Chapter 1620 Missing

Zhao Fei kept running in front and waving at the cars passing by. He wanted to stop a kind-hearted person and hitch a ride into the city. However, their clothes were tattered and they did not have anything valuable on them, nor did they have anything that could prove their identities. No one would help them.

Although it was not tumultuous times now, people from other areas who entered the capital without permission were illegal migrants! If one brought illegal migrants into the capital, one would also be punished! No one dared to take the risk.

Li Gui felt very uncomfortable and walked to a big tree by the roadside to rest for a while. However, her body temperature kept rising and she was starting to feel dizzy from the fever.

"Auntie! Auntie, what's wrong? Talk to me, don't scare me!" Zhao Fei quickly ran back and looked at Li Gui worriedly.

Li Gui was in a daze by now and could not hear what Zhao Fei was saying at all. Some time ago, she did not sleep or rest well because of the issue at the factory. After that, she had been locked up in that cold cellar for a few days and had not even eaten anything. No matter how healthy a person was, they would not be able to hold up.

Zhao Fei had no other choice now. He could only find a clinic and entrust Li Gui to the doctor first, then returned to the city alone to seek help. As the saying went, saving a life was more meritorious than building a seven-story pagoda. Those doctors probably would not leave her in the lurch.

"Oh no... How are we going to explain this to the villagers... Didn't I ask you to keep an eye on her! Why did you let her escape! You useless thing! You're worse than a dog!" Zhao Ming pointed at Wang Meng and said furiously.

However, Wang Meng could not remember if Zhao Ming had woken her up for her turn. Last night, they had clearly agreed that the two of them would take turns. Neither of them expected themselves to sleep until dawn.

The two of them hesitated, not knowing if they should tell Zhao Kuo about this. However, even if they wanted to hide it from the villagers, they could not do it for long.

After thinking about it, the two of them decided to tell Zhao Kuo about the situation as soon as possible. Zhao Ming scrambled to Zhao Kuo's house and said, "Uncle! You must save me! Something bad has happened! Li Gui escaped during the night!"

"What did you say! How could you let her escape!" Zhao Kuo held his chest and said agitatedly.

Zhao Ming knelt on the ground with a plop and hurriedly explained, "We had guarded her well all this while and never made any mistake. But... but my elder brother came over last night and even gave Li Gui a lot of meat and steamed buns. We couldn't even bear to eat them ourselves! He actually gave them all to that woman! I think this matter must be related to my elder brother!"

He definitely could not say that it was the two of them who was careless enough to let Li Gui escape. Right now, the entire village was counting on Li Gui to make a fortune. What they had done was tantamount to cutting off the entire village's source of income. Cutting off one's source of income was like killing one's parents! It was better to push such a vicious thing to Zhao Liu.

Zhao Kuo walked out with his walking stick and gathered many smart and capable young men from the village to go to Zhao Liu's house. Even though he was Zhao Liu's relative, he could not cover things up for them anymore. He had to give his fellow villagers an explanation.