Qi Xingchen’s hand trembled, and the phone fell with a “pah” onto his face.

It just happened to smash onto his injured nose bridge bone. It was so painful that Qi Xingchen saw stars, but he was still somewhat in disbelief. He jabbed into the new website that popped up, and tapped on that one chapter.

“Lorem Ipsum” The two eye-grabbing words appeared immediately on the page.

That’s right, the translator’s translations got copied again. This time, even though the foxaholic website was credited, the site still copied the work onto their site, even copying the weird-ass chapter that was made all the way back in chapter 7 or 6 I can’t remember. 

This time around, the translator really needs to be consistent in putting up fake chapters as it seems the copier did not bother to read the chapters and uploaded them all in one shot.

Qi Xingchen bolted upright. It was 1 am, and the translator really needs to sleep soon as it is their first day of school. Please don’t drag in Bo Ye at this time, I’m too tired to write dialogue for you both. Same drill, if you aren’t reading this on foxaholic1 and you don’t see the footnotes, you aren’t supporting the translator. It’s just highly demotivating to stress over a chapter and see it just get copied and pasted to another site. 

Gently pushing him back down, the translator then pulled the blankets up to Qi Xingchen’s chin as he stared at the ceiling (densely pining away for Bo Ye, but hush we do not tell him that yet). 

High on stress from the past month that was supposed to be a holiday, but turned out to be equally tiring and more frustrating than school, this monstrosity was born.

After giving a five-hour speech to Little Tie’s companions yesterday, Qi Xingchen had trouble getting up the next day, washing his face rudely.

Withering as he walked out, the children were already waiting in the courtyard. Little Tie asked: “Xingxing-ge, do you still have breakfast?”

“No, I’ll finish explaining to you all before eating.”

“I made smooth bread 2 饼 — noticed that this is an edible, smooth, flour – made edible item, so I believe that it’s flat bread ( This is 煎饼 jian bing). [/ Efn_note] that’s my mum was baking, “said Little Tie, taking out a metal lunch box after him,” if you don’t care. …. ”

“Smooth bread?” Qi Xingchen stopped him, his smile twinkling in his eyes, “I like to eat smooth bread the most, thank you mother for me.”

“It’s not me, it’s Jingjing’s student,” Zheng’s said.

Liu Jiu took a piece of kimchi and threw it in his mouth: “Needless to say, it’s very tasty.”

“Eat more if you like it, don’t waste rating points,” said Kiwi Jingchen, who recently visited the children.

After laughing for 5 minutes, the translator realised they were tired as hell.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tincidunt fringilla commodo. Duis in rutrum magna. Cras ultrices id metus vel cursus. Aenean suscipit sed lacus ultrices sodales. Ut et tristique dolor, sit amet hendrerit lorem. 

Nunc vel arcu ut quam interdum eleifend ac ut quam. Phasellus aliquet lorem libero, condimentum sagittis orci egestas vitae. 

Maecenas molestie est in turpis porttitor, non viverra diam consequat. Sed vitae elit nec lacus vulputate maximus. Mauris vel urna auctor, efficitur nibh sed, sollicitudin manga. 

Vestibulum sit amet gravida mauris. Nam quam nisi, tincidunt sed libero nec, auctor ornare est. Integer vulputate, nunc sed laoreet egestas, libero enim aliquet metus, eget sodales metus orci non arcu.

Curabitur ut eros a tortor pellentesque vehicula a vel augue. 

Curabitur aliquam, libero nec euismod pellentesque, odio urna iaculis sem, a ultrices odio nulla eu elit. Duis ac scelerisque velit, non volutpat felis. Suspendisse cursus dapibus ornare. Aenean ut ultricies orci. Phasellus facilisis tristique risus eget fermentum. Sed sodales, magna non dictum congue, lorem lorem vulputate mauris, in iaculis tellus urna sit amet felis. 

Curabitur dictum lobortis neque sed scelerisque. Mauris volutpat felis in purus porta, vitae dictum velit pharetra.

Nulla non odio diam. Donec facilisis varius laoreet. Ut congue leo a ultricies tempor. Nam consectetur nunc enim, at rhoncus lorem consectetur feugiat. 

Duis auctor, est vel ultricies pellentesque, lorem est efficitur mauris, nec ornare magna mi laoreet nibh. Integer id metus id risus sollicitudin vehicula quis sit amet mi. Praesent maximus, mi nec viverra pretium, augue velit pulvinar dui, ac feugiat eros nibh eu metus. Nam tristique felis a condimentum aliquam. Nullam mattis erat non metus hendrerit, posuere porta velit aliquam. 

Sed in dignissim est. Suspendisse pellentesque condimentum dignissim. In at nunc libero. Praesent non sollicitudin lectus. Suspendisse blandit diam ipsum, at egestas turpis posuere sit amet. 

Nulla non massa ultricies, varius elit et, mattis ipsum. Etiam sodales et nisl eget varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. 

Proin eget porta nibh. In ultricies leo eu semper tincidunt. Suspendisse ut sem semper, dignissim arcu vel, mollis nunc. Proin odio leo, consequat at tortor vitae, fermentum luctus ex. Fusce a ornare magna, vel ultrices nibh. Donec eu convallis dolor. 

Curabitur leo dolor, pulvinar ac convallis vitae, luctus eu metus. Ut euismod tortor vitae fringilla blandit. Suspendisse sed tortor a sem pulvinar commodo.

In neque lorem, congue eget vulputate a, efficitur eu libero. Sed quis purus in ipsum vulputate aliquam. 

Donec varius, sem non ornare maximus, odio nunc suscipit velit, non accumsan tortor arcu eget massa. Sed nec fermentum nisi. Nulla facilisi. 


Morbi et turpis eu nibh ultrices finibus id et nulla. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. 

Nam tempus sed elit ut hendrerit. Praesent sit amet massa et erat sollicitudin congue quis sed ex. Phasellus non massa aliquet, faucibus quam eget, mollis lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Sed id volutpat sapien, vel ullamcorper augue. Aliquam erat volutpat.

As soon as the little fans were happy, they became alert. But when he’s stupid, he’s even more stupid.

He picked a tomato from the table and put it in the enemy’s mouth. “Congratulations Riady.”