Chapter 23 :  Chopped

The program team finally finished the second task. The next task is very simple. The guests would work together in the morning to return to the Zeng family base camp for a relaxing break time.

This happens to be easier Qi Xingchen, he first ran into the director's room, "Zhao Dao, can I open the live broadcast and obviously not expose the kind of shooting location."

Zhao Dao "What do you want to do as a monkey mother spirit?"

"I want to promote our program." Qi Xingchen made a posture to care for Zeng Er.

Zhao Dao stood up with all his hair, "I told you, don't count me, I won't be fooled."

"Why would I dare to trick you?" Qi Xingchen couldn't help crying, “I just want to discuss with you. I am very popular. If I don't do business for a while, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep it. "

If a newcomer like Qi Xingchen was just starting out, if he didn't appear often, he might be forgotten by the public.

Zhao Dao understood his approach, and going out on business was also good for maintaining the program's popularity, so he nagged it over and over and on, and made Qi Qingchen promise.

Qi Xingchen thanked Zhao Dao and went to find out Qi Yuji's progress.

"Star "Qi Yuji turned into a strange monster," I will immediately come and bring you dried fish and spicy beef sauce made by Aunt Zhang, what else do you want "

“It's enough,” Qi Xingchen said, “The place I'm filming is not good, I need to make you and the bodyguards come on the bullock cart. When you arrive, I'll ask that person to pick you up."

"No complaints, as long as I can see stars, even if you come home, I will not grieve. I'll go to Niuben City around 4pm. The mayor can send me to Yangxian Village Street around 5:00. "

"Okay, don't miss it. By the way, "Qi Xingchen reminded," It's cold at night here, bring a coat. "

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and then a shout came, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh, stars, I really know that you care about your sister, I'm complete, ohhhhhhhhhh"

Qi Xingchen quickly pulled the phone from his ear, and after Qi Yuji's mood returned to normal, he urged him to hang up.

Zhao Dao and Qi Yuji both got it, and then Zhou Yu left. Qi Xingchen went to Laozeng first, after asking her to help him retrieve Qi Yuji, he returned to the room and picked up a small box.

Zhou Yu hit Luo Qiuman in the yard, Qi Xingchen put the phone to his ear and pretended to slowly pass him.

Her mouth seemed to be discussing something with the other end of the line, mysteriously, "Yeah, five to forty. Um, get into the drying room next to the country road, oops, Don't ask me what I'm doing, of course that's a good thing, hehe hehe hey "

Zhou Yu eavesdropped with his ear raised, and his heart gradually became suspicious.

After two days of recording, he could see that Zhang Yunfei was the oldest man in the group of poor traveling guests and was playing the role of a decision maker. Qi Xingchen was the youngest and the brain was the most alive.

So even if Qi Xingchen didn't say what to do, Zhou Yu could already guess that he would definitely want to do something that took center stage. How can he make the child happy

Must see it

Qi Xingchen saw that Zhou Yu had a different look, and a large stone in his heart fell. He used Zhou Yu's psychology. Everything was ready, he sent Weibo to announce the live broadcast.

At four in the afternoon, Lao Zeng left on time to pick up Qi Yuji. At 5:20 p.m., Qi Xingchen arrived at the drying room and opened the live broadcast software.


There are more than 100,000 viewers in the live broadcast room

In his predictions, that would be enough to have 20,000 or 30,000 witnesses, it was totally unexpected that there were so many people waiting.

He took two deep breaths and then clicked the live start button. Under the setting sun, a clean and youthful face appeared on the screen.

Starlight waiting for the "slot"

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

A series of large screams immediately hit the barrage, and then they were swept away by more "ah", which could be called a large scale guinea pig scene.

Seeing the audience's enthusiasm, Qi Xingchen greeted stiffly, "Hi, good afternoon everyone."

- I can see the stars live broadcast, mother waited long you know

-Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I can still see my boyfriend live streaming.



Home » After Transmigrated into a Book, I’ve Gained an Entire Family of Cannon Fodder » Chapter 23: Chopped

After Transmigrated into a Book, I’ve Gained an Entire Family of Cannon Fodder Chapter 23: Chopped

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Tim program akhirnya selesai kedua. Tugas berikutnya sangat sederhana. Para tamu akan bekerja bersama di pagi hari untuk kembali ke base camp keluarga Zeng untuk menikmati waktu istirahat yang langka.

Ini kebetulan lebih murah, Qi Xingchen, dia pertama kali berlari ke ruang sutradara, "Zhao Dao, bisakah saya membuka siaran langsung dan jelas tidak mengekspos jenis lokasi pengambilan gambar"

Zhao Dao "Apa yang ingin kamu lakukan sebagai monyet?"

