Princess Qingyang and Mrs. Wen were originally a good mother-in-law and daughter-in-law praised by everyone in the book. Mrs. Wen is gentle and generous, and Princess Qingyang is noble. Such a pair of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will receive countless envious looks wherever they go. . Even after Wen Ruyu's accident, they were able to maintain the superficial harmony. Now Princess Qingyang doesn't seem to take Mrs. Wen seriously at all, and she doesn't even want to save face.

There should be two reasons for this: one is because of the matter of Wen Ruyu and Fang'er, and the other is because of the Wang family's loss of power. How can a mother-in-law whose sons and daughters and her mother's family look shameful can gain the respect of her daughter-in-law. What's more, this daughter-in-law comes from a prominent background, so she has the confidence not to take her mother-in-law seriously.

"She is good friends with the young lady of Marquis of Wu'an's mansion, and they have to talk for a while. I envy your mother, even if you go out as a guest, you have a married daughter by your side."

This is mocking her for having no friends.

Ye Ping sighed inwardly, there was no trace of shame on his face. In the future, Mrs. Wen will know that her good daughter-in-law loves to make friends, and it is not limited to women.

"The princess has a lot of friends. I can't learn this no matter what. I think that with the ability of the princess, I will have more and more friends in the future. My aunt supports the princess to make friends everywhere. She is really a considerate and good mother-in-law. The Lord is so blessed."

Mrs. Wen couldn't help smiling, but her tone was still gentle.

"You are also a lucky person. You got pregnant shortly after you entered the house. This pregnant woman should not think too much about it. Don't get pregnant because of some people and some things. It is the right way to take good care of the fetus."

"My aunt said that I will take good care of myself. Now that the Princess has married into the Duke's Mansion, my aunt will be able to embrace a grandson soon. With a good mother-in-law like my aunt, maybe the Princess can Latecomers prevail.”

Ye Shi frowned frequently when she heard this, what did Pingniang say, what does it mean that the latecomers come first. She wanted to say something to smooth things over, but couldn't get in for a moment.

The lady in the hall is Pingniang's husband's uncle after all, and Pingniang doesn't know how to restrain herself outside. If these words are heard by others, it may be difficult to hear them.

She was anxious, she was afraid that her daughter would be said by others, and she was also afraid that her daughter would suffer.

At this time, she heard Mrs. Wen say: "You child, you really know how to joke. My aunt hopes that you will have a boy in one fell swoop, and your grandmother also hopes that the great-eldest grandson of the Wen family will be a legitimate son."

Mrs. Wen's words are good words no matter who listens to them.

But to Ye Ping's ears, these words were meant to bring trouble to the east, and wanted her to deal with Fang'er.

"My nephew's daughter-in-law should be a daughter. Whether it's the eldest son of the Wen family or the eldest son, it should still be born in the Duke's mansion. After all, our princess's mansion is separated, so it's not good to discuss it with the Duke's mansion." .”

"I can't write two warm words in one stroke. If your grandmother heard your words, it would be very sad."

"Grandmother is the most sensible person, and she is the most sympathetic to our juniors. The tree has big branches, and the division of the family is the separation of the house. It is not good for the offspring to mix together and talk about the elders and the young. Just like your Wang family, the three houses were only separated a few days ago. After going out, I think the children and grandchildren born after the third room will not be confused with the second room of the eldest room."

The Wang family separated the third room because they were afraid that the third room would hurt them.

Mrs. Wen's superficial skills are to the end, but at this time she is a little disfigured. Over the years, she has been able to handle the world with ease, and it is rare for her to be blocked to such an extent.

"Listen, fourth sister, Pingniang's mouth is really powerful."

Mrs. Ye was suddenly named, and looked at her daughter, suddenly seemed to be enlightened, and hurriedly replied, "Mrs. Wen, I have already broken ties with the Wang family, and your fourth sister makes me very embarrassed."

"I've been thinking about the past." Mrs. Wen sighed softly, "You don't want to recognize the Wang family, and I can't force it. No matter whether your surname is Wang or Ye, I always remember that you and I were sisters."

"... Madam Xie Wen is considerate."

"Although you and I are no longer sisters, we are in-laws. I watched Pingniang grow up, and in my heart she is just like my own daughter.

