The night is dark and starless, and the autumn wind is rustling.

From time to time, the wind picks up the debris remaining on the roadside, swirls on the ground and finally falls. The seemingly endless road, the two walk side by side. They have such a tacit understanding that anyone can see that their friendship is profound.

"When I was young, my father forced me to practice martial arts, but my mother didn't dare to stop me. Martial arts was boring and hard, and I didn't like it very much at first. I remember that once I was lazy and hid in a small house in my grandmother's yard. Grandma knew it very well. , but pretended not to know. She was afraid that I would be hungry, so she secretly asked the girl to bring me some snacks...

I'm so old, she still calls me by my nickname. She said that the more I have nicknames, the better my health will be... She is so kind and kind when she calls me Zhuangzi. She obviously hopes for my well-being, and obviously loves me, why is it like this..."

"It is precisely because she loves you that she didn't attack you. Since she can't make it easy for you to have an heir, she can only attack the person you marry."

This is human nature.

The complexity and vagaries of human nature are the most difficult to see through. Just like there are already two diametrically opposed colors of black and white in this world, but there are still many colors such as red, orange, blue, and yellow.

Mrs. Song hates that girl, but she has a strong heart, but she doesn't hate General Song, nor Song Jinyuan. But the thorn in her heart was so deep that it kept bleeding for decades. Her pain and her entanglement finally made her lay hands on innocent people.

"...You said that in your dream, I married three times and mourned three times...I believe it now, I believe it..." Song Jinyuan's voice gradually lowered, he really believed it.

If the county princess hadn't found out, his Tingniang...

Who would have thought, who would have thought, that the silver bowl was actually a poison bowl!

"Chengtian, didn't you expect it? I thought I knew people's hearts, but I still couldn't see clearly. Master Kong Ming was right. If you can't break it, you can't stand it. It turns out that this is the way to break it. It's ridiculous. I thought that as long as I broke the mansion and came out , stand on your own, and the so-called fate will be solved."

This brokenness is broken by the bowl, and it is also broken by the house. The matter has been exposed, and the grandmother will be sent out of Beijing, and the public is saying that she will go out of Beijing to rest.

The night seems very long, and so is the road.

This kind of night return, this kind of companionship, was already common to them in the previous life.

Wen Yu's expression became more solemn in the darkness. His little girl said that she came here to change the fate of the Ye family. But she didn't know that she changed not only the Ye family, but also him and Jinyuan.

At the fork, the two stopped.

"Chengtian, thank you, and eldest sister."

Song Jinyuan yelled "big sister" a lot more smoothly.

When he heard his eldest sister holding Chengtian's thigh in front of the Duke's mansion to show her heart, how could he have imagined that such an astonishing woman would be closely related to his own destiny.

He didn't know what to think, and suddenly laughed.

"Elder sister is indeed an elder sister. She is not only courageous, but also has a good literary talent. I haven't heard her shocking words for a long time, and I really miss them."

"She is also something you can talk about? If it weren't for you, big sister, do you think you can stand still?"

Song Jinyuan made a frightened look, "It turns out that you are such King Wen. When I was your brother, you didn't take care of me. If you called the concubine of the county, you would turn away. If you have a wife, you forget your brother. It's my fault." I used to regard you as my best friend in this life."

"Just know." When Wen Yu turned around, he said again: "From now on, you must treat Ting Niang well, otherwise my wife will be unhappy. If my wife is unhappy, I will be unhappy. If I am unhappy, you know it. "

Song Jinyuan was stunned when he heard the words. He watched Wen Yu get into the carriage in a daze, and then stared at the carriage leaving in the direction of the princess mansion, speechless for a long time. He should know this kid's methods, but he never thought that this kid would treat him like this one day.

Hello Wen Chengtian!

He remembered this.

The carriage limped forward, breaking through the night.

This night seemed to be no different from the countless nights in the previous life, the same darkness and silence. Occasionally came the password of the patrol, the occasional **** crowing and dog barking, and whimpering from nowhere.

Night is night, too much sin is hidden, too much evil is engulfed. The filth is hidden in the corner, and the filth is covered in the grandeur. I have seen too much evil in human nature, and too much goodness in disguise. The originally passionate heart gradually condensed day after day, and finally became like a frozen lake.

The lake has been frozen for a long time, but no one knows when the ice and snow will melt. Under the gentle wind and waves, there are springs at the bottom of the lake slowly opening, and the warm water is bubbling. The circles of bubbles are small at first, and gradually become larger until they wrap the cold heart.

