Chapter 1841 - 1841: Fight

Chapter 1841: Fight

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Qiao Mei had actually been curious about where Li Gui kept all the money she made. Would the bank be willing to let her bank in so much money? She finally learned the truth today.

Now that everything at home had been settled, it was time for Qiao Mei to return to school. The baby was still so young and she could not bear to leave him completely in Li Gui’s care. In the end, Qiao Mei still had to drive back and forth to school every day.

The difference this time round was that Capital University had provided Qiao Mei with a parking space. They let her use it exclusively and for free throughout her university years.

When Qiao Mei stepped into the classroom, the entire class fell silent. Everyone was actually very curious about Qiao Mei and they had all gone around to find out if Qiao Mei had given birth to a boy or a girl this time. When they heard that it was a boy, they became even more envious.

The current society was still very feudal and people valued boys more than girls. After asking around and hearing that Qiao Mei had already given birth to a pair of twins, these people were even more jealous of her.

Look at her life! She already had three cute children at such a young age and was even the top scorer of the college entrance examination. Furthermore, her husband came from one of the top families in the capital. This was a life that made so many people envious.

Qiao Mei still liked to sit by the window. She did not know if it was her imagination, but she felt that everyone seemed to avoid her, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

The boys did not even dare to look at Qiao Mei, worried that others would misunderstand and spread rumors. If the Xia family came looking for them, they would not be able to fight back at all.

“Yes, I believe you. Are you alright?” Qiao Mei asked.

“I’m alright. He didn’t fight back,” Wu Duo said honestly.

“We must go and tell the professors! This matter must be dealt with seriously! This is really too much!” the female classmate beside Xie Jing shouted.

“That’s right! It must be dealt with seriously!’

“A student like you shouldn’t be in Capital University! You’re a piece of trash!”

“He should be expelled!”

“Yes! Expelled! Expelled!”

The voices of the people around them grew louder and louder. Everyone sided with Xie Jing. After all, Xie Jing had maintained a good reputation in school for the past few years, always humble and polite to everyone. He was even nice to small animals by the roadside. They would never believe that Xie Jing had started a fight with Wu Duo.

“He scolded me first! How can all of you be so oblivious to the truth!” Wu Duo shouted angrily.

“You’re talking nonsense! Why will a gentle person like Xie Jing scold someone!” a girl questioned..