Su Zixuan was furious, “Yi’an is my wife, who wants to compete fairly with you?” 

The phone vibrated, and he took it out to see. It was Zhou Qing who came back from shopping, “Don’t think nonsense after bumping your head. Now, just take a good rest, don’t think about such an impossible thing, I’ll go up and see Grandma Li.”

After Su Zixuan left, Li Zheya stared at the ceiling in a daze. What should he do? He couldn’t control his own heart. He had a good friend on one hand, and a person who he was finally tempted to on the other. He didn’t want to give up easily.

If only they could get a divorce.

When Su Zixuan came to Tao Huihua’s ward, she was looking at a brochure with her glasses on. When Su Zixuan knocked on the door, she raised her head, saw him and was stunned for a moment, “Zixuan? Why are you here?”

Su Zixuan put the gift that Zhou Qing bought on the table, sat in front of her bed, and took her hand. It was withered, with blue blood vessels flowing from her skin. Her arms were thin and skinny, and her face was not good.

“Zheya, said that you are not feeling well, so I came to see you. Grandma Li, are you alright?” Su Zixuan held her hand and asked with concern. Unexpectedly, she became so haggard after he had not seen her for a while.

Tao Huihua shook her hand back, took off her glasses, and sighed, “It’s nothing serious. I just need rest. It’s because of that stinky boy Zheya, who always makes me mad. Zixuan, you are his good friend, can you please help me to persuade him. He is too old. It’s time to get married, I don’t know how long I can last.”

The last time she saw Zixuan’s wife at home, if Su Zixuan came forward, she wouldn’t be able to explain it.

After all, a friend’s wife couldn’t be chased. Zheya should still understand these principles. At least in Zixuan’s face, he could restrain himself.

Tao Huihua didn’t know that Li Zheya almost had a face off with Su Zixuan, and almost confessed to Jian Yi.

Su Zixuan hid the anger in his heart and patted Tao Huihua’s hand, “I will persuade him, why don’t we arrange a blind date for him? I think there are many girls in Nancheng, maybe Zheya will meet someone he likes.”

“Why won’t I want him to go on a blind date? He’s so stubborn, he didn’t want to, I’ve arranged it several times, but he hasn’t been there, hey…” Tao Huihua sighed, she couldn’t help it.

Su Zixuan pondered for a while, then smiled, “I have a solution.” He whispered in Tao Huihua’s ear and then asked, “What do you think?”

“Yes, yes, but…” She nodded, but she was still a little worried. What if the rebound became more serious in the future?

“It’s okay, we can arrange a few more. I heard that there is a girl who likes him. She is also a good person. She has a solid family background and a good personality. She is very suitable for Zheya. I am afraid that he does not want to get married, what do you think?” 

‘Want to covet my wife? Hehe, see how I treat you and make you vomit on a blind date. That girl is not a good girl. If he is caught, it would be strange that Li Zheya won’t be peeled off,’ Su Zixuan smirked.

Tao Huihua didn’t think much about it, only thought that Zixuan was doing it for Zheya’s good, and sighed, “Zheya is really lucky to have you as a friend.” From her point of view, it would better not tell him about Jian Yi for the time being. Due to the disagreement, the brothers might become separated.

Su Zixuan and Tao Huihua chatted and then he left. Before leaving, in order not to worry the old woman, he acted like he suddenly remembered something, “Look at my memory, when I saw you, I was so happy that I couldn’t remember things. Zheya had something to do temporarily in his company, so he can’t come here today. Let me take care of you. I will go back and ask Aunt Zhao to cook some soup for you. If you are bored, just watch TV first.”

“Okay, you can go back,” Tao Huihua laid down and rested as she was tired.

Su Zixuan returned to Li Zheya’s room, saw that he was asleep, and left after watching for a while at the door. He called back and asked Jian Yi to prepare something for Grandma Li’s sake. He went back to the company and made arrangements, then went home and changed his clothes, and hurried to the hospital.

He was afraid that the stinky boy Zheyan would do something to Yi’an while he was away.

He came to the hospital in a hurry. Jian Yi was already in Li Zheya’s ward. She was the only one there, and the show crew didn’t come, and he was even more anxious.

“Soup is hot, be careful,” Jian Yi boiled some bone soup, and after serving him a bowl, she saw him hurriedly pour it into his mouth. He was scalded, and his face wrinkled. 

Jian Yi smiled.

“Because it’s so good,” Li Zheya pursed his lips and smiled. With his pale face, he looked like a weak and handsome young man, with curved eyebrows and eyes, which made him look particularly friendly.

Jian Yi smiled, “You know it’s delicious before you drink it?” He was as sweet as ever, and even if she knew it was fake, the listener was very happy to hear it.

“Because it smells delicious, and you made it, it must be delicious,” Li Zheya didn’t look at Jian Yi. His face was slightly lowered, from Jian Yi’s point of view, only the straight bridge of the nose could be seen. There were also thick eyelashes, coupled with a sunny and low voice, which was inexplicably attractive.

Jian Yi only felt a flash of light in her mind, but it was too fast. She didn’t catch it, she just murmured subconsciously, “You…”

Li Zheya looked at Jian Yi, and saw Su Zixuan’s figure in the corner of his eyes. He hesitated for a while, did he want to break the status quo? (tell her?)

Li Zheya: “I…”

“What?” Jian Yi came back to her senses. She showed a puzzled expression, and looked at Li Zheya with clear eyes.

“Yi’an, Zheya,” Su Zixuan came in from the door, and the two of them looked at him at the same time.