Wen Yu suddenly wanted to see the person in his heart, wanted to see her smile, wanted to see her acting like a baby, wanted to hear her say some trivial things, and even more wanted to hear her say those words that made people feel dizzy.


As soon as he gave an order, the carriage was like an arrow flying off the string.

Before the carriage came to a complete stop, he flew down.

Like a gust of wind, he has already entered the princess mansion. The familiar road, the familiar everything, seemed to have a nostalgic breath in his breath, forcing him to quicken his pace.

After passing the ancient tung tree, looking at the dark house, he frowned slightly. In the past, no matter how late it was, even if he was asleep, the little girl would leave a light for him.

Without waiting for him to enter the house, Mrs. Zeng immediately reported that the second aunt and the second uncle were staying overnight tonight, and the princess of the county had already slept in Xueyuan with the second aunt.

As soon as the words were spoken, Zeng Niang felt the frightening cold, and was too frightened to breathe out.

After a while, Wen Yu waved her back.

The breath in her heart was not relieved, and she saw that the county prince did not enter the house, but directly left the Wuming residence. At the moment, I felt a chug in my heart, and took several breaths with difficulty.

The king of the county loves the princess of the county, so he must be reluctant to say a word of cruelty. The second aunt's grandmother is a woman, and the county king will not be too harsh if he thinks about it. So the anger in the county king's heart was probably directed at the second son-in-law.

That second son-in-law, who is known as the number one son in Beijing, might be in trouble.

In the guest courtyard of the Princess Mansion, the lights are bright.

Shen Ling couldn't sleep, so he simply found a few books to pass away. Originally, he was looking forward to staying in the boudoir where his wife was before she got married tonight, but he was kicked out to stay alone in the boudoir.

With Xue Niang accompanied by her sister-in-law, it seems that he is the one who is full of eyes and hearts like in the Hou Mansion. Don't talk about walking around him, even give him an extra look.

He was so unaccustomed to not being able to sleep with Xue Niang in the long night. I don't know if my uncle will not sleep tonight.

He thought for a while and laughed at himself for a while, and the book in his hand hadn't been turned for a long time.

Suddenly a burst of cold air swept from outside the door, and he stood up immediately when he saw someone coming.

With a stern and cold face, his aura was so powerful that it was frightening.

It was the uncle he was thinking about just now.

When the other party's cold eyes fell on him, he couldn't help standing up straighter than before. He didn't know why, although this uncle was only a few years older than him, it always made him feel that the two were in the wrong generation.

"The king of the county..."

Wen Yu's face was expressionless, and the purple official uniform looked mysterious under the reflection of the night and lights. One of his hands hangs naturally on the waist knife, as if he always maintains the state of being about to strike at the next moment.

He just came from Snow Park. The snow garden was quiet, and the servants outside said that the princess and the second aunt had both fallen asleep. There was such a situation before, when he had someone wake up his sister directly, and then went in to take his little wife away.

Now his little wife is pregnant, and he hates being disturbed at night the most. What's more, the autumn dew is very cold now, it is really not suitable for a pregnant woman to be startled by the wind at night.

After standing quietly outside the door for a while, he came here directly.

"Early tomorrow morning, you will leave."

Although there was no ups and downs in the cold tone, anyone could hear the chill in it. Shen Ling was very sure that the uncle must be angry. He secretly groaned in his heart, and responded very respectfully.

The two of them don't meet much on weekdays, and they are not the kind of friends who can talk to each other at any time.

Perhaps because of his correct attitude and sense of humor, the chill in Wen Yu's eyes faded slightly.

In the court more than ten years later, he has become a model among civil servants. Even if Wen Yu didn't regard him as a confidant, he was still a good subordinate with ability and strategy.

At that time, he was already the Marquis of Shen, and he was no longer as immature as he is now.

"Rest early."

After leaving these words, Wen Yu disappeared into the night.

Shen Ling stood outside the door watching, unable to believe for a long time that Wen Yu said those words just now. The rumored Prince Wen was cold-blooded and ruthless, and he was indifferent to anyone, let alone words of concern.

He had mixed feelings in his heart, and finally looked at the night with a smile on his face.

The county prince whom everyone fears may not be really a heartless person.

It didn't seem so unbearable for him to stay alone in the empty room tonight. What's more, his uncle is also like him, but I don't know if he is in the same mood.

Getting up early the next day, he packed up and went to Snow Park.

Hearing the woman's laughter in the yard from a distance, he recognized his wife's voice, and was a little taken aback, it turned out that Xue Niang would laugh so heartily.