This child is indeed straightforward. I know she has such a temperament, so of course I don't care about her. I'm afraid that others don't know, her temper will suffer sooner or later. "

Mrs. Ye felt that what she said was right, but there was something awkward about it that she couldn't express. Obviously every word the other party said made sense, but after thinking about it carefully, it didn't seem to be the original meaning.

She looked at Ye Ping, hesitated to speak.

Ye Ping really admires Mrs. Wen's city mansion, not only is it scheming, but also has a strong psychological quality.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Wen. Others can't speak against me, and they can't beat me. I can't suffer no matter what. What's more, if I really can't scold or beat me, isn't there still my county king? I don't believe this Yongchang In the city, there are still people who are not afraid of my county king. If there are, I would like to see them."

Anyway, she is used to pretending to be a tiger, and she is not bad this time.

As soon as she carried Wen Yu out, Mrs. Wen's dignity was a bit strained.

"Brother Yu's reputation is already scary, so wouldn't it be more criticized by the world?"

"So what? Husband and wife are one body. I married him. If he can't protect me, what kind of man is he? The king of the county is not the kind of person who hides behind when something happens. He will never let his Women alone face the gossip outside."

It's not like Wen Tingzhi, who made the girl's belly bigger by trying to be romantic and happy. First, he asked his mother to deal with the aftermath, and then his wife who had just passed the family went out to settle things.

Men who hide behind women are the most despised.

"If that's the case, I'm worrying too much."

Mrs. Wen said helplessly, and then said that she took a step ahead, and when she turned around, she took a deep look at Mrs. Ye. There was regret and sympathy in that look, which made Mrs. Ye unable to lift her head.

Seeing people's faces everywhere in the Wang family, Mrs. Ye is most timid and soft-tempered. The big cousin she once respected like a good girl was disappointed in her, so she was a little uneasy.

"Pingniang... No matter how much you don't like her, she is also your uncle, and you should treat her with some respect."

"Mother, my uncle is not a simple person. Do you think she is sincerely looking forward to my birth of a son? She wants me to deal with that pregnant girl, so that she can reap the benefits."


"You don't think she is really thinking about your sisterhood, do you? She wants to subdue you and then use your hand to suppress me."


"Mother, just think about it, if she is really good, it's fine if she raises a vicious daughter like Wen Ruyu, why the son she raised is not a good one. Also, she gave birth prematurely, do you think it was really premature? ? It’s just a deceptive rhetoric.”

Shocked and startled, Mrs. Ye opened her mouth.

"Then...then...then you know, you are still confronting her, what if she confronts you, what will you do?"

"If I don't confront her, won't she deal with me? Mother, you are just too kind. You don't know that there is a kind of person in this world, even if you don't do anything, she will count you to death Whole body."

Ye's breathing was a little short, and she began to regret her weakness just now.

"Pingniang, did mother do something wrong again? Mother shouldn't give her a good face..."

"It's okay, you've done a good job. Just fool around what she says to you in the future. Don't take it to heart or think too much about it. "

"Okay, mother listens to you."

Ye Ping had never talked so thoroughly with Ye Shi before, it was because she did not expect that she would marry into the princess mansion. This time, I will tell the whole story, so that my mother will not be taken advantage of in the future.

Ye pressed her heart, and it took a long time to recover.

"Pingniang, don't worry. Mother is not smart, but she will never drag you down."

She said this to Ye Ping, and she also said it to herself.

For the next few days, she thought about it.

She hoped that Mrs. Wen would find her, so that she could have a clear break with her. I also hope that the other party will not come to her, and in the end, it is best not to meet in private again in the future.

Day after day, she waited for news of an accident in the Wang family.

The cause of the accident in the Wang family was the death of an official surnamed Zhang who had been sent out. That Mr. Zhang came from a poor family and was a student of Yuqing Academy. In the early years, he received favors from the Wang family to some extent, and after he became an official, he became a faction of the Wang family. Later, for unknown reasons, there was a gap with the Wang family, and it seemed that they intended to draw a clear line with the Wang family.

Master Zhang's place of release is remote, with high mountains and long rivers. The whole family trekked halfway through mountains and rivers, not wanting to encounter bandits and be killed.

Ye Ping knew the inside story as soon as she heard such a thing, the so-called bandits were not real bandits, but dead men raised by the Wang family.

When this matter was brought to the imperial court in secret, Emperor Jing Qing was so angry that he smashed an imperial inkstone.

