“You…you are Zhang Qingrun’s sister…” Luo Yingqing looked at the uninvited girl in surprise, “Zhang Jiaqi?” She heard that she returned from studying abroad, but did not work in her own company, but applied for a job in the Su company, rumors said that she liked Su Zixuan.

Seeing that she looked good, maybe the rumors were quite true.

Luo Yingqing looked at Jian Yi quietly, only to see that her face was calm, as if she was not affected at all. She silently retracted the outstretched finger. Although Jian Yi seemed to be indifferent, the wind and rain always appeared behind the sun, maybe…

Jian Yi narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Zhang Jiaqi suspiciously. How did she know she was looking for Su Zixuan? She looked around, there were people all around, and it was difficult to pay attention to one person at all times.

She smiled, pointed at her nose and raised her eyebrows, “Are you talking to me?” Zhang Jiaqi was taken aback by innocent eyes.

Zhang Jiaqi was also calm, “I haven’t seen you for a long time, it seems that you have become smarter, but…” She smiled evilly, and she looked charming and sexy with her long and narrow eyeliner, “Don’t you want to know what he’s doing? ?”

Jian Yi suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart. Could it be that the previous photos…were sent by her?

“What are you trying to say?” Jian Yiasked coldly, “Did you send the photos?”

Zhang Jiaqi licked her red lips and folded her arms around her chest. She had already handed in her resignation before that day. As long as the handover was over, she would officially resign and return to her own company, who would say anything? What was more, she was obscure, no one knew about these things, and there was no need for her to expose herself.

So she shrugged and said with a smile, “Photos? What photos? I really don’t know what Miss Jian Yi is talking about, but if you go late, I’m afraid it’s you who will regret it.”

Jian Yi looked at her calmly. Her brows were slightly raised, her nose twitched, and she subconsciously showed the most flamboyant smile. The kind of look was a sign of guilty conscience. No matter how she refuted, the photos must be related to her.

But what did she mean when she said that she would regret it if she went late? Could it be that something happened to Su Zixuan?

Seeing Jian Yi’s unnerving expression, Zhang Jiaqi laughed even more happily. Whether she went early or late, she would see a huge show, as a small compensation from them.

“Okay, that’s all I’ve to say. You can go if you want. If you don’t want to go, don’t blame me if you regret it.” She stepped on her high heels, leaned into her ear, whispered an address, gave her a glance, and walked away.

Just a few steps out, the ex*tic-looking woman walked a few steps, and turned back to give Jian Yi a smug smile and a blowing kiss.

Li Zheya looked at Jian Yi, whose face was not quite right, and wanted to hug her, but Luo Yingqing, who was beside her, quickly reacted. She took a step forward, stood in front of Li Zheya, and gently held Jian Yi, “Sister An, don’t pay attention to her, she is messing with you. She doesn’t know what she was talking about, don’t let her beat you.”

Li Zheya silently retracted his hand. In that situation, it was indeed inappropriate for him to step forward.

Jian Yi pursed her lips, patted Luo Yingqing’s hand, and then pulled out her own, “You talk, An Ran is still waiting for me, I’ll take a look at him.”

After saying that, she left.

Li Zheya followed with his long legs, “I haven’t seen Su Enran for a long time. I don’t know if he misses his godfather.” 

He saw her face was wrong. It should be related to what Zhang Jiaqi said, he followed, just to prevent things from going wrong.

Luo Yingqing looked at them walking side by side, and stamped her feet angrily. After thinking about it, she quickly followed.

Li Zheya, that big stupid pig. The woman was like that, but he was still sticking to her cold face with his hot face. (m: show warm feelings but meet cold rebuke)

Jian Yi was restless, so she didn’t refuse again. She just felt that it was all too coincidental.

Anxiety rose quietly like a dark night.

Returning to the place she left An Ran in, Su Enran took the plate and ate the snacks in small bites. Hearing her call, he raised his head in a guilty conscience, “Mom, are you back?” He looked back, but didn’t see Su Zixuan’s figure and only saw Li Zheya following closely.

He put down the small plate, “Mom, where’s dad?”

Jian Yi helped him wipe the debris off his mouth with her fingertips, “Dad is talking about business, An Ran, come say hello to Uncle Zheya.”

An Ran’s eyes turned to Li Zheya. Thinking of the scene where he rescued them at the door of the hospital, An Ran looked at him with clear eyes, “Hello, Uncle Zheya.”

Li Zheya walked over and touched his head, “Good boy.”

Su Enran looked up at Li Zheya with wide eyes, “Uncle Zheya, have you seen my dad?” He hadn’t seen him for a long time. If it was business, maybe Uncle Zheya would see him.

Li Zheya squatted down and looked at him, “I didn’t see him, but as your mother said, your father is talking to someone and will come out in a while.”

Having said that, Li Zheya was also puzzled. Su Zixuan should not be the kind of person who left his wife and went to the side to talk about business. Could it be that something happened?

Jian Yi became more uneasy, as if a storm had come quietly before she knew it.

She looked at Su Enran who was talking to Li Zheya, thought about it, and decided to take a look, so that nothing would happen.

“An Ran, wait for me here with Uncle Zheya. Mom has something to do, so I will come back when I’m done.” Jian Yi looked at Li Zheya, “Zheya, take care of An Ran for me, I’ll be right back.”

Was it the last room on the first floor of the villa? What else could Su Zixuan do there? Anxiety deepened, her high-heeled shoes made a crisp sound on the smooth floor. People were basically chatting in the hall, so there were very few people in the rest area. Even if there were, some young people were hiding in a slightly dark place and snuggling.

Hearing the sound of high heels, they ducked slightly.

Seeing that kind of scene, Jian Yi squeaked the string in her heart and was pulled tight.

She walked quickly to the last room in front of her, looking at the closed door, her heart suddenly accelerated. What would happen if she opened the door?

The corridor was silent, only faint whispers came from not far away, as if a lover was whispering. Jian Yi looked at the door handle, put it up slowly and forcefully, and with a bang, the door was opened.

Jian Yi was stunned for a moment. Could it be Zhang Jiaqi’s trap? If someone was actually doing something inside, would the door be unlocked?

Just thinking about it, Jian Yi heard a familiar voice, it was Su Zixuan’s voice, soft, gentle and happy.

Her heart beat wildly, as if it was about to jump out of her chest. Jian Yi swallowed her saliva, took two steps inside, and saw two intertwined bodies under the orange light.

It seemed like a large cloud of thick ink floated over, blocking her sky, and her world suddenly fell into darkness.

“Someone, someone…” The girl in white pushed Su Zixuan. Her voice was delicate and weak, Jian Yi felt it was very familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere, and her figure also looked familiar.

But she didn’t have time to think about it, she just stared blankly at the two people on the bed. She seemed to have lost the ability to speak, the quilt on the bed was messy, and they… were disheveled.

“Zixuan, someone… ah…” The woman raised her chest, and in response to his kiss, she exclaimed in a low voice.

“Su Zixuan…” Jian Yi’s eyes were full of tears. She exclaimed in a low voice, and it was the exclamation that startled the two people on the bed.

Su Zixuan raised his head and saw Jian Yi standing at the door with a livid face, while the one on the bed…