That day was her son’s graduation ceremony. Li Zheya came over when he got the news. He didn’t even care about the dinner date. She also followed. What she didn’t expect to see was the scene in front of her.

“You can do it, why can’t I do it? I am not asking for your love. I only follow my own happiness. I am happy when I look at you, that is enough,” Luo Yingqing said stubbornly.

In fact, she was selfish, delusional that one day she could impress him.

“Whatever you want,” after Li Zheya finished speaking, he left with his long legs.

Luo Yingqing hurried to catch up, “Wait for me.” However, his pace quickened.

Backstage, Jian Yi looked puzzled, why did she seem to see Li Zheya? She shook her head, why was he there? She must be wrong.

Su Zixuan looked at Jian Yi shaking her head and asked with concern, “What’s wrong? Are you uncomfortable?”

Jian Yi shook her head, “No, it’s just…” Seeing Su Zixuan’s worried expression, she swallowed her words again, “It’s just that I am not used to it.”

“It’s fine, it was a really hard day today.” Su Zixuan patted her on the shoulder, hugged her, and held An Ran’s little hand, “Su Enran was also very good today.”

Su Enran smiled happily, “Dad was very good.” He only saw him practice a few times at home, but he didn’t expect his level to be so high.

And his mother danced very well, and everyone was very happy watching in the audience.

The three came out hand in hand, and Jian Yi went to the dressing room to change her dance clothes, and then went to the audience area to find them.

Other shows had parents and children performing together, so her group was left alone.

The rest of the shows were also performed by children and their parents, but there was no more eye-catching group.

When the party was over, the three talents left.

An Ran’s excitement could not be stopped. He held Jian Yi’s hand with his left hand and Su Zixuan’s hand with his right. He walked among the crowd, holding their hands from time to time to swing.

They happened to meet his teacher on the road, and Jian Yi greeted her politely. The teacher was a young and beautiful girl who looked very kind. Seeing Su Zixuan there, she walked over to Jian Yi’s side to chat.

The teacher said, “Su Enran has become very cheerful recently. He talks to everyone and is not shy like he used to be.” She looked at Su Enran with a smile and saw a shy look on his face, “Now he also helps his classmates.”

Jian Yi touched An Ran’s head, “Hey, was our Su Enran so shy before?” Although the scene of meeting on the first day was not long, in retrospect, it seemed like a lifetime had passed.

Su Enran let go of Jian Yi’s hand, hid behind Su Zixuan, stuck out his little head, and looked at them embarrassedly.

“It’s getting late, I’ll go first, see you tomorrow, An Ran,” the teacher left without a few words.

After she left, Su Enran came out from behind Su Zixuan and took Jian Yi’s hand.

“Naughty little devil, you don’t even say hello to the teacher, why are you shy?” Jian Yi rubbed An Ran’s nose dotingly.

“Well~” Su Enran twisted his body embarrassedly, “Mom~” 

“Okay, okay, mommy won’t make fun of you, let’s go back, sister might be crying at home.”

When she was about to get into the car, Jian Yi always felt that someone was spying on her, but she looked around and found nothing unusual.

Su Zixuan: “What’s wrong?”

“It’s okay, it seemed that I saw an acquaintance, maybe it’s my illusion,” Jian Yi fastened her seat belt and ordered Su Enran to put on the seat belt before leaving.

When Jian Yi and her party left, in an unremarkable car, there were two good-looking people, Luo Yingqing and Li Zheya.

Li Zheya looked at the car that Jian Yi left in with a scorching gaze. It would be great if his eyes fell on her like that.

Luo Yingqing said, “Li Zheya, the fastest way to let go of a relationship is to enter the next one. I don’t mind…”

Li Zheya interrupted her, “But I don’t want to end it.” It was just his infatuation, and he was a fool. He enjoyed the feeling, and he could clearly feel that he lived in the world.

“You…” Luo Yingqing was speechless, didn’t he feel uncomfortable when he saw the person he loved in someone else’s arms?

“I’m different from you, Miss Luo, you should go find someone else, I really don’t deserve it,” Li Zheya said coldly.

She didn’t know since when, a very hypocritical mask had been put on his face, smirk, flattery, gentleman. At that time, she only felt numb, not knowing whether it was pain or happiness.

“No! If you can persevere, I can persevere, just wait, one day you will bow down under my skirt.” 

After saying that, Luo Yingqing opened the door and got out of the car.

She didn’t want to. She couldn’t move the stubborn stone, but dripping water would pierce through no matter what. (patience)

Li Zheya looked at her back leaving in anger, frowned slightly, then smiled again. He shook his head helplessly. That was a child’s heart. She would give up once she suffers.

Li Zheya started the car, reversed the car, watched her get in a car, and then drove away.

When Jian Yi came home, she only felt tired. After taking a bath, she asked Su Zixuan to bathe the children and went back to the room first.

Suddenly, the phone received a multimedia message, and Jian Yi opened it directly. The picture was a photo of Su Zixuan and a woman. From the photo, he seemed to be hugging the woman, and the woman was bent over, as if snuggling in his arms. The woman was wearing a white skirt lined with skin like snow, and there seemed to be a vague ambiguity between the two.

Jian Yi was taken aback for a moment, and checked the sender. It was an empty number, so how did it send the photo?

She was sleepy at first, but she didn’t feel so anymore. She sat up, propped her chin, and thought about it. Who could have sent her the photo?

And only a photo, not even a word.

Jian Yi had reason to believe that the person who sent it must be trying to alienate their relationship.

After thinking about it, Jian Yi saved the photo and deleted the message on the phone.

She didn’t know if the photo was from the present or from the past. Since she promised to be with Su Zixuan, she was naturally willing to believe him. Even in doubt, she had to see it with her own eyes.

When Su Zixuan carried the children back to the room, he saw that Jian Yi had not slept yet. After putting the children on the bed, he gently kissed her, “Didn’t you say you’re tired? Why haven’t you slept yet?”

Jian Yi looked at him with scrutiny eyes, “Zixuan, you…” After thinking for a while, but not knowing how to ask, she said, “Do you love me?”

After asking, Jian Yi suddenly got goosebumps, how could she ask such a question?

However, Su Zixuan was stunned for a moment, looked at her shy appearance, and nodded affirmatively, “Of course I love you, what’s wrong? Why are you asking that? Is it for me…”

He smiled wickedly, the two had yet to successfully come to a match…

Jian Yi shook her head quickly, “No, no, I’m sleepy, I’m going to sleep.”