Li Zheya glanced at him with a complicated expression, shook his head and said, “I’m fine, you don’t have to worry.” However, his eyes looked at Jian Yi subconsciously, but he only saw her eating seriously.

After eating, Su Zixuan and Jian Yi stayed there. Li Zheya wasn’t around, and everyone thought he went up to rest.

Su Zixuan chatted with Tao Huihua, and Jian Yi treated herself as a vase, sitting quietly beside him, listening carefully.

After some time, Su Zixuan said goodbye, and when he came to the door, he saw Li Zheya walking in from outside the door. The two looked at each other and remained silent.

Jian Yi broke the peace, “You…you talk, I’ll…”

Li Zheya stepped forward and grabbed her wrist directly, “Yi’an, I have something to tell you.” 

Jian Yi twisted her hand, but found that she couldn’t break free, so she looked at Su Zixuan.

Su Zixuan stepped forward and grabbed Li Zheya’s arm, “Just say, don’t do anything, let go!”

Li Zheya looked at him with complicated eyes, and said pleadingly, “I want to talk to her alone.”

“Say everything right here…”

Before waiting for Su Zixuan to finish speaking, Li Zheya interrupted him directly, “Zixuan, please.” 

The sad atmosphere made Su Zixuan think of his grief when he lost his parents when he was a child, and he was stunned for a moment.

Li Zheya continued to plead, “A few minutes, just a few minutes.” Let him stay with her for a few minutes, maybe they wouldn’t have the opportunity in the future.

Starting from the next day, he promised his grandma to go on a blind date. Maybe he couldn’t fall in love with another girl, but he couldn’t let his love affect Jian Yi’s reputation. He didn’t want to make her unhappy.

Seeing her happy with Zixuan, he felt a sense of relief. Although it was painful, he finally had a reason to convince himself to give up because she was already happy.

“Just a few minutes…” Li Zheya pleaded again, he looked at Jian Yi, “Is that okay, Yi’an?”

Jian Yi found that she couldn’t break free, so she didn’t move anymore. She looked at Su Zixuan, only to see him nodding slightly in pain. She was stunned.

“Just five minutes!” Su Zixuan gritted his teeth and said, five minutes, nothing should happen. He could give himself a little confidence.

He gave Jian Yi a firm look, and then warned Li Zheya, “Don’t try to play any tricks.”

Jian Yi was still at a loss, but a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in her head. She looked at Li Zheya in shock, with an inexplicable anxiety in her heart.

After Su Zixuan left, Li Zheya released her hand. Seeing her fair wrists turn red, he asked with concern, “Are you… are you okay?”

Jian Yi rubbed her wrist, “I’m fine, what do you want to tell me?” She hoped the idea she had wouldn’t come true, it should be her own thoughts.

Li Zheya took a step forward and approached her, “Yi’an, I…” He looked at her eyes, and then said firmly, “I like you.”

Jian Yi stopped rubbing her wrist in shock. She looked at him in a stunned manner, and said in a daze, “You…”

Seeing her shocked appearance, Li Zheya sneered and stood still, “You don’t believe it, do you? Actually, sometimes I don’t believe it myself, how can I fall in love with my friend’s wife, I know, it’s absurd.”

He lowered his head, and Jian Yi couldn’t see his expression, and heard him say, “If I knew there would be such a day, I would have rushed in to save you that night…”

His eyes looked at the void, “If I rescued you that night and stayed by your side, would it be me?”

“Why?” Jian Yi asked, obviously he didn’t have much interaction with the original owner in her memory, didn’t he? Why did he like her?

“Huh?” Li Zheya asked suspiciously, “Why why?”

“Why do you like me?” Was it the original owner or her?

“Maybe it’s because you have a very familiar character.” Li Zheya looked at the sky with nostalgia, “But she has become a star in the sky now, but don’t get me wrong, I like you because you are you, and not because of anyone else.”

Jian Yi looked at the night sky and blurted out suddenly, “That person…is that An Jian?”

Suddenly, Jian Yi was inexplicably nervous and moved. For some reason, she wanted to cry when she thought that someone in the world was still thinking of her.

He was a lovely fan. Someone still remembered her.

“Yes.” Li Zheya looked at Jian Yi happily, “You have her scent on you, and sometimes I imagine that if you and I were together, would we talk about her together under the starry night sky? Maybe she would have an autograph meeting one day, and the two of us would go to ask for autographs together.” He smiled bleakly, “Although it’s a fantasy, I feel very happy.”

“Thank you.” Jian Yi turned back and looked at him gratefully, “Thank you very much for remembering her. She would be very happy in the spirit of heaven.”

“You…” Li Zheya looked at her strangely, with a mysterious feeling in his heart, but it soon disappeared.

“Are you finished? Zixuan is still waiting for me,” Jian Yisaid with a smile. Although she was very grateful that he still remembered her, she had already determined that with Su Zixuan she would not open her heart to others easily.

Li Zheya looked at her cold eyes, “I just want to tell you, I like you, I hope you will be happy, if…” He looked at Su Zixuan who was secretly trying to eavesdrop, “One day if he bullies you, you could come to me, and my arms are always open to you.”

“Thank you, but no need.” Jian Yi said, “Then I’ll go.”

“Wait—” Looking at her back, Li Zheya shouted, rushed forward, hugged her directly, and crossed his thick hands around her.

“Just a few seconds, let me have you for a few seconds.” Li Zheya said extravagantly, “I will always wait for you, as long as you turn around, I will be there.” 

The kind of painful unrequited love was not easy to let go, and he did not want to.

If he was destined to only look at her back, then he would be happy.

“Let go…” Jian Yi removed his hand forcefully. After he let go, she did not look back and said coldly, “You would meet someone better.”

Li Zheya, I hope you will be happy.

The moment Su Zixuan saw Li Zheya hugging Jian Yi, he wanted to rush out. But the next second when they separated immediately, he took back his steps and looked at it through gritted teeth. 

Li Zheya was too much!