Mr. Zhang is a disciple of the Son of Heaven, an official appointed by the imperial court, even if he violated the royal law, he will be dealt with according to the law of the prosperous dynasty. Even if it is ordered to deceive the emperor, His Majesty will personally convict him. A member of the Wang family dared to privately silence an official on the way to take office. This is deceiving the emperor!

What is even more outrageous is that Master Hu's family fifteen years ago, Master Ren's family eight years ago, and Master Cheng's family five years ago all died for the same reason and in the same way, and they were all committed by the Wang family.

The ironclad evidence is like a mountain, and the Wang family cannot deny it.

The mountain torrents flowed thousands of miles away, destroying the dead and destroying the top. The Wang family had never heard any rumors before, and the couple were still making plans on how to win back the emperor's heart. Unexpectedly, the whole family was still asleep, but the imperial decree to raid the house woke everyone up.

At dawn, the gate of Wang's house was sealed. The centuries-old aristocratic family collapsed in an instant like a mountain collapsed. The grandpas and wives who were still in style the day before were driven out of the mansion like bereaved dogs, and even the separated third house was not spared.

The people circled and circled, saying everything.

In the morning light, the couplet no longer has the luster of the past.

"It's really true. What a family of nobles and nobles, with generations of scholars all over the world, it is clearly a family of weak bones, male, female, old and young. What a good person Zhang is. He has been filial to his widowed mother since he was a child, and studied hard. It's not easy. After getting over it, the Wang family will kill as soon as they say, even Mr. Zhang's old mother and pregnant wife will not be spared, it is really insane!"

"I have long seen that there is no good thing in their family. If the third house is not protected by the big house and the second house, how dare they kill those people, there are not many good people in this family."

"There are good ones. I have seen through it a long time ago. Either I broke up with my natal family, or I left the Wang family on my own initiative."

"That's not true. Madam Ye made such a fuss before, and some people even scolded her for being disobedient and ignorant. Now it seems that Madam Ye is cornered by her natal family. Otherwise, how could a married woman break her relationship with her natal family?"

Everyone said what they said to each other, as if they all became the masters of the blue sky who broke the lawsuit.

Wang Qiye and others were also in the crowd, and compared to others, they were a little more frightened. The few people who were a little apprehensive before, now they are only rejoicing.

"Seventh brother, saved our family."

"Seventh brother, we will listen to you from now on."

"Yes, we all listen to Seventh Brother."

Wang Qiye looked at the Wang family being escorted with a solemn expression.

He also didn't expect that a small effort at the beginning would result in a complete transformation today. That child is his noble person, but he will never tell anyone in his life.

Suddenly his gaze fell into the distance, and he quickly retracted it.

It's that kid.

She hated the Wang family the most, how could she miss such an opportunity.

Perhaps everyone will not know what is the real reason for the decline of the Wang family. But he was sure that if it wasn't for the fact that the Wang family wanted to plot against that child at that time, it would have been impossible for him to end up where he is today.

People say that gnats shake trees, but who would have thought that the tree would be the last to fall.

So be kind to others, and don't do it just because the kindness is small.

As he thought about it, he exhorted his son carefully.

The Wang family went up and down overnight, and some people yelled that they were wronged. The old lady of Dafang, Mrs. Liu and others were all grabbed from the bed, all with disheveled hair, no longer the decency of the past.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you are wronged!"

"We want to see His Majesty, we want to see Concubine Hui!"

The Jingwu guards headed by Song Jinyuan were in charge of escorting. The Jingwu guards were all stern and selfless, even if they shouted their throats, they ignored them.

"What are you arguing about?" Song Jinyuan glanced at the Liu family and the others, "Your royal family deceived the emperor, privately raised dead men and murdered officials of the court, and the evidence has been conclusively convicted by His Majesty himself. Tsk tsk, it is really a noble family, really. When your surname is Wang, you are king, and you can kill whoever you want. It's a pity that there are so many scumbags in the descendants, and there are several people who were scared to pee just now!"

The principal culprit, Wang Yushi, and others were escorted separately, and they had already been sent to jail. Right now, the escorts are female relatives and males who have not become officials. These sons and brothers who were raised in the rich and noble family are all frightened, and several of them are scared to pee. Among them is the third-bedroom Wang Mu.

"Master Song, can you do me a favor..."

Before Liu's words were finished, Song Jinyuan directly replied that it was not good.

What a joke, His Majesty personally settled the case, how dare he give convenience to the Wang family. Even if he could, he didn't dare, after all, that kid Chengtian did it. He was impatient with life, so he would make trouble for these people.

