.

Well enough.

Except that the embroidery is a bit poor.

She took this thing and walked towards the bed, opened the curtain to get in, and began to take off Wen Yu's pants without any explanation. Rao Wen Yu is a person who does not change his face when the mountain collapses in front of him, but he is blushing because of her actions.

this woman...

When the red and bright things were put on him, he frowned tightly.

"What is this?"

It looked a little weird.

"Underpants can also be called pants." Ye Ping expressed his satisfaction, the size was actually right. "You are twenty-four this year, which happens to be the year of birth. In our place, red pants are popular in the year of birth, which can ward off evil spirits and prevent disasters."


Wen Yu moved, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Do all the people there dress like this?

Ye Ping made boxer shorts, and she touched him lustfully, blushing and thinking that the underwear might still be a bit small, and she will make them bigger next time.

"If you make it longer, can you wear it out?"

Go out dressed like this?

Wen Yufang was a little confused by Ye Ping's touch, and his eyes gradually darkened. He stared at the crooked character directly in front of the underpants, and could vaguely make out that it seemed to be a cow character.

"What's the meaning of this?"

"It means bullishness."

"Why bullshit?"

"It means very powerful, look how bright the red is, and you can't be green even if others want to be green..." Ye Ping said to himself, suddenly felt a little cold, and hurriedly added. "The king of the county must be a cow this year."


At the feet of the emperor, there is never a shortage of gossip.

It's as big as a change in the court, as small as the privacy of the back house. If outsiders ask about the latest news in Beijing, even an ordinary old man squatting outside the door to bask in the sun can tell the truth.

In recent days, the most talked about is that Song Jinyuan moved out of the general's mansion and bought a house in the south of the city to live alone. He is the only son, and there is no such thing as a separate family in the Song family. He moved out to live outside without any reason, which naturally aroused speculation from the world.

Ye Ping knew the inside story, and secretly thought that this method might not be impossible.

If the deaths of the three wives of Song Jinyuan in the previous life were man-made, the perpetrators must be in the general's mansion, and they are hidden very deeply. It sounds like a good idea for him to break out of the house right now.

The so-called can't stand without breaking, now that it's broken, it's almost impossible to stand. It's a pity that Liu Jingya has already made an engagement with the Xie family, otherwise maybe they could continue their relationship.

Wen Yu and Song Jinyuan are familiar with each other, so he wants to congratulate him on the housewarming.

The house is a courtyard with four entrances, with flying eaves at the head of the door, beautifully carved upside-down lintels, and drum-shaped door pillows on both sides. I heard that it was the mansion of a sixth-rank official before, and the man was transferred to another place, and the whole family was ready to accompany him, so the mansion was vacant.

Song Jinyuan greeted him with a smile, and started crying poorly without saying a few words.

"I bought this yard, and my private house was completely spent. In the future, I'm afraid I'll have to rely on my pitifully small salary. Madam, can I go to the Princess's mansion to eat?"

"If you don't think it's too far away, you can do it."

One city north and one city south, if he is not too tired, Ye Ping will naturally agree.

Song Jinyuan sighed pitifully, "With my little private house, I can afford to buy a house in the south of the city. If there is more money, I will buy property in the north of the city no matter what."

Wen Yu said bluntly: "The money you paid for this house should be more than enough to buy a second yard in the north of the city."

"Chengtian, are you still a friend? I'm in trouble now, and you actually got into trouble?"

Ye Ping smiled and said, "Master Song, my county king is right. You live alone, and it's a pity that the yard is so big and empty. It's better to buy a smaller one in the north of the city."

"I'm not always alone..." Song Jinyuan muttered.

He broke the house and left, not just to start a family.

Ye Ping didn't seem to have heard this, no matter what step Song Jinyuan made, as long as the hidden danger of the other party's killing his wife was still there, she would absolutely not allow Tingniang to marry into the Song family.

While talking, Mrs. Song came.

Mrs. Song sent a lot of things over, including everything for food and use. She looked worried, maybe she couldn't find anyone to talk to, so she started talking with Ye Ping.

"Seeing the orders given by Master Kong, you must believe it. Our Song family has always been weak. Jinyuan's father is an only son, and Jinyuan is also an only son. I gave birth to Jinyuan. He was weak since he was a child. In order to strengthen his health His father was cruel and taught him martial arts since he was a child. He is not even as high as a table leg, and he has to stride in the wind and rain. I feel distressed when I see it, but I can’t stop it. It’s hard to raise him up, and he looks strong and strong , who knows..."

The Song family had ancestors who taught them not to take concubines. It is reasonable to say that the ancients did not use contraception. No matter how monogamous they are, it is unlikely that they will be the only child for two generations, and there is not even a girl.

Ye Ping didn't know how to comfort her. If she didn't know about Song Jinyuan's previous life, she could still say that auspicious people have their own celestial features, and that fate may not be accurate.

"Ma'am, don't worry, your children and grandchildren will have their own blessings."

In life, it is not necessary to get married and have children.

If there is no life after all, it is not impossible to live alone.

Mrs. Song shook her head and sighed, she was going to make an appointment with the Liu family. Unexpectedly, the Liu family asked about the marriage on their own initiative, but even went to several temples and got the same results.


At that time, she didn't know the inside story, and only thought that the Liu family abandoned their Song family and chose the Xie family, because the Liu family girl didn't like her son's temper. If Jinyuan hadn't mentioned it to them a few days ago, she wouldn't have known that such a thing existed.

