Chapter 1535 Taking Revenge

Chapter 1535 Taking Revenge

"Give He Mei one of the ginsengs we have at home. Not the expensive ones. Just take one of those worthless ginsengs," He Ning said.

"Worthless? All the ginseng we have at home are bought from Qiao Mei. We don't have any cheap ginseng, but we do have many other types of medicinal herbs," Huo Gao said.

He Mei's pregnancy was a manufactured one so her body was definitely much weaker than it was a normal pregnancy. The condition of the fetus was also not as good as in a normal pregnancy and there was even a probability of the baby turning out deformed.

He Ning did not care about all this. He just wanted He Mei to be pregnant with Xia Zhe's child and give birth successfully. After a while, he would get a family doctor to come and do a checkup for her. If it was a deformed child, then he would ask her to find another chance to become pregnant with Xia Zhe's child again.

It did not matter even if Qiao Mei did not leave Xia Zhe in the end. He Ning would still have the child and he was sure that Xia Zhe's genes were good enough. He would nurture the child to become his successor. It would be very interesting to watch the child grow up and destroy the Xia family personally in the future. He felt very happy thinking of this. Findd new stories at

"Then go and buy some. She's not worthy of eating such expensive ginseng," He Ning said.

After Xia Zhe returned home, he told Qiao Mei the whole back story. Qiao Mei widened her eyes and looked at Xia Zhe. She did not expect her husband to be so ruthless, but she liked it!

Xia Zhe had already applied to his superiors to end his vacation break early. If he went back on his word now, his superiors would not be happy with him. In the end, he left the capital reluctantly. He would only be able to reunite with Qiao Mei when her pregnancy was stable.

Qiao Mei did not plan to prepare anything this time round. If it turned out to be a boy, he could use Xia Fan's things. If it turned out to be a girl, she could use Xia Xing's things. She had originally wanted to set the things aside for Xia He's children, but she did not expect to have to use them herself.

Qiao Mei wondered what this child would be like. She could clearly feel that the pregnancy this time was more tiring than the previous one. The last time, even though she was pregnant with two babies, it did not affect her at all. She could eat and sleep well and even had very minimal morning sickness. She did not experience most of the normal pregnancy symptoms.

However, this time round, she felt very uncomfortable the moment she was pregnant. Moreover, her morning sickness was very serious and she felt like throwing up whenever she caught a whiff of any smell. When food was placed in front of her, she would throw up even more. In just a few days, she had lost a lot of weight. Xia He's heart ached when she saw this.

"Why is it so bad this time round? Perhaps I should get Auntie to come and give you a checkup again. I'm really worried about you," Xia He said nervously.

"I'm fine. You don't have to be so anxious," Qiao Mei said gently.

"How can you not be anxious! You haven't eaten for so many days! You only eat so little every day. How can you have nutrition? The baby will absorb your nutrition constantly. In the end, the baby is fine, but the mother will fall ill!" Xia He said angrily.

"Isn't it just a loss of appetite? It's alright, I still have ginseng juice. I think things will be better after a while," Qiao Mei said.

She realized that this baby was very sensitive to energy. Whenever she obtained energy from the plants outside, she would feel much better and the baby would also become more settled.