“Saya ingin mempromosikan program kami.” Qi Xingchen menarik Mazar dan membuat postur untuk merawat Zeng Ershi.

Zhao Dao berdiri dengan semua rambutnya, "Aku berkata kepadamu, jangan hitung aku, aku tidak akan tertipu."

"Mengapa saya berani menghitung Anda?" Qi Xingchen tidak bisa menahan tangis, "Saya hanya ingin berdiskusi dengan Anda. Saya sangat populer. Jika saya tidak melakukan bisnis untuk sementara waktu, saya khawatir saya tidak dapat mempertahankannya."

Air cinta kacang, kipas besi. Jika pendatang baru seperti Qi Xingchen yang baru memulai, jika ia tidak sering muncul, ia mungkin dilupakan oleh publik.

Zhao Dao mengerti pendekatannya, dan pergi keluar untuk bisnis juga baik untuk menjaga popularitas program, jadi dia mengomel itu berulang-ulang dan seterusnya, dan berjanji padanya.

Qi Xingchen mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Zhao Dao dan pergi ke siapa pun untuk meminta Qi Yuji kemajuan.

"Bintang" Qi Yuji berubah menjadi monster aneh, "Aku akan segera mulai dan membawakanmu ikan kering ikan cod dan saus daging sapi pedas yang dibuat oleh Bibi Zhang, apa lagi yang kamu inginkan"

"Sudah cukup," kata Qi Xingchen, "Tempat saya syuting tidak bagus, saya perlu membuat Anda dan pengawal prihatin datang dengan kereta lembu jantan. Ketika Anda tiba, saya akan meminta orang itu untuk menjemput Anda."

"Tidak ada keluhan, selama kamu bisa melihat bintang-bintang di rumahku, bahkan jika kamu datang, aku tidak akan berduka. Aku akan pergi ke Pemerintah Kota Niuben sekitar jam 4 sore. Walikota dapat mengirimku ke Jalan Desa Yangxian sekitar jam 5:00."

"Oke, jangan ketinggalan. Ngomong-ngomong," Qi Xingchen mengingatkan, "Di sini dingin di malam hari, bawakan mantel."

Ada hening sesaat di ujung telepon, dan kemudian terdengar teriakan, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh, bintang-bintang, kamu benar-benar tahu bahwa kamu peduli dengan adikmu, aku lengkap, ohhhhhhhhhh"

Qi Xingchen dengan cepat menarik telepon dari telinganya, dan setelah suasana hati Qi Yuji kembali normal, dia mendesaknya untuk menutup telepon.

Zhao Dao dan Qi Yuji keduanya mendapatkannya, dan kemudian Zhou Yu pergi. Qi Xingchen pergi ke Laozeng dulu, setelah memintanya membantunya mengambil Qi Yuji, dia kembali ke kamar dan mengambil sebuah kotak kecil.

Zhou Yu memukul Luo Qiuman di halaman, Qi Xingchen menempelkan telepon ke telinganya dan berpura-pura melewatinya dengan perlahan.

Mulutku sepertinya mendiskusikan sesuatu dengan ujung telepon, secara misterius, "Ya, lima sampai empat puluh. Um, masuk ke ruang pengeringan di sebelah jalan desa, oops, jangan tanya apa yang aku lakukan, tentu saja itu hal yang baik, hehe hehe hei"

Zhou Yu menguping dengan telinganya diangkat, dan hatinya berangsur-angsur menjadi curiga.

Setelah dua hari rekaman, ia dapat melihat bahwa Zhang Yunfei adalah pria tertua dalam kelompok tamu perjalanan yang miskin dan memainkan peran sebagai pembuat keputusan. Qi Xingchen adalah yang termuda dan otak adalah yang paling hidup.

Jadi bahkan jika Qi Xingchen tidak mengatakan apa yang harus dilakukan, Zhou Yu sudah bisa menebak bahwa dia pasti ingin melakukan sesuatu yang menjadi pusat perhatian. Bagaimana dia bisa membuat anak itu bahagia

Harus melihatnya

Qi Xingchen melihat bahwa dia memiliki tampilan yang berbeda, dan batu besar di hatinya jatuh. Dia menggunakan psikologi Zhou Yu. Semuanya siap, ia mengirim Weibo untuk mengumumkan siaran langsung.

Pukul empat sore, Lao Zeng berangkat tepat waktu untuk menjemput Qi Yuji. Pada pukul 17.20, Qi Xingchen tiba di ruang pengeringan dan membuka perangkat lunak siaran langsung.


