One month later, Princess Qingyang gave birth prematurely and gave birth to a son.

At the same time, Wen Ruyu was sent out of Beijing again.

Soon there was news that Princess Qingyang gave birth prematurely because Wen Ruyu had gone mad again. Wen Ruyu, who was sick, pushed Princess Qingyang, and Princess Qingyang launched the plan ahead of schedule.

It is true that Qingyang Princess gave birth prematurely, and it is also true that Wen Ruyu was sent out of Beijing. The Duke's Mansion was once again pushed to the forefront amidst the rumors raging in Yongchang City.

I heard that Wen Ruyu cursed all the way, using all vicious words. Ye Ping scolded Princess Qingyang scolded Mrs. Wen, and even Mrs. Wen. In the eyes of the world, it is really crazy to have no elders like that.

Mrs. Wen was so angry that her heart ached, and no one could take her back after she let her go, otherwise she would not come back. It seemed that he was really angry and gave up.

Fortunately, Princess Qingyang gave birth safely, which somewhat dispelled her depression.

Princess Qingyang won a man in one fell swoop, and she showed her best when she was married for three hours.

Zhang Wang and his wife spent a lot of money in order to make their daughter look good. When it came to the full moon feast of the eldest grandson of the Duke's Mansion, it was even more grandiose, and everyone in the entire Yongchang City knew about it. Facing the face of this centuries-old family and Prince Zhang's Mansion, all the respectable families in Beijing have come.

Yuezi sat down, Princess Qingyang's face was rosy and plump. She dresses luxuriously, and everything from jewelry to clothing shows the honor of the princess. After all, the Duke's Mansion is a century-old family, and with the support of Prince Zhang's Mansion, her son's full moon banquet is naturally full of guests.

She didn't expect Ye Ping to come, and she was stunned when she saw Ye Ping.

Not only unexpected, but amazing.

After Ye Ping gave birth, her color became even stronger. Even if she is not well-dressed, she can still be seen at a glance among many ladies.

Princess Qingyang's lips turned cold, and her chin was raised even higher.

The daughter of this lowly woman was actually conferred the title of princess, and she was also of the same rank as her. She is obviously the daughter of the county king, even if she is canonized, she should be the county head.

Uncle Huang is very eccentric.

Ye Ping was talking to Mrs. Shen, but she didn't seem to see her at all.

Wen Ruqin's body is heavy, so she didn't come to congratulate her today.

In addition to Mrs. Shen, Mrs. Song and Mrs. Chang were at the same table, as well as Mrs. Chang's two daughter-in-laws Du Shi and Lan Shi. Lan Shi and Ye Ping are familiar with each other, and they finally met together, so they wanted to make fun of it.

Ye Ting, as the young wife of the Song family, was originally going to come. Mrs. Song planned to come with her daughter-in-law early in the morning, and didn't want to be stopped by her son when she was leaving. Said that the daughter-in-law is slightly unwell, it is better not to go out. Mrs. Song loves Ye Ting, daughter-in-law very much, and there is no reason to be reluctant to hear that, so she is alone at the banquet this time.

This table of people seems to be a circle, and it is a very harmonious and close circle of friendship.

The Princess Mansion, Grand Tutor's Mansion, General's Mansion, Marquis' Mansion, and the capital city where the royal relatives and nobles gather, do not seem to be too eye-catching. But when you think about it deeply, you can't help others pay attention. Because the several prefectures have one thing in common, they are all the valued subjects of Emperor Jing Qing, and they are also close confidants.

Women's topics cannot be separated from their children.

Ye Ping is also a mother now, and has a common topic with them. When it comes to her family's big children, it's called changing every day. The two-month-old baby has opened up a lot of facial features, and he can already see the face of Xiao's father.

After the full moon banquet, she and Wen Yu entered the palace with the child in their arms.

His Majesty likes Dabao very much, saying that Dabao looks like the eldest princess. So that time when Dabao child visited the palace, he got a lot of rewards when he left the palace.

It can be said that Wen Dabao, who is only two months old, is already a little rich woman.

She chatted happily with the ladies without being restrained or stingy at all. The calmness and composure in her demeanor, the coquettishness and extravagance in her frowns and smiles made Princess Qingyang feel even more glaring.

