Chapter 1629 Finding Zhao Fei

Chapter 1629 Finding Zhao Fei

Noticing Xia Wen's suspicious look, Qiao Mei smiled and asked, "Eldest Brother, why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm just curious about how you know that there might be clues nearby," Xia Wen said.

"Maybe... it's the connection between mother and daughter..." Qiao Mei explained.

This made sense. When Wu Min passed away from illness, Xia Wen was still in the army. At that time, he suddenly felt suffocated and uncomfortable for a long while. He thought that there was something wrong with his health, but after a few minutes, he received the bad news from home.

"I've had this feeling before..." Xia Wen said melancholically.

Qiao Mei was relieved to see that Xia Wen no longer suspected anything. She thought that Xia Wen had spotted something strange about her! It would be a disaster if her powers were exposed!

Luo Yu led three men down the road and saw a village. This village was very small and there were only about 20 families living there. It did not take long for them to ask around and find out that no one had seen Li Gui and Zhao Fei.

After walking for an entire day, Zhao Fei finally arrived at Qiao Mei's house. He did not have the strength to even knock on the door. He crouched down on the stone steps and kept crawling towards the main door. In the end, his vision darkened and he fainted.

There was no one on the street and no one noticed him. Xu Kang only discovered Zhao Fei when she went out to lock the door at night. She was so scared that she retreated repeatedly. After confirming that the person at the door was motionless, she mustered her courage and walked up to Zhao Fei to take a closer look.

She seemed to have seen this person before. He looked like the young man who used to do business with Qiao Mei and the others! Why was he crouching at their main door? She quickly went into the house and called for Da Zhuang and Xiao Zhuang, asking them to move Zhao Fei into the house.

"Where can we find a doctor at this hour? Perhaps we should go to the hospital!" Xu Kang said in a panic.

"We don't know if he can go to the hospital. He will need to be registered there. If he had done something wrong, then won't it become our mistake? Let's call Sister-in-law to confirm it first," Xiao Zhuang said cautiously.

"Sure!" Da Zhuang quickly ran to the living room next door to make a call to Xu Lan's house. Xu Kang went to the kitchen to cook some porridge for Zhao Fei so that he could drink some to replenish his strength.

Xu Lan's helper, Wan Wen, picked up the phone and said, "Hello, this is the Xia family."

"I'm the guard at Qiao Mei's house! There's a man here! Is Qiao Mei at home! This person might be related to Auntie's disappearance!" Da Zhuang said loudly.

"Oh, oh! I'll wake them up now!" Wan Wen immediately ran upstairs to wake Xia Wen and Xia He up. Qiao Mei had not been feeling well and she hesitated about waking Qiao Mei up. In the end, she felt that it was better to let Qiao Mei rest well.

Xia He ran downstairs quietly and picked up the phone. "This is Xia He. Who did you find? Describe him to me."