Chapter 1551 Reveal the Truth

Chapter 1551 Reveal the Truth

"She's not my mother, she's my friend's mother. If you've been Doctor Qian's patient for so many years, shouldn't you know his wife's name?" Qiao Mei said sarcastically.

Qian Wang said stiffly, "Leave her to me. I'll treat her."

"Don't touch her! I don't believe that you can make her well again! How do all these injuries come about? Don't say that it's the result of an accident or that she had been in a fight. Any doctor can tell that these are wounds that can only be caused by getting hit with a stick or a whip," Qiao Mei pointed at Zhao Ni's back and questioned him angrily.

She grabbed a random nurse and asked, "Take a look and tell me what kind of wound you think this is."

"It's unlikely to be caused by a rod or stick. It's probably something long and thin, more likely a whip or bamboo cane," the nurse said as she analyzed the situation objectively.

Qiao Mei pointed at Qian Wang and said, "This woman is the wife of this 'good doctor' you're all talking about! She has been married to him for almost 30 years!"

The other doctors and nurses in the ward looked at Qian Wang with complicated expressions. Everyone saw Qian Wang as a gentleman who was very responsible and had the mildest temper in their department. Many young ladies even said that they wanted to marry a man like Qian Wang.

"Then I'll have to trouble you. Just go ahead and use the best medicine. We can afford it," Qiao Mei said.

The department chief followed Qiao Mei's instructions closely. Currently, all the talk in the ward was about Qian Wang's family and how disgusting a person he was. Qiao Mei was overjoyed and wished she could bring Qian'e outside to set off a couple of firecrackers to celebrate.

Qiao Mei went to the office block to look for Liu Yang. It had been a long time since she last saw him.

"Uncle Liu, it's me!" Qiao Mei said as she walked into the office with a smile.

"Oh my! Mei Mei! Why didn't you call to tell me that you're coming!" After a moment of excitement, Liu Yang immediately turned serious and said, "Are you feeling unwell? Is there something wrong with the baby? I'll call Xia Fang now and ask her to arrange for a checkup immediately. Don't be scared!"

Qiao Mei quickly stopped him and said, "Uncle Liu, I'm fine! I'm just here to have a chat with you. Why are you so agitated?"

"How can I not be agitated? Don't you know what this place is!" Liu Yang said disdainfully.

Why would anyone come to the hospital for no reason?

"Do you need something from me?" Liu Yang asked.