When she was about to go to bed, Jian Yi suddenly remembered that she hadn’t thought about the song for An Ran. She pulled Su Enran and sat on the bed with her legs crossed, her right hand resting on her chin, her eyes fixed on him, “An Ran, for your graduation, what do you want to play at the party?”

They  could only choose a good dance if they chose a good song.

Su Enran also imitated Jian Yi to sit cross-legged. Su Zixuan took An Qi and cultivated a relationship with her, so only him and her were left in the room.

Su Enran asked, “What kind of song does mom want to choose?”

Jian Yi thought for a while. She wanted to choose a simpler dance, so the style of the music should be a little more relaxed. But in that way, the stage effect may not be as good, so she could still show An Ran’s piano skills.

“How about a chirpy song?”

Su Enran said after thinking, “Would you like to ask dad?”

Jian Yi: “It’s okay, after all, he also wants to participate.” To tell the truth, Jian Yi had never seen him play the piano. If no one talked about it, looking at his cold appearance, he seemed to be the one who could not play happy songs on the piano. But when she thought  about it occasionally, he did have that kind of lonely and desolate temperament. Although he looked cold on the outside, he could also be very excited on the inside.

After a while, Su Zixuan put An Qi on his shoulders and asked her to sit astride him. He held her waist firmly with both hands raised, ran in and said happily, “Does Qiqi like to fly high?”

An Qi happily kicked her legs. Her hands were tightly gripping Su Zixuan’s hair out of fear, but her expression was very excited. She screamed loudly with her mouth open. Sometimes, she was so excited that she jumped up and hit him on the head.

Su Enran was chatting with Jian Yi. When he saw Su Zixuan come in with An Qi, he stared enviously. His eyes unconsciously showed yearning.

“Be careful, don’t let her fall,” Jian Yi reminded Su Zixuan and An Qi as they looked excited.

Su Zixuan didn’t take care of his children very much, but after looking after them for a while, he felt that his daughter was like a little angel. She was not noisy at all, but very well behaved. But as soon as he saw Jian Yi, he couldn’t do it. It was like a bear who saw honey and wanted to lie down all over.

“Mom!” Su Zixuan had not been with An Qi for a long time. As soon as he came in and she saw Jian Yi, she reached out and wanted to get down.

Jian Yi came to him and took An Qi, “Isn’t it good to play flying with dad? Why do you want mom to hug you?” Although it was a complaint, she hugged An Qi upright.

Su Zixuan looked at Jian Yi resentfully, with a trace of grievance in his eyes.

Looking at his cute appearance, Jian Yi couldn’t help but say, “An Qi is more dependent on me, so as soon as she sees me, she wants to stay by my side, and she will stay with you if you spend more time with her for a long time.”

Looking at An Ran’s envious eyes, she said again, “Otherwise, do you want to fly high An Ran?”

Su Zixuan glanced back at An Ran. In his heart, Su Enran was not the kind of child who liked to play, but as soon as he saw the look in his eyes, he immediately understood. So he reached out to him, “Come on.”

Su Enran jumped off the bed happily, almost fell down, and ran straight to Su Zixuan with a vigorous stride.

Su Zixuan stretched out his big hands to his armpits, picked him up directly, and put him on his shoulders.

“Hold  me tight,” Su Zixuan reminded him, and then ran around the room.

Su Enran smiled happily. He hugged Su Zixuan’s head. His eyebrows were curved, and when he ran to Jian Yi’s side, he smiled.

An Qi sat on the bed and watched them play quietly. Little Fatty stretched out her hand, showing eager eyes and drooling. She licked it and shouted anxiously, “I want it, I want it.”

Jian Yi was lying on the bed, with her feet blocking An Qi’s way. She pursed her lips and shook her head, “Didn’t you just want to come over to accompany Mom? Now you want your dad again?”

An Qi’s little hand was surprised for a while, and she blinked her eyes.

“Come here,” Jian Yi was lying on the ground and stretched out her hand.

An Qi stopped looking at Su Zixuan and the others, and quickly crawled up to Jian Yi, calling softly, “Mom.”

Jian Yi hugged her, let her sit on her lap, pointed to the father and son who were having a good time and said, “Dad, that’s ‘Dad’, An Qi come, learn from me, ‘Dad’, ‘Dad’.”

As she spoke, she shook her legs up and down, and An Qi was very happy to be turned upside down. She was laughing cheerfully. Her eyes narrowed with laughter, and she shouted, “Mom, mom.”

Jian Yi stopped and shook her head, “It’s not ‘Mom’, it’s ‘Dad’.” After speaking, she pointed at Su Zixuan.