In order not to waste the artistes’ time, the commentary interviews were conducted in groups. Bo Ye and Qi Xingchen’s were to be filmed today morning.

Presumably, since Bo Ye still had other commitments while Qi Xingchen did not have any work and thus could wait a while longer, Bo Ye should have gone first.

Instead, Bo Ye said: “If you are reading this on a site other than foxaholic, please support the translator by reading it on foxaholic.”

“What?” Qi Xingchen was stunned, “Senior Bo Ye, are you okay? What happened to the script?”

“Someone has been copying the original translation off the original site, so the chapter has been shifted. I’m just doing my part to help the translator out.” Bo Ye sighed as he pinched his nose bridge.

“That’s despicable! All the translators on this site have been putting in the effort to translate and edit their work, be they translators or machine translators. Furthermore, the chapters on this site are all free!” Qi Xingchen fumed. “Can’t we do anything about them?”

“There’s no one to report this to, so all we can do is to transfer the works somewhere else so that they can’t easily access it. If you have read our conversation this far, here’s the link1. If you can’t see the footnote, you’re not on foxaholic.”

“Wouldn’t this be really troublesome, especially for the readers on foxaholic?” Qi Xingchen started to get worried.

“We have also thought of that, that’s why we have decided to do it every 3 chapters or so, depending on how effective this method is.” Bo Ye collapsed back down onto the chair. “Let’s hope their websites would shut down soon. Scroll down to the bottom for the translator’s note. The next few paragraphs will be gibberish to fill up the word count in case someone actually manually copies and pastes and realises that the chapter is too short.”

“Oh, what kind of text?” Qi Xingchen asked curiously.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum dui metus, dapibus at pharetra id, ultricies et nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam odio arcu, dapibus et ipsum pharetra, vehicula pellentesque felis.

Donec vel placerat tellus. Ut ac convallis ante. Donec placerat est ac nunc congue, et pretium velit rutrum. Quisque quis quam sollicitudin, maximus ex convallis, malesuada erat.

Duis fringilla tempor magna eget lobortis.

Integer gravida nisi ac orci pretium tempus. Phasellus ac felis erat. Phasellus sagittis turpis id venenatis consequat.

Aliquam consectetur fermentum elit, sed imperdiet leo mollis ac. Etiam vel arcu diam. Donec sit amet pretium quam. Sed eu porttitor odio.

Nulla lobortis viverra lacus. Etiam iaculis mauris ut lectus hendrerit, non suscipit sapien ornare. Quisque leo dui, eleifend nec viverra quis, ornare at odio. Nulla bibendum magna dui, in molestie nibh sagittis porta. Cras cursus eros sit amet sem bibendum, et viverra arcu ultrices. Nam finibus orci hendrerit, pulvinar eros eget, tempus libero.

Pellentesque id est vitae elit elementum rutrum eget at sapien. Phasellus nisl neque, pretium sit amet varius a, consectetur eu ex. Integer vehicula lacus et tellus ultrices tempus. Phasellus augue est, volutpat at mollis rutrum, aliquam bibendum orci. Proin finibus sed velit a luctus. Nullam pretium pulvinar dolor vel porttitor.

Quisque fringilla id lorem sit amet venenatis. Nullam at augue quam. Aliquam vestibulum ante id velit porta lacinia. In iaculis consequat enim vitae porttitor. Suspendisse ut congue nisl. In consectetur ac dolor at porttitor. Nunc in aliquam felis.

Nullam pretium pulvinar dolor vel porttitor. Nulla id elementum augue. Vestibulum cursus eros sit amet aliquam tristique. Phasellus nisl risus, sodales sit amet sem in, pretium accumsan ante. Curabitur felis sem, dictum a massa non, mollis vestibulum felis. Fusce efficitur sit amet purus vehicula pharetra.

Phasellus fringilla sem risus. Aliquam urna sapien, efficitur ut porta nec, maximus ut dui. Integer tincidunt sit amet nisi consequat suscipit. Sed ac vehicula nunc, sed fringilla quam. Fusce orci mi, commodo vel risus at, gravida aliquam urna. Fusce at elit at erat rhoncus consequat sed eget libero. Mauris lacus nunc, lobortis ac ante sit amet, sagittis tristique manga.

