Both sides of Quehu Lake still coexist with tranquility and prosperity. Even if the weather is already hot, Yunlai Restaurant still has customers like Yunlai. The weeping willows by the lake flutter in the wind, and the boats painted in the water quietly wait for the night to come.

Wen Yu took Ye Ping on one of the boats, leaving only the cooks and sailors after the dancers and kabukis were dismissed. The boat sailed slowly away from the shore and stopped leisurely in the middle of the lake.

This is a chartered boat.

It is definitely not a small sum to charter such a large painting boat. Ye Ping's heart was bleeding, the surname Wen was really ruthless, and he was not lenient when he cheated on his wife. She desperately told herself that such a big estate was so white that she could earn it back no matter how much money she spent. It was well spent and well spent, and it made her heart beat.

After a short while, the dishes were ready.

The fish in Quehu Lake is very famous. The fresh fish caught that day can be steamed or sweet and sour, which are all suitable ways to eat. It complements each other very well with seasonal dishes such as lake shrimp and fresh lotus root and lotus seeds.

The beautiful scenery and food are present, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

After eating, blowing the wind on the deck is even more pleasant to sigh.

The lake wind engulfs the water vapor, sometimes it is humid and cool, and sometimes it is hot and humid. The antique restaurants and shops are getting farther and farther away, and looking across the lake is like a picture of an ancient market. For a while, I couldn't tell whether it was the person in the painting or the painting in my eyes.

The shimmering waves are like fragments of fragments, which are her past. Whether sad or joyful, the ordinary reality is vivid. Obviously it was her personal experience, but now thinking about it, it is far away and strange.

If you can go back, can everything be the same?

Thoughts are blurred, as if there is a strong wind passing by. When she regained her clarity, she was far away from where she was standing just now. In the slightly dazed pupils was a solemn and tense face like a jade carving.

Did she want to jump into the lake just now?

Why do you want to die?

No, not right.

Not seeking death.

She wants to go back!

Wen Yu's thin lips were as tight as a knife, and his cold eyes were even more chilling.

He will never allow it!

Ye Ping came back to her senses, her heart suddenly shrank for no reason. For some reason, she had the feeling of being seen through. Even if it was just a momentary thought, she suddenly felt guilty.

Just why is she guilty?

It is human nature for a wanderer to think about his hometown. Even if ordinary wanderers cannot return to their hometown, they can more or less know the news of their hometown. And her hometown is far away from time and space, and it can be reached by non-human beings, but she can only miss it occasionally.

This man is the most perceptive. Since she met him, she has probably figured out some routines. For example, being hypocritical within the scope he allows, or jumping repeatedly in areas that do not touch his bottom line.

But there is only one thing, and that is his desire to control. The most unacceptable thing for a superior person who has lived for two lifetimes is that things are beyond his control.

"I seemed to be dazzled just now, and I actually saw the place where I used to live from the water. Fortunately, the king of the county gave me a hand in time, otherwise I might have jumped down because of my obsession."

Wen Yu's grip on her shoulder tightened, and she frowned in pain.

"Your Majesty, you hurt me."

"Is there anyone you care about?"

"There must be friends, but there is no one who cares about life and death." Ye Ping smiled bitterly, "Although my parents are still there, they have long since reconciled, and each has married and had children."

So she has no one to miss.

She was able to quickly accept the identity after time travel, and naturally replaced herself in the role of the original owner, perhaps because of her own lack of family affection.

A flat boat floats in the distance, and the crisp fisherman's song is faintly heard. The fisherman's songs are melodious, like singing the praises of the picturesque lake and water, or expressing the joyful mood of the singers.

The boat was leisurely, very much like her feelings at this time. The fisherman's song pierced the water, and the light scattered wherever it went, and the frames of the past seemed to disappear with it.

As she looked at the lake, the sadness in her eyes gradually disappeared. Compared with the past when she lived alone, she seems to have too much now. If this is not enough, what an insatiable person she must be.

The most important thing for a person is to be at ease with the situation, but also to be content and happy. Greed is the biggest stumbling block on the road to happiness, and she kicked it away in her heart.

"To be honest, I'm not afraid of the prince's ridicule. In our place, I am so ordinary that I can't be more ordinary. Even if I look about the same as now, I can still be considered a beauty. But with my conditions, I want to find someone like the prince. Husband, it can only be a dream. So even if there is a way back in front of me, I will not take it. "

There are truths and falsehoods in this statement, and the truth is greater than the false.

