Chapter 1680 The College Entrance Examination or Recommendation Letter

Chapter 1680 The College Entrance Examination or Recommendation Letter

"Why do we have to delay it by a year! Is it because you don't want to help us! We want her to go to university this year!" Xu Ju said as she pointed at Xia Wen agitatedly.

"It's not like that. If she enters this year, she'll be a university student admitted using her class background. If she takes the examination next year to enter university, she'll be a regular student. The difference is in the nature of her admission," Xia Wen explained.

"Then... which one is better?" Xu Ju asked.

"Regular students who are admitted through the college entrance examination have more value for sure," Xia Wen said.

"Then will there be any more students admitted by way of class background next year?" Xu Ju asked again.

"No, it will all be via the college entrance examination system in the future," Xia Wen said.

Xu Ju was so angry that she raised her hand to hit Xia He. Xu Lan quickly grabbed Xu Ju's arm and said, "Eldest Sister, let's talk in a cordial manner. She's insensible, so don't mind her. Otherwise, if everyone is so unhappy about this, then let's forget about this matter. There's nothing that our family can do for you. Elder Sister, you should go and find another way out."

Xu Lan did not want to fall out too badly with Xu Ju, but it was in every mother's nature to protect her children. If her child had already been bullied to such an extent and she did not speak up, she would be a useless mother.

"That won't do! You agreed to help me! You can't go back on your word!" Xu Jiao said immediately.

Xu Ju straightened her clothes and coughed awkwardly before saying, "Alright, then let's do the admission by class background then. Our Jiao Jiao only wants to go to Capital University and nowhere else."

Xia Wen stood rooted to the spot in silence. Xu Lan had to raise her eyes to look at him before he reluctantly went to the study to retrieve Xu Jiao's recommendation letter for admission.

Actually, Xia Wen had already prepared the recommendation letter. He just wanted to test Xu Jiao and see if she had any ambitions. He did not expect this child to be so apathetic and to have been brought up so badly by his eldest aunt. In the future, she would become part of the 'leech tribe', those youngsters who lived off their parents!

He had learned the phrase "leech tribe" from Qiao Mei! She always came up with many strange words and phrases, but they could all aptly describe all kinds of situations.

Xu Jiao held the recommendation letter like it was a treasure item. Xu Man stood at one side and looked at Xu Jiao enviously. She felt that she probably would not get a chance to go to university in this life.