Duis ultricies, velit sit amet lobortis vehicula, orci eros placerat leo, in sollicitudin velit libero bibendum lorem.

Cras at ipsum feugiat, blandit lacus vitae, congue lacus. Aliquam ornare odio ut velit tempus, in mollis risus consequat. Mauris sit amet nulla tellus.

Curabitur nec nisl ac lorem semper consequat eu non sem.

Nam mauris dolor, pretium non massa ac, convallis lobortis magna. Cras eget elit laoreet, condimentum ipsum interdum, dignissim erat.

Donec vehicula suscipit lectus at vehicula. Nam molestie massa nunc.

Quisque ac dui sodales, condimentum turpis et, vehicula mi. Sed sit amet lectus nunc. Vestibulum felis risus, fermentum interdum diam quis, ultricies pharetra purus.

Aenean nec lacinia lectus. In pharetra hendrerit massa. Proin ullamcorper sodales dui, vitae gravida augue molestie sagittis.

Fusce pharetra nunc lectus, ac fringilla mi scelerisque pretium. Aliquam ac ligula a dui tristique gravida in et quam.

Quisque molestie lacus non quam interdum, a pulvinar arcu tincidunt.

Duis ultricies, velit sit amet lobortis vehicula, orci eros placerat leo, in sollicitudin velit libero bibendum lorem. Cras at ipsum feugiat, blandit lacus vitae, congue lacus.

Vivamus a arcu vitae metus tincidunt varius id eget nibh.

In semper posuere tortor. Proin odio ligula, placerat feugiat ligula vitae, laoreet pulvinar justo.

Phasellus ex leo, congue eget blandit ac, venenatis eget purus. Vivamus eget efficitur leo, ac ullamcorper ipsum.

After saying that, he pressed the button to roll up the window. The fans’ reluctant and discontented voices were suddenly isolated outside.

Turning his head back, the one who handed him water just now looked at the ground with the corners of his eyes drooping, his expression cloudy.

“Disturbed by the noise?” Bo Ye asked.

“No, I just feel……” Qi Xingchen’s voice was rough, “If your throat was that uncomfortable, you shouldn’t have talked to them for that long.”

“Was it long? I didn’t talk to them for more than fifteen minutes, but the duration they waited for me — if you count from the time I entered Maimang, it would be three or four hours. I can’t make them wait for nothing.”

Qi Xingchen was dumbfounded as Bo Ye instructed the driver to drive faster, then said, “Are you in a hurry to get home?”

“…… No.”

Why was this 2D character’s mindset of spoiling the fans even exactly the same as the idol? Qi Xingchen’s finger traced over a crease in his pants twice, but he did not feel like speaking any further.

—If they truly like you, they should have been able to hear your fatigue, and they should have felt distressed for you.

Unlike this now, where they would disregard everything just to seize the opportunity to interact with you.

Bo Ye did not know what he was thinking, taking out the mineral water to continue to moisten his throat.

Xiaoman and the rest were also tired beyond words, leaning on the back of their seats to get some shut-eye, the car falling into silence.

Halfway through their journey, everyone was suddenly awakened by the voice of the driver. The driver spoke with a northeastern1 accent: “That car behind us, it’s that SUV, why has it been following us all the way?”

A-Lun2, the assistant, was a boy with prominent canine teeth3. He heard the words and glanced at the rear-view mirror, “Maybe it’s a coincidence4?”

“It’s not a coincidence, they have followed us through four crossroads already!”

“Then try turning around in front.” A-Lun faltered.

The driver immediately took a left and another left turn at the next intersection. The whole process happened very quickly in around 10+ seconds.

The car behind evidently did not react, gliding forwards by two meters, then immediately braked sharply. Afterwards, they threw all caution into the wind and made a turn at the point where they had already passed the boundary line, chasing after them!

It was lucky that the road had few cars, but the group still broke out in cold sweat. The SUV’s driving could easily cause traffic accidents and is already considered illegal.

Even worse, A-Lun squeezed a few words through his gritted teeth: “Another f*cking sisheng5 fan!”

