Chapter 1491 Unique Taste

Chapter 1491 Unique Taste

"I've arranged for two of our guys to keep an eye on him. There shouldn't be any issues. Anyway, it doesn't matter even if he really wants to create trouble. We'll have eyewitnesses," Zhao Wu said sternly.

Zhao Wu may look silly, but he was actually very smart! He was definitely not who he seemed to be. Otherwise, Xia Zhe would not have been friends with him for so long.

Sometimes, Xia Zhe secretly wondered about his own judgment of people. What made him become friends with Zhao Wu back then?

Just as Xia Zhe and Zhao Wu were thinking of ways to deal with Du Jun, the man came knocking on their door himself.

"Commander Xia, you're awake! It's so hard to get a chance to see you," Du Jun said agitatedly.

The corners of Xia Zhe's mouth twitched. Du Jun's tone of voice and his expression made it sound as if Xia Zhe had just woken up from a vegetative state.

"That's true! Ordinary people really can't get to meet Xia Zhe. He has so many things to do every day and everything requires his approval. I don't even get to see Xia Zhe often. Brother Du. it's good that you also know Xia Zhe works very hard!" Zhao Wu held onto Du Jun and talked to him like they were close friends.

"Company Commander Zhao, why do you ask to see us so urgently? Is it because that Du guy is making things difficult for our Commander Xia!" Squad Leader Liu said.

"Something like that. That asshole actually said that all of you are also part of his troops. If Xia Zhe wasn't there, I would have rushed forward to beat that guy up!" Zhao Wu said disdainfully.

"What a joke! We're all Commander Xia's soldiers! Who does that guy think he is! How dare he speak like this in our territory!" Squad Leader Liu said angrily.

"In that case, let's teach him a lesson. We definitely can't let Du Jun get too comfortable here! Tell your subordinates to stay alert. If I find out that there are any slackers among us, I definitely won't let that person off! I won't let any of you off easily either!" Zhao Wu said.

Everyone looked at Zhao Wu firmly and said, "Noted!"

Zhao Wu waved his hand and dismissed them. He was doing this behind Xia Zhe's back and they must not let him find out about it. However, even if Xia Zhe found out, it was no big deal. Xia Zhe had always acquiesced in such matters. As long as the matter did not blow up too much, Xia Zhe would not reprimand them.

When it was mealtime, Xia Zhe led Du Jun to the canteen for dinner. The head chef beamed when he saw Xia Zhe and scooped a lot of braised pork onto the plate. This was Xia Zhe's favorite dish.

Du Jun and Xia Zhe ordered the same dishes. It was very clear what the head chef thought of Du Jun. There were only three pieces of meat in his serving of braised pork with a lot of sauce. Those who did not know better would think that Du Jun liked to drink braised pork sauce!

"Oh my! Brother Du, you have such unique taste. You like to eat soupy rice! I'll tell the head chef to cook more dishes with sauce in the future!" Zhao Wu said excitedly.