As the proverbs say, there is no impermeable wall in this world 1. The second day after the news broadcast occurred, someone had already dug out the identity of the “mysterious man” who was spreading traditional culture.

At that time, the programme team of 《Budget Travel》had reached Odense late at night, adding to the fact that Qi Xingchen was low in popularity, this clip never spread in their home country.

This time, it just so happened that a ‘Starlight’ had seen it and hurriedly went to Facebook to repost the video, attaching the clip from the news broadcast as well. The Starlight then posted the videos on their main page, letting all of their mutual Starlights watch them with awe.

——What? This is my idol?

——To be honest, my idol’s operational skills are not that outstanding, it’s just that his face was good looking and found that he had quite the variety show skills. Other than that, he doesn’t have any other good points, so I was always just licking his face.2

——But in the end, today, I discovered that he can f*cking do acrobatics, and its not the kind where you just play around for fun, he even played around until it reached trending on Facebook and got onto the news!

——Who here can tell me, what on earth is going on?

The Starlights had 3 minutes of silence in tandem, then all had the same reaction as if their hearts were connected:

Who cares what on earth is going on!

Has your idol got onto the news before? No, right?

My idol got! Onto! It! Before! 

Then let’s just repost it, everyone go repost it for me!

The Starlights who had just discovered an unknown side of their idol all collectively reduced themselves into workers who took turns reposting 3. They set the task: everyone had to repost at least ten times, it was imperative that this clip had to spread to all corners of Weibo. 

Unfortunately, although Starlights were all abuzz and in a frenzy, they were hindered by their small numbers. This wave of reposting only brought Qi Xingchen 18 thousand new fans. Even though this was a lot when compared to the original owner’s 30 thousand fans before, but when compared to the current Qi Xingchen with a million fans, the increase in numbers was next to nothing and did not have any effect.

It was also from this incident that Starlights realised that there was no use each going their own way, they had to unite as one.

Hence, under the calling of a few live fan accounts, Qi Xingchen’s first supporters’ club, ‘Milky Way’4 was formed. They started recruiting members for the frontline team, numbers team, fighting antis team5, and other teams, and the fans applied enthusiastically for the positions. 

With the growth of ‘Milky Way’, the second stop in Qianzhou officially ended. The first episode of《Budget Travel》Season 4 was also finally going to be magnificently broadcasted at primetime at 8pm on Saturday.

The ‘Night Skies’ and fans of other traffic-bringing small celebrities all raised their heads and showed off their abilities. At 8:03, only 3 minutes after the broadcast started, the number of clicks on the programme surpassed the same episode of previous seasons, easily seizing the position of having the most number of clicks on MaimangTV.

After the first episode was aired, it even easily took the laureate for the most number of clicks amongst the newly launched variety shows across all platforms!

At the same time, publicity was not lagging behind either. With MaimangTV’s water army6 pushing and encouraging the waves, the programme got onto the Variety Show topic rankings as first place and onto Weibo’s hot topic ranking list.

All of the guests became beneficiaries of this.

At this time, they were in the middle of rushing towards the next travel destination and were enjoying leisure time while waiting for their flight. Luo Qiuman took out her phone to fiddle with it: “Which of you youngsters can tell me how to get to a topic’s discussion site?”

“Pfft,” Liu Ziyu joked, “You have to take the public bus there.”7

“Alright, alright, stop teasing Qiuman-jie already,” Tao Tao took Luo Qiuman’s phone and sat down beside her, “Tap on this, this, then tap on this, then you have entered it!”

Luo Qiuman followed her instructions and entered it to have a look, then exclaimed: “Hoh, our A-Ye’s popularity is really great, his clips are the first thing to appear when I opened this. Below……Hahahahah……”

Luo Qiuman raised her phone and scrolled through for a bit, and suddenly laughed out aloud: “This clip of Xingxing below is way too funny!”

Qi Xingchen pondered, he was a proper and skillful idol, how did he turn into a comedian idol? And thus he also opened the topic’s discussion site.

The first to show by popularity was Bo Ye’s clip, followed by his clip. He tapped on it to play the video.

The rainbow farting at the airport, the bicycle race, being awarded with “Most Good-looking Customer in the Restaurant”, exchanging Bo Ye for carrots, busking on the streets…… It was all funny clips.

Qi Xingchen: “……”


He stiffened his facial expression and continued scrolling down. In the discussion site, there were people praising Tao Tao’s beauty, some cursing at Liu Ziyu to scram from 《Budget Travel》, some people thanking Zhang Yunfei for taking care of their idols, and some passionately swearing at the programme team and saying that they treated the artistes harshly.

In short, every good and bad you can think of was all present.

Suddenly, his attention was attracted by a gif.

That was the clip on the last day of their travel in Denmark, where in order to comfort him who had to take economy class alone, Bo Ye had gone to buy ice cream from the cold drinks lounge.

At that time, he had asked Bo Ye what he used to buy the ice cream, because afterall the price of that sort of item was not cheap and there were only a few dollars left from their travel funds.

Now he knew that it was exchanged for a ring. He glanced at Bo Ye’s index finger, then silently crept over to Bo Ye’s side.

“You know……” Qi Xingchen made up some nonsense, “I have an older sister, she really really likes you a lot.”

“Mn,” Bo Ye removed his earphones and turned his head over, “do you want a ‘To:’ autograph?”

“Nope, she wanted me to shake hands with you for her.”

This request was really strange.

But since the little fan had mentioned it, shaking hands was nothing much, and Bo Ye stretched his hand out.

“This can’t do, my older sister said……”

Qi Xingchen bit his bottom lip and silently chanted in his heart ‘sorry jiejie sorry jiejie’ as he said out loud: “My older sister said it had to be the interlaced fingers kind of handshake.”

Interlaced fingers…… Bo Ye raised an eyebrow.

Then he slowly spread his fingers and took the initiative to lace them with Qi Xingchen’s fingers.

Somewhere in Qi Xingchen’s chest gave a little tremble, and he silently remembered the circumference of his finger.


had to reread my past translations to get a gist of how I tl-ed some terms dfjkhlkfdh… also I was tl-ing a few chapters of a diff novel that were super short and when I returned to this I was like..why are the chapters so long ;-;

life update: stuff got screwed up, need to search for a different internship bc the original one I had and was supposed to start on monday fell through. so I’ll just be tl-ing as I procrastinate on rewriting my CV for a diff company sighsighsigh. the internship is for a compulsory module, so I’ll complete my module late too. at least the bulk of the problem was resolved already.

next part will be up when I’m done with the next chapt, maybe in a few days. lowkey looking forward to it bc QXC’s younger cousin shows up, and he has an arc that I like.