Wen Yu looked at her, and she felt terrified.

"Remember what you said."

Does she dare not remember?

Is this man sick?

I really don't know why he is nervous.

Could it be...

The answer came out of my heart again, ready to come out.

is it possible?


"How could I forget, I am so happy with you, why would I want to be separated from you. If you don't believe me, why ask me, I have never asked you what you think of me, but you kind of like it."

"You ask."


Ye Ping was slightly taken aback.

Her heart beat suddenly and violently, like waves beating against a rock, and there was a sound like thunder.

"Is the king pleased with me?"


The four eyes meet, one is deep and the other is stunned.

Ye Ping never thought that this man would please her, maybe he didn't reject her, maybe he was curious about herself, or maybe her appearance and temper suited his appetite.

She lowered her head first, because she couldn't believe it, and didn't dare to look into the other person's eyes. Then she slowly raised her head, boldly looking directly at the bottomless gaze.

"What did the county king say? I didn't hear clearly."

I just said one word, and I don't know if she heard it wrong? And speaking in such a low voice, it was hard not to make her suspect that something was wrong with her ears.

Wen Yu narrowed his eyes, and the situation in his eyes was changing.

"You ask."


I have to ask again.

"Since the king of the county has sincerely asked, I will ask again reluctantly. Dare I ask if the king of the county is happy with me?"


Still a word.

Will you die if you say two more words?

"Really? How much do you like it?"


"No matter how much the king of the county likes me, even if there is only one point in my heart, I am satisfied. King of the county, I am so happy, I am so happy."

This is not false, she is really happy.

In an instant, a flower bloomed in her heart. The flower was extremely red, dazzlingly red. The so-called elation, it turned out to be such a feeling. Like the return of spring to the earth, and whether it is extremely peaceful or not, only you know the complex taste.

The flowers are blooming brightly and the sun is just right.

She looked at the person in front of her and smiled brightly.

Since then, she can confidently tell the world that she and Wen Yu are in love.

Wen Yuhan's jade-like face was as cold as before, but his ears were slightly red.

Ye Ping did not show up on the day the Chen family asked to see her.

All the handover matters on Zhuangzi were handled by Jin Gong. The people of Jingong have had a long-standing grudge against the Chen family, no matter how they try to please them, they always keep a straight face. When the Chen family left, they wanted to greet Ye Ping, but they were rejected by the people of Jingong because the princess of the county was unwell.

Ye Ping didn't want to give them a good face, let alone make them cling to the Princess Mansion any longer. The blood-sucking worms that were so hard to get rid of, it would be too late to avoid them in the future, so how could they be given another chance.

"They have occupied Zhuangzi for twenty-six years, and they don't think about returning it. They still want the county king to support dozens of people in their family. It's really deceiving."

When Jin Gong heard this, he sighed softly, "If His Highness is here, how chilling it would be."

What Ye Ping thought was that the eldest princess might not have expected this day, and she didn't know what she thought at the beginning.

"These people may have cursed my ancestors for eight generations behind their backs. If I give them good looks again, wouldn't it encourage their arrogance. Zuo is just a reputation for being narrow-minded and unreasonable. To me, it doesn't hurt flesh and blood. Half a point, why am I afraid of it."

"Fame is like floating clouds, there are gatherings and there are also dispersal. There are thousands of people, some slander, and some praise, the thoughts of the princess of the county coincide with His Highness."

People of the same era probably have the same ideas.

Ye Ping smiled, "It's my honor to be able to see the same thing as the eldest princess. I am far behind in my heart, and I dare not compare with the eldest princess. I come from a small family, but I am actually an ordinary person. If I understand , I will definitely not spare those who make irresponsible remarks. On the contrary, if I ignore it, I promise to shut up."

The self-deprecating and witty words were extremely kind to Jin Gongren's ears. The eldest princess would sometimes say such witty words, the princess of the county is indeed a person who has the same adventure as her highness.

"For this matter, I thank the princess of the county on behalf of His Highness."

"Don't thank me, I can't afford it without profit. I thought that after Zhuangzi got it back, I could add some income to the mansion and reduce the burden on the county king. Unexpectedly, the county king was so generous that he gave Zhuangzi to me. Now That Zhuangzi became my private property, and I got such a huge advantage, I can't afford your thanks."

