By uploading the picture on the post bar, she was telling everyone that she was back. But that was not all her means of attacking. What she had to do was to overturn and rewrite the outline of “Spiritual World”. In the previous version, the ending was regarded as the beginning, and the beginning was regarded as the end, subverting all causal relationships.

That was not a warm and simple story, but to insinuate some people and things in the society. Like her mysterious name ID, hope could be seen in despair. Light was derived from darkness. Only with darkness was light’s existence more dazzling.

An Qi seemed to know that she was busy. In addition to eating and drinking, she played with Daha and Bailian alone, and even had her phone. She could play for a long time without disturbing Jian Yi.

It took a day for Jian Yi to make a brand new world view, and the outline was ready, only some of the settings were missing, but there were mainly changes on the basis of the previous ones, showing a different style .

When it was ready, Jian Yi started writing.

She was immersed in her own world, completely unaware of what was happening on the Internet.

Li Yan wanted to pay a high price to buy a famous work many years ago, but after the news was released, there was no response. Soon after, the mysterious NLTAJ disappeared. Soon after, someone pretended to be her, but was caught. He saw it right away.

Their paintings did not give him that shocking feeling. No one knew why he insisted on wanting her to sell him that painting, or painting something else, just because when he stared at that painting, he would have a good sleep.

He had insomnia that was incurable by medical treatment. He took a lot of medicine and sought a lot of doctors, but in the end, it was not as effective as looking at a painting. He didn’t know why, but he found that as long as he stared at her painting before going to bed, he could fall asleep peacefully and no longer have insomnia.

But unfortunately, the method lost its effectiveness shortly after. Later, he found her other works, which also had some effects, but it didn’t take long.

He paid a high price to dig out the mysterious person, but she seemed indifferent to money, and did not contact him.

After so long, he was still able to see the familiar NLTAJ in the old post bar. He wanted to know her, but her information was lost in the sea and there was no response.

The time was not the same as ten years ago, and his worth was not what it used to be. Now was the age of the Internet. It was much easier for him to find someone than it was ten years ago, but… Li Yan thought that the mysterious person seemed very cold. If he angered the person, would they…

The thought of wanting someone to break through NLTAJ’s login address stopped. After thinking about it, he sent a Weibo directly, and hoped that the landlord would discuss it in detail.

Ten years ago, someone could be indifferent to fame and fortune, and when they come back ten years later, could they still be indifferent to fame and fortune? Li Yan didn’t believe it, he firmly believed that money could buy a lot of things.

What Li Yan didn’t expect was that, just like ten years ago, that mysterious person did not appear under the bombardment of that kind of information. But because of Li Yan’s high profile, the matter became popular, and it remained high.

One of the netizens was purely watching the fun. Li Yan was in his late 50s, but he was on Weibo very much and was generous. He often ‘showed off his wealth’ on Weibo. This allowed the public to understand the life of the rich. 

The other part of the people were the people who watched Li Yan’s bid to buy the painting. Would the person be as disdainful of money as they were back then?

In fact, Jian Yi didn’t see the private message sent to her by Li Yan at the beginning. She was busy with her schoolwork in high school, and she used all her fragmentary time to paint. Where would she have time to read the private messages? After the incident spread, she had already planned to put aside the past and keep the painful past in her heart, plus it had been a long time, and she was too lazy to look at the private messages and at that time her response was not submitted, so the matter was left unresolved.

The rest of the people were fans of ID. Back then, when they saw those paintings on the forum, they were shocked, but no matter how they searched, they couldn’t find who she was. It was been an hour, two hours, and a morning since Li Yan posted on Weibo. It was on social media’s top hot search, and the popularity was getting higher, but she still didn’t appear in the end.

Fans were relieved, but Li Yan was not happy anymore. However, he waited quietly, like a lion hunting, waiting for the prey to relax, and he would win with one blow.

Jian Yi didn’t know about all of that. She was wandering in her own drawing world and enjoyed it immensely. By the time she finished the first chapter, it was already more than five o’clock in the afternoon, and at that time, Su Zixuan had not come back yet.

Jian Yi looked at the sky. She had done too many suspicious things in the past few days, so she restrained a little, and after tidying up the studio, she took An Qi to the living room to teach her baby early childhood course.