Perhaps only in front of the closest people, Xue Niang would be so open. And he obviously hasn't gained Xueniang's true trust, so Xueniang never smiles like this in front of him in the Hou Mansion.

He hoped to hear such laughter every day.

The sun shines through the yellowing leaves, and sprinkles a little bit of starlight on the sisters-in-law under the tree. One is as beautiful and pure as the morning dew, and the other is as beautiful and colorful as the morning sun.

In terms of appearance, both sister-in-law and sister-in-law are excellent. Even if both of them are dressed in simple ordinary clothes, without jewelry in their hair, and without makeup on their faces, they are better than thousands of beauties in the world.

"The weather is really nice, Xueniang, smell it, can you smell the harvest?"

Wen Ruqin didn't know what the breath of a good harvest looked like, but she knew that being with the second sister-in-law was the most comfortable, it was a breath of peace of mind, and it was also a breath of joy.

"It smells so good."

"Yes, it's very comfortable."

Ye Ping looked up, feeling the beauty of autumn from the gaps in the leaves. Such a day is most suitable for celebrating the joy of the harvest with three or five friends. She suddenly remembered the barbecue stove she had someone make some time ago, because she had been shelving it since she was pregnant.

As soon as she proposed, Wen Ruqin immediately agreed.

Wen Ruqin had eaten the barbecue, but it didn't seem as tempting as the second sister-in-law said.

Ye Ping became interested and immediately gave orders.

After thinking for a while, Sanxi was sent to pick up Ye Ting.

If something like that happened to the Song family, Tingniang would definitely not be in a good mood. One is to bring Tingniang over to stay for a few days to relax, and two, the two sisters can also have a good get-together.

Wen Ruqin became even happier when she heard that Ye Ping was going to pick up Ye Ting. At one time, she said that she hadn't seen Ye Ting for a long time, at another time, she said that she wanted to learn a few tricks from Ye Ting to strengthen her body, and she also said that when Ye Ting came, the three of them would live together in Xueyuan.

They spoke happily, which made Shen Ling's face turn bitter.

The uncle asked the couple to leave early in the morning, and now not only can't they leave, but they also have to recruit Mrs. Song. An elder brother had already frightened him, and there was another Mr. Song, who he felt might become the target of public criticism.

But Xueniang was very happy, and he couldn't bear to disappoint.

what to do?

Right now, everyone in Beijing who should be on duty has gone on duty, and my uncle and Mr. Song are not there. How would he face it if they all paid off?

Ye Ping has sharp eyes and has already seen him.

He straightened his clothes and went in calmly.

Wen Ruqin's jade-like face was flushed with joy, and it could be seen that she was really happy. Anyway, as long as you are with the second sister-in-law, you will never be bored, and it will always make you feel happy. She cheerfully said that she would stay in the Princess Mansion today, and said virtuously that he could go back to the Hou Mansion first if he had something to do.

After saying this, she seemed to feel that she had lost her shape, and said a lot of things to make up for it. The general idea is that I want to stay with my sister-in-law for a few more days, so please be considerate.

"It's because I can't bear Xueniang and want to stay for two more days, so I ask Shizi Shen to agree to go back and talk to Mrs. Shen." Ye Ping said. She didn't want Shen Shizi to blame Xueniang, and she didn't want Mrs. Shen to think too much.

Ye Ping opened his mouth, what else could Shen Ling say, and he naturally responded.

In fact, he also has an official position. Although it is not a great position, it is also a kind of tempering for him. Originally, he had asked for leave for three days, so he didn't have to go today. In the current situation, he felt that it was better for him to go to the top.

The application time was about to pass, and the colleagues stepped down one by one, and he was the only one left in the end. He didn't read a word for a long time, guessing the time and making a difficult decision.

You can't hide from him, and he's not that kind of person. He would definitely face what he had to face, even if it was the two most feared people in Sheng Chao.

He sent someone to the Hou Mansion to deliver the letter, and then returned to the Princess Mansion with a feeling of apprehension. When he learned from the porter that his uncle and Mr. Song were both there, his heart rose to his throat.

Before arriving at Xueyuan, he saw two people standing outside the courtyard. A mighty sword like an ancient one, keeping a low profile without concealing its coercion. The other is invisible, casually lazy and sharp from time to time.

Before he stepped forward to salute, the two turned their heads together. One had an indifferent face, and the other even dimpled at him from a smile. Whether it was a cold face or a smiling face, it also made him feel terrified.

It's over.

He felt as if he was going to have some bad luck.