The Wang family looked into the crowd, hoping to see someone who might help them. But the further they go, the more disappointed they become. Not only did the in-laws of each house not show up, even the Duke's Mansion, which could help them the most, didn't show up.

Mrs. Liu couldn't stop the fear in her heart, and screamed: "Master Song, please go to Wen Guogong's mansion to bring a message..."

"Wen Guogong's mansion?" Song Jinyuan smiled, "Do you want to beg Wen Guogong who doesn't care about world affairs, or do you want to beg Wen Shizi who has neither official position nor fame, or that Mrs. Wen?"

"Mrs. Wen, we want to beg Mrs. Wen!"

"There happens to be a Wen family member, why don't you ask him to give you a message?"

Liu did not expect that the Wen family he was talking about was actually Wen Yu.

Wen Yu is dressed in official uniform, proud of the world.

The wind in his eyes was like a knife, and the place he went was frozen for thousands of miles.

Mrs. Liu lost her voice. She was afraid of death, and even more afraid of dying in the hands of the county prince.

Song Jinyuan raised his eyebrows contemptuously, and strode towards Wen Yu. The two of them have a cold face and a smiling face, both of them are ruthless characters who are frightening.

No one knew what they said, but saw Song Jinyuan lifting his left foot and right foot for a while, his expression was a little ecstatic, and the dimples on his cheeks were even more extreme.

Wen Yu looked at him with a more serious expression.

I really want to stomp this man's legs!

Ye Ping witnessed the ransacking of Wang's house today, and saw all those people being escorted to the Yamen. I heard that their crimes have been convicted, the main culprit and others will be executed, and the rest will be exiled to a bitter cold place.

She went to Ye's house after watching the excitement, and Mrs. Ye held her hand and cried for a long time. After crying, Mrs. Ye was glad that she broke up with the Wang family.

When I returned to the princess mansion, the servants said that the county king had returned.

As soon as the bead curtain in the inner room was lifted, what came into view was a picture of a beautiful man.

The man with black hair was sitting on the couch with one knee bent, his ankle exposed, and he was indescribably lustful. The long hair softened his cold aura, and made that unique face less indifferent. The candlelight danced in his deep eyes, like two fires rising suddenly in the darkness.

When he looked over, the flames in his pupils jumped even more joyfully.

Ye Ping's throat was a little dry, and she felt a little thirsty for no reason. This man's **** is too lethal, if she is not pregnant now, she might have surrendered already.

Suddenly Wen Yu frowned slightly and rubbed his feet.

"Does your foot hurt?"


Ye Ping was terrified.

Is this man showing weakness?

In the eyes of the world, he is ruthless, indifferent and devours blood. Such a person should be heartless, desireless, bloodless, and will neither have the joys, sorrows, sorrows, nor pains of ordinary people. Even if it was him, he never thought that he would complain of suffering and tiredness before. He couldn't bear the pain, so it must be very painful, right?

He frowned, and slowly kneaded the soles of his feet with his slender fingers. The bones of the man's foot are perfectly shaped, the toes are long and callused, and the veins are visible on the instep.

Just a pair of feet is enough to show his tension.

Ye Ping stepped forward and kneaded for him.

"Why does it hurt? Is it sprained?"

It looked unharmed, and there was no redness of any kind.

Wen Yu shook his head.

No injury, no sprain, why does it hurt for no reason?

Ye Ping pressed the soles of his feet and asked again, "Does that mean you've been walking too much?"

He didn't speak, but he didn't deny it either.

That's it.

Ye Ping thought to himself, his position seems to be a good one, but he is not just sitting in a house and listening to his subordinates' reports and dawdling around. Running inside and outside the palace, and bustling in and out of the yamen, walking a lot in a day.

He is like this, and so is Song Jinyuan, otherwise, why would Tingniang give Song Jinyuan those insoles.

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and looked suspiciously at the man in front of her. Suddenly two villains wanted to argue in my heart, one said no, he was such a person. A person who says no, he is such a person.

"How about I prepare some thick insoles for you?"


It really is…

So it was Song Jinyuan who showed off Ting Niangna's insoles in front of him with his big mouth. The man himself was awkward and couldn't explain it clearly. He went around such a big circle just for a few pairs of insoles.

As for?

Could it be that these men want her to curl up with the two sisters Tingniang?