Thinking that she was so angry for several days when the Ye family rejected her relatives, she felt a little ashamed. Now she finally knows that the Ye family must have known about Jinyuan's fate early on.

At first they didn't believe it very much, until King Wen came to explain. In order to hold their grandson, they had to agree to let their son move out and start a new family.

To be honest, she used to think that the Ye family's status was really low. If it wasn't for the rank of the county king, the rumor that the daughter of the Ye family might have twins, and her mother-in-law's persuasion, she would never have taken a fancy to the second girl of the Ye family.

But now if the Ye family agrees, she will happily marry him in and love her as her own daughter. Speaking of which, the second girl was said to have been weak when she was a child, and she has been practicing martial arts since she was a child to strengthen her body. With that kind of strength, it matches Jinyuan more and more.

I don't know if Jinyuan's break can be established?

Zhier Mo Ruomu, Jinyuan bought the house in Nancheng, perhaps because of the second girl of the Ye family.

After all, life is at stake, she can't mention it rashly. Having said those things, it was a bit out of line. Following Ye Ping's words, she praised Ye Lian and Ye Zheng brothers.

"I heard that they all study very well, and Taifu Chang also praised them. They are naturally talented, and they have a teacher like Master Guo. It is expected that they will be able to obtain fame in a few years."

"Auspicious words from Mrs. Cheng."

"Your siblings are all good, your parents are very lucky."

Having given birth to two sons and two daughters, she really envied Madam Ye very much.

Ye Ping smiled and replied with another word of thanks.

They both intend to make friends with each other, so naturally they have a good talk. After some conversation, Mrs. Song had changed from Princess Princess to Pingniang, and her smile was a little more sincere.

The last time Mrs. Song heard people praise her when she married a daughter at the Princess Mansion. Regardless of whether it's a good fate or a bit of ability, a girl from a small family can marry into a high family and gain a foothold so quickly, which shows that she is not an easy person. Furthermore, because of her son's level, Mrs. Song knew Wen Yu's attitude better than others. King Wen Jun valued his wife very much, and this was Ye's confidence.

Wen Yu and Song Jinyuan were also talking, and they started to move their hands while talking. At first it was Song Jinyuan's sneak attack, but Wen Yu countered and killed him when the sneak attack failed. He yelled to do it again, quite a posture of not giving up if he won't win.

Mrs. Song was not surprised, and said to Ye Ping: "Leave them alone, Jinyuan can't get a bargain. If the county king didn't let him, he wouldn't last twenty rounds."

Her mother's complaints were most to the point, and Ye Ping felt a little sympathetic to Song Jinyuan.

It was the first time for her to see Wen Yu fight with others, that kind of ease with four or two strokes of gold, as well as the elegance and luxury when dodging, every move is smooth and smooth.

Song Jinyuan is the son of a military general, and he has practiced martial arts since he was a child. Of course, he is not an ordinary person. It is precisely because of the master's tricks that even those who don't know how to do it can enjoy watching it.

If Mrs. Song hadn't been there, she would have clapped and cheered. It's not appropriate to applaud and cheer, but after the fight, she immediately ran over to wipe Wen Yu's sweat.

"The king of the county is really good!" She leaned closer and whispered.

Wen Yu's eyes darkened, "Thanks to your underpants."

Ye Ping: "..."

Her eyes fell below the man's waist, and her cheeks instantly turned red. The man in the red underpants is really awesome, not only fighting with others is awesome, closing the door and fighting with her between the beds is also awesome.

When I arrived in Nancheng, I naturally had to go back to my mother's house.

Song Jinyuan's house is two streets away from Ye's house, whether it is close or far is not far. She was thinking all the way, and she could see that Mrs. Song was not a difficult person to get along with.

Tingniang is soft-tempered and innocent. If you really marry into a complex family, even if you have all the strength in your body, you will not be able to defeat other people's secret tricks. The Song family has a small number of people, and there are no such bad things. If Song Jinyuan's fate can really be broken, this marriage is really rare.

It's a pity that when it comes to fate, it is most illusory.

"General Song is also an only son, which is a bit of a coincidence."

Wen Yu glanced at her, and said: "Mrs. Song had a hard time giving birth when she was young. I heard that she gave birth to General Song after asking for the secret formula for having children."

This happened many years ago, Ye Ping naturally didn't remember it. Mrs. Song's body was injured after giving birth, and she knows something about the difficulty of getting pregnant later.

Could it be that the Song family really has bad feng shui?

Seeing them coming to the door, the Ye family was overjoyed.

Mother Ye stared at them with a smile, which made one feel more and more satisfied the more she watched. Look at this pair of people, no matter how they look, they look like golden boys and jade girls under the seat of a Bodhisattva.

Good looking and well dressed.

She said that fair-skinned and handsome men don't have to be white or green every day, because they look dull and depressed. The dark green of this body is so eye-catching, heavy but not heavy, flashy and not vulgar. Matching her eldest granddaughter's concubine red, it really is red flowers with green leaves, no matter how you look at it, it looks good.

Ye Ping felt quite helpless about her grandmother's face-controlling temperament. Fortunately, Xiaosi was still in school at this time, otherwise, if she was stared at by two face-controllers, one old and one young, no matter how thick-skinned she would be, she would be seen off for a while. layer.

Wen Yu still had an errand, so he left after sending her over.

She sent the person outside the door, and for a moment, some emotions were spreading inexplicably. It seems to be reluctance, but also seems to be not used to it. She took the man's big hand and scratched the rough and callused palm.

"Remember to pick me up."