Ada lebih dari 100.000 pemirsa di ruang siaran langsung

Dalam ramalannya, sudah cukup untuk memiliki 20.000 atau 30.000 saksi, sama sekali tidak terduga bahwa ada begitu banyak orang menunggu.

Dia mengambil dua napas dalam-dalam dan kemudian mengklik tombol start live. Di bawah matahari terbenam, wajah yang bersih dan remaja muncul di layar.

Cahaya bintang yang menantikan "slot"

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Serangkaian jeritan besar segera mengenai rentetan itu, dan kemudian mereka disapu oleh lebih banyak "ah", yang bisa disebut sebagai adegan marmut skala besar.

Melihat penonton sangat antusias, Qi Xingchen menyapa dengan kaku, "Hai, selamat siang semuanya."

Anda dapat menghitung siaran langsung bintang-bintang, ibu menunggu lama Anda tahu

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Aku masih bisa melihat pacar saya live streaming.

- Where are you dear

- My mom! what kind of face is this?

The series finally showed something different from "ah", and Qi Xingchen answered one by one, "Let you wait a long time, sorry."

"I recorded the program, and the location must be kept secret."

- the original is not lost. 

- The starlight that is called my son, are you old enough to marry?

Seeing that Aidou was actually promoting himself, the barrage laughed. Fans who received broadcast reminders also came in succession, and the number of views increased to 200,000.

However, Qi Xingchen was very adaptable, and slowly released, the more he chatted, and even accompanied the music, shaking the audience a little.

The number 666 continues to appear

- Ha ha ha ha lie down, who you learn from

- This picture is so beautiful, I dare not look at it, just look at the top.

- What kind of idol is attractive?

- Ah ah ah ah ah ah

- Ah ah ah ah ah Is it true

At this time, the live broadcast room once again swept the screen full of the screaming guinea pig. Qi Xingchen thought that the current viewers' hobbies were very special. Are you so excited to watch idol flowers?

The next moment he found the source of the scream at the top of the direct interface, and a light flashed by.

Then, Bai Ye sprinkled a meteor shower in the live broadcast room.

Qi Xingchen ""

Galaxy special effects are special room-entry special effects made especially for Bai Ye by the live broadcast platform, whereas the meteor shower was an exclusive gift that only Bai Ye could send.

So why did that man enter his live broadcast room?

- I don't know if the male master saw Hua Huahua's sand sculpture, Qi Xingchen's face gradually warms up.

- I just wanted to do some normal things to take care of myself, and suddenly the sound of clothes rubbing against each other came from behind

That's Zhou Yu, he's here

There are mountain items all over the drying yard, one pile on the left and one pile on the right. Qi Xingchen deliberately sat behind the wooden branches. Zhou Yu couldn't 

The thing is, he can't think of it, and whispers into the headphones, "The other guests from that poor tour are coming, let me see what he's up to, just hold on."

After finishing, he placed his hand on the ground, adjusted the screen brightness to the lowest, and rushed to the left, "Brother Yu"

"Well, "Zhou Yu greeted him and looked around him," What about the others?"

Qi Xingchen blocked his cell phone with his body, "It's just me, why are you here"

"Only you"

Zhou Yu was half believed, and it was clear that he heard Qi Xingchen calling out to find someone.

But he couldn't ask, and when he asked his thoughts, he showed his true character and looked at Qi Xingchen with a bad gaze.

Qi Xingchen didn't seem to see that the other party was in a bad mood, and took a photo of his head, " brother Yu, I just met you. I want to apologize to you. I don't really want yesterday's donkey card. "

Zhou Yu opened his mouth, his face gloomy, "Sorry, my face has disappeared, what's the use of your apology?"

Yesterday he was humiliated by the wider public, all because of the "credit" from the little dust in front of him. Zhou Yu hoped that the little dust would disappear, and he didn't want to tell him more.

Qi Xingchen hoped that he would not accept it, and took the box out of his pocket.

The richardie logo on it is the Qi Yujiu watch who sent it.

Worried that Qi Yuji might find him not sad, he put the watch in the luggage compartment before he left. He didn't expect it to be of any use now.

"This year's new model "looked at the watch, Zhou Yu's eyes shone," What are you doing with this. "

"Brother Yu, we are leaving a company. I want to be friends with you more than enemies. This is my heart, don't you know me, okay? "

Don't know you

Oh, Zhou Yu grabbed the watch with a sneer in his heart, causing him to lose face, how could he forgive?

But the watch is pretty good. This year, a total of two models were released. Qi Yuji gave him one, and when he got it, he could send it to his circle of friends.

"Are you really sorry, remains to be seen, "Zhou Yu took out the watch and couldn't wait to put it in his hand, looked left and right, and suddenly thought of something, "No, how can you buy a watch. It won't be a fake, right?"