A small family girl, just putting on airs.

As she thought about it, she forcibly looked away.

Today is a good day for her, and she doesn't want to care about such people.

She is the princess, and she will always be complimented wherever she goes. She enjoyed being flattered by others, and led the mother-in-law, who was holding her son, around the guest room.

It was rare for Mrs. Wen to show her face, so she also saw Ye Ping.

Ye Ping came forward with a smile to greet her, and saluted respectfully.

"Why didn't you bring the little princess over here?"

"The child is young, so I'm afraid she will cry."

Her husband said that they have done the first two kinds of shopping, eating and watching theaters between lovers, but they have not done the latter one. So she came to see a play today, and it should be a big play.

Since it's a theater, of course you can't bring your children.

Mrs. Wen's face was a little worried, and she was very upset. Even if Ye Ping is smiling, even if Ye Ping's expression and behavior are not much different from before, many things are different.

"The child is two months old, and you didn't take it to me, an old woman, to take a look. You don't have me as a grandmother in your heart, and you don't take me seriously."

"What did grandma say, we don't disrespect you. I didn't bring the child here before, because I was afraid that the people in the Duke's mansion would be too crowded, and I was afraid that the child would be frightened."

This miscellaneous person refers to Wen Ruyu.

Mrs. Wen couldn't hear it, and felt more and more uncomfortable. When she thought of that eldest granddaughter, she couldn't express her fear and disappointment.

Good boy, how did you become like that?

She looked unexpectedly at Mrs. Wen who greeted the guests. This Wang family didn't know how to teach her children. Looking at the two sensible and obedient children before, why did they become so worrying one by one.

"Sister Yu is seriously ill and will not come back again. From now on...if you have nothing to do in the future, come and sit with the child."

This was the last compromise made by the mistress of a once noble family in her twilight years. After speaking, she was somewhat saddened that she would be strong for a lifetime.

Ye Ping didn't want to provoke the old lady, nor did she want to cause trouble for her. After all, it is an elderly person, if you don't want to get close, just respect and stay away.

"I'll bring her to see you when I'm free."

When the Duke's mansion is no longer dirty, she will not stop Dabao from getting close to her great-grandmother.

"Don't just say yes, you won't see anyone for a few months and a half."

To be honest, the old lady is almost like a child asking for candy.

Ye Ping felt compassionate and couldn't bear it.

"Grandmother, you are getting older, and you have to think about a lot of things. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and some things are useless for you to think about. If you are really unsatisfactory, the most important thing for you is to take care of yourself."

"You still need to say."

The old lady became arrogant, there are still a few people of her generation who are still alive. A person with such a long life as her naturally knows how to take care of her body best.

The second granddaughter-in-law is outspoken, but a kind child.

She looked better, and mentioned that Fang'er had also given birth to a son.

Fang'er's son is half a month younger than Princess Qingyang's son. Of course Ye Ping knew about this, and she also knew that the upcoming big show today would be related to these two newborns.

"The elder brother born to the princess looks like he is well-raised."

Not at all like a premature baby.

Mrs. Wen's complexion was not good again, and she let out a "huh" in a low spirited manner.

It is also common for the fetus to grow up in the mother's body.

It stands to reason that there was a fall in the night of the princess's bridal chamber, there is no doubt about it, but the eldest grandson said that the princess is not a woman, and that the child does not belong to him.

Whether it's true or not, she couldn't think about it.

After all, it is a family scandal and should not be publicized.

She looked at her eldest grandson, who was startled by the gloomy look in his eyes and face. When did this kid become like this?

Only when the family is in harmony can everything prosper. If this family is not harmonious, there is no prosperity at all.


Will not.

How could the century-old family of the Duke's Mansion be defeated?

Her gaze fell on Princess Qingyang who was walking this way, with mixed feelings that could not be expressed.

Princess Qingyang didn't look at her, but said to Ye Ping: "I was still thinking about letting my brother Man meet my sister today, but I didn't expect that Princess Princess didn't bring the child here."

Ye Ping smiled, "The child is young, so the crying won't affect others."

