Jian Yi found that after that day’s conversation, Su Zixuan had changed back to staring at her. According to his character, shouldn’t he be angry or annoyed? Why did it go back to the way it was before?

Did he have a victim complex?

Jian Yi tried her best to ignore his eyes. She didn’t look back, didn’t respond, concentrated on feeding Anqi, and looked at Su Enran from time to time to see if he was eating well.

Su Zixuan didn’t care either, thinking that it must be her test. They even had children, so why care about that time?

After thinking about it, Su Zixuan only felt that his whole body was comfortable. Even the celery that he didn’t like looked delicious that day.

Su Enran enjoyed Su Zixuan’s unfamiliar but gentle service, wishing that the day would never pass, and his father would treat him like that all the time.

“After eating, we’ll go take a nap, then we’ll go to school in the afternoon.” Jian Yi looked at Su Enran who was still eating lunch slowly, “Hurry up and eat Enran, don’t be so slow.”

When Su Zixuan heard that, he didn’t serve him any more dishes, and said, “Since mother said so, let’s hurry up.” 

As he spoke, he gave Jian Yi a pleasing smile.

Jian Yi turned a blind eye to it, wiped Anqi’s mouth, then said, “After school in the afternoon, we can go to the villa to record, so pack up your things later, got it?”

“Okay,” Su Enran got a little gloomy. If he went to the villa, he would not be able to sleep with his father that night, and if he was eating, his father would not be able to serve him vegetables. He wanted to enjoy it for a while.

It was not easy for his dad to do that. Su Enran sighed secretly while speeding up to eat.

Looking at his expression, Jian Yi probably knew what he was thinking, and raised her eyebrows at Su Zixuan. The child, Enran, was too dependent on Su Zixuan. It was estimated that he had never received such treatment before. Being a father, he was really derelict.

It seemed that there would be a need for more grinding in the future on how to be a good father.

Su Zixuan only felt a chill on his back, and when he turned around, there was nothing there. He looked at Jian Yi, only to see the profile of her wiping Anqi’s mouth, which was delicate and beautiful.

After lunch, Jian Yi took Su Enran and Anqi to wash up. Su Zixuan followed behind, looking like he wanted to join in. He looked very cute, and Jian Yi hugged Anqi and squinted, “What are you here for?”

Su Enran also looked at him. Su Zixuan swallowed his saliva, and pretended to say naturally, “This is in my way, in my way.”

Jian Yi hugged Anqi and turned to her side, motioning him to go. Su Zixuan couldn’t stay, so he scratched his head and left.

“Mom, what’s wrong with Dad?” Su Enran asked curiously, looking at his twitching back.

Jian Yi snickered and was almost caught. She concealed her smile and said blankly, “I guess it was uncomfortable to eat just now, right? It’s okay, Dad is an adult and will take care of himself. Let’s go, bath and sleep, and also remember to go to the doctor tomorrow, okay? Let the doctor see if you have brushed your teeth well recently, and if your teeth have got caries, you can’t eat candy until we have to replace your teeth, you know?”

Originally, Su Enran still cared about Su Zixuan, but when he heard that he couldn’t eat candy, his face was wrinkled but he looked at Jian Yi pitifully, “Mom, I’ve been brushing my teeth well recently!”

A small face looked at Jian Yi sincerely, and there was a hint of crying in his voice.

“Have you brushed your teeth well? We have to check this before we can say that. Let’s go. If you don’t brush your teeth, there will be cavities again,” Jian Yi pushed his back. There was no need to urge him this time.

Jian Yi washed Anqi’s face and looked at Enran’s serious appearance.

“Mom, I’m done brushing.” After Su Enran washed up, he came over to show Jian Yi, “Look, it’s clean.”

Jian Yi checked it again, “Very good, you set a good example for your sister today, but continue to work hard tomorrow, understand?”

“Hehe.” Su Enran laughed happily, “That candy…”

“You can eat candy after getting up. You can’t eat more. If in the hospital tomorrow your teeth are serious, you can’t eat candy.”

After leaving the bathroom, Jian Yi was startled by the shadow standing at the door. She took two steps back and stepped on Su Enran who was following behind, and they both screamed at the same time.

“Are you alright?” Su Zixuan asked worriedly. He didn’t do it on purpose. Why did he feel like he was always doing something wrong recently?

Jian Yi looked at Anqi in her arms. Luckily she wasn’t frightened, so she shook her head, “It’s alright, what are you doing here?” Did you intentionally scare people?

“Mom, you stepped on me!” Su Enran said loudly, as his face wrinkled with pain.

“I’m sorry, are you okay?” Su Zixuan was about to answer, when Jian Yi asked.

“It hurts a little,” Su Enran jumped on one foot and stepped on his toes. Although it was only for a moment, he was still hurt.

“Can you walk?” Jian Yi said as Anqi in her arms began to get restless. She got uncomfortable and struggled to come out. Jian Yi stood up and saw Su Zixuan approaching. She grabbed his arm, “Carry Enran to his room.”