"How dare I trick you with a trick, I have more fans now, and I've taken over several jobs, "Qi Xingchen lied "The first thing I get when I get money is apologize for buying a watch. "

"Oh, you still know high-end brands."

“I don't know,” Qi Xingchen chuckled, “Did your girlfriend buy this brand for you? I think you really like her.”

In the middle of the speech, Zhou Yu immediately reached out to cover his mouth and looked around like a thief. "In public, don't talk shit"

"It doesn't matter, Brother Yu, "said Qi Xingchen," I didn't come with the camera on my back. "

"This is an acquaintance. ”Zhou Yu sighed in relief,“ but don't talk about it when there are people in the future. ”


"This is my legendary girlfriend. "

He still remembered that not long ago, Zhou Yu was proud to find a woman as a girlfriend, but now he is even reluctant to recognize Qi Yuji's identity, even referring to "girlfriend.".

What kind of trash is this

Qi Xingchen is burning, and originally wanted to lure Zhou Yu into slowly saying something at this time, patiently tired of "what a legendary girlfriend"

Zhou Yu's face did not matter, “Because I was thinking whether to throw it away.” 

"Just looking for someone to grab their forelegs to take you on this tour, you dump them on the hind legs, what's the difference between crossing a river and destroying a bridge?"

"I didn't like him at first, he always clung to me," Zhou Yu wondered, "how did you know he helped me on the tour"

Seeing that he was hanging himself on Qi Yuji, saying that Qi Yuji was stuck on him, Qi Xingchen could no longer control him, and reached out to grab Zhou Yu's neckline.

"You don't like her, she still collects things for you, you don't like her, she still talks about it flirtatiously, you don't like her, and she tricks into charter flights to get seeing Aurora, why don't you break up? "

Zhou Yu coughed several times, because of his impression, Qi Xingchen and her boyfriend were completely unreachable.

After being poked at the center of thought, Zhou Yu was furious, and Qi Xingchen punched him in the back, "You little dog, take care of our business."

With that, he suddenly thought of something like that, his expression slowly languishing, "What's wrong, do you like her, and waiting to receive an answer from her"

During the afternoon break, Bai Ye posted a Weibo and happened to see Qi Xingchen's live broadcast notification.

The little fan helps her find another blanket, and gives her a hand-painted charging case, thinking of helping the little fan flow, Bai Ye entered his live broadcast room to show his face, and watched the local shows for free.

Who knew that Zhou Yu discovered it later, and things developed into this trend, and Bai Ye was afraid that they would not stop, and picked up his phone to go to the dry room.

Hearing the word “You like him”, Bai Ye's steps stopped.

Last time in the company corridor, the little fan had an argument with Zhou Yu, it seems it was for Zhou Yu's girlfriend.

Are his fans really attractive to Zhou Yu's girlfriend?

Zhou Yu's punch had just hit Qi Xingchen's nose bridge. Qi Xingchen was disgusted by him, and punched him in the back. "You can say words like that, are you still a boy?"

Qi Xingchen's strength was not small, Zhou Yu was beaten unsteadily. However, when Zhou Yu stabilized his body and wanted to return, he falls.

A small green whirlwind suddenly exploded

A small whirlwind rolled in front of him, and with a flash, Zhou Yu only felt a pain on his right face, followed by a beef tasting liquid.

Qi Yuji flicked the scraper into his ear with his left hand, and the bottle of spicy beef sauce directly hit his head with his right.

"Ah, that hurts"

The original owner and Qi Xingchen were both spicy. Aunt Zhang put a lot of chilies in the beef sauce. At this time, peppers poured into his eyes, Zhou Yu's tears and nose exploded, and his voice scream.

"You swipe my black card, drive my car to flaunt wealth, and I hold on; You stare at luxury goods, and turn to me so that I have to buy them for you, I also endure; now you actually Dare to hit my brother, even dare to hit someone casually, I say, the old woman can't stand it. "

Qi Yuji was wearing a grass-green skirt, brown curls dangling from his waist, red lips and snowy skin, like an elf jumping out of the forest, while carrying a bag to Zhou Yu on a very reasonable account, "your gift before. I don't want 350,000 of those little things. I'm giving you the 2004 Carina 42 Cabernet Sauvignon wine I gave you last month. I sent you Padma's sapphire clip from Sri Lanka last month, half a month ago I Give me your richardie and return it to me it all "

"Oh, "Qi Yuji paused, pointing to the gui logo on Zhou Yu's clothes." Those clothes were also bought by this old lady. " 

Qi Yuji greets the bodyguard who came with him to "take off his clothes and pants for me now, right away."