"The princess of the county is careful."

"It's better to sail the boat for ten thousand years carefully than to get carried away and capsize the boat."

Princess Qingyang's eyes flickered slightly, and said: "Of course a small boat will capsize, but a big boat will not."

Ye Ping smiled, "The princess can really talk."

Will the boat capsize if it is too big?

not necessarily.

Amidst the joy, Song Jinyuan suddenly appeared.

He was dressed in an official uniform and held a waist knife, obviously on official business.

All the guests looked over, and it was inevitable that someone would see the clue.

Mrs. Wen's heart was pounding, and she had a vague premonition. At this time, Mr. Song came to run a business, and there would never be any good things.

Song Jinyuan ignored Wen Tingzhi's overtures, and said loudly: "I didn't want to make this trip at first, but people must keep their promises, and officials should be more like this. On the day of the wedding of Prince Wen and the princess, I promised to meet you." To be a witness for that girl, so come today to fulfill my promise."

If he doesn't come, the Wen family will forget about it. As soon as he came, in the eyes of the Wen family, he didn't come to witness at all, he was clearly here to add bad luck.

The guests talked a lot, all of them had drunk the wedding wine, and everyone knew what happened that day. I heard that the girl also gave birth to a son, and she has been living in the Duke's mansion. Obviously the Wen family admitted this.

Many people think that Song Jinyuan is a bit of a nosy person, and it is obvious that he chose to come to the house today because he wanted to find the Duke's mansion to be unhappy. It's not that Mr. Song and Prince Wen have a very good personal relationship, so why don't they show face to the Wen family?

Wen Tingzhi grimaced, "This is a matter of my Wen family's inner house. I have found out the truth, and I don't need other witnesses. It's a waste of time for Mr. Song, why don't you go after drinking a glass of wine."

Song Jinyuan laughed deeply, "It's easy to say. If the people in Yongchang City have checked themselves like Wen Shizi, I can relax. But I remember that it was Mrs. Wen who questioned the girl's innocence. I wonder if Mrs. Wen knows now that she has misunderstood?"

Mrs. Wen's expression froze when she was named.

Everyone looked at her, and she couldn't help but squeeze her palm tightly.

"I misread it."

"It turned out that Mrs. Wen was mistaken and slandered a woman's innocence without finding out the facts. I often hear people say that Mrs. Wen is so sensible and virtuous. I didn't expect to act like this."

Mrs. Wen said solemnly, "It's about the blood of the Wen family, so I have to be cautious."

"Mrs. Wen is very right. It is a matter of blood, so it is natural to be cautious. Now that you have found out the truth, it is really inappropriate for me to ask. I still have important work to do, so I will leave."

When Song Jinyuan turned around, there was a playful look at the end of his eyes.

Step by step, counting silently in my heart.

In less than ten steps, someone rushed out.

"Lord Song, I have a request from my servant!"

Wen Tingzhi turned around in astonishment, and saw Fang'er who was in confinement.

"What are you doing out there?"

"Your Majesty, my servant... I cannot watch my Majesty being deceived by others." Fang'er knelt on the ground regardless of her postpartum weakness. "I beg your lord to witness that the daughter of the princess is not of the Wen family's blood!"

When everyone heard the words, there was an uproar.

The child born to Princess Qingyang is not from the blood of the Wen family?

How can this be!

"Nonsense!" Concubine Zhang was the first to attack, "Where did this servant come from, and he was talking nonsense. Come on, hurry up and drag this girl down!"

"Your servant is not talking nonsense!" Fang'er shouted, "Your servant dare to swear to God, the child born to the princess is not premature at all, it is clearly born at full term."

The guests have already started to commotion, saying everything.

Everyone has seen the son born to Princess Qingyang, and it is indeed well-raised, and it is impossible to tell that it is a premature baby. Many people muttered to themselves, is it true what this girl said?

The bad premonition in Mrs. Wen's heart became a reality, and her breathing was a little short of breath. The endless shame and anger made her almost faint, but she couldn't faint.

What an embarrassment!

"Quick, let someone drag her down!"

"Grandmother, wait a minute." Ye Ping relieved her.