"The princess of the county and the king of the county are husband and wife, why should they be so clear?"

"There are some things that cannot be separated between husband and wife."

Jin Gong gave her a deep look, "Princess Princess is right."

Her smile deepened, this Jin Gong was a bit interesting.

Soon it was the day of Wen Tingzhi's big wedding. Princess Qingyang's dowry was ten miles of red makeup, and wedding money and candies were sprinkled along the road, which attracted the people of Yongchang City to flock to the streets, and everyone felt happy.

The crowd followed the wedding sedan chair, and many people followed to the Duke's Mansion.

The Duke's Mansion is full of people, and the red lanterns and happy couplets indicate that there is happiness in the mansion. Mrs. Wen personally greeted the guests outside the door with a gentle yet joyful smile on her face.

Just at the right time, the wedding sedan stopped at the door.

Wen Tingzhi, who was dressed in a red groom's attire, stepped forward and kicked the sedan door with a red face. When the bride stepped into the mansion through the brazier, the sound of gongs and drums became more cheerful.

Ye Ping regards herself as a guest of the Duke's Mansion, just attending the banquet and watching the ceremony.

The location arranged by Mrs. Wen put her together with several young wives from the Wang family of the Wan family. The Wanwang family are both in-laws of the Duke's Mansion, so it is really reasonable for her, the grandson-in-law of the Duke's Mansion, to entertain them. She didn't give Mrs. Wen any face, and after polite greetings with the wives of the Wan family, she directly lifted her feet and sat at Wen Ruqin's table.

Wen Ruqin moved to Mrs. Shen's side, and the sister-in-law and sister-in-law sat together. Mrs. Shen was a little embarrassed, but this was someone else's family matter, so she couldn't say anything.

Some people noticed, some didn't.

Ye Ping doesn't care about the faces of the wives of the Wang family, her own mother has severed ties with the Wang family, so she doesn't need to give them shame. Therefore, apart from Ye Geng, who came to present the banquet, none of the female family members of the Ye family came.

"This county princess is so rude."

"That's right, Princess Qingyang and Prince Wen are getting married today, and she is so petty as a younger sibling who doesn't think about supporting the situation."

"After all, she came from a small family, and now she is relying on the county king to favor her. Naturally, she will be arrogant when she gains power."

Across two tables, Mrs. Wen was talking to two old ladies from the Wan family and the Wang family. Someone deliberately spoke louder, and it was hard for them not to hear it.

"Today is Geer Ting's wedding with the princess, how could she be so disregarding the situation and decency." Mrs. Wang said.

She is Mrs. Wen's biological mother, and also Wen Tingzhi's and Wen Ruyu's grandmother. Before the Ye family and the Wang family's third room made such a fuss, they didn't really pay much attention to it. Afterwards, one after another, they had to be concerned. However, as soon as Wen Ruyu's incident happened, they knew that if they wanted to deal with Ye Ping, they had to pass Wen Yu's test. Wen Yu and the others didn't dare to provoke them, so they could only hold back their anger.

Mrs. Wen is the most face-saving person, and her complexion is not good at the moment.

She was annoyed at Ye Ping's ignorance, and she also thought Old Mrs. Wang was meddlesome. Today is different from the past, she has a lot of dissatisfaction with her eldest daughter-in-law, if she doesn't care about her face and her eldest grandson, she won't want to bear it long ago.

"Brother Yu's daughter-in-law is straightforward, she doesn't have that kind of heart. She is not familiar with your two families, and she doesn't have much to say, but she gets along with Xueniang like a sister. The sister-in-law and sister-in-law have not seen each other for some days, and they have something to say, Sitting together can also entertain Mrs. Shen by the way."

When the old lady of the Wang family heard this, she was surprised. What happened? This old in-law actually protects that ignorant granddaughter-in-law.

Mrs. Wan is the youngest sibling of Mrs. Wen, and she knows what kind of person this sister-in-law is like. He is noble and does not know the so-called, stubborn and admits death. There was quite a bit of surprise in her heart, and she looked at Ye Ping seriously several times.

She looks good, but she's too flamboyant.

Shouldn't such a look be what my sister-in-law dislikes the most?