Sisheng fans were a type of abnormal6 fans in the fan circle, stealing idols’ information and chasing idols’ private lives for fun. Once, there was a male star who went home and found a strange woman lying on his bed, naked, and he was so frightened that he almost fainted.

No matter how perverted the action was, they would still be able to do it. Chartering a car to chase after an idol’s private itinerary was only a piece of cake for them.

“Drive faster, lose the car behind us,” Bo Ye thought for a moment, “Try your best not to hurt them.”

Receiving the orders, the driver stepped on the gas fiercely and tunnelled through all sorts of small alleyways. The car behind frantically followed, swerving left and right as well. While considering the safety of the car behind, they were still not able to shake them off as they approached the Qi family’s neighbourhood.

Bo Ye’s address was well-protected and had not been found out by sisheng fans so far. The main issue was that they were not going to his home, but Qi Xingchen’s home.

If it was found out by anyone, it would be the same thing as trapping Qi Xingchen.

Bo Ye helplessly massaged between his eyebrows: “Let’s go back to the company to change our car, then split up. Sorry, I dragged you into this.”

Qi Xingchen clenched his fists and stayed silent. Bo Ye thought that he also agreed and instructed the driver to drive towards the company.

Before they drove far, Qi Xingchen seemed to have made his mind up about something, speaking suddenly, “No, it’s not your fault. It’s the sishengs’ fault.”

“Mister7, please stop the car.”

The driver didn’t know whether he should listen to him or not, driving forwards while looking at Bo Ye with a questioning look. Bo Ye signalled for the driver to stop the car.

The driver then stopped at a curb, opening the car door. The SUV also stopped then, and out came four 18 to 19-year-old girls and one boy in his early 20s, all of them with an excited light in their eyes.

They thought their idol would get off the car and “educate” them — most celebrities, hindered by public opinion, did not dare to speak harshly towards sisheng fans. Even if they got angry, at most they would go over to talk to them about the dangers of car chases. At the end of the day, they would still have to reassure them and persuade them to go home early.

You could see your idol up close, as well as gain “comfort” from the idol. Maybe they could even touch the idol, killing many birds with one stone. There was nothing to be afraid of!

However, they were dumbfounded when they saw the person getting off from the car in front.

Who is this boy? Why is he in the idol’s car? He was good-looking.

When the boy reached them, they were dazed as they faced the glaring black hole of the camera.

Qi Xingchen started the phone video recording, aiming it at their faces. With a trace of ice in his voice, he said: “Are you all still going to continue chasing?”

“……Whether we chase or not, how is that any of your business?”

“It is none of my business.”

Qi Xingchen lifted the corners of his lips, “Nevertheless, all five of you were recorded by me. Bo Ye may be soft-hearted and be unwilling to expose you all, but I am not. If you guys continue to chase us, I will immediately upload this video online.”

Exposed to the internet……

The girls instantly panicked.

In this Information Age, there were all kinds of people online. Especially with the huge number of Bo Ye fans, there were definitely tech-savvy8 people who could find real information about them from their faces.

After the secondary information of other celebrities’ sisheng fans was dug out, the number of sishengs who were cursed by other fans till they withdrew from the fan circle, or even to the point of having enough tears to wash their face daily9, was not in the minority.

Thinking about the consequences, they could not help but take a step backwards, thoughts of fleeing already forming in their minds.

The only boy was still not convinced, pointing at Qi Xingchen’s nose: “If you expose me, do you think I wouldn’t go to the cyber police to sue you for cyber violence? Also, who are you to begin with?10 Bo Ye hasn’t even said anything yet, what right do you have to order me?”

Qi Xingchen: “I have the right since I am also Bo Ye’s—“

“He has the right as my friend.”

Before the word ‘fan’ even left Qi Xingchen’s mouth, he was interrupted by a male voice behind him. He was not sure when Bo Ye came over, nor did he know how long he had been listening and what he had heard.

He held Qi Xingchen’s wrist and pulled him behind him, his voice losing its usual warmth: “With this video as evidence, I can also sue you for invasion of privacy. There better not be a next time, or I will see you in court.”

The author has something to say:

Qi Xingxing: Chasing stars rationally, starts with me. (righteous and stern) …… Come, let me get rid of the male protagonist first!