Chapter 1759 The Student Is Smarter Than the Teacher

Chapter 1759 The Student Is Smarter Than the Teacher

Everyone returned to their seats and sat down to wait for Wu Li to distribute the test papers. Wu Duo looked frozen by now and was no longer as energetic as he was in the morning. Qiao Mei only took a quick glance at Wu Duo curiously and continued with her test paper after confirming that his life was not in danger.

Qiao Mei sped through the test papers for the last few subjects and submitted them eagerly. Her day at school was finally over! She could go home and play with Xia Fan and Xia Xing. Điscover new chapters at

At noon, Qiao Mei had cooked many dishes for Xia Fang. When Xia Fang went home at night, she could just heat them up for her meal. Although Qiao Mei really wanted to help improve Xia Fang's life, she could not be at two places at the same time. She still had to go home and take care of the two babies.

Feng Hua realized that Xia Xing was gradually talking more and more. In the past, she only knew how to shout "Wow", but now, she could make sounds which sounded like words. Feng Hua believed that with her guidance, it would not be long before Xia Xing could start to speak clearly.

Xia Fan was a little lacking in this aspect and still did not like to talk much. Apart from eating, he only liked to sleep. His small arms were as chubby as legs of ham, to the extent that his joints could no longer be seen.

After standing for the entire morning. Qiao Mei felt quite tired. She told Wu Li she wanted to take leave in the afternoon to go home and rest. Anyway, she had gotten full marks in all her subjects, so there was no need for her to attend this class.

Wu Li was more than happy to let Qiao Mei go home and rest. He did not mind if Qiao Mei did not show up at all this entire semester and just turned up to take the college entrance examination as a student of Sixth High. This way, the teachers would also look less useless.

Qiao Mei first went to Xia Fang's house to make lunch for her before returning to the courtyard house. As soon as she reached home, she rummaged through her things. She remembered that she had collected many calligraphy pieces and paintings last year and there was one painting by a modern artist whom Yan Xi liked in particular. Furthermore, it was the artist's final piece of art before retirement.

Since Yan Xi liked it, she decided to send it to his house. It could also be considered as her thank you gift to him for teaching Zhang Chao for such a long time and for standing up for her in school.

Yan Xi was at home, chatting with his wife, Qiu Ye. The two of them were academics who liked to drink tea and play chess when they were free. They lived very comfortable lives and there was nothing really important for him to do at Sixth High. Usually, it was the vice-principal who signed the documents on his behalf. He just had to go to the school once or twice a month.

"Grandpa Yan Xi! I'm here to visit you!" Qiao Mei said with a smile as she walked into the courtyard.

"Why are you here to see me at this hour? Shouldn't you be in school at this time?" Yan Xi looked at Qiao Mei kindly and asked in a very gentle voice, with no intention of reprimanding Qiao Mei at all.