Chapter 1506 Incapable Parents

Chapter 1506 Incapable Parents

"Don't invite anyone from Third Uncle's family next time! Every time they come, they just make everyone unhappy. They only know how to cause trouble," Xia You said.

"Are you rebelling! How many times have you spoken so rudely today! Go home now! You're also not allowed to come next time!" For some reason, Liu Fen pointed at Xia You and scolded her angrily.

"Fine, I'll leave!" After Xia You bade a tearful farewell to Xia Jun, she left Xu Lan's house with Lu Huai.

Xu Lan looked at the departing Xia You and sighed. "Why are you doing this? It's so difficult to even get a chance to see the children, yet you still push them away."

Liu Fen also could not bear to send Xia You away, but she felt that Xia You had really gone too far. Xia You had said many things that she should not have said. If Liu Fen did not teach her a lesson, she would become too arrogant and forget the boundaries. for new novels

"I don't have any other choice. If I don't discipline this kid well, no one will be able to control her in the future," Liu Fen said resignedly.

The Xia family was no longer the same as before. If it was Xia He who said these words today, she would definitely not stop Xia He. After all, Xia He was already doing well for herself. In addition, she was the eldest son's only daughter. The eldest son's family was doing extremely well now and his children were the ones that the Old Master valued the most.

At the end of the day, she could only blame Xia Yao and herself for not being capable enough to give their children a better future. It was their fault that the children could not speak freely. Xia You was not at fault at all.

"Qiao Mei! Bad news! There's an issue with the seeds at the Zhao family's village!" Qian'e said anxiously.

"Drink some water and talk slowly," Qiao Mei said patiently.

The seeds at the Zhao family's village had been harvested. The price had already been agreed on at the beginning, but that price was based on the arrangement that the Zhao family members handle everything, from growing to harvesting. After Zhao Liu made Qiao Mei angry, she only allowed the Zhao family members to take care of the seedlings in the field. She sent her own staff to take care of everything else.

In that case, the price definitely needed to be renegotiated. Qiao Mei definitely would not make a loss-making deal.

"They refuse to hand over the seeds to us and even want to raise the price!" Qian'e said.

"I already know that this will happen. Since they want to raise the price, let them do it. It's not a big deal," Qiao Mei said nonchalantly.

"Then what about us? We don't have a lot of seeds left in our stock!" Qian'e said with a frown.

Qiao Mei tapped her fingers lightly on the table. This was her habit when she was thinking. After a moment, Qiao Mei picked up the phone on the table and called Director He of Foshan Village. She told him that she had an emergency situation and asked him to lend her 10 tons of seeds.

Once those seeds arrived, the Zhao family members would know where they stood. Over the past few days, Qiao Mei had already walked around different areas and talked to many people. Other than Zhao Family Village, there were other farming villages in the capital. Everyone was very willing to work with Qiao Mei and the price they quoted was even much lower than that of Zhao Family Village.