“I remember that your mom can dance. You can ask your mom to dance for us. What do you think?” Su Zixuan asked Su Enran seriously.

But he secretly observed Jian Yi’s expression and found her puffed up face. It was very cute. How could she be so cute?

Jian Yi’s eyes widened with anger. She looked at him in disbelief, and found that he was acting shameless. He hugged her a while before. It must have been intentional. She didn’t expect him to be such a black-bellied person!

“Mom, is it alright?” Su Enran looked at Jian Yi expectantly. If his parents performed with him on stage, he would be so happy.

“Yes, yes!” Jian Yi smiled and almost gritted her teeth. Was she blind? Wasn’t his attitude very humble at noon? Oh, man, it really was unbelievable.

Su Enran only felt a wave of murderous aura drifting past. He shivered, and looked around suspiciously, but found nothing unusual.

And Su Zixuan was afraid that Jian Yi would get angry, so he sat quietly and honestly without saying a word. If the smile on the corner of his mouth could be suppressed a little, maybe his credibility would be higher.

What to do, he liked to get along with her more. Even just an ordinary conversation could make him happy. 

Seeing how angry she was, but didn’t dare to speak, it was so cute. As if the scene of being taught at noon had been recovered. The way she was scolding him inwardly was so cute. Su Zixuan felt that he could not be saved, the kind of mental activity seemed like a lunatic, but he felt that he would never get tired of it.

After arriving at the villa, Su Enran still held Su Zixuan’s hand and went in. Daha sniffed at Su Zixuan and whimpered unhappily before being reprimanded by An Ran, “Daha, this is dad. If you don’t like dad, I will never play with you again,” Su Enran said seriously.

Su Zixuan looked at Daha proudly, he half squatted on the ground, and whimpered twice in grievance, obviously he didn’t do anything, he was simply wronged. He laid on the ground with his head resting on his front paws.

Su Zixuan fondly patted An Ran’s head, “He’s just unfamiliar with me, just wait until he gets to know me.”

Seeing Jian Yi, Daha quickly got up, jumped up happily, and was stopped by her, “Don’t, don’t, An Qi is still in my arms.”

Seeing Daha, An Qi was so happy to meet him again after a long absence, she broke free from Jian Yi’s arms and was about to slip down, “Haha, haha.”

“Okay, mom will put on your shoes, and then you can come down and play with Daha,” Jian Yi quickly put her shoes on, and then put her on the carpet. An Qi couldn’t wait to climb up to hold Daha’s neck and hug him.

Daha wanted to escape but did not dare to. 

After the visit, Su Enran brought Su Zixuan to the living room, Jian Yi smiled slightly when she saw it, “Husband, I heard that you have a meeting tomorrow, you should go back to rest early. It would be bad if the meeting gets delayed.” 

When he refused, Jian Yi shouted, “An Ran, go and see your father out.”

Su Zixuan’s heart was bubbling with joy. He finally realized that she was a paper tiger who only dared to bluff. The thunder was heavy and the rain was small, and there was basically no threat.

But he didn’t dare to get too close. The rabbit would bite if she was pressed too much. If she was really angry, it would be him who was unlucky.

Just like Zhou Qing said, to move a woman he must go silently, step by step, slowly, approaching her, and then melting her heart and walking in. It seemed that Zhou Qing was right. Jian Yi had him in her heart, but was blinded by some things.

“Okay, in that case, An Ran, come out and see dad,” Su Zixuan raised an eyebrow at her. Su Enran received his signal and went out with him immediately.

Su Zixuan took Su Enran to a place without a camera, held his shoulders, and asked earnestly, “An Ran, do you want mom and dad to be together forever?”

Su Enran nodded earnestly. 

Su Zixuan said, “Then can you do Dad a favor?” 

Zhou Qing said that when necessary, he should use all the resources around him.

And the person who could help him was none other than An Ran.

Su Enran nodded again, “What do you want me to do?”

“Wherever your mother takes you to in the future, no matter what she does, you have to tell me, okay? Especially when beside her appears…” Su Zixuan didn’t know how to describe it, ” ..Some uncles, You just tell Dad, okay? They’re all bad guys and might take Mom away.”

Will my mother be taken away? Su Enran nodded hurriedly, “But how can I tell you?”

“This is Dad’s new phone.” Su Zixuan took out a new phone from his pocket and handed it to An Ran, “You can use it to call me.”

Su Enran took it, pursed his lips, and nodded fiercely, “I won’t let my mother be taken away!”

“Good,” Su Zixuan left with Victory. Su Enran happily took the phone back and showed it to Jian Yi, “Mom, look, this is the phone my dad gave me.”

Jian Yi was picking beans and preparing to cook, and looked up perfunctorily, “It’s good.”

In the evening, she put An Qi in An Ran’s room, and Su Enran called Su Zixuan secretly.

Su Zixuan answered the phone quickly. No one would go to her house in the middle of the night, right? So he heard An Ran’s mysterious voice, “Dad, mom is going to take a bath.”

Su Zixuan’s nervous spirit immediately relaxed, and he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “Mom went to take a bath? Is there nothing else?”

Su Enran frowned seriously and thought about it, “No.”

Su Zixuan took Su Enran to a place without a camera to give him the phone, but he forgot that there was a camera when he called.

“Continue to observe and report back if there is any situation.”

After hanging up the phone, Su Enran danced and kissed An Qi.

The next day, Jian Yi took Su Enran to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor was Li Bingrui.

Before checking, Su Enran used the excuse of going to the toilet and ran to the toilet to call Su Zixuan.

“Dad, we came to the hospital to check, there is an uncle…”

Before he finished speaking, Su Zixuan jumped up from the chair, startling Zhou Qing, “What?”