She stared at Ye Ping, "Do you also want to see the jokes of the Duke's Mansion?"

"I don't want to see a joke, I just want to know the truth. If what this girl said is true, are you willing to have to admit a child of unknown origin for the sake of face, and let that child inherit everything in the Duke's Mansion in the future?"

Of course not.

"We can look into this matter privately."

Among the tall and large households, which one has few private affairs. This kind of matter can be investigated in private, and it will not be exposed to the public at all, and even the slightest bit of wind cannot be revealed.

"If we investigate privately, will the palace recognize it? Will the princess recognize it? At that time, we will be unreasonable if we justify it. Wouldn't we have to suffer from this dumbness?"

Of course, Mrs. Wen didn't want to suffer from being dumb, but she didn't want to lose face even more.

The Duke's Mansion is of course shorter than the Wang's Mansion. If they investigate privately, needless to say if they are blocked, the palace will definitely put pressure on them. At that time, even if the child is really not from the Wen family, they will have to admit it.

"Will the palace recognize it if it happens like this? Then what if we make a mistake, how will we explain it?"

At this moment, I heard Fang'er say again: "My lord, you know best that when the princess married into the duke's mansion, she was already in the dark, and her child was a **** that she had fornicated with the guards around her! "

The uproar was even worse.

Wen Tingzhi's face turned green and pale, he wished he could kill the girl who made him feel ashamed, and he also wanted to kill Princess Qingyang who made him ashamed.

Princess Zhang was so angry that she yelled angrily, "Have all the people in the Duke's mansion died? How can it be reasonable for a girl to slander the master of the mansion here! Mrs. Wen, my innocent daughter Marrying into your Wen family, are you just letting her be humiliated by a servant like this? I want to ask, are you bullying our Zhao family that there is no one in your Duke's mansion?"

This is a heavy word.

Mrs. Wen looked embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Mrs. Wen had no choice but to stand up, "Wangfei, what you said is really unreasonable. It is a fact that the princess married into our Wen family in less than eight months, and it is also a fact that the child she gave birth looks like a full-term baby. This slave The following offense is wrong, but what she said may not be without basis. Since the princess is innocent, why should I be afraid of these slanderous words. I believe that with Mr. Song around, this matter will be investigated clearly, and it will save someone in the future Make a big fuss about it, and say something about the princess behind her back."

Ye Ping thought to herself, the old lady is not very smart, but she can still handle such important matters clearly.

On the contrary, Mrs. Wen's performance is quite intriguing. Could it be that Mrs. Wen also dislikes Princess Qingyang, the daughter-in-law, and also knows about the affair between Princess Qingyang and the guards?

So Mrs. Wen wanted to use someone else's hand to commit murder with a borrowed knife. But I don't know that there is an old saying that the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, and it can also be called Xiangzhuang's sword dance with the intention of Peigong.

Concubine Zhang was furious at these words, if she stopped again, the wives present would think she was guilty. But if it is up to someone to investigate, she is not willing.

Because of the inside story, it is impossible for her as a mother not to know. If Mr. Song really finds out something, how should their palace gain a foothold.

"This matter is related to the reputation of our royal family. After I enter the palace to face the saint, I will give you an explanation."

"Your Majesty manages so many things every day, how hard it is. Is it not appropriate to bother Your Majesty with matters in the inner house?" Ye Ping said slowly.

When Princess Zhang saw that it was her, her eyes became sharper unconsciously. "The princess's words are wrong. It is related to the reputation of the royal family. How can it be compared with the inner house."

"The queen concubine insists on bringing up the reputation of the royal family, but it is incomprehensible. The princess is just a person's words and deeds, and has nothing to do with others. I believe that the princess is a sensible person. He can clearly prove his innocence, so how can he do that?" Going up to the court, embarrassing His Majesty for no reason."

Princess Qingyang was named by Ye Ping, and under extreme anger and hatred, she even pointed at Mrs. Wen.

"If you give birth prematurely, it is considered infidelity. Shouldn't you start the investigation from the previous generation? If you are willing, I will naturally be willing. If you are not willing, why should I be humiliated!"

Ye Ping applauded heartily.

This big pit finally caught its prey.

The drama has finally begun!