After all, the Wan family is not as good as the Wen family, and Mrs. Wan also wants to curry favor with her eldest sister-in-law, so it is impossible for her to go along with the old lady of the Wang family at this time.

"Look at the appearance of the aunt and sister-in-law. They really look like fairies in the sky. It makes people feel happy just looking at them."

The old lady of the Wang family suppressed her doubts and squeezed out a smile. "If you want me to say that the elder sister can teach people, if Mrs. Shen's family son hadn't been brought up by you, how could there be such a good marriage."

Everyone loves to hear good words, and Mrs. Wen's face softened a little.

"My old sister has a lot of blessings. Today, I have a happy granddaughter-in-law, and I will definitely add a son to the Duke's mansion in a short time." The old lady of the Wang family interrupted, and it happened to be on the heart of old lady Wen.

Mrs. Wen felt joy in her heart. Princess Qingyang looked blessed and had a good figure. She should be a good child. The eldest son, the eldest son, the eldest grandson, the great grandson, the orthodoxy is passed down in one line.

Thinking like this, she glanced at Ye Ping like a ghost.

Ye Ping smiled back at her, as if proud of today's happy event.

Is a sensible.

She is satisfied.

Mrs. Ye said that the great-eldest grandson should still come out of Ting Ge'er's house, and it seems to be not a lie.

When Ye Ping turned her head to talk to Wen Ruqin, many people looked at her with complicated eyes.

This girl from the Ye family is really a good planner. I heard that for her, the county king even took back the Zhuangzi that the elder princess took care of for the Chen family. She also defended her in various ways in front of His Majesty and the Empress, claiming that in the future all internal affairs of the Princess Mansion will be decided by her.

What a blessing.

After all, relying on a face, he forcibly secured the position of princess of the county.

How could Ye Ping not feel the probing eyes of others, she just pretended not to see it. Anyway, now that she has confidence, if there are people who don't have good eyesight gossiping, she will order to spread dog food unkindly in public.

With such a sharp eye, it is easy to see someone who is as pine as bamboo on the other side of the male guest. She couldn't help but want to laugh when she thought of someone's cold face but red ears that day when she confessed her love.

It turns out that old swans also have spring.

Just laughing secretly, someone outside said that the bride had arrived.

All the guests looked in the direction of the gate, and after a short while, they saw a couple of newlyweds slowly entering the main hall, each holding a wedding silk.

During the tedious ceremony, Princess Qingyang took a few glances at the guests. The first glance was Wen Yu with a strong aura, and the second glance was Shen Ling of Zhilan Yushu.

Ye Ping was thoughtful, she suddenly remembered that when King Zhang first came to Beijing, he seemed to intend to get closer to Wen Yu. Could it be that Wen Yu's name is still in the roster of Princess Qingyang?


She whispered to Wen Ruqin, "Look at Shizi Shen."

Wen Ruqin blushed, "The prince said that he has me alone..."

Ye Ping believed what she said, after all, she doted on the heroine, and of course she could only dote on one heroine in her life.

"I didn't mean that. Good things are easy to miss. The Princess Qingyang married by Wen Tingzhi is the most discerning person."

Wen Ruqin's complexion changed, but after all, she matured a lot after getting married. Immediately, he straightened his expression, held Ye Ping's hand gratefully, and obediently nodded in response.

Ye Ping leaned close to her ear and whispered something. Her beautiful eyes suddenly burst into light, and she looked at Ye Ping's abdomen burningly. Ye Ping bent her mouth and tapped her forehead lightly.

"You and Shen Shizi are so affectionate, it's too soon to think about it."

Wen Ruqin blushed again, coquettish and angry.

The sister-in-law and sister-in-law are so close, they are naturally seen by caring people. It seems that it is not unreasonable for Xuanping Hou's mansion to abandon the prostitute's daughter of the Duke's mansion instead of marrying the concubine daughter of the Wen family.

A married woman relies on her husband's family on the one hand, and her mother's family on the other. If you can be as close as sisters to your natal sister-in-law, then you will have the confidence to act in your husband's house. After all, although men are supporting the door, it is the women in the house who are really doing business.

After the ceremony, the couple will be sent into the bridal chamber.

Suddenly there was a commotion, mixed with the woman's mournful cry.

"My son, my son... save the slaves, save our children..."

Ye Ping's eyes lit up when he heard this voice.

No way.

There is really